Page 38 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Weatmimter, MeL. December 6, 1940 IRe To Hear How The Gridders Got Their Start Auchambaugle er used part (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) was Chariey Tenney, a West Virginia boy enrolled the Terror team. Best bet on All-Maryland team, , of his private salary to finance his athletes in college. One of his most famous im- in the Western Maryland Prep School. Cha~ley, he is the most feared back in the State. He has a stiff arm of steel, and hits like a ton of bricks. He the father of five children, was a sheriff in his The International Relations Club, at ih next meeting, on December 9, will portations was Mack MeRobey, who "came to us county at home and, because of politics, he had to always comes up smiling-and he' always plays present as the speaker P. G. Aucham- from the ~vilderness surrounding Kitzmiller which go home on election day, forcing himself to be eb- clean." baug le, head of the history depart- fact bespeaks his rugged nature. When Mack sent from one of the more important grid tuseela For Shroyer, the 1925 season was by far his ment of Blue Ridge College. came to the training camp in the fall he hardly of the season. best as head coach and oddly enough it was his After the regular meeting, from 7 knew what a football looked like ... But when he The aggregation of 1924 managed to pile up an last. The Terrors boasted a record of seven vic. to 8 P. IlL, an informal group confer- carne to like the game better, nothing could stop impressive list of victories, including George tortes in the nine games played and seven men ence will be held w'ith the speaker, him." Washington, St. Johns, Catholic U, Loyola and were named on the All-Mar-yland first and second initiating a new club policy. Another colorful performer on Shroyer's squad Mount St. Mary's. Sil Sillin was "the big gun of teams. The IRC Middle Atlantic Confer- ence will be held this year at George- town University, Washington, D. C., ~OTE B~ Mason-Dixon Conference Playoffs To SMITH &: REIFSNIDER on Monday, December 20 and 21. Incorporated Round table discussions with empha- Climax Coming Basketball Season sis upon current affairs will be featur- (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) LUMBER-COAL ed. Social gatherings, a banquet and young gallant wanted to experiment (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) and untied Lafayette gridders on WESTMINSTER, MD. an informal dance will also be held .• to see if women h~ve lost their cour- of American U. have been holding Monday announced the Leopards' ail Several members of the local Inter- tesy. After 'performing 124 polite scrimmages with the Washington opponent selections. Placed in the nntionul Relations Club will attend acts toward women and being thanked Brewers of the American Pro League. baekfield at the right halfback post is includes Barwok Times Printing Company the sessions. only twice, he is convinced that they The other day when 'the scccer-itea the Terror sophomore, Manny Kaplan have! clos~d their campaign against Wheat-- in a secondary that • "132 ST. JOHN'S STUDENTS on, hoods were issued because of the of N. Y. U., Mazur of Army, and Utz of Rutgers. Alumni Groups ARE place, 11)01"1'iedreaders, [or said unfavorable condition of the weather. lan hit on all cylinders and performed didn't SHOT." Masa murder It was against rain had turned to sleet, bnd the etde- Lafayette that Kap- take line gl'OUPhad dwindled to a handful students were merely immu'~ized with Hold Meetings a new, -non-toeie pneumonia serum. uf subs and spectators. called Coach Na- in the manner he is capable of play- { Western Maryland} Just at game year' of col- ing. With the toughest Slim Parks time Collegian, St. Joltn's than's attention to the fact that he lege ball behind him, the Green and PRINTERS Twenty-two alumni and friends of • THE RATTLER of St. Mary's of was still present. "Say, Doc," said Gold triple threat back is expected to Western Maryland convened in Brook- Texas runs a headline, '''Debaters Slim, "How about a hood for me? go great guns. Westminster, Md. line, Massachusetts on Saturday, No- Prep for Forensic Blitzkrieg." After four years-my last game on vember 23, for the first New England We predict, conservatively, that the bench-and I don't even get a alumni meeting ever held. Colonel T. blitzkrieg will be used in years to hood!" H. E. REESE K. Harrison, secretary 'of the alumni come to describe every known kind of Although the fall season has drawn TAILOR association attended the meeting and clash. to a dose, we have a note of consider- Cleaning Pressing Phone 300 took with him three reels of college • TWO FRESHMEN at Eastern able interest to local fans. Hooks I Repairing movies, which were shown to the New 1I1exico College are grnmg to Mylin, Head coach of the unbeaten KENNY BILLS-Representative CARROLLEEN group. The parents of Shirley Reese, olaee daily thanks to friends they 94 East Main Street Kathleen Coe, and Gloria and Virginia brought tv the cann:pU8 with t1tem. Individual Coiffures Salerno were among those present. The friend8 are uoo cows, Betsy and Real Nestle Permanents Fifty alumni and friends cnjoyed a Clarice. Betsy's owner sold her to a Give Us Your Order For Beauty in its Entirety dinner and social evening at the Stu- neMby farmnr and thus ea1"1wd his $5.00 now $3.00 FRUIT CAKES dio Club, Fairfax Hotel, Washington, college fees. Clrorice has been rented HAIR CUTS s .25 66 W. Main St. D. C., on Saturday, November 30. Mrs. to her'8 landlord who ee- GLORIA BEAUTY SHOP WESTMINSTER, MD. Emily Sillin was chairman of the changes board in return fIN' Clarice'a Phone 304 Carroll Pastry Co. meeting. milk. ACP 82 W. Main St. Air Mail Interview With Galbreath '40 Who Completes Training At Kelley Field "7) ~ .' tAe ONeCI;oreHe {Cent, from page 1, col. 4) ernment $35,000 for a new plane, ·mistake; chutes are treated with re- $10,000 insurance and at least $26,· IV,;,/, Vt1:~.5'Al1sn£S spect and tested only with dummies. 000 in lost training. You can eee "The chance of washing [flunking that any such accident incurs ana· out] is a never-ending strain on all tional loss besides the personal one our minds. We keep our fingers to his family. You all keep your fing- fAa crossed and pray for the best. No ers crossed for me and I'll try to keep ...for cooler milder better taste, one has any achivements as such-to flying those babies in instead of drop. get those 'wings' pinned on our chests ping them." Chesterfield is the smoker's cigarette will be to us our greatest. "The probability of war I've n&lJer heard discussed. Most of us feel that DRUGS--SODAS-COSMETICS Hunt the world over and you can't find there's little we can do except, if and the equal of Chesterfield's right combination when we get in the scrap, to be pre- We Deliver pared to show them a thing or two. of Turkish and American tobaceos ... the best "Every once in awhile someone gets tobaccos that grow in all of Tobaccoland .. what is commonly called 'fog in the cock pit' and spins in. Today at Do you smoke the cigarette twelve-thirty, just as r was coming in for a landing I watched an AT6 that SATISFIES bash into some trees about two miles from the field. The boy was from dellD of Cleveland. That crack-up cost the gov. Westminster, Md. Phone 9 GRANTLAND RICH, JOHN EVERHART THE COLLEGE BARBER CARROLL THEATRE AND BOBBER AT TIlE FORKS Today, Dec. 5 "ESCAPE TO GLORY" with Pat Constance Bennett O'Brien The College Shop Friday, Dec. 6 Pidgeon as Nick Carter Waller "SKY lIIURDER" BRACELETS Saturday, Monday. Tuesday, PENDANTS-PINS Det':. 7, 9,10 COMPACTS-KNIVES "ESCAPE" LOCKETS Starring Norma Robert All With W~ M. Seal Shearer Taylor Wednesday, Dec. 11 Make An Ideal Margaret Lockwood Rex Harrison CHRISTMAS STATE THEATRE "NIGHT TRAIN" GIFT Today. Dec. 5 Jane Withers ;n "YOUTH WILL BE SERVED" Friday, Dec. 6 • See our display of College "CHARLIE CHAN AT THE Seal merchandise WAX MUSEUM with Sidney Toler • Buy now while_ the assort· Saturday, Monday, Tuesday ment is complete Dec. 7, 9, 10 Kay Kysel' in "YOU'LL FIND OUT" Bonsack Bros. Wednesday, Thursday, Dee. 11, 12 Wendy Barrie Richard Dix 2Z W. MAIN STREET Kent Taylor "MEN AGAINST THE SKY"
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