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L1br\lry Western Maryland College Uestminster, Md. REFUGEE GORTEN THANKSGIVING-NO IS INTERVIEWED GOLD BUG NEXT PAGE 1 WEEK • BY THE STUDENTS • Z28. Vol. 18. No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 14, 1940 Rustic Dance Help H.r. For Ov.r Th.r. College Players Present . d~B Active Cooperation For War Sponsore y Urged On Campus In '17 . 'Night Of January 16' As Gold Bug During the last war, Western tee for YMCA War Fund were held Thanksgiving Production J.iaryland students submitted to the in the Browning Society room after of marching Knitting went on con- in ranks regimentation CappO, Comic Strip to and from classes. The spirit of recitations. on the campus, in the "par- Jury Pick.d From Audi.nce Will Decide stantly, Prevldes Theme For the campus was militaristic and all lor", and at recitals. Students here Guilt Or Innocence Of D.f.ndant- ~ succeeded in finishing sixty-six sweat- Annual Affair provisions were made for Americans ers, twenty pairs of socks, and nu- B.ard, Douty, Fleagl. Get here to help those who were "over Patched pants, plaid skirts, there." merous wristlets for the boys in Did Karen Andre commit a murder, or not? is the question and straw hats will be the motif Sentiment was strong on the side France. that must be answered by the jury at Alumni Hall next Thursday when Miss Sadie Hawkins, of the allied powers and the motto of The college library added to its night at 8 P. M., when the' College Players present "The Night of spinster. invades Blanche Ward the college was "A place for every shelves many timely hooks including of January 16". The leads in this initial production will be taken by Handbook, Book Drill Soldier8 Gym Saturday. November 6, in man and every man in his place." H08pital COTp8, and Drill Rogula,.. Ruth Beard, Arnold Fleagle, and John T. Douty. search of her Li'l Abner. ~ .ese Dr. McDaniel led the militants in The play is authentically based on the suicide of Ivar Kreuger, two hillbilly characters, ade the work of the Red Cross, and Miss tion8 fOT Mountain. Drill. Despite Swedish match king and financial juggler, and the revelations of Sara Smith was elected chairman of their small practical value here these the complicated failure of his international financial interests. At this time, it was rumored that he had only faked his death and . books were well read. the WMC auxiliary of the Westmin- Dress like Lll' Abner Students were sacrificing - they really had departed to South America, to live incognito and in lux- ster chapter. Regular meetings of even \willingly agreed to have their ury on a fortune that he had established there. The chairman of the dance that organization and of the commit- food supply cut in the dining hall. With this as its basis, the committee wishes to emphasize subject of the Thanksgiving that no one will be admitted who is not dressed in hillbtlly costume ~AST f;f~.wTnn~~~s~~!Jf!~~u~t1~ OJ" old clothes. . Aloha Editors, Faculty, Students is the recruiting of twelve mem- famous by cartoonist Al Capp, At Polling Place. Managers To bers ofzthe audience to serve as the jury, which will deliberate will be the inspiration for the Find Wat.rloo after each act and render a ver- Gold Bug sponsored dance, Be Appointed dict of guilty or not-guilty at which will be held in a typical the conclusion of the case. .. ~~Wn~ch. backwoods village Casting their presidential ballots The jurors will be chosen was a point of high interest in minds Candidates To Meet from the audience on the night of both faculty and students. Miss of the performance by Miss During intermission, Mary Francis In Science Hall Hawkins (no relative to Sadie) will Daisy Smith and Miss Marie Parker Esther Smith, who is directing present a new song, "Li'l Abner," went together to exercise their right After DinfJer the play. Members of the stu- composed by Milton Berte in honor of and almost were evicted for the hilar- dent body, faculty, and down- ious time they had. the nationally observed Sadie Hawk- hadn't decided definitely It seems they Editors and business managers of about the tne festivities. Charles Irwin, ac- future Alohas will be appointed by Want To Be A Juror? cording to the tentative program, wiII numerous and wordy referenda, and, senior members of the preceding Jurors in this ease will be also present several songs. "Nemo- after they had emphatically put down y",ar's o;tatr, a(;wrdjng to an an- drawn from the audience. Those nia" Robinson and "Cornpone" Blair, their presidential X's, they launched nouncement by William Anthony and willing to serve will leave their the Sidney exponents of the terpsichorean art, on a discussion of curtains referenda manager, Mansh, editor and business names with the doorman on the separat- respectively,· through of '41 the green the will feature their own exclusive crea- illg their cubicles. Perhaps that was night of the play. tion, the "Dogpateh Shuffle", a dance electioneering within the hundred Aloha.. Constitutional which is taking the country by storm. yards from polling place. • New System Instituted Virginia Kinnaman will present a new Republican Henry Triesler and ,Mansh made the following comment, Revision Is town residents, will be repre- In instituting this new system, Mr. tap-dance, the "Skunk-Hollow Clog." Democratic Sid Mansh drove to Hag- sented on this jury. Several other acts will round out the erstown to cancel each other's votes. "We realize this will mean denying will be represented on this jury, intermission program. The feature Triesler had to ask for a second ballot juniors the privilege of electing their Plan Of SCA A tabulation of the verdicts given of the evening will be the presenta- because, in his determination, he editors and business managers but during the Broadway run of the play tion of an autographed Al Capp car- touched one of the lines of boxes with the advantages outweigh the disad- Revision of the Constitution of the shows that acquitals outnumbered toon strip to the most appropriately his X and he wasn't taking any vantages. The system has been used SCA has been proposed and will he convictions three to one. Since the dressed couple. chances on his vote not counting. very successfully by the Gold Bug voted upon at the next business meet- evidence is so evenly balanced that on Because Miss Hawkins was forced staff, so to eliminate putting the of- ing. The committee in charge of the only two occasions were there unani- to seek her beau rather than .her fices in 'the hands of inexperienced revision is composed of Paul Cum- mous verdicts. "feller" seek her, Western Maryland New News Editor ... people, we are setting up the ap- mins, Mary Houston Wright, Tune Audiences generally leave the the- the performance of "The girls will do the bidding, and tp the Thelma Bowen has been ap- pointive system." Takahashi and Harper LeCompte. ater after of January 16" debating the Night delight of the boys, will foot the 50 pointed by editor-in-chief Henry • Candidates To Meet One of the new functions of the cents drag. Stags, both male and fe- Triesler to the posttlon of Gold This evening at 6:45 all juniors in- SCA this year will be the formation correctness of the verdict. The play male, will, of course, pay their own' BUD news editor, succeeding terested in becoming candidates for of study groups to consider various is built in such a way that the evi- admissions of 35 cents per person. Jane Fraley, who resigned. Miss editor and business manager of the problems. These groups, 'will study dence of the defendant's guilt or In- is evenly balanced, nocense and the Captain Kidd and his Buccaneers, Bowen previously had served as '42 Aloha. are asked to meet in Room various subjects such as peace, the case will be a challenge bound to many of whom. it is said, claim direct proof editor on the staff. 22 of Science Hall. All students of honor system, racial problems, boy arouse arguments and discussions, relationship with the Yokum family, Betty Cormany has been ap- any class who would like to work on and girl relations, Christ and the So- for its underlying conflict is the eter- will furnish the music. pointed to the business staff in the yearbook in any capacity are reo cial Order, Christ's Attitude toward nal confiict of two definite types of The committees in charge have the capacity of advertising man- quested to attend also. Labor, foreign relations, and social humanity. It is thus really the audi- been working night and day to have ager. The staff of the '41 Aloha will work. Students will be assigned to ence that is put-on trial. Cont. on page 4, col. 3 draw up a set of qualifications or a the particular group which claims "constitution" by which future edi- their interests. tors and business managers will be Mr. LeCompte, president of the or- Brigadier Marshall announced that a special For.ign Born Stud. nt' appointed. The '42 Aloha officers will ganization, will be held at Roop'a Camp To Address Assembly retreat Martin Gorten. Refugee Student be appointed in February by the sen- Thursday afternoon. will Cabinet and Brigadier Marshall, Divisional Com- ior members present staff. assemble members committee the Salvation Tells Of Nazi Education System Dr. Moment To Speak there, at which time a special pro- mander of and West Virginia, Army of Maryland will be be held. Mr. LeCompte gram will H.e guest speaker at the regular Mon- also reported to the the appointment Marshall, whose Brigadier Out of the fire, into the melting To Tri·Beta Nov. 2:; SCA cabinet of Alice Rohrer as house day assembly on November 18. son, Miss Rohrer succeeds Ann chairman. pot, has jumped Martin Klaus Gorten, Dr. Gairdner D. Moment, of the Scott, who did not return to school George, is a junior at Western Mary- recently come to the United States biology department of Goucher Col- this fall. land, has been associated with the from Germany. lege, will speak to Beta Beta Beta on Sherwood Messner, regional secre- Salvation Army for over twenty-five "I think there are many more op- November 25 on the basic problems of tary of the Student Christian Move- years and was the General Secretary' portunities for 'me in America. Ger- embryology. ment was the speaker at the Meeting- prior to his appointment as Division- many is a strange place today. Chil- Dr. Moment received his Ph.D. de- Cont. on page 4, col. 5 al Commander. dren are educated into a militaristic gree from Yale in 1932 and has been service. Everything that is taught associated with Goucher College ever contains the militaristic slant." since. His work is in the field of ex- Gorten is one of two sons of Dr. perimental embryology, where he HOMECOMING DAY and Mrs. Mansfield Gorten, a neuro* studies the effects of grafting or- It is our intention to retract the entire Homecoming schedule as p'!ychiatrist. He was born August gans on amphibians. published last week before some irate alumnus sues us for limiting his 20, 1922 in Magdeburg, Gennany, Dr. Momeut is on the committee of life's span due to over-exercise. With the registration listed for Hoffa some hundred miles west of Berlin. teaching and research of the Chesa- field, the football game for Blanche Ward Gym, the dance for McDaniel He was educ..'l.ted first in a private peake Biological Laboratory at Solo- Lounge and the banquet for Gill Gym there was much chasing to and elementary school and then in a state mons, Md., with wbich Western Mary- fro before things were located. Did anyone ever find the track meet? secondary school, the Real Gymna- land is affiliated. His summers are The Times Printers had best get "on the ball." Mistakes such as sium. In 1937 his father sent him, ",hen he left in January, 1939. wmally spent at the Mount Desert Is- these are not the fault of the staff but of that concern. Gold Bug copy as preparatory for Cambridge Uni- "Every child at ten years must join land Biological Laboratory at Mount no doubt confuses them anyway, and the paper is sorry for the confu- versity, to Berlin to an English.Ger- a party organization-the Nazi party. Desert, Maine, where he does research sion both there and in the alumnal mind. man school where he was a senior Cont. on page 4, eoJ. 2 in his fieJd.
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