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.o.u Library ~estern 1Bryland College Westminster, Md. ONLY FOURTEEN DAYS SAM GALBREATH, '40 'TILL CHRISTMAS IS INTERVIEWED VACATION BY AIRMAIL • BY THE STUDENTS Q 'ORTH'ST~f.«i. • Z286 Vol. 18, No. 9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 6, 1940 Six Seniors To Annual Nativity Pageant By -, Junior Class Votes To Retain The Elective ConductCollege Seminary To Be Feature System Of Choosing '42 Aloha HeaCls Of P V' . The junior class will elect the editor and business man- Orchestra re- acation Program ager of the '42 Aloha on Monday. January 13. 1941. Symphony Practicing . The class on Tuesday voted to follow the traditional pol- icy of choosing these two officials by popular vote of tlie class For Assembly Concert College Players And Choir Will Present thus rejecting the suggestion by present Aloha heads that an appointive system be instituted. On January 13 Christmas Carols And Pageant At The final decision followed three hotly debated meetings western Maryland College's Sym- Early Sunday Vesper Service of the class in which,the merits of the two systems were dis- phony Orchestra will be heard for cussed. The motion to continue to use the .preeent method the first time in public this year when Students of the Westminster Theological Seminary, under the was passed by a large majority. it presents a _program before the en- direction of Miss Dorothy Elderdice, will present their eleventh By the appointive method, the principal members of the tire student body during the regular annual Nativity Pageant between 8 and 8:40 P. M. on Monday, staff would have been appointed by the experienced senior assembly period on Monday, January December 16. This will be the feature activity of the week pre- members of the out-going staff. 13. The program will be conducted ceding Christmas vacation. Philip Bechtel, president of the junior class, has an- entirely by the six senior students in The script of the pageant has been rewritten this year and is nounced that the nomination of candidates would take place the conducting class. entitled "Born, Prince of Peace." The pictures to be presented in in Smith Hall on Monday, December 16. Any junior in full According to Prof. Philip Royer, the two tableaux, the Nativity and the Annunciation, were chosen and regular standing is eligible for nomination. the College Symphony has received by Dr. Walter Nathan, art lecturer and professor at the college. some unusually good material from Miriam Shroyer, member of the banquet The annual Christmas will the freshman class in the string,· junior class, will be the Madonna and be served Thursday evening, Decem- woodwind, brass, and percussion sec- Fred Holloway, freshmen.. will ap- Resolved, That The Nations tions of the orchestra. musicians enlarges pear cast as a prophet. Members ber 19, in the dining room. The hall The addition for wifl be appropriately decorated from the college who will compose the of these freshman Debating Team Plans Extensive the orchestra to forty members. Professor angel Day, Betty Brown, Edna Tries- the meal. Dance choir are: Whorton, Virginia • Preachers' Jane The which symphony, the Preachers Following Stephenson, Doris Cum- Trips For Year As 12 Report has ever directed, meets twice a week he ler, Dorothy Doris Himler, Ellen Logan, will present The the dinner which Christmas last Royer expects to be the best that a semi-formal Whorton, Dorothy Rebecca mings, Dance. dance, will Larmore, presenta- to practice for their future Heminghaus, Acceptance of a debating topic and tatives on each of three trips. The tions. composed entirely of Jean Lamoreau, Jean Helen Bentley, Carol from 8 to 11:30 P. M., will take place Phyllis Didk Feeser Cade, in Blanche Ward Gym. A program planning the activitics of the coming first will include Albright College, Stoffregen, Alice Kiefer, Peggy Wil- and his Club Royal Orchestra from season was the business of the first Cedar 'Crest College, Elizabethtown Mozart's works will be given by the son, Yvonne Earle, Judy Grow, and Hanover, Pennsylvania, with Norma meeting of the Debating Association College, Franklin and Marshall Col- orchestra during their annual spring Margaret Anne Smith. Hutton, vocalist, will provide the held Tuesday, December 3. The sub- lege, Lehigh University, Moravian concert. Earle Lippy, Radio City music for the affair. Admission will ject to be debated is: "Resolved, That College, Muhienburg College, St. Jo- Music Hall baritone, and Jane Fra- • Chimes To Serve As Prelude be $1.10 per couple. is unfavorable In case the weather the Nations of the western Hemis- seph's College, Temple University, ley, orchestra pianist, will be soloists. Culminating the week's activities phere Should Form a Permanent and Urslnus College. Later in the year, the symphony the pageant will be presented the will be the Senior Breakfast the Union." The scheduling of three sep- The second trip will include Dickin- will accompany a chorus of five hun- first fair night following. The gold morning of Friday, December 20, arate trips to colleges in nearby son College, Susquehanna University, dred voices from the high schools of cross on the Seminary will be lighted when the juniors entertain the sen- states is being planned. Loch Haven State Teacher's College, Carroll County in " version of Gilbert at 6 o'clock. to announce the produc- Iors returning from a night of carol- • Twelve Men Out For Sq';ad Pennsylvania State College, Ship- and Sullivan's lUikado. tion. The chimes of "Holy Night" at ing. The experienced members of the pensburg College, Juniata College, 7:55 will serve as prelude to the per- team include Andrew Bohle, Paul Bucknell University. formance. singing Aloha Pictures Alelyunas, Willard Everett, Sidney Brother's College, Upsala College, Episcopalian Students The College Choir and Miss Esther Mansh, Richard Baker, and Edward St. Joseph's College, and S1. Peter's Organize Club Smith's College Players will present Thomas. The newcomers are Earl College will be covered on the last their usual Christmas carol during the early vesper and pageant Darach, Lawrence Brown, Fred Hol- trip. The Rev. C. Edward Berger, pastor service which will take place at 4:45 Destroyed In loway, Grover Powell, Richard Haus- • Ed Thomas Is Manager of the local Episcopal Church, is or- 15. The ler, and Viron Dieffenbach. . In addition there will 00 separate ganizing a club especially devoted to P. M. on Sunday, December of Alfred Studio Fire The plan is to send two represen- debates with Gettysburg College, . the problems of the Episcopal stu- choir, under the direction Was h in g ton College, Mount St. dents of the school. de Long, will occupy the first half of Mary's College, University of Mary- The purpose of the club is-to form the program and a series of pan- Individual Photographs New Regulation land, and State Teacher's schedule is very a minister and the student between the of tomime sketches dealing with the Na- Zamsky's Expense To Be Remade At closer relationship College. tivity, acted by the College Players, "The contemplated members the of but with all our experienc- Several To Affect NY A intensive, Thomas, is inevitable," of said the congregation. students may feel will be the second half of the service. 16, Zamsky Studios, photographers for evening, December On Monday will be of the open for- club meetings ed men, success French at Club will 7 o'clock, the Edward this um type in which manager the '41 Aloha suffered a $50,000 loss Employees year's team. on the team in the free to question problems which they do present songs annual carols. program of last Wednesday night when their Phil- its the Rev. Mr. Berger on religious French Those members and Members Tau Kappa Alpha, national debating not understand. of the student body who desire to at- adelphia studio, containing were almost all entirely of the Aloha pictures, Students working under the Na- fraternity, are Andrew Bohle, Wil- Parties and social gatherings will tend are invited to do so. The pro- destr-oyed by fire. Only a few home- tional Youth Administration will be lard Everett, and Sidney Mansh. be part of the year's program. A gram, under the direction of Miss coming day scenes and several infor- affected by a recent regulation re- Professor Makosky is director of the committee is now working on plans Margaret Snader, will be presented mal photographs we-;e saved. garding budgeting periods, according group. for organization. entirely in French. ... All individual pictures, both formal to Pean s. B. Schofield, who is the and infonnal, must be remade, ec- local administrator. cording to William Anthony, editor periods, and each employee must earn Sam Galbreath '40 To Get :Wings' In Air Corps of the yearbook. Zamsky Studios, There are be three payment to his allotment by the end of each re- however, will bear all expenses of the new sittings. spective period or the difference will After Training At Randolph And Kelly Fields All seniors who sit for the new pic- be forfeited. The three periods are tures must bring with them the proofs es follows: beginning of school year Sends Account Of His, Will Get Commission of their first photographs or no pic- through December 31; January 1 tures can be taken, the studio has em- through March 31; April 1 through Experiences By Air After Finishing Ten phasized. the end of the academic year. The Mail To Gold Bug At present, all finishing work by unearned allotment of each individ- More Weeks Flying the photographers will be done in a ual worker will be returned from the Samuel C. Galbreath '40 is now a finished we'll have a $35,000 dollar temporary studio near the site of the Baltimore office to Washington. cadet-lieutenant at Kelly Field, Tex- education ill aircraft pilotage, over one in Philadelphia which was de- The student work program of the, ns, entering the last ten weeks and 200 flying hours to our credit, and, stroyed. Later, a new structure will NYA provides part-time tmploy- third phase of his training toward perhaps, a commission and active be erected, according to tentative ment to needy students between the "wings" and possible commission in the duty. plans. ages of 16 and 24 inclusive, in col- United States Army Air Corps. Ail- The A IQha staff has moved into its leges in order that such students may mail brings to the Gold Bug an inter- "When I came here I had over 76 new office in Smith Hall, where the continue their education. The local view with him concerning his life as hours solo, 53 dual - a total of 130. staff will work in Professor Spang- ROTC gave one a boost ... I was NY A appropriation for this year ben- one of the growing legion of pilots captaill' of cadets at the Tulsa prim- Jer'e former music studio. This will eflts 54 students who may earn a to- trained at Tulsa, Randolph and Kelly ary, sacond-in-command of "At' Compo be the first time that the yearbook tal of t7,560. fields. Graduation from Kelly Field is any at Randolph and am a lieutenant staff has had its own office. Another recent change in this act set for January, 1941. provides for the administering of In his own words, the Gold Bug ot a platoon here at Kelly. oaths of allegiance to all eligible stu- reports his experiences since gradu- "Much against current opinion, we dents. aticn. "The training is intensive and kaydets don't go around getting Christmas Recess . We have is being rushed because of the rapid thrilled every time we fly. that imago Students are reminded that the so intensely to concentrate expansion program. We are just a ination gets little time to conjure up Christmas recess begins at 12 0'· December on Friday, noon Board Meeting gang doing something we all dreamed Samuel Galbreath. what might happen if... So far clock The vacation ends at 8 P. M., 20. of over since we were kids. _ . A bit The Gold Bug editorial board strange to the civilian world would be around on weekends which is an Old 'Y'hooti' has been with me on every on Monday, January 6. ride, and I've had no really close calls. custom. We've not only had will meet tonight in the office at our never- ending activity from 5 :30 American training but also have had in- Another false idea is that we prac- Attendance is required of all flight 6:45 P. M. A. 1'IL until 10 P. M. formations, tensive ground work in 'weather', tice parachute jumps-that's one act students on December 20 and Jenu- All members must be present as classes, flying, doing instrument work in which one has Fo make only one ary 7. A fine of five dollars is important issues will be decided. in the Link trainer, fondly called the radio code, military law, customs of imposed for absence. 'jeep', and then the usual tearing the service of navigation. When (Cont. on pag~ 4, col. 1)
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