Page 24 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 24
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, 'Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md.. November 7, 1940 By Miller Ex-'42 I OLD GRADS GREETINGS QUOTE BOX--II '----------------------__j I Laugh .t life with, .. From Our President To Alumni And L-----!Eleanor Healy ",-A"''''--''' ••_ T? n,t~ OLb ISH"'"S II Friends 01 The College • THE GETTYSBURG IAN boasts of a freshman who can drink five milk shakes in twenty minutes. And Homecoming Day is a joyous occasion on Col- what's more he still has them an • lege Hill. Alma Mater then awaits the return of hour later! her children. Yes, she awaits her children with eager expectation and careful preparation. She presents her estate in its tidiest appearance. The Beat Me Daddy grass is still green; some yellows and tans and • WITH lVILL BRADLEY'S ra.p- reds are yet to be seen in the foligge. idly rising popularity, we thought As every mother does when her children come ymt'd like to kno-w some vital stoese- home, our Alma Mater wants to take you around tios on hi8 "boooie-wooqic" 8tyle. to show you the improvements made in our aca- The "Swing and Jive" cotumniet of demic home. She wants to show you the addition the Muhlcnberg Weekly, who person- to the campus at Harvey Stone Park, the new ally interviewed Bradley, says that road leading from Gill Gymnasium to Pennsylva- "The basis of boogie-woogie is essen- /_At:I(;Hr£N nia Avenue, the renovated Home Management tially eight8 beats to the bar---a suc- ANP$C>Hfi··· House, the completed library changes, the rebuilt cession of cven, und{ltted, eighth ASO-4>_~S" Gffr~A"~! Baker Chapel organ, the sound-proofed and re- notes, with piano, bass, guitar, and decorated studios on the second and third floors drum8 carrying the weight of the at- of the Levine Hall of Music. There are a dozen tack." other things she would like to show you. This style, ori:;inally negrfJ, start- She wants you to see her 1940 football team ed with Pine-top Smith.' Jim Elliott play, a team of latent superior ability, a team know8 the dope on him if you're in- which will yet find its stride. She invites you to tcre8ted. take dinner at her table (you "old grads" will agree that mother's cooking improves with the years) and to join all her undergradute children • THE GREAT PROBLEM right in a dance at Gill Gymnasium in the evening. now at the University of North Car- Alma Mater awaits you. Alma Mater expects olina seems to be the Senior class you. Alma Mater warmly welcomes you for budget. They have only $6,225 to Homecoming 1940. spend! .,q,v07"HeR "7"£R"pc.e··)'?tHtot! GA!""1T FRED G. HOLLOWAY, • While discus8ing hiking, The Muh- ~ THF.If£\C~ "E" . "",...,yo., President of the College. • • • lenberg Weekly says that "there you F"1It7'"o"e are :Ut:-Hr:! ... of hikes : those where two kimls Let's Go To The Grill walk ulo'l1g the sidos of the country in yo-ur shoes, roads with boulders too far." ON And Dance and oold n0808; and those whero you • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- hold hands and drm't walk A proposal to enlarge the college grill and in- The columnist said Muhlenberg 'pre- THE • • • ------------- . Campus Collateral corporate with it the old cafeteria next to the fer8 the first type. present grill is now under consideration by the RECORD social activities committee. lincolnia A place where men and women of the college The following girls have been for- • For those of you. that missed getting to Carlisle last can gather together for relaxation in the evening • UPSALA COLLEGE has recently Mally Initiated into Phi Alpha Mu: Saturday for the Dickinson-Western Maryland game -for dancing and refreshment-which is lack- become the proud possessor of a Lin- Virginia Crusius, Phoebe Gatchell, these notes are appended. Dickinson has a fine athletic ing on the campus. Such a place is needed here. coln Library. Over a thousand books Mary Ann Hassenplug, E I e a nor set-up and a splendid athletic field, except that the sun Off-campus spots supply a need but a limited one and letters concerned with Lincoln Healy, Mary Jackson, Doris Lane, Au, was in our eyes. The Western Maryland crowd was gi- and have the following disadvantages: they are and the Civil War are contained in drey Rouston and Sara Belle Veale. gantic, considering, and made the Homecoming crowd of far from the campus; some are small and ill-ven- the collection. Some of the most Virginia Wigley ex-'41, has a posi- Dickinson look relatively sparce in comparison. It is 81· tilated; some sell alcoholic beverages; they cater pr-ized items in the library are a few tion with newly formed Washington ways a joy for us to realize the attitudes of sportsman- to the general -public. A shop on the campus original letters written and signed by branch of the Farm Bureau Life In- ship exhibited by the crowd in our sides of the stands- {.,uld provide a healthy atmosphere where stu- Lincoln, a campaign poster of the day, surance Co. She is finishing her busi- Western Maryland rooters stick like chewing gum to dents and their friends could gather and it would several portraits and statues of Lin- ness course at night school. their teams in bad minutes, they accept penalties against render a real service to the college. coln, and four scrap books containing Virginia Belle, Deborah Bowers, our side without jeering and those against our enemies This proposal ought to be passed by the com- clippings from newspapers contempo- Shirley Bradley, Bette Crawford, Lois without cheers, they seem to be filled with a love of a mittee and later approved by the faculty, since rary with Lincoln. Guba, Adele Masten, Georgie Melby, game and good natured rivalry-never ridicule ... for the administration is so violently opposed to off- . Mary Miller, Betty Neidert, Ridgely which we are proud of us. campus "joints." It is inconceivable that they • WHEN IT COMES TO 1/61'satil- Pollitt, and Peggy Wilson were for- will veto this measure. ity, it's hard to beat Benny Goodman.' mally initiated into Sigma Sigma Tau Dog. In The Backfield But, before this question is finally decided may He has been engaged as clarinet SfJ- Sorority Saturday. • Dickinson had twelve men on the field, the extra being we make a few suggestions which. we think loist with the Philharmonic-Sym-' The following girls have been for- a big, tan dog of indeterminate breed who shadowed every ought to be included in the proposal to enlarge phony Orche8tra under John Barber-- mally initiated into Delta Sigma Kap- Flay, eavesdropped at every huddle, and dogedly barked the grill and which, if not included, would, in our oUi's d~rection for the eosee-ee on pa: Jean Bentley, Beatrice Burke, at our backfield. The only animal of Western Maryland opinion seriously handicap the success of the Dcccmber 12 and 13. He will play Loris Harman, Mary Louise Sehrt, affiliations was one stuffed "Ferdinand the Bull", done up project: i\ffJzart's Concerto in A Maim- and Marie Steele, and Virginia Whorton. in white paper and blue ribbons which resided under Doc- I-The new annex ought to be administered by Debussy's Rhapsody. Cent, on page 4, col. 5 tor Nathan's arm all afternoon-a present for his wife. the student government councils and they should We never We would like to say a word for our band. enforce gentlemanly and womanly conduct. • realize how good they are, or how fine they look until we 2-Smoking by both men and women should be CAMPUS LEADER see some other school band in comparison. We hope the allowed. band won't give up the practice of drilling in front of the 3-In keeping with the above clause, cigarettes rival stands and the musical salute to the rival school should be sold in the grill. even though the courtesy is not returned. Sitting behind 4---There ought to be table service in the new degree in economics in 1925. Granted the band is always a picnic, especially wben Bill Banks section. This would entail new help, but, in the a scholarship at Princeton University and Bingo Binns begin to swing out in the second chorus. end, would pay for itself. and took another master of arts de- A tribute here to Rochester, of the heart of Green and 5-Dancing should be allowed and a nickle- xree there in 1926. Obtained a teach- Gold, who is a regular mascot of the Preacher touch foot- odeon should be provided for this purpose; ing fellowship at North Carolina Uni- ball team, champion of the boys in general, and who man- 6-The annex should open immediately after versity where he remained until 1927, aged, by hook or by crook, to even appear in Carlisle on supper and remain open until 10:00 P. M. It need working in political science. Saturday. Ray, rah rah-Rochester. only be open at this time, remaining closed the 'Vent back for two years to teach rest of the day. in his old school which had added a The Horse Laughed Junior College. Studied two years in • The group present in Robinson garden when the Aloha THE ·GOLD BUG Johns Hopkins University Graduate informals were taken with the horse last Thursday got School under Dr. W. W. Willoughby. Finds his greatest interest was as docile as a cow for Earl Darsh but when the pho- Official .tudent new.paper or Western lr-rylllnd College. pubHshed eastern politics and international in far re- ringside tickets in an impromptu rodeo. Billy the horse ~:~ryp.~ho~:·:d~dhr~~t~~~ ~~edas~~i~iev~~~;iOe:"cePii:t~,.!~e a~o!~~:;3 ~~~~ lations. Has studied in that field un- tographer tried to pose him with Nelda Kalar against the ""atter at We,tminster Post Offioe. under the Aot or M"roh S, 1879. rock bench, the horse became confused. He fluctuated be- . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR der George Blakeslee and Albert Hind- tween sitting down with "Killer" and climbing into her marsh, both of Harvard. Expects to decided to Member gradually work into specialization in lap and bedlam ensued during which "Killer" J:\ssociafed CoUe6iale Press that field. pose 'with golf clubs and Scotty Prescott, who was wait- ing in riding togs for her turn, decided she wasn't inter- One of his most pleasant associa- Distributoro{ ested in Billy in the first place. A shot of Scotty and Billy was eventually strained relations though gotten, CDlle5iote Dioost FRANK B. HURT tions here is that with the tennis were evident, the strain being on the reins held by Scotty Triumphs of the past year in- team. Born in Ferrum, Franklin County, clude his participation in the finals of with an iron grip and resentfully backed away from by Virginia, Prof. Frank B. Hurt smiled mixed doubles matches at Harvard Billy. about his age and said, "Life begin'! and in the Amateur Roanoke City at forty-or I should say, twenty-six, championship tournament. Came in 1930 to Western Maryland since" my twenty-seventh birthday is campus which he finds one of "a kind- I Terrorsv.. Teres ccming- up." Raised in Virginia, he entered R ly atmosphere." Says Professor Hurt, Methodist school, Ferrum Training "you have here a better than average n~~~UNUn ~o" NATIONAL AOvun.,N • .., Aftermath of the Maryland-Western Maryland scram- National AdvertisingService,lnc. School, at his home, and continued liberal arts college. I like very much ble was the appearance at the Freshman-Sophomore Hop CoIJeg6 P"bluh",s Repr-.sno/fII;.,. there through high school. Concern- {he type of students. They are splen, of the ring leader of the hair-cutting episode involving ing- his college career ... "that is real- did to work with. The public opinion woolsten and Patten. His attendance was a brave ven- Iy a long story." of the campus here is such that weak- ture, but the greatest danger he ran into during the eve- BUSINESS STAFF Attended Randolph - Macon two nesses are brought into the open and ning was when, on his way here, he got lost-in Sykes- BUf,(NESS MANAGER. Edward Weant, '41 years before he transferred to Wash- consequently eliminated. One of the ville. An.,rERTISING MANAGER Werner Orrison, '43 ington and Lee where he finished in greatest strengths of western Mary- The Maryland lad who fell into our clutches seemed to CIRCULATION MANAGERS ..William Vincent, '42 1923. Proceeded to the University of land is the family spirit among the like our college. In fact, he is so interested that he is Mary Louise Asbury, '41 Virginia where took a master of arts students and faculty." considering transferring here.
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