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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland c~nege,WeftmfDlte1';,,';"M;;;d;;",;,N;,;o,;,v"";;;;;ber;;;,;1;,;4;,,'1;;;9,;,40;""~=~",,,==~~~~~==~ Male Glee Club Refugee Gorten Says Nazi Education Spangler Plays Among The Greeks (Cont. from page 3, col. 5) To Be Dropped System Stresses Military Service For Broadcast amass a total of 113 points for the As a post season affair, the new Due to non-support on the part of (Cont. from page 1, col. 2) can not say who will win the Battle Prof. Oliver K. Spangler win pre- champions will engage the intramural the men on the Hill, the idea of or- and his membership obliges him to of England ... but if Hitlcr is suc- sent a piano recital at the regular winners from the University of Mary- ganizing a male glee club is. to be attend regular meetings and military cessful, America will most undoubted- college broadcast> over radio station dropped, announced Prof. Alfred de games. No matter what you take in ly be next on his list. How he will WFMD on Tuesday, November 19. land on Hoffa Field Monday for the Long. the schools, you get training for the approach the United States is also The program will consist of sever- state collegiate touch Cootball title. III the finals at College Park, the Sig- For several years Professor de army, and, want what you please, you impossible to say; it may be by the al selections chosen from the program ma Nu's trounced Kappa Alpha 14 to Long has attempted to form a men's are bound to end up in th~ military same means that he took Albania and of the all-Bach recital which he will o and in all probability will be the chorus from the talent on the campus service," France" It is amazing the difference present tomorrow night in Levine club that will the Preachers. and his plans have always collapsed. Military Service in the English psychology that makes Conservatory, The exact compositions This year, because of the talent on For Two Years the system of undermining or terri- to be played have not been definitely the campus, he tried once more, but All courses in the German schools fying of little avail in conquering decided upon, but the tentative pro- SCA Constitution again he was unsuccessful. are prescribed although one may in- their country." gram will include two Preludes and Two weeks ago twenty men assem- dicate before entering secondary In closing, Gorten was asked what 'Fugues from "The Well Tempered '(Cont. from page 1, col. 4) bled to discuss the possibilities of school what type of course one wishes. he thought of Hitler. "Hitler is am- Clavichord" and "Chromatic Fantasy last night. Speaking before the forming a club. Each man was com- There are, since 1937, eight years of bitious." But is Hitler an honorable and Fugue." group, Mr. Messner commented on or- re.issioned to bring a friend with him school required. After these years man? The following week, an original ganizing programs and gave advice to the meeting last Monday night.· play by Edna Triesler will be drama- on various problems which may con- Only nine men appeared and Profes- one is required to be one year in the - tized; the nature of the plot has not front the association. "like your Labor service CCC" and sor de Long remarked, "I am-perfect- two years in active military service. Sadie Hawkins Dance yet been divulged. ly willing to give my time to the or- Thus, at about twenty-one, German (Cont. from page I, col. 1) ganization of a male glee club, but if men, having been three years out of GRIFFIN'S the men will not cooperate, I can do school are free to go to a university a really pleasant affair ready by 7 P. boys will be The Short Of It nothing." :M., when the bashful ---- or back into the regular army. Most "drug in" the gym by the not-so- (Cont. from page 3, col. 1) SODAS elect the army. "Which is what the Bach Program ToBe state wants." bashful girls. Members of these com- land has been walloped by Penn, 51 to CANDY mittees Triesler, are: Henry general Schools run six full days per week, U, beaten 19 to 6 by Virginia and held Rudy Jack Played By Spanqler seven classes a day. Nearly every chairman; Phyllis Mansberger, entertain- to a 6 to 0 victory by a poor Western LUNCH Rawlins,. Cede, student has a bicycle which takes him team." to and from school; and three times ment; Thelma Bowen, Earl Dersch, Maryland off to the Terps-c-fcur-year Hats Professor Oliver K. Spangler will Ed Weant,' refreshments; Mary Lou Opposite State Theatre present selections from the works of a week back at 4:00 P. M. for physi- Asbury, Ike Rehert, Werner Orri- champions of state football. Johann Sebastian Bach at the first cal education. One goes everywhere son, Nemo Robinson, Mary Turnley, of a eenes of recitals on Friday in ranked columns; teachers are ap- Bert Jones, decorations; Lucie Leigh night, November 15, at 8·P. M. in Le- proached with a click of the heels Barnes, Joe Workman, Snooky DRUGS-- SODAS-- COSMETICS vine Music Conservatory. and the salute "Hell Hitler." Classes Sehrt, Libby Tyson, Sara Belle Veale, begin with the salute. Physical edu- The other recitals will be composed cation classes consist of two hours of Bob Sorensen, advertising. We Deliver Gorten I of selections from Beethoven and Brahms. conventional sports and drill. Every •The program for Friday night is as other Saturday, the school is divided Prescription Department Columbia Jewelry Co . follows:, and war games staged with mock bat- We guarantee the Quality of Puri- Six Preludes and Fugues from the tles lasting about five hours. Often our Medicines Regarding Being Exclusive agency for Jewelry of and as Accuracy ty, Well Tempered Olavlchord; Caprice, endurance marches with heavy packs Strictly in Accordance with Western Maryland College are required. for the departure of his beloved Physician's Order. Special discount to brother; Chromatic Fantasy and America Next Mackenzie's Drug Store Students and Teaclters Fugue. If Hitler Wins Westminster, Md. Phone 9 In Berlin, took German, French, English, Latin, chemistry, Faw Says Men's SGA physics, geography, history, mathe- Is Running Smoothly matics, music, English literature, reading, Give 'em the SMOKER'Scig~reHe only from the Ger- art--not but with extra-curricula angle No definite date has been set for man SMITH Be: REIFSNIDER andwa~~/! the next meeting of the Men's Stu- preparation for an English university. dent Government because Mr. Faw, "The German government is a president of the organization, says highly efficient piece of machinery. I there is no need for one. At the pres- ent time everything is running smoothly and there are no issues to Incorporated bo discussed. LUMBER-COAL However, the council is open to any snggestions that might be offered by WESTMINSTER, MD. the students on the bettering of cam- for the new grill have been CARROLL THEATRE pus conditions. Plans formulated and the idea need only be Todav. Friday, Saturday, COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING accepted by the school authorities be- Nov. 14. IS, 16 fore they go into effect. "KNUTE ROCKNE- ALL AMERICAN" With Chesterfields the smoking featur-ing- Pat O'Brien with Gale Pag~nald Crisp situation is always wen in hand-because' JOHN EVERHART Monday, Tuesday, Nov. IS, 19 Chesterfields have what smokers want. THE COLLEGE BARBER Robert Montgomery Chesterfield's right combination of Constance Cummings AND BOBBER I AT THE FORKS "HAUNTED in HONEYMOON" American and Turkish tobaccos makes it Starts Wednesday, Nov. 20 the smoker's cigarette. Myrna Loy Do you smoke the Bonita Granville THREE CHAIR SERVICE Melvyn Doualaa cigarell. that SATISFIES No Wuiting "THIRD FINGER LEFT HAND" HEAGY BROTHERS' STATE THEATRE BARBEWSHOP Ne:r;t to Post Of/lce Today. Friday, Nov. 14, 15 Shirley Temple' "YOUNG PEOPLE" with Jack Oakie and CASSELL'S -- Jewelers Charlotte Greenwood Saturday, Nov. 16 William Boyd in The Store of New Fashioned "STAGECOACH WAR" Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 18, 19, 20 Garey Cooper in "THE WESTERNER" J. WM. HULL, Owner Starts Thursday, Nov. 22 51·E. MainSt_ Joan Blondell and Dick Powell , Westminster, Maryland "I WANT A DIVORCE" in THE KO-ED KLUB THE BEST SODA SHOP IN TOWN Extends a Hearty Welcome To All Westerrt Marylanders • Spend Your Evenings In A Western Maryland Atmosphere SODAS-ICE CREAM-MAGAZINES-LUNCH CIGARETTES-CANDY KODAK FILMS-DEVELOPING • Operated By A Former Western Marylander KO ED KLUB -- This Side of The • State Theatre
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