Page 22 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmltlster.,;",;;M;:;d;;',,;O;,;ct,;;o;;;ber;;,,;3;;;1;,,';;;19;:;40;""====",,,,==~====~=~ College In Straw Poll Votes The Sadie Hawkins Day night and day so that the circles under Woolston Vows Revenge "We're just everybody can grim. grew Woolston Notice have fun. for Return Of FP R---To Hyde Park Females Prey the eyes of:- Jack 'Committee - Phyllis waiting any next year. to I'd like to paint that frat house yellow. And if Entertainment Rudy clipping be done- there's Jl.fansberger, Rawlins, If the sentiment on the Western Maryland campus is an in- Cade; Refreshment Committee--Jane bring it to me." dication, the 'nation on November 5 will vote the return of Presi- OnCoyMales Fraley, Thelma Bowen, Ed Weant; Patten broke in, "One of these guys dent Franklin D. Roosevelt-to Hyde Park. Decoration Committee - Mary Lou dragged us over to a sorority house The Republican challenger, Wen- ~ _ Asbury, Ike Rehert, Werner Orrison, to meet his girl. I had to tell him dell L. Willkie, received 268 votes to Nemo Robinson, Mary Turnley, Bert she was a looker, but-you know, defeat, by almost leo tallies,· his "Alley-Oop! There's one, girls, Jones; Advertising Committee-Lucie Western Marylantl girls are differ- Democratic rival, who polled 178 standing right in the open with his Leigh Barnes, Joe Workman, Snooky ent." Patton grinned. "You know," added Woolston, "This votes. bare face hanging out!" And when Sehrt, Libby Tyson, Sara Belle hair cut. .. I didn't like it at first. Although the vote indicates that you hear these classic words all over Veale, Bob Sorensen. but it's growing on me." the Hill .ia a Republican citadel, 4 the campus it's open season against write-in ballots were cast for Earl the male of the species homo sapwns Woolston And Patten Browder and 8 for Norman Thomas. at Western Maryland again or, to put whereby CARROLL THEATRE Many of the 460 ballots included it bluntly, Sadie Hawkins day is a- (Cant. from page 2, col. 3) written-in opinions, peeves, and dero-- coming, and it's a-comin' fast. On my uncorked a plan to them gations. November 16, just about two short if Western Maryland cheer leaders The straw vote, sponsored by the weeks away, the gals of the campus took the Maryland captive to the mid- Today, Oct. 31 "YESTE~DA Y'S HEROES" Gold Bug and the Men's Student-Gov- can take the men of their choice dle of the field at the half, they were Saturday, Nay. 1. 2 ernment, was conducted at supper down to the gym, and a good time to be mobbed and Woolston and Pat- Friday, "COl'lIIN' ROUND THE Tuesday climaxing several weeks of will be had by all, except those ten held till Western Maryland came MOUNTAIN" intense private campaigning. Most shamelessly frightened "Lil Abners" down to fight for them. Starrillg Bob Bums, of the dormitory rooms contain pic- who are home hiding behind the piano "So we escaped," laughed Patten. tures and posters extpling the mer- or at Lafayette hiding behind a foot- "At Caton- and Frederick Avenues, at lUonday, Tuesday, Wednesday Nov. 4, 5, 6 its of either candidate. Since Galen ball. a Ted light, we hopped out and they "DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" Ross cannot make up his mind, he Cap Kidd and his Buccaneers will didn't try very hard to stop us. They with solves the problem by plastering one be on hand to greet the mob at seven were going after dates, and I think Don Amcchc and Betty Grable side of his room with Roosevelt stick- o'clock, at which time the coeds will they were glad to be rid of us." STATE THEATRE ers while the other side contains drag in their bewildered prey or likenesses of Indiana's favorite son. their bashful selves-fifty cents drag, Fred Kullmar has set up Republi- thirty-five cents stag. \ IT PAYS TO SHOP Thursday, Friday, Oct. 31, Nov. 1 NIGHTS" "ARGENTINE can headquarters in McKinstry Hall Some unique and really good enter- The Ritz Brothers from which he distributes propa- Touch Football tainment has been planned, and the \ The Andrews Sisters ganda. (Cont. from page 3, col. 2) other committees have been working at PENNEY'S Saturday, Monday, Tuesday The Ram, conducting a poll at Nov. 2, 4, 5 Fordham University found that -tbe r-elinquished. Lavin's toss to Pret- Lurn & Abner students there emphatically opposed tyman was good for the point. JOHN EVERHART ROLLER SKATING in a third'term and gave 860/0 of their The cinching points came five min- THE COLLEGE BARBER "DREAMING OUT LOUD return to Willkie. utes later when Williams threw an- AND BOBBER AND BOWLING Wednesday and Thursday At Gettysburg College two polls other pass to Eckenrode who made a AT THE FORKS AT THE "lUYSTER~~ RAIDERS" were made, giving the GOP candidate diving cilch in the end zone to finish Hear thc ELECTION RETURNS 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 edges. the scoring. RAINBOW at both theatres Don Honeman, flashy Preacher back, boosted his point total to eighty- SMITH '" REIFSNIDER BIG PIPE CREEK PARK MIDNIGHT SHOWS ON NOV_ 5 starting at 12 A. M. one during the Preacher-Gamma Incorporated Located between Taneytown and Westminster Allnull Called Bet game on Tuesday. Behind the LUMBER-COAL Why not arrange a skating party for ,at the State on Nov. 8. Free turkeys will be given away well executed blocking of Jack Ryan, In First Draft Honeman scored four times to spark WESTMINSTER, MD. your organization 1 the Preachers to a 30 to 6 win. Lee To Benjamin Allnutt. number Lodges' final quarter catch of Nemo pass the completed 3,175, goes the honor of being the Robinson's scor-ing, The Gamma Bets' Preacher's first Western Maryland student to be called in the draft. Mr. Allnutt's score was tallied by Eckenrode when number was the eighty-second drawn he snagged Lavin's pass in the end had it in his district which means that he is zone after defense men. bounced off two Preacher eligible for the first draft. Mr. Allnutt, from Dawsonville, Md., says that he will ask for defer- THREE CHAIR SERVICE ment until the end of the school term No Waiting and that then he will welcome the HEAGY BROTHERS' opportunity to take military training BARBER SHOP for a year. Next to Post O/fie6 Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop ... Newest Things In ~porlsWear $1.00 - $1.98 If it's a sweater you need you'll find one at Rosenstock's. Long and short sleeves. Every color and size in stock. $1.98 - $2.98 You'll rave about them when you see how smartly they're styled in every color. Sport Shirts - $1.00 - $1.98 W6pt64S(/!lf Long sleeve tailored shirts in all colors. Shirts t~at will go nicely with your skirts. 51.00 - $1.98 AfORE SAlOJ{!J _ TPE WAr TO Sport Oxfords Today, more than ever, people are taking to Chesterfield because Chesterfield concentrates on the important things in $1.98 to $4.00 smoking. Yousmoke Chesterfields. and find them cool and pleasant You light one after another, and they really taste bet- Brown and white with rubber ter. You buy pack after pack, and find them definitely milder. soles. Also smart brown and black sport oxfords, sizes 3% to Moke your£' For complete smoking satisfaction 9. All widths in stack. you can" buy a better cigarette Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop nextpGUESTERFIElO COLLEGE HEADQUARTERS 67 E_ Main Sf- WESTMINSTER, MD.
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