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Library Western Maryland Col.lege ORIGINAL CARTOON PROFESSOR HURT IS BY MILLER EX·'42 CAMPUS LEADER PAGE 2 PAGE 2 • • BY THE STUDENTS Z286 Vol. 18, No.6 WESTERI'! MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 7, 11140 , College Host To Alumni At Homecoming Fraternities To Furnish -, TO REIGN ON SATURDAY , , Nine Seniors Coe, senior Kathleen Brook- Included In line, Mass., was chosen by the student Guides, Keep Open House from body to reign as queen on Homecom- 'Who's Who' ing Day by an overwhelming vote. of Kathleen Cee, Homecoming Queen, And Court To Preside At Day'. Activities- The queen's consisting court, one member from each class, will be Col, T. K. Harrison In Charge 01 Plans Selection I. Based On Jeannette Wigley, senior attendant; Triesler, junior attendant; Leadership, Character, Edna Frances Hawkins. sophomore; Maryland College plays host to hundreds of visiting "old grads" on when Western Returning alumni will renew old friendships Mary And Scholarship and Rebecca Larmore, freshman. Saturday, November 9, annual Homecoming Day. On tap for the Nine seniors will represent Wes- Miss Coe, who has been a member guests will be a wide variety of entertainment, including frater- tern Maryland CoUege in this year's of every May Court for the past three nity open-house, a football game, a cross-country meet, banquet, edition of "Who's Who Among Stu- years. and her court were chosen on and dance. Col. T. K. Harrison will be in charge of the affairs of dents In American Colleges And Tuesday by popular election at var- the day. Universities" according to an an- ious polling places on the campus af- • Fraternities Hold Open House nouncement by H. Pettus Randall, ed- KATHLEEN CUE ter bein'g nominated in assembly on Starting the day, all fraternities and sororities will throw itor. , Monday. open their clubrooms to brothers and sisters and any other alumni Those whose names and biographies This bevy of pulchritude will preside over the festivities on Satur- who may desire to see how much the organizations have grown. will appear are Robert Faw, Thomas day being escorted to the,stadium by the band, presenfing a bouquet Undergraduate fraternity members will-take the visitors on tour Lewis, Tom Elias, Willard Everett, to Mrs. Holloway between helves of the game, sitting at the speakers' and act as unofficial guides for the day's activities. Sidney Munsh, Henry Triesler, Betty table at the banquet, and finally receiving at the dance. The Green Terrors will engage Washington College's Sho'men Brown, Jeanne Shank, and Victor 1m- in a football game on Hoffa Field at 2 P. M. Western Maryland peciato. ' has never yet lost a Homecoming Day game on Hoffa Field and will Nominees for this honor are select- e~ on the basis of character, scholar- O'Leary Seeks A I Capp Sends Paper I be fighting to keep this record clean. ship, leadership in extra-curricular Between the halves of the game, the cross-country team will gradua: More Money activities, and potentiality for future I Original Drawing meet Loyola in a distance run. Likely starters for the Terror usefulness and success after trackmen will be Chase, Taylor, Martin, O'Leary and Townsend. tion. The recently elected Homecoming Queen, Kathleen Coe, and the of Robert Faw is president president For URAC AI Capp, creator of "LiI' Abner" and her court will reign over the game activities. Men's Student Government, originator of "Sadie Hawkins Day," • Alumni Hold Banquet of Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity, lind has sent to the Gold Bug, in re- At 6 P. M. the alumni will be banqueted in the dining hall. varsity football and basketball man. Asks Contribution Of sponse to the editor's request, an or- Tickets to the Carroll County Western Maryland Club dinner, Thomas Lewis is a member of the One Dollar From iginal,drawing from one of his daily which will also be a business meeting of the Alumni Association, Men's Council, president of his class ContinuitieS which appeared on ecmie will cost $1.00 per person. Seniors have been invited to the ban- in 1939 and 1940, president of Alpha Every Student pages all over the country several quet free of charge. Gamma Tau, and co-captain of the "More contributions must be ob- weeks ago. Any student who so desires may purchase a dinner tic.t, soccer team. tained to help put the United Relig- The drawing is the only one of its which will admit him to the dance on the payment of an additional Willard Everett is president of the ous Activities Council's financial kind and is autographed by Mr. Cappo ten cents tax. The student body will dine in Blanche Ward Han Argonauts and president of the Chem- It is on display on the book-store bel- at 5:30 P. M. ists' Club. campaign over the top," remarked letln board. Ending the day's activities will be the semi-formal Gamma Sidney :M:anshis manager of the '41 Torn O'Leary as he presented the rec- The cartoon will be awarded to the Beta Chi fraternity dance. Admission to the dance, for which Aloha, varsity debater, president of ord of pledges and contributions thus person at the Sadie Hawkins Dance Rudy Kilian and his Kadets will furnish the music, will be $1.10 "This is a most worth- far collected. the Economics Club and member of while cause, and a single dollar from dressed in the most appropriate cos- per couple. Tau Kappa Alpha. each student for the entire year will tume. Henry Triasler is editor of the Gold Bug, secretary of the Bachelors, more than see us through." Banquet And Dance Featured In budget to the itemized According president of class in 1938, and captain recently issued by the_newly-formed of Co. "C." United Religious Activities Council Cast Selected Betty Brown is vice-president of Annual Homecoming Program the council is carrying For Holiday the Women's SGA, president of the the financial goal for the school year WAA and member of Sigma Sigma 1940.41 has been set at $500. The Alumni Banquet under the auspices of the Carroll County At present Tau. on a campaign to collect cash or Club of the Alumni Association, and the Homecoming dance spon- Jeanne Shank is president of the pledges of money; Tom O'Leary and Production - sored this year by the Gamma Beta Chi fraternity will be, out- Student Government and president of standing events on Saturday's program. Phi Alpha Mu. Peggy Reeves are in charge of the Dr. James I. Marsh, president of ~ _ male and female collections respect- .._With the announcement of the ively. players who will take the various the Carroll County Club, will preside It is planned to adjourn the banquet Under O'Leary and Reeves are so- Prof. Mason To Speak licitors in charge of different floors in parts, construction of setting begun, at the banquet to be held at 6 P. M. in ample time to allow preparation in the college dining hall. for the Gamma Beta Chi Dance to be starting last week, the To Faculty Club each dormitory; Charles Earl over- and rehearsals of "Night of January IS" • Seniors Attend Banquet held in Gill Gym at 8:30 P. M. Stu- production Professor Francis Mason of the sees the faculty collection. The en- scheduled for November 21 is now As is the custom, the senior class dents and Alumni wiII dance to the English department of Gettysburg trre group of solicitors is advised by well under way, according to Miss has been invited to attend the ban- music of Rudy Kilian and his Ke- with quet and to join in the restrvtttes College will speak at the meeting of Dr. Little, head of Religious Activi- Esther Smith, who is directing the the Alumni. A part of the program dets, well-known Baltimore orchestra, the Faculty Club, November 14, in ties on the Hill. play. in a red and blue decorated setting. McDaniel Loung-e. His subject will The pledges must be paid up before This play is something new in the- will consist of a roll call of classes • Receiving Line involve topics of current interest in February I, 1941. Heads of the cam- atricals in that it is the first one in and this will be followed by group The receiving line 'for the affair, to singing. Holloway will President the field of English. Mr. Mason has paign have expressed the hope that which the audience takes an integral give an address of welcome to the which no stags will be admitted, will been a mereber of the faculty of Get- the $500 goal will have been reached part in its development and conclu- consist of Dr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hoi. tysburg College for fifteen years. He before then. sion. group and comment on the progress loway, Dean and Mrs. L. F. Free, Dr. if( a poet, having been, at one time, Thus far, the men have pledged The "Night of January 1S" is a of the school. J. Francis Reese, pres- and 1frs. T. K. Whitfield, and Dr. and poet laureat of Virginia. Cont. on page 4, col. 2 murder trial without a pre-arranged ident of the Alumni Association, will Mrs. E. K. Schempp. verdict. The jurors are selected also speak briefly on the activities of The general admission price for from the audience. They witness the the Association. Contrary to the the dance has been set at $1.10 per College Improvoments playas real jurors from the jury box general custom, there will be no main couple, according to BiJ1 Dennis, on the stage and bring in their ver- speaker. chainnan of the affair. Committees Fluorescent Lighting Installed In dict at the end of the last act. for Two Professor Royer and his String Or- in charge Henry Ho~es, decorations; occasion, Dick include Bob Podlich, further To add to the Baker, the endings short are written Lewis Chemistry Laboratories play, to be used according to the ver- chestra will furnish music during the Ed Weant, Bayne Dudley, programs; dinner. and Vernon Wiesand, refreshments. dict. The financial success of this initial Work on the installation of modem and Gas Co. of Baltimore, electricians perfonnance by the College Players fluorescent lights in the chemistry lah- have just finished installing twenty- is important in that upon it depends oratories of Lewis Hall was com- two 100-watt fluorescent light fix- the production of numerous other HOMECOMING DAY EVENTS . • . pleted last Thursday. tures in the two chemistry labora- plays which are to be presented dur- 10 :00 A. M. Registration of alumni Hoffa Field Following the plans of R. Y. tories. These fixtures give a uniform ing the year without charge to the 2 :00 P. M. Football Game Blanche Ward Hall Gym Younglove, an illuminating engineer natural light over the tables which school. (Terrors vs. Washington College) of the Consolidated Electric Light students will find is excellent for lab- The cast in order of appearance oratory work. Technically speaking, follows: Bailiff, James Snodgrass; Cross Country Meet each table will have 30 foot-candles Judge Heath, Paul AlelYunasi Flint's (Western Maryland vs. Loyola College) Armistice Assembly .•. of light. Secretary, Lucie Leigh Barnes; De- Presentation of Homecoming Queen and Monday assembly will be de- Mr. Younglove, who also drew up fense Attorney Stevens, John Douty; Court voted to an Armistice Day cele- the specifications for the indirect Stevens' Secretary, Dorothy Attix; 5 :30 P. M. Students' supper Dining Han bration. Dr. Holloway, who is in lighting system in the main reading Clerk of the Court. Charles :Mitchell : charge of the assembly promises room of the library, is working on Karen Andre, Ruth Beard: Dr. Kirk- 6 :00 P. M. Alumni Banquet Gill Gymnasium an unusual program. plans to better the Ijghting systems land, H. L. Weaver; Mrs. John Hitch- 8 :30 P. M. Homecoming Dance McDaniel Hall Lounge in other departments of the college. Cont. on page 4, col. 2
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