Page 29 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 29
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College. Westminster, Md., November 14, 1940 PAGE THREB THE • Frosh Gridders And Soccerites To Face SHORT Among • OFIT Maryland Old Liners In Climax Games , The ... By Bill Robinson Saturday On Local Gridiron And Pitch Greeks SPORTS EDITOR Lafayette, we are here! For bet- - Baby Terrors To Entertain Terplets, New Champs C:o~n~ ter or for worse the Terrors will in- Nathan's Squad Will Be At Full vade Easton, Pennsylvania, on Sat- Who Have Yet To Score A Victory Strength To Meet UndeFeated, Honeman Sets Record urday attempting to upset the mighty Against Five Strong Opponents Leopards, undefeated and untied and Untied College Park Boot ... By Joe Workman __ . ranking among the nation's top MARYLAND WESTERN MD. WESTERN MD. -MARYLAND "The winner and still champion," elevens. Hesson lefterul Price Hancock goalie Maisel the time honored victory cry whether The Green and Frey left tackle Jensen F.Cook fullback l'tIondorff the event be politics, boxing, or G 01 d will of !'tIiller left guard Ortenzi Shockley fullback Cruickshank touchfootball, echoed again Tuesday co u rs e be the Taylor center Tsouprake McWilliams right halfback Radebaugh afternoon from the valley field where underdogs and Nardo right guard Pennington Blair center halfback Meh-in Delta Pi Alpha pushed over a clinch- Charlie Havens Simler right tackle Kittner Elias left halfback McDonough iug touchdown with seconds remain- is well aware Daniels right end Mogowski Tarbutton right outside Main illg and defeated Alpha Gamma Tau of the Leopard's Mont quarterback Bills Lewis right inside Shroeder by a 19 to 6 count. This victory made power, but in a Barnes left halfback O'Keefe Robinson center forward Ernst it six straight for the current season !!!!!!!LJ!l..J!!~! topsy-turvy sea- Hilboek right halfback DeManss nay left inside Tierney and added the twenty-second link to son such as this Brenner fullback Terry Tomlinson left outside Tilley the Preachers' string of consecutive HUIHNSUN victories. The game was marred by one, anything-can and usually does, happen. The Terrors A large Terrapin freshman team will invade In the climax game of a disappointing cam- fvequunt penalties imposed on both have everything to gain and nothing Hoffa Field this Saturday in quest of their initial paign, Dr. Walter Nathan' will send the Green teams by Referee Joe Rouse, who to lose, while the Lafayette are en- victory of the season. The Maryland club has Terror soccerites against the University of Mary.. turned in a creditable job considering tering the game under pressure of played five games, and has yet to win, though in land eleven Saturday on Hoffa Field. The game, the soggy field and intermittent show- their winning streak. the season opener Dickinson was held to a tie. which is one of three remaining to be played is ers which did little toward inspiring clean play. Lafayette Mentor George Washington then walked over the Terp- expected to be the hardest on the local schedule • Two Tallies re First Half Says No Set-up lets by the score of 37 to 7. After that crushing and will start at 10 A. M. will travel to Law- Half-time showed a score of 12 to to hold rallied Following the Terp tilt, the bocters yearlings defeat the Orange and Black Hooks Mylin, who tutors the lads Washington and Lee, and VMI to low scores. George- isburg, Pennsylvania, to test the Bucknell Bisons and they (0 in favor of the Preachers who ran from Easton, is under the opinion that town last week swamped the Terplets 33 to 0, when the will close the season against Wheaton College on Hoffa play after play following the slowing Saturday's tussle is no set-up and he College Parkers were unable to cope with the Hoya run- Field on November 26. down of their air attack due mainly is not making the mistake of under- ning attack. Saturday's fray will start at 2 P. M. When Stew McCaw brings his powerful club from Col- to the Bachelors' pass defense of Tus estimating the local gridders. "We're Pass defense has been the glaring weakness of the lege Park to the local pitch, he will be piloting an unde- Applegarth, Elmer Evans, and Bill afraid of this Western Maryland Maryland club, and the blocking in the last few games feated and untied squad. In five games thus fa:r, Vir- Phillips. The absence of Jack Ryan, team," he said the other day. "We has hardly been commendable. In Barnes and Mont, ginia, High Point, Duke, Delaware, and Dickinson have the Preachers' stellar blocking back, ought to be good enough to beat them Maryland has two triple-threat backs, while Reds Wright, fallen before the Black and Gold attack. was felt, though the winners domi- just the same. They're dangerous another good back, is on the injured list. In their last three games, Nathan's squad has shown a nated the ground game. Don Hone- and maybe we bit off more than great deal of improvement as they whipped Dickinson 3 man, however, did shake loose for one we can chew. Still, ours is a good • De Wane Bills Skirts Flank for Score to 1 and Hopkins 1 to 0, dropping a heartbreaker to Tow- long run late in the first quarter, team and it should win." The Baby Terrors were handed their second straight son by a single goal. when he took Evans' kick on his own With but two games remaining on defeat last Friday by a surprisingly strong Mount St. In Baltimore last Friday, the booters ran into wind, fifteen and shifted, side-stepping his the schedule, the Green Terrors should Mary's team, by the SCore of 12 to 6. Shortly after the cold, and a fair Hopkins club and before the first quarter Wl!Y to a score. really get hot and pull one of the pair opening kickoff, the Green team took control of the ball at had ended, Frank Day had dented the nets to give the , Applegarth Scores On Pass out 0' the bag. the mid-field stripe and started a drive which netted the Terrors a lead they never relinquished. The remainder The Preachers' first score was set On Saturday against Washington only score for Western Maryland. DeWane Bills made up by a penalty against the Bachelors College, Western Maryland played its the touchdown as he skirted Jeft end for the final twelve ~~lt~ufat~:y s'~:ret:ena~~:e~ ~~:reG:!~i~~ cont{'ol of the for unnecessary roughness, placing the usual offensive game-between the 20 yards. Tom Terry's attempted conversion was wide. For the Maryland fray, the Terror mentor expects to ball on the Bachelors' twenty where yard lines-plus the necessary spark The Mounts then began to click, and Tommy Furman, have the squad at full strength with the return to the an end sweep netted five yards. Then to tally four times, registering their who was a thorn in the side of the Terrors all afternoon, lineup of several regulars. Tom Elias and J ohnny 'rem- HOlleman uncorked a low bullet-like second victory of the Current cam- scored on an eight yard run. Brogan failed to kick the linson both missed the Hopkins game due to medical toss to Nemo Robinson, who stepped paign. Mack McPike, BoBo Knepp, extra point, and the game was deadlocked. Neither team school exams and Duke Windsor has been out for two across the goal for the initial score. ... Irv Biasi, and Kenny Bills turned off was able to gain much ground in the second and third weeks with a blood clot. Warren Cook and Bill Robinson In both caSJS, the try for point was some pretty exhibitions of running periods, and on many occasions kicked on third down in are back in harness following leg injuries and will be in stopped. while defensively the line held its an effort to get a break. the line-up on Saturday. Alpha. Gamma Tau came back own. The shift in the backfield that sent Bud Blair into the strong in the third quarter when they Just when we thought we had a • Mounts Get Break, Tally On Pass drove by way of short passes to the winning team on the Hill, the year- Mount St. Mary's found this break in the last frame, center half post has been working out fine. Blair will be Preachers' ten-yard stripe. At this flanked by Mac McWilliams, and Tom Elias, who is play- lings from the Mount roar down and when they saw an opening in the Terror pass defense, ing the best ball of his college career, while Francis Cook point, Phillips faked an end run and whip the Baby Terrors by a scant one and promptly threw three long passes which placed the and Bob Shockley will fill the fullback positions. John tossed to Applegarth for the score. touchdown margin. The defeat was ball on the Western Maryland ten yard line and Furman Hancock, who has been the defensive star throughout the Frazier Scott, Preacher center, stepped the second for the local frosh, both by tossed a pass to Bob Kemp for the margin of victory. The into the "proceedings and slapped clo-se verdicts. On Saturday, Bruce try for extra point was blocked. The Baby Terrors came season will again be between the uprights. clown a pass intended for A. J. Beane On the line, Frank Tarbutton and Tomlinson will play Ferguson will Bend the freshmen back and drove to the Mounts' thirty-yard marker, only at the wings with Tim Lewis and Dayal' Cook at the in- to spoil the extra point. Late in the against their tradifional rivals from to lose the ball on a fumble. side slots with Robinson the center forward. last quarter the Preachers put on a College Park, the Maryland Old Lin- Bart Natalizi, sterling tackle, suffered a dislocated This game may determine the state title and a victory forty-yard sustained drive, ending as ers, in an attempt to get back on the shoulder early in the game, and probably will be out of Scott hauled down Honeman's pass right side of the ledger. for Maryland would assure them the crown. As for the for the clinching touchdown. Robin. Dr. Nathan's b'hoys are hitting action for the remainder' of the season. The Mounts were Terrors, they are out of the :running for the title but may son's extra point was merely formali- their stride and on Saturday will meet unable to gain through the line, but did their wo:rk by still be able to cause quite a bit of trouble for the College ty and after two plays the game end- Parkers. passes and end runs. the College Parkers in a grudge con- ed. test on the local pitch. Last year, on Last Thursday's 54 to 0 rout of the the Terps' home field, Nathan's boot- Black and White's did little to boost ers were stopped by a 5 to 1 count. Western Maryland Underdogs In Tussle With Preacher stock for the championship Two years ago, the Terrors licked the game, ~nee all the points were scored the Unbeaten Lafayette At Easton On Saturday Marylanders on Hoffa Field, 3 to 2, so on long runs, resulting either from both teams will be out to settle run back of kicks or intercepted score. passes. The game did enable Hone- and man to break all scoring records A note of interest to those who will Leopards RatedAmong Terrors Whip Sho'men Cont. on page 4, col. 5 be on the campus Thanksgiving Day Top-Notch Grid Squads By27-13ScoreAsMack is that Monnt St. Mary's and Wash- ington College will meet on Hoffa By National Survey McPike, t-» Biasi Star Edmond Sets Pace Field instead of at Emmitsburg as or- scoring As Seniors Annex iginally scheduled. Lafayette College, ranked twenty- ette backfieldmen as leading -contend- first among the leading football teams ez-s for Eastern sectional Terp, Hoya Rela.tions of the country by national concensus, honors. Ursinus lost the opener of Seen Near End will entertain the Western Maryland the year to Lafayette 21 to 0 while .Girls' Hockey Title According to a story in the Wash· underdogs this Saturday in an effort Muhlenburg was trampled by approx- Led by Ellene Edmond, who scored ington Post early this week one of the ro extend their season winning streak ~ately the same score, 26 to 7. three goals, the senior "A" team de- to eight games and remain in the se- keenest football rivalries in this sec· As for Western Maryland, the out- feated the junior "A" to win the in- tion of the ,J:ountry is about to end. lect group of undefeated gridiron look is quite different, for in five tE:rclass hockey championship on Jack Munhall, in covering the annual elevens scattered over the country. games the Terrors have split even- Tuesday. Mil Harding and Betty tu!:
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