Page 20 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md.. October 31, 1940 Cuo-ball And Eight Ball • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- 142 ALOHA .... .Woolston And Patten Victims 'Campus Collateral To Elect Or Appoint Tho Editor And Of Canny Maryland Strategy -------------------------. Business Manager? • battled the night before. Girls, too! Not only did we get How in the XYZ did they beat us? And the way we "We're getting cue-ball haircuts but smeared on the gridiron, but we also lost in hair-cutting To elect or to appoint-that is the question. we're using the wrong approach," wanted to go. I said 'Catonsville!' 2-1 after a one man advantage Friday night. But we did Whether it is better for members of the junior said philosophic Don Woolston in .. we went right through my home come out on the long end of a 12-0 score in flat tires. And when we hit the class to elect the editor and business manager of agreement with hie colleague, Dick town... flying. Boulevard, we knew we Final total: Western Maryland, 13; Maryland, S. Disre- Washington we feel of the situation, ;~~i~;4!e~1~::~~f~~~e~~~~e~ti~t~~tt:~!;~o~~~~~~~::ua~O:ha~l~:~g::eb:::~:es:Vi:l: were sunk." garding the merits or demerits gave the occasion the punch that the Battle of Maryland The boys were threatened with it has lacked for years. The Maryland watch was so con- st~do~n~\~~sfi~u;~~r:nr~:Nf~~e~et~O~i:i~~:tled. for l\Iaryland, Dick Patten, freshman black and gold paint jobs as well as at scientiously kept and the men had been so disappointed in ~~tY;i:;:~f;e~~ihJ:~~~1eF£Z~:~f7!~t~~!~E:"%~::~:~::l::~::d:Ey:~~:F: Maryland's peaceful attitude that the moon shone bright- harberjng, but when they arrived er the night the truce was broken. Their's was a retalia- College Park they were whisked into merely car on the other side of Westminster a frat house signs and labelled dehaired. tion against aggression on our part-watch "You out for next Then with A Green wait! just patriot: year! We quote a Maryland ~:~J~:~~:i~rVi~g t~~:~ Ctifea~~~~Srt~~i~~etbr;:~fii and were bewildered when two young Terror and A Maryland Reprisal, next :year we'll desc6t!d on WMC like a pCaguv!" And they from the added experience, ;~e; t~~:P::pp~~\:c~ei:~d O::ei~ t~~ Patten and Woolston respectively can do it, too! Only fifty came last Thursday-a mere about the dining hall were marched easily at College Park-e-and 300 could be mustered 1,000 of ~~:~7~~:eh!~: ~~!~o~~e~~~~~s;~11~~~:g:~:front with the driver, the other with to sing figuratively for their supper. could be drafted. Hear ye-prepa1'e now-otherwise, "And let me tell you-their food come the deluge, your best defense next year will be to of the class, and in reality this system has ~:;t:eO::n, ~:eP:~~!~;::!Y ~;~~ ~:i~:~ was slop! ... " Woolston held his open Blanche Ward and McDaniel and fight behind the ~~~u;~fit~~l I~t!~~.m~: ;h:~s:tl~O&~I::i~~vc~~~ee~ again-by two boys-whom they ap- nose. "Fish with bones, boiled pota- smoke screen of a woman's smile. and apple pic toes, stewed tomatoes several instances whe~e inexperience~ people ~~:::~I;lp~ec~~~iz:: t~~:~ ;~t ci~u~~e~ with cardboard crust ... And then h.ave found the.mselves in very res~onsIble post- front, the other on the other side of they gave us souvenir spoons." Soon At The Game in front of Sid Mansh at the Maryland • game Sitting ~lOnsabout WhIChthey knew very little or noth- \ Patten and Woolston who double- A new crew of Marylanders brought was one man with newspaper-better still, the paper was In\he class, naturally, is unable to make a wise ~~~.k~:tt~:.the middle-Woolston the boys back to Baltimore. The ene- a Go.Id Bug. The man read the newspaper from begin- choice because Its members do not know the capa- Cont. on Page 4, Column 4 ning to end with obvious reactions. When the crowd ~~~~e~oo\~a~~~eg~~ti~~nfhf:~ni~~~~f:n~nd they Boys Baited For Betrayal • • • around him stood up to cheer or became violently con- vulsed over some detail of the game, the man reciprocated To prevent a set-up of this kind, the Aloha staff ot~;;I:!O~o:dne:c~:~~~di~~~~:il~~ w~~~ ON by turning a page. About the second quarter, he reached ~e~~n~~~~;:r: ~~ilie~ew:;;~~~t:~it~s ~~~hb~~; II later reference to them as "the THE the bottom of the fourth page-and started on the Balti- He more Sun! That's what we like, grand8tand heroics. same manner as the editors of the Gold Bug, usual Maryland rabble." Western had a lovely girl with him. Betcha he reads newspapers which in this case, has proved very satisfactory. Marylandrat caps caused no end of RECORD • at breakafst. Under this system each staff will appoint its sue- interest among the five, who declared • Did anyone ever realize how much Phil Bechtel minus cessors under strict rules which will keep campus they were from Georgetown-another Veronica Kompanek '40 vis i t e rl glasses looks like Mickey Rooney? politics from influencing the appointments. ~~~aslt:;nM~;~.~~:~e;~.d P~~~~,;,o ~:~~ Mary Frances Hawkins last week-end. • The college personified has become a loyal hand-out on the campus. agency lately. Her social value has sky-rocketed since the th:~v~~~~z~e~~m~~~~goff;~~ j~~~O~ c~f:~t t::J Patten, "I thought it funny that they tea-and-cookies-for-two Sunday tradition has been revived privilege that you have looked forward to, and ~:~~;sized that Green Terror busi- Robert Benchley, well known emcee, in McDaniel Lounge. Day students, students, family and writer, comedian and screen star, is friends are invited and urged to attend, and if you want !~:~.O~h:o~:S::fisc~~~es~~Y~%i!~ ifnmt~ar~\~~~: Woolston remembers the eagerness rumored to have been present at the the nostalgic thrill of drinking from a cup of thin china tably means a much improved Aloha, would you :~~~t ~~:~; ::;i i:e~~c q~e::~~~~: game last Friday night, .. on the ';just like mother's," the lounge is your place. not willingly sacrifice this. privilege? tussle of the night before. "They Western Maryland side. Food Faro Fair • • • asked us if we took part in it ... and ly Anne Cox '43, last week-end before • said again,and again that Miss Tweed has done wonders Jean Cox '40, visited her sister Sal- We have What has happened to dining hall luncheon? Maryland That we told them, Yes! come motorized had her plans." but we spiked going to the game. with college victuals. But it was rare fare the day she Rod Cross Drive "And they asked us" Patten again, Miss Nannie C. Lease spent several sprang the soup and crackers, limited, on us. We suggest "what we, as fellow rivals of Mary- that all nearby "greasy spoons" be supplied with dining We take this opportunity to land, thought of it. And we told 'em days last week visiting on U!.e cam- hall menus so that when the dilling hall is short the local recognize the national campaign plenty. we blew off about 'that pus. eateries can be long. for funds of the American Red country club' and 'those mud flats ou~ • And chilled milk and fig-newtons in the kitchen after Cross and urge students and from Washington' ... It turned out Kenneth Adriance '38, and Clif Friday's game hit the spot much more successfully than faculty to do their part, how- two of those five had been here the La throp '38, were among the Sunday the eats-a-la-bedlamt in Baltimore after the Bucknell ever small. night before ... When they found out visitors. Mr. Adriance is working in game. In these times of war and I was from Catonsville they asked if chemistry for the Corning Glass strife, the world looks to the I knew a slew of girls from home- Works in Corning, New York. Red Cross. for aid. Relief this lind everyone of them goes to Mary- QUOTE BOX------------, year will be used for national land. Right there 1 smelled a rat- Ben Linthicum, elt-'43, is enrolled I and international purposes. "A terrapin," put in Woolston." They in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute Laugh at liFe with in Blacksburg, Virginia. the rest. "You can imagine • • • insisted we have dinner with them- Robert Siemon '43, and Emanuel • TWO REPORTERS OF THE University of Akron Eleanor Healy in Georgetown or College Park may- be. But I said, 'no', and they offered to take us anywhere in Baltimore we Kaplan '43, have been pledged by Del- Buchtelite conducted a campaign to determine the per· ta Pi Alpha Fraternity. Library Schedule centage of people on campus who say "heUo," and found that 80% of the students said "hello," or some variation, For the convenience of our readers we are glad and that more people spoke inside the buildings than out. to announce a change in library procedure. The CAMPUS LEADER reserve box in the hall has been abolished and re- • FROM THE HI-PO of High Point College, we snitched serve books due before 9 :15 A. M. are to be re- the following: turned at the first floor desk. The lower floor Thomas Fl'anklin Lewis entered "Just imagine a large gray slice of chGColate pie with reference room and the periodicals room will t.he ring January 7, 1921, at Frost- worms in the middle!" open at 8 A. M. The library is open as follows: burg, Maryland. Both the Lewis We'll have to get Miss Tweed to rustle one up some Week Days Monday children, Timmy, and Vil'ginia- time. 8:30 A. M. to 11:50 A. 1\1. 8:30 A. M. to 12.20 P. M. twenty months older-have been Wes- 5 P.M. 1 5 P.M. te.rn Maryland students. • APPARENTLY THE WEST doesn't grow optimists. 9:45P.M. 9:45P.M. Began schooling in Normal Train- Two years ago a weeping willow tree was planted on Saturday ing School in Frostburg where he Northwestern University campus with the hope that the 8:30 A.1\'[. to 11:50 A. M. skipped the four~h grade and had tree would grow to maturity. It is to be cut down when 4 P.M. trouble, eonsequently, in multiplyillg the first Northwestern student is killed in war. figures of two illtegers. Ran the gauntlet of Beall Junior High School • THE AKRON BUCHTELITE informs us that late School in normal THE GOLD BUG and BeaU High played soccer and bas- hours are bad for one, but not for two. span of years; ketball and began his career as a • THE GOUCHER WEEKLY says that one of their OllkfBl "tudent newspaper of Wutern M",ryland College. publlohed girls "penned her fate when she signed out To. Druid Hill dance organizer. Was treasurer of d~~rype;ro"ls'~"Jhr~~tr~~~ ~~8d8s~~i~ieV~~~~i;:.~Pii:~r!~"a~01~~:,.i:3~~~~ Park. Further investigation revealed that _our friend was matter at Westminster Post omo". under the Aet 01 M",reb S. 1879. his senior class and one of the cheer only bicycling." SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR leading crew. Beeame a perennial also· ran-for-president in a school where a Just the same we think t'would be unwise to sign out Mem~t )lreponderance of female students "back-campus" and expect the officials to believe you were I=\ssocialed CoUe6iale Press continually elected a female leader. going on an astronomy field trip. Highlight was his career as one of Disuibutorof .- the Post Toasties' Junior G-men. Thomas Lewis • AFTER FIVE MONTHS of questioning participants, CDlle6iole Di6est Entered Western Maryland in 1931 Lieutenant, Company A. 2nd Platoon, Sammy Kaye has uncovered, according to The Gettys- to major in biology, chemistry, and secretary-treasurer of the Officer's burgia:n, some interesting and screwball reasons why peo- E'ducation; minored in dance commit. Club. Is eo-captain of U!.e varsity ple want to lead bands. One middle-aged married man tees. As a freshman, he played bas- ,sGCcer team. said that it would give him an excuse to get out at night. ketball and started his career in val'· "I wouldn't trade these four years The prize answer, however, came from a New England sity soccer. Pledged Alpha Gamma for anything. They've changed me, boy named Russell. He longed to lead a band because he Tau Fraternity. whether for better for worse. At had already thought up a swingy slogan: "Rustle your During his sophomore year, he least they put a spark into my ambi- bustle with. Russelll" clinched a starting berth in soccer tion." He wants to teach; and when U~R,..... n".OR""'TION"""'''YUT1.'''.''' for three years. Was elected at end he is old enough, if he can, he wants • THE SUBJECT OF THE DAY is definitely "the National Advertising Service, Inc. of the year as Student Government to enter the United States Army. draft." Nearly every college paper that floated into the College Puhl',her~ Re/>re,ent4l'''' Representative for junior class; he Still hangs onto his desire to be a Gold Bug office contained editorials on this topic. still maintains the position. Was doctor, but sees little possibility of President of the junior elass last year fulfilling it. With all his duties he • IN RAKING THE STUDENT BODY of the Wom- BUSINESS STAFF and member of junior class in Ad- says, "Take things as they come. Too an's College of North Carolina over the coals for inatten- BUfH'NESS MANAGER Edward Weant, '41 "anced Military. much energy wasted worrying," tion at a lecture, the edi_tor of The Carolinian called it "an ADVERTISING MANAGER Werner Orrison, '43 This year as a senior, Timmy has Has driving interest in having a illmannered, stupid, provincial, immature, and frivolous CIRCULATION MANAGERS ..William Vineent, '42 audience." Mary Louise Asbury, '41 ngain been elected president of his f,ood time and is neVer missing when class. president of his fraternity •. there is. be had, Now they know!
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