Page 36 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 6, 1940 • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES -- .- QUOTE BOX--I Campus Collater.1 • OUR OPINION I Laugh .t life with ... • Well, Wiley got the bird last Fri- The Junler Class dents will take two and three major tests each L.-----Eleanor Healy day night. A befeathered and bel- Decides day on successive days, and some students have • THE SWING AND JIVE COL· ligerent turkey! The State theater had as many as four tests in one day which will UMN of the Muhlenberg Weekly sup- offers three in a Thanksgiving style ~he junior class, after much hot debate and probably happen again. -porte the praotiee of swinging the bank night every Friday, and Bill beclouding of the issues, finally voted to retain Of course, we don't have the examination sys- closeice QJt the grQUnd8 that persons Wiley and Harriet Dygert held one danci71g to streamlined 8ymphonics of the winning tickets. Wiley has the elective method of choosing the editor and tem on the Hill. But in many courses only one or will become interested in them, and made no statements as yet but he had business manager of the '42 Aloha. two tests are given and this makes the result of will, therefore, learn to apPreciate visions of the spectacle he would The suggestion that these two officials be ap- an individual test of great importance when a se- clo8Lt'ical music: make struggling up the hill of knowl- pointed was made with but one purpose: a sin- mester grade is given. At least that'B a new slant on tke edge at WMC with the irate fowl un- cere desire to insure that superior student- question. der his arm. He managed to sell the There are two ways to solve the problem. First, • AMERICAN UNIVERSITY RE- planned yearbooks be published by future class- instructors could de-emphasize the importance of CENTLY sponsored a gun exhibit. A ~:~:~~e~f;a;:::;~~:~l:t::~~i~h:~ es. But the junior class did not agree that the the individual examination by giving them more columnist of the The Ameri.xtn Eagle subsequent Fridays. appointive plan would insure a better book. frequently throughout the semester. warned all persons possessing a • Miss Benson, too, got the bird. The plan was offered as a suggestion by those And because the frequency of tests is a mat- "dual" personality to be sure to steer Dame Nature dropped a baby pigeon in authority on the present Aloha. They, run- ter which ought to be left up to the discretion of clear of it. out of a nest along the cornice of ning into difficulties caused by the present sys- the instructors we offer a second suggestion. Why • THE WAR HAS HAD a decided McDaniel and it fell into the loving tem, formulated.the appointive method as a pos- not work out a scheduling system whereby a stu- effect on Oxf&rd Univerrity, for only care of the head of the dormitory. two thC1U8Und students, half of tke Now he' basks in kingly luxury in a sible solution to these problems. But the junior dent would not have to take any more than two nor-mal peacetime number, are en. bushel basket with all the comforts class did not agree that the appointive plan would examinations on anyone day'! 7"olled in the university this winter. of home under the tender eye of Miss insure a better book. The end of the semester is approaching and it Ctcsses there go on as usual, but the Benson and the rest of the gentler Perhaps a future class will have the foresight is at this time that the pressure of tests is great- buildings are dscQ'T'ated with signs sex in McDaniel. to see that popularity and petty politics are not est. Perhaps the situation could be remedied be- point'mg toward air-raid shelter8, emplace- and m,aehine-gun sandbag8, Th. W •• ker Sex sufficient qualifications for these two positions. fore them. - ments. Then yearbook editors will be appointed as is ••• Ev~ the most staid pro/e8801'S in • It seems that five Blanche Ward done on nearly every other college campus in the fUademie garb keep an ear cocked 1M girls sat in the smoker and told eerie country. / air-raid eirene, since all be stories till, at 2:30 A. M., Saturday, To Dr. George Wills- ready to hasten: to their (1,8signed they were too frightened to go back Lots of luck to next year's yearbook. posts. to their rooms. They all spent the In Appreciation Such is a university at War. ACP night in Ellen Giles' room. Things •• • Rarely has a man been so devoted to the teach- • THE BAND-WAGON of The have co'me to a pretty pass. 'What are ing profession, so active in the promotion of Diartumdback records an account we? College w{mwn? scholarship, or so interested in the welfare of his which Bob Byrne's men gave of Guy • Notes that pass in the night say Burning The Mid-Night Oil Lombardo, who subbed one night for that Jack Ryan, as one of the few Way Past Mid-Night students as has Dr. George S. Wills. Bobby while he was convalesing from eligible males at the Goucher Eco- To help students to develop their minds and to an appendectomy. "Guy Lombardo nomic Club gathering last week, was As the Christmas recess draws near the stu- help students to think clearly has been the gov- · .. nice fellow ... gave no definite trapped by about a dozen hopefuls. dents will be subjected to various quizzes, will be erning purpose of his life. downbeat ... stood in front of the Also that Adele Masten caused a expected to report on numerous books, will be as- The under-graduate body wishes to take this band waving his baton out of tempo, kidnap scare last Friday when she signed lengthy term papers. opportunity to show its appreciation of Dr. a confusing gesture." spent the night downtown at her Most of this work will fall due within the week The Byrneemen must believe the mother's and forgot to tell her room- ~!~;'la~~e~~I:~:e:~~e::sh~; :t~;~~~s~ Western adage that "Frankness is the soul of ie. The girls thought she was ab- before the vacation begins. In many cases stu- virtue." ducted and called everyone in town • THINGS ARE SURELY the same on campuses here and Last before they located her. week the GeUysburgians there. some gave All For Art CAMPUS LEADER invt!ding while two colleges in Mis- free "80n8 01 Dickinson" haircuts, • The sorority women of the campus souri had quite a time painting each \ are embarking on a policy of person- Who's Who in America for 1940-41 those which have taken place in the other up. ality, poise, posture and pulchritude lists Dr. George Stockton Wills, in entire community. Students have a • THE COLLEGE WORLD of Ad- -so keep a weather eye out for im- part as follows: great deal more freedom than in the rian College says that Tom Hannon pruvements. ... educator; b. in Halifax Co., early days. Their lives are much spends much of his spare time dis- N. C., April 3, 1866; ..• Ph. B., • Then, it seems that Jim Snod- U. of N. C., 1889, Ph.M., 1896; A. broader and their consequent devel- tributing samples of a chewing gum. grass was fully established with a 1\1., Harvard, 1898; Lttt.D, from opment fits them to go better equip- company. Maybe he encourages sales back ailment last week in the Infirm- Western Maryland College, 1935; ped out into life. A college educa- by .saying "Chew your way to the All- ary when the Art Club, of which he is ... instructor of English, U. of tion has the same-purpose now as al- American," unless Dentyne has a give a person a member, was ready to leave for N. C., 1894-96, and Bummer term, ways: to develop, realize his mental an copyright on that "chew-your-way-to- to opportunity Baltimore to attend a meeting. 1900; prof. English, Western Md. power's so as to be able to use his something-or-other" line. Where's Snod? Wrightson dashed off csn, 1898-1900, 1901-1904 and • FROM THE FORDHAM RAM to see and so influenced Snod that he Sept. 1, 1922-; ... l\Iem ... mind in as varied and accurate a way we get statistics on something which his that the lines ducked into some clothes and, armed S. A. R., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma as possible along developing moral and we've never seen statistized before. A (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) simultaneously with an electric pad, made the trip. Nu .• nesthetic sense guides him. That's sacr-ificing all for Art. But that is only a fragment of the • Enjoys Student Contacts • • • When Bill Prettyman wont with the skeleton. Between the time of his "Students today have much the band to Hagerstown, he got corn in grndua tion from North Caroliuu in same qualities as always." As he re- ON his tuba. . . thrown in, readers, not 18e9 and his graduate work at Har- marked to one of his classes, "If I THE generated there from. It took an ex- vard. Dr. Wills was instructor in were to go to heaven and find myself pert in Baltimore to extract kernels mathematics and the general guide of surrounded by college students, I RECORD • • from same, and Bill thought his wor- freshman work at II. boys' private could ask for no better. fortune. To rres were over. But still the music preparatory school, Oakridge Insti- lege ... that is a long story and a be able to eliminate some of the hu- Visitors over the last weekend: was off-beat when Bill didn't play it tute, in North Carolina. very involved one. The college has man frailties and weaknesses in them, Baby Patricia Reid saw the campus that way, so a re-operation was per- • Graduate Student grown in its methods, its subject mat- and in my relations with them, would for the first time in the company of formed ... and a young corn plant, Worked in English at Harvard, and tel', and its ideas quite in proportion be within the divine power of heaven parents Mr. Charles Reid and Jane sprouted from a kernel, 'was removed came to Western Maryland in 1898. to the numbers of its students. The -but it would not lessen my respect Cowperthwaite Reid .... die- Virginia Wooden, now assistant ... it was three inches long. Stayed here, with the exception of changes here that you would note are for them in mundane existence." tician at Franklin Simon Hospital, : ACP I one year at if private academy in and Ruthetta Lippy, assistant dieti- he re- until I Room-mate', Lament. Tennessee, to North 1904 when for three Hall Of Fame cian at the Baltimore Polytechnic Carolina turned more years of study before begin- Institute, spent Sunday afternoon at Personal Notice in the Daily Iowan., ning his teaching at Polytechnic the Lloyd Embry Nears Completion the management house .... Jane University of Iowa: "John-after this Institute in Baltimore. During Toomey visited Jeanne Shank at Wes- when you borrow my pants bring years between 1907 and 1922, Dr. tern Maryland College; she is now a them back the next morning. I have Wills rose from instructor in English Of Oil Portrait Of Dr. Wills student at Bard-Avon School in Baltl- all eight o'clock class." FURTHER- to head of the department of Eng- MORE, it's hard for the average col- lish and German at "Poly." During Having a portrait painted was to in the Library, Alumni Hall, and Me- Sorority news: Committees are lege man to have any class at all the war, when German was dropped Dr. George S. Wills "a simple and Daniel Hall reception room. It has planning for an Inter-Sorority tea tbese days-without trousers. in Baltimore schools, his department really pleasant expet-ienee:" This not been decided where the portrait dance to be held in McDaniel Hall Lounge, December 14 .... Delts will became the department of English portrait of Dr. WilIs has recently of Dr. Wills will be hung. go in to Baltimore tomorrow night neces- The painting THE GOLD BUG and French until, due to the expan- been made by Lloyd B. Embry of sitated that Dr. Wills meet Mr. Em- for dinner at the Southern Hotel; they of this portrait sion, it was divided, and only the Eng- It 'is, at present, receiv- a play of Gerald Savory, Washington. will attend lish left under his supervision. ing the finishing touches before it is bry three times a week-Monday, George and Margaret, presented by Official student newspaper of "este~n Mary land College. published every Thursday durin!; • Returns to Westminster varnished and framed. . Wednesday, and Friday, the second the Vagabond Players ... Phi Alpha ~:~"~:~~d!~bl\rig~~:rt~':,~t~~r~~~o';:~~"t~~~: When Dr. Warfield died here in • Most Recent Of Series and third periods-in a "studio" on Mu and Sigma Sigma Tau plan to l:nlered as second cl"",, matter ~t W·.,!JlmlDste. 1922. President Lewis asked'nr. Wills The painting is one of those that the third floor of Smith Hall for a have their dinner·show parties after Post Office. under the Act of March 3, 1879 to take up again his work at Western have, over a period of years, been "sitting". Dr. Wills found his part the Christmas holidays. .. the Sig- Subscription Price. $2.00 a Year Maryland, and so began Dr. Wills' donated to Western Maryland Col- in the work most interesting, especial- mas held a tea dance last Sat~rday in present 'lengthy residence. in West- lege to preserve for posterity the ly since he and the artist "got along collaboration with the Phi Alpha Member minster. names and faces of distinguished of- harmoniously and agreeably." fraternity .... Alpha, their brother ~"ociated C'olle6iatePreIS. Students past and present remem- ficers and professors in the institu- • Committee Of Eight The J. G. C.'s on Beeember 13, will Dhlributorof ber Dr. Wills long after many of the tion. Among paintings already in The committee sponsoring the paint- dine at the Charles Carroll Hotel be- of college life, many of G:>lIe5iale Di5es! other things he perhaps taught them, the college hall of fame an~. those of ing was of eight persons headed by see Bittersweet. ... their Theatre to fore going to the Carroll D. J. T. Ward, and Dr. Thomas Lewis, the things Henry Gilligan '01 and aided by Prof. club room have passed into things forgotten. His first and second presidents respec- Dean W. Hendrickson, secretary, and is being redecorated and repainted. Editor-in-Chief..Hellry C. Triesler, '41 is the personality that students invar_ tively of the college, by Marie De- Prof. John D. Makosky. The project The fraternities are busy having Business Manager._Edward Weant, '41 iably and unconsciously seek in col- Ford-Kener; of Dr. A. N. Ward, third was financed by former students and their club-rooms fixed and furnished. lege experience. president, by Hans von Schlereth; of friends of Dr. wms each of whom ... the Preachers have acquired two N~;i~~;iAd;e;;i~i~;S;;i~;:Nin~: and attitudes change js a privilege de- J. W. Hering, former president of the will have his name inscribed on the ~~: B~:~~~ea!~b~-~~~c~~~s:::n'ish~d To see an institution grow and times Dr. and J. W. College Publishers RePresenJ4;~e nied to many even that Jive through Board of Trustees, of classics, and Dr. roll of honor to be presented to Dr. their ftoor and redecorated their club- at the Alumni Wills at the unveiling Reese, professor 420 ~"Ct90'" AVE. NEW YO"". N. Y. the growth and changes. "The col- W. R. McDaniel. Thcse paintings hang Banquet in May, 1941. C'''oGo •• O'TJ'~ . co. A.G.L •••••• "'."",,0
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