Page 26 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wcstminstel', Md., November 7, 1940 ,Honor Socidy Local Students Keep Prof. Spangler On The Record "Ex-student, Married, Argonauts Elect Wits When Involved To Present , Thinks She Deserved (Continued Anna from Page 2, Column 3) Mary McGivern '40, Brown Thirteen New In Auto Crash Recitals "An In Family Course Jeanne Lou '39, and Dorothy '40, Smith '39, Marjorie Cairnes Slaysman Members Virginia Saturday, and Alvin Newton '40, Prof. Oliver K. Spangler's annual Posted on Dr. James Earp's bulle- were here Saturday and assisted initia- in Last the Sigma Sigma Tau formal Jockel 'I'riesler Henry were on their way to a dance in Bal- series of piano recitals wiII consist of til; board is a post card from one of tion. Mrs. McGivern's husband is now in Hawaii and she wiII join stationed Thirteen new associate members timore when they hit and turned over three recitals, each devoted to the his last year students in Family Psy- were elected to the Argonauts, the a car that steamed out at them at works of lin individual composer. chology. The card is from a young him there soon. . honor society on "the campus, at their The first recital of the series to be lady who was rated with a "B" in the The Gamma Beta Chi fraternity first meeting on Friday, November 1. Gwynns Falls Parkway and Garrison presented on November 15, will eon- course, but, in light of circumstances, opened the annual rushing season At this meeting, which was held at Boulevard. Miss Jockel, in jumping sist of the work of Johann Sebastian pointed out that she should have had with their smoker on November 5. the Miss Robb's home, the formation of cut of the car to 'help investigate car, Bach; the second, which will come an "A." Doctor Earp makes no com- Delta Pi Alpha is holding theirs No, from the overturned screaming e new eonstitution was proposed enrl dropped a quarter and oblivious to sometime in January, will include ment but the card was from Betty vember ll-Pi Alpha Alpha the fol- will be voted upon at the next meet- broken glass, flowing gasoline and the works of Ludwig von Beethoven; and Schaeffer Cissel, who was married lowing week, and Alpha Gamma Tau iug. the final recital, devoted to the works Aug. 30. The card was written on her is closing the season on November 26. Dr. Wills, the speaker for this bedlam, raced down the street after of Johannes Brahms will be presented honeymoon to Niagara Falls and Mrs. the Injuries were eheckel, elusive meeting. chose as his topic, "Our Re- slight, however, and when the party late in February. Cissel is out to earn an "A" in prac- JOHN EVERHART lation to the European Situation," was collected, Mr. Triesler in the A new feature of the recital series tical application. THE COLLEGE BARBER This led to much questioning and dis- splendour of evening clothes, was dis- will be a series of talks by Miss This is not the first by far of the AND BOBBER cussion among the students present. Maud Gesner, who will make intro- members of Doctor Earp's concrete I AT THE FORKS family Those elected to associate member- covered in the middle of the intersec- ductory 'comments about the music class to step off into the ship of the Argonauts were: tion efficiently directing traffic. and composers. from the theoretical. Perhaps a fol- Arnold Fleagle, Mary Kathryn All the recitals will be presented in low-up of the lives of these students Uudson, Lucie Leigh Barnes, Miriam O'Leary Seeks Money Levine Music Conservatory, and stu- would cause a boom in the sociologi- I Bond, Ruth Caltrider, Virginia Swee- dents will be admitted free of cal department. The ney, Mary Elizabeth Tyson, Janus (Continued from Page 1, Column 2) charge. Yentsch, Louise Young, Paul Alelyu- $86; the women have pledged $109, Coffman-Fisher naa, Philip Bechtel, William Leather- of which $58 has already been col- Thoming To Speak Here SMITH & REIFSNIDER man, and Isaac Rehert, lected. Of the $86 pledged by the Company men $28 alone has come from "D" Dr. J. F. Thorning of Mount St. Incorporated section of Norman Ward Ra~1. Mary's political science department Reynolds Addresses ORC will address the International Rela- LUMBER-COAL DEPARTMENT STORE tions Club on Monday, November 11 Lt. L. S. Reynolds, ROTC instruct- at 7 P. M. He will speak on Oriental WESTMINSTER, MD. or, will speak on "Modern 'Veapons" Play Cast Selected affairs, having spent the summer in Ready-to-wear 'before the Reserve Officers' Club of (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) Asia. Sport Wear Carroll County tonight at 8 P. M. in ins, Ruth Reed; Homer Van Fleet, the military building. All senior ca- Joseph Whiteford: Elmer Sweeney, We carry a full line of Phone 300 Millinery det officers are invited. Mojud Hose Lawrence Brown: Nancie Lee 'Eaulk- -CARROLLEEN Nisley Shoes ner, Mary Louise Asbury; Magda Ladies' and Men's The"Short Of It Svenson, Mary K. Hudson; John Freeman Shoes Fraham Whitfield, M. W. Sears; Jane HOSE Individual Coiffures Easley Shirts (Continued from Page 3, Column 1) Chandler, Doris Hess; Siguard Jung- Beauty in its Entirety Clothing Yet-no one lauds the lineman quist, Michael Maynard; Larry Re- at low prices But the lineman paves the way. gan, Irvin Katz; Roberta Van Special prices on shoe repairing for St. 66 W. Main The backfield stars gain headlines Renssdaer, Madeleine Schultheis; students. All work guaranteed. WESTMINSTER, MD. 11 EAST MAIN ST. That blaze their glory forth. Stenographer, Doris Davenport; Po- J. D_KATZ Phone 102 Their punt and pass performances liceman, George Marshall; Second Are praised as they cavort. Policeman, J. Robb. The dazzling runs and touchdowns Make grid fans pay and pay. Pivot men at center starring_ Who pays to see the lineman? Unsu-ng stars who lead the play. Yet-the lineman paves the way. So I sing the lineman's praises The forward wall is opened, As he makes each signal click. The backfield ace slips through. Unassuming and scant noticed He makes a sparkling line plunge As he aids each plunge, pass, kick, And to him is credit due. In my book each lineman sturdy But the greater glories vanish Is the hero of each play. For the real star of the fray Join me as I sing the praises II
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