Page 37 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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The Gold Bug, Westem. Maryland con .. Weat:miMter, Md., December 6. 1940 PAGE THREE Terror Cagers To Open Several Newcomers Vie WINTER SCHEDULE Basketball Campaign Against Hoyas With Six Veterans For December February Eight Boxing Positions 10--Georgetown, away l_'Vashington, away 4-American U., away 5-Mt. St. Mary's, away Don Honeman Elected 17-Dickinson, away 8--Delaware. home Rouse, Hudson, Vincent, Lewis January ll-Catholie U., home By Squad As Captain ll-Johns Hopkins, home 14-Loyola, away 011940-41 Quintet Baker And Pirie Return 14-Loyola, home IS-Washington., home For the past ten days Coach Lawrence Rey- 16----Catholic U., away Western Maryland College will get nolds has been at hard work conditioning the 24-ML St. M~y's, home 22-Hopkins, away its first taste of winter activity next Terror mittmen for the oncoming season. The 25-Drexel, away 25-American U., away Tuesday when Bruce Ferguson, var- team is fortunate in having most of last year's 29_Gettysburg, away ~6--Towson, horne sity mentor, leads a veteran Terror squad returning plus some promising newcomers, five against the strong Georgetown and judging from the way that the boys are Boxing quint at Washington in the initial working out daily it is easy to tell that they have January February game of the 1940-41 basketball cam- one eye cast upon the hard schedule that starts IS-Indiana State, home I-Army, away paign. on January 18 when Indiana State Teachers are 25-Pcnn State, away 12-Maryland, home • 14 Conference Tilts encountered here. Calisthenics and shadow box- Feb. 22-Coast Guard, away Although at practice _only two ing have been employed extensively thus far. weeks, Ferguson is rapidly rounding Coach Reynolds states, "No posts are settled yet, and I into shape from last season's nucleus, Don Heneman wish that I didn't have to single out any of the men be- The Short Ollt a team which will engage in 18 con- cause of the short time that I have had in which to look tests, 14 of which will be league with these consistent performers are them over." Basketball To Feature games. the Three holidays j following the Elmer Evans, all of whom will and Bart Natalizi are two promising prospects for the heavy- games will be played Bill Walls, who fought for the frosh team last year, and Bobby Bricker, before see Bills, Kenny Gusgesky, class, and John Pirie and Bernie Mason-Dixon Playoffs Hays test, the first league encounter plenty of action this season. Up from weight battled in the light-heavy class last year both with be will will who University American last freshmen squad year's large and three days later In the 165 pound class Rey- to the ring this year. return Dickinson will By Bill Robinson be met, all away from home. come Lee Lodge, Royce Gibson, M;an- nolds plans to use Harry Baker, Ed Lewis and Merv ny Kaplan, Jim Roby, and Nemo Rob- SPORTS EDITOR As for the outlook of the coming inson with newcomers Chet Refosky Evans, the first two being- veterans, and Bob Johnson. season, Ferguson has stated, "of and Ben Griffith providing a strong Ed Lewis, who must get his weight down, and Carlo 01'- course we _would like to win the squad for the current season. tenzi may swap punches in the 155 pound class. league but we want to be sure to :fin- Bill Vincent, a southpaw in the 145 pound class, will be ish right up there for the play-off." • Four Veterans In Line Up ready for action as will Bill Baylies and Emory Gross, Seven men from last year's squad Thus far the veterans have the in- two first-year men who have shaped up very well. Earl are returning, four being regulars, side track on the first string set up Schubert and Dick Hausler will box in the 135 pound and with this power and reserve with Captain Honeman a sure thing class, and Captain Joe Rouse, Rip Hudson, who is also a strength from last season's freshmen on one forward and a toss up be- veteran, and Bill Sires will handle the 127 pound class. the perspective is considerably bright- tween Lee Lodge and Royce Gibson Pete Townsend, Jack Alexander and Frank Zigler, all er than in past years. on the other. Frank Suffern again newcomers to the ring game, will fight in the 120 pound Heading the list of lettermen are will occupy the center spot, while Bob division. Captain Don Honemen, Irv Biasi, Faw and Irv Biasi will in all proba- Bob Faw and Frank Suffern. Along bility be teamed together as guards. WAA Presents Awards Fencers To Test Greyhounds In To Women Athletes ROBINSON First Match Of 1940 Campaign How The Gridders Got Their Start Great Year For College Was In 1922 As A New Coach And Stadium Arrive=Shrcyer, Pre-Harlow, Made Football History By BILL ROBINSON Those students who have been enrolled in the into the hills of West Virginia, transplanting Ken though troubled with chronie appendicitis, he college anyone of the past four years must think Shroyer from Buckhannon High School to the lo- would be out on the field daily mixing it up with that football is in the midst of a depression. But cal scene as gridiron coach. Shroyer, a tough, the boys, clad in baseball pants, with no pads. His Western Maryland b-ie not always had losing foot- hard-boiled mountaineer, had quite a record-he delight was carrying the ball and needless to say ball teams althour'n in the last four seasons the received his degree from West Virginia Wesleyan it' was the pleasure of the players to hit him as results have shown eleven victories, nineteen de- in 1917 and in the short space of five years turned hard as possible. His evenings were spent under feats, and two ties. out two football and three basketball state pen- ice packs as a result of the inflamed appendix. Football history here on the Hill can be divided nant winners. To complete the staff, Barney On September 23, 1922, the Green and Gold met roughly into two sections-before and after the Spier, '22, a varsity end for four years, was ad- McDonogh School in the feature attraction of the advent of Ken Shroyer as head coach. ded as line mentor. opening of Hoffa Field. The season was a fairly Before the turn of the century, the gridiron Shroyer Brought "'Big Time successful one and in 1923, Shroyer took his sport prospered under an air of informality and Opponent To Campus charges to Lexington to face the Washington and the first college game brought forth a disaatroua With him, Shroyer brought the idea of big time Lee Generals. It was in this game that Western result. Gettysburg was played and had there been football, plans for an expanded schedule, a plea Maryland played with such fierceness that the a scoreboard, it would have read Western Mary- for Alumni support and a handful of his own boys name Green Terrors was applied-to become more land, OJ Gettysburg, 90. to fit into the local scheme. feared as time went on. 1922 Marked Start One of these characters, J. F. Flanagan, ...vas Toby Gorten, the '23 captain, was a defensive Of Powerful Elevens described as "a strong, hardboiled gentleman, who star of no ill repute, being "the smallest linesman the most elusive for attack- in the State, perhaps Our account, however, lies in the period which came to us from the hills of West Virginia. With ing-interference. He would poke, push, slash his began in the fall of 1922-a year that marks a many years of experience and a great 'rep' behind milestone in Western Maryland athletic history. him, Flanagan found his way to the foremost way thru interference then reach behind them and The Aloha. of that year sensed the importance of ranks of \VMC . The fact that he was never grab the man with the ball by a shoe-string or something best part of it being less stable-the the transformation that was taking place on the once injured is good proof that he never once met Mack McPike campus and says, "Comes now WMC to the fore, his equal." He had already played in two colleges that he would drag down his man no matter what kind of hold he may have upon him." At a meeting of the football squad humbly but proudly, with her splendid new ath- before and while at West Virginia Wesleyan was Wl\IC Becoming Recognized all. Monday, Mack McPike was chos- letic field-finest and most up-to-date in this p~rt voted the most powerful lineman to oppose the On Grid en captain for the season just com- of the country .... With this new plumage in YaJe Elis . ., And Respected of the season was a 14 to 13 vie> The highlight pleted. He is a senior, hailing from her tam, WMC makes her .bow in the spotlight of Another lad who attracted attention was Ez tory over Mount St. Mary's, a game "marked with Central High in Syracuse, and now a new athletic day." In passing, we note that the Williams, who stood "6 feet, 4 inches in height, thrills abundant, with stellar performances of All. calls Newark, N. J., his home. 1921 gridders had not registered a single victory weighing 185 pounds ... one of the biggest men Mack was twice game captain of the from an eight-game card. on the team ... and was without a doubt a tow- State men, and with the fact that WMC has a 1940 Ten-ors and his backfield post will Now that a new athletic field was available the er of strength to the line." recognized and respected football team ... " here, Shroy- While tutoring the Terror gridders be a difficult one for Coach Havens to Alumni Association decided that there had to be During his stay on the Hill, Shroyer was, in the (Cant. on page 4, col. 2) fill. something to put in it, so Col. Bob Gill reached out broadest sense of the word, an active coach. AI·
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