Page 25 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Westem Maryland College, Westminster. Md., November 7, 1940 PAGE THREE THE . • Sho'men Meet Terrors In -SHOR1' Feature Of Homecoming .=====OFIT By Bill Robinson Day On Local Gridiron SPORTS EDITOR Wanted: two watl-coordinated of- Charlie Havens May Send Altered Line-up fenses to fit 1940 Green Terror teams. Asainst Washinston Collese In Attempt To Experience necessary. Apply at Emerse From Present Midseason Slump once. Such is the cryan the local sports front. Saturday afternoon, in cooperation with Western Maryland's For fifty-four annual Homecoming game, Washington College's scrapping band minutes on Sat- of foctballers will invade Hoffa Field seeking their fourth win of urday at Car- the current football campaign at the expense of a disorganized lisle, the Green Terror machine. , and Gold grid- Washington, never a set-up, will bring to the Hill a squad vic- d e r s outplayed torious in three out' of five games thus far this season. Losing Dickinson ring- their first game to Swarthmore 14 to 7, the Sho'men came back to ing up twelve win the next three from Johns Hopkins, Randolph-Macon and first downs as Juniata. They easily defeated the Blue Jays in Baltimore 20 to 0, Irv Biasi and downed Randolph-Macon-Ia to 6, and then toppled Juniata, which BoBo Knepp hit, was previously unbeaten, 13 to 7. Last week their three-game !!!!!,._-"'--'""-! :o~!. ;nu~; ~~s~ streak ended when Pennsylvania Military College stalled their at- tack and came out on the long end of a 6 to 0 score. ROBINSON eight minutes of • Maryland and Dickinson Hand Terrors Defeats the fray the 'I'er- It is possible that Charlie Havens may shake his entire first rcrs tallied as Mannie Kaplan and string set up, replacing them with men who will at least show spir- Knepp engineered a pass play that it and a will to win before a loyal alumni crowd. Disheartened netted 38 yards. With the ball on the over the loss to Maryland, Dickinson's last period victory was Red Devil 12-yard stripe, Biasi hit probably the last straw for the Terror mentor. pay dirt in two off-tackle plays. Wes- Going into the final period, Western Maryland held what tern Maryland 6; Dickinson O. seemed to be a safe advantage of six points over a smaller Red From that point on the Terror at- Devil team. But two quick touchdowns, one a run back of a punt, tack locked go01-in the middle of the other an intercepted pass, paved the way for the final 13 to 6 the field. Again in the first half. Kae- score. Ian started the Green and Gold roll- Time after time the Terrors had driven down into Dickinson ing as he pitched to Vic lmpeciato territory only to lose the ball on downs. They outgained their for about 30 yards to put the ball on rivals by almost 200 yards but when :--------- __ the Dickinson 18. After three plays, down in pay-off territory, they however, the Terrors fumbled, having couldn't buy a score. Manny Kap- Dickinson Here gotten inside the ten-yard line, lan, BoBo Knepp and Irv Biasi con- Just before the close of the third tinually battered through the line stanza, John Pirie intercepted a pass only to fail when it really counted. To Encounter and stepped to the Red Devils' 25. • Slippery Turf Stops Knepp Booters Whip Dickinson Devils- The quarter ended and so did the Several times Knepp was out for Baby Terrors weetam Maryland threat. Aftcr Biasi long gains but fell on slippery turf Drop Contest To Towson, 1 To 0 had picked up a fil'St down, the home and Kaplan's line bucks often found team held and gained possession of him into the secondary but with no Joe Kittner Captains the pigskin on their own four. downfield blocking. Freshman Team For Tomorrow the bcoters hit the road Oold defense held up and stopped all Bohn, Phillips, Sorensen True, the Terrors did receive some agrrin, traveling to Baltimore to face their opponents' threats. Outstanding on Defense bad breaks but for a team that had Contest Tomorrow Johns Hopkins in their third state In Tuesday's fray on Hoffa Field, Up to this time, Havens' line had showed such fine early season pro- league game. The same line-up that the new found offense was stopped played fine defcnsively-c-with Fred mise in beating Mount St. Mary's and Tomorrow afternoon, the frosh club +ook the field on Tuesday will be in- by the Towson State and the Teach- Bohn, Mike Phillips, and Bob Faw tying Bucknell, six points against a will face Dickinson Freshmen on Hoffa tact for the fray. ers managed to score in the third atandinq out. Filling in for injured smaller Dickinson team looked bad. Field in a contest which is figured to "There's no reason why we can't:" quarter to provide the margin of vic- :Mack McPike, Bob Sorensen packed It all sums up to the same case as be a toss-up. Due to the non-scout- win this one," Dr. Nathan declared. tory. John Shock headed a corner c wallop as he backed up the forward that of the Maryland game when the ing agreement between the two col- "Against Dickinson and Towson, the kick past John Hancock and that one tally was enough to hold the Green little is known of the visitors' leges, wall. Green and Gold outplayed but did not boys looked much improved. Our only Came the deluge. With six minutes ab~ity. Revenge will be foremost in serious injury is to Duke Windsor and and Gold. remairring in the game, Dernatowicz outsccre their rivals. Spirit, power, he may see action soon. Tom Elias, and will to win are the only keys to Cook," the stepped 50 yards as he returned a the remaining games. nTCKINSON WESTERN MD. Bud Blair, and Francis showed up Harding, Vollmer, G,,]e punt, then tossed a lateral for 20 ad- D~own LE LT Je·n.en mentor went on, "have K;ttn~r can score a couple of goals, Williams Score As ditional yar~s to set uy the payoff Merodith LO o fine in our last games and if the for- Wn$CO them Bachelors Trim ple.y. Here -the Terrors rallied bril- Kn~'''' ..rzyk RG wards liantly, but a penalty pushed Cottr"! RT RE Hopkins can't stop us," Seniors Trip Sopbs },';xon back on the one-foot line and Gotst" Mllrray . ~} • Terrors Spoil Homecoming Lightner smashed his way ever, Danner's kiCK Gamma Bets As ncrnlltowl~ Homecoming Day at Carlisle last In the first contest of the girls' from placement split the uprights- Prescon Saturday was spoiled in some degree hockey league, the senior "A" team the Hauff Scores the Terrors were licked. An inter- as Dr. Nathan's soccerttea broke into defeated the sophomore "Alt squad by ception sewed up the fray as the minds of the Baby Terrors as they the win column for the first time this a 3 to 1 count on Thursday. Millie Green and Gold fought a losing battIe By virtue of their 6 to 0 victory face the Red Devils, for they still feel season, handing Dickinson a 3 to 1 Harding, - Alice Vollmer, and Ruth as the clock ticked away. over the Gamma Bets on Tuesday, Al- the pain inflicted by the Bullets of setback. Williams tallied the goals for the win- We grandstand quarterbacks say pha Gamma Tau moves into second Gettysburg in last week's game. The Terror mentor shifted his line- ners, while Betty Neidert, outstand- "If' Western Maryland had an attack place in the touch football league with Gettysburg's powerful freshman up and, as the score indicates, it paid ing for the sopha, scored her team's that could hit on all cylinders when 't record of three wins against two team handed the Baby Terrors their dividends. Bud Blair was- drafted to lean marker. Marie Steele and Phyl the going became tough, it may have defeats. The game was much of a first defeat of the season last Friday the center half position, allowing Tim Cade played well in a losing cause. been a different story." Maybe. see-saw affair with first the Gamma on a rain-soaked gridiron, by the Lewis to return to the forward lina • Younger, Dexter Tally Tuesday's soccer contest with Tow- Bets and then the Bachelors threat- score of ~4 to 6. Throughout the first In an effort to bolster tho offensive. Monday's fray produced a shut-out Eon State was in many ways a carbon ening to score. The lone marker half the play was close, with neither Francis Cook and Bob Shockley hcld victory for the senior "B", led by copy of the gr-idders defeat of Satur- came early in the first quarter when team able to penetrate the thiry- down the fullback posts. Captain Violet Younger, as they cay. Time and again, the Terror for- the Bachelors' Bill Phillips faked an yard line. The passing attack of whitewashed the n-osh "B", 2 to O. wards would advance the ball into end run and tossed a short pass to both clubs was not clicking, while the • Three Goals in First Quarter The senior leader wllied one of the enemy territory, lacldng the neces- Bill Hauff in the end zone. fine defensive play of the lines, and The line wasted no time denting the goals, while Ann Dexter received sary scoring punch to ring the bell. Neil Eckonrode, Gamma Bet wing- ~ome fine kicking, were the factorfl nets in the first few minutes of play credit for the· second counter. Both Plague Spreads to Soccerjtes man, made his bid for all star honors ill the standstill during the first half. as Bill Robinson drove the ball past scores came in the second half and Both Charlie Havens and Dr. Na· Tuesday when his defensive play Early in the third period, G-burg the Red Devil goalie. A few plays the freshmen, capwined by Peg Rudi- than are faced with similar situa- halted the Bachelor's running attack intercepted a pass close to the West- later, Frank Tarbutton bore in from siil, played a good, hard game. tions - the boys give all they hav~ repeatedly. Hauff along with Tus rrn Maryland goal line, and scored his outside post to send another past e Guba Leads Sophs during the game, but there is stil' Applegarth produced the drive in the when Charlie Beaver skirted right end q"oalie Wilson, with Johnny Tomlill- Lois Guba led the sophomore "A" missing that nec~ssary spark gaine1 Bachelors' game. With Applegarth for the final ten yards. Dick Yovic- son following up to end the Terror only by long hours of tedious work sin booted the extra point. Later in scoring. Both teams settled down the to a 1 to 0 triumph over the freshmen on the practice field. Great teams, W L Pot the same frame, the Bullets came Trmainder of the half with no further "A" as Ruth Ann Whitmore produced composed of conscientious players Preachers oS o 1.000 back to score again, gained twenty tallies being registered. the only tally of the encounter. Both teams had quite a few scoring chanc~s are produced from coordinated groups Bachelors. . 3 .600 yards on three plays around end, ann In the thil·d frame, Stevens shot of men, who have developed them- Black ami Whites 1 .250 then pulled a triple reverse with Bill one frem dose range to put the hosts ~:; :~: ~!:~s~~ ~~t~h!~a~; baJ.- selves thru individual initiative and Gamma Bet_.. 1 .200 Hass carrying the ball to score after back in the game, but the Green and sacrifice. touchdown. "You fans have been sweJI," said and Elmer Evans skirting the ends The Terrors showed their fight in Havens, "even when the going's been and Hauff gathering in Phillip's the closing minutes of the game, when l·ough" ... "Stick with 'em, they're passes, the Bachelors rolled again two long passes from Tereshinski going to pull one soon," remarked and again into Gamma Bet territory to Otts O'Keefe placed the ball on thc City Restaurant Murray Benson Monday morning. only to stall when pay dirt came in six_yard line, and Tereshinski tallied "They're going to fool a lot of people sight. the only Terror points on a line buck. alld win one they're not suppose1 Tommy Lavin's passing and receiv- His try for the extra point failed. to." ing stood out, as did Norman Foy's • We saw the following poem in blocking in the Gamma Bet attack. Football News and pass it on to you It was due to a long run by Lavin in Sports Week ..• for what it is worth. the third quarter that the Gamma WESTMINSTER'S BEST PLACE TO EAT THE LINEMAN PAVES THE WAY Bets drove to the five-yard line only Tomorrow-Frosh Football, 2:45 P. M. By Stan W_ Carlson to have their touchdown pass inter- Dickinson-Hoffa Field The halfback gets the glory cepted by Phillips, Bachelor safety Saturday-Football, 2 P. M. • For the scintillating play. Washington-Hoffa Field The fullback rates applause Saturday-Cross Country, 3 P. M. For power in the fray. Loyola-Hoffa Field . 12 W. MAIN STREET is highly praised day. . Tuesday-Touch Football, 4 P. 1\1. on Page 4, Column 1) Bachelors vs. Preachers
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