Page 28 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO ·The Gold Bug, Westem Maryland College, Westminster, Md., November 14, 1940 OUR OPINION College Women Demand Much-- Let's Stamp Out Th.,. farcical humor eve!" seen on the college stage; Reduce Marriage Chances P.tty (,:m., second, and more important, it made the students realize that the faculty were only human after Cheating and stealing on the campus are prop- all-it produced. a feeling of friendliness between "\Vestern Maryland College women in a positively declining curve of year erly condemned and their perpetrators, when dis- students and instructors never apparent before have slim chancea for marriage," says by year percentage married. These covered, are socially ostracized. But petty the show. Dr. James Earp. Referring to a were the days of rapid business ex- crimes continue unabated and in many cases We are not unmindful of the fact that the fac- study he has made of the records of pansion and sudden increase of wo- they are condoned by the student body. .-., ulty members are busy and do not have a lot of students of this college since its es- men in business. We do not feel that these offenses spring from spare time on their hands. We believe, however, tnblishrnent, Dr. Earp of the sociolo- The multiplicity of Western Mary- a desire to do wrong but rather from thought- that the results accomplished by such a produc- gy department pointed out that de- lend women that go as teachers into lessness on the part of-a few who faU to take into tion would be well worth the trouble necessary to spite a positive trend toward mar- small communities where eligible consideration their fellow students before acting. put it on. 'l'iage among all women, the trend males are few is a potent factor in The library comes in for its share of abuse un- The student body would be willing to pay to among college women is decidedly reducing our coed's chance for mar- der this heading. Each year students remove see their faculty in their moments on the stage so negative. The percentage of coeds in riage. Also during college years, wo- books, magazines, and papers from the stacks we suggest that admittance be charged and weatern Maryland who have married men meet and associate with men of without bothering to sign for them. The books turned over to the Red Cross. has been almost halved since 1873. their own age whom statistics show are returned, in most cases, but in the meantime • College Meant Little they do not marry-the age differen- the librarians and other students suffer incon- • • • In 1871, for the women, college was tiation between couples being about venience. Especially around examination time The PI.y', Th. Thing practically nothing but a time filler; three years when the girl is twenty- when books are in great demand does this condi- the 'women were younger at gradua- one, (the man being the older gener- tion take place. Also articles are frequently torn House lights' dirri ... footlights go up ... tion, and a college education in no nlly) and increasing as age increases. from the newspapers. A little forethought will the familiar green curtains part. . . . way interfer-ed with their dependence • Women Want Security show anyone that these practices are unfair to And the College Players present their annual upon the male. Today we have built The prime factor in reducing the the student body. Thanksgiving play, this year, "Night of January iii) the idea that it is better-almost a college woman's chances is economic. Going to another situation, organizations de- 16." The College "Players is a group of dramatic }social responsibility - for women to -Sociology students here in 1939 made siring to publicize their functions spend time and art students who have banded together for the work, and once they do, they enter out minimum budgets on which they money to have artistic posters made. They are purpose of keeping drama alive on the campus. the fielde of independent activity. In would marry, and the average mini- hardly on the bulletin boards several hours be- The experience they gain and love of their work 1923, these things began to show up mum yearly income demanded was fore someone has removed them to decorate bis are the incentives which inspire the members to • • • $2000, with a large proportion of the room. Surely students should refrain from tak- greater heights. class demanding between $2100 and ., ing posters until after the advertised function Every year this organization stages a Thanks- $2700. College women, once econom- has taken place. giving play. a Christmas pageant, senior recitals, ON ically independent, hesitate to marry I It has also been called to our attention that a senior class play, and numerous one-act plays beneath themselves financially and al- copies of the Gold Buq and other periodicals are all of which are well attended and greatly en- THE most never will marry beneath them- being removed from the halls. We ask the coop- joyed. " selves educationally. College men eration of the students in this matter. The club, which has no officers, no meetings, RECORD • will and do. And as the college wo- • • and no dues, relies on the revenue collected at the Elinore Jameson eJ:·',Il, who is at- man continually postpones marriage play to sustain them for the whole Thanksgiving for-these reasons her chances become The Faculty Can Act, Too year=-ell the other productions are free. tcndln,; wood C:}II::;~ f('.,· Sc::·~tl!.!,:~q slimmer because she must seek con- D. C., spent tile past in Washington, Smith, To Miss Esther should go director, How about another faculty show? Many up. much of the credit for the consistently superior week-end on the campus. stantly older men who are constantly less liable to marry her than someone perclaeamen who had enj oyed the two previous productions put on by this group. The originator of the cartoon in younger. productions were disappointed when the faculty We ask the student body to attend the Thanks- last week's paper, Bing Miller, was decided, last year, to abandon the idea. We had giving play both for their own enjoyment and to here for the week-end. hoped that this affair would become an annual boost a worthy organization. The name of Joan Daniels was event. Applause house lights blaze forth ... omitted Jast week from the list of Baker Discovers The shaw achieved two results: first, it amused curtain call more applause ... the play is those initiated as 'members of Delta hundreds of persons as one of the best pieces of Sigma I{appa. Kid Stuff Packs University of Maryland was repre- sented again last Saturday among I A Wallop in the --_ studcnts • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --_ QUOTE BOX:----------~ persons of several Whitey Miller-the Slated for the responsibility of call- ------------- . I L_-=- ~t liFe with hair cutter. Alice Wigley Gottswalls on the '37 for ing plays-a position on the football whom was again he had worked Collateral Campus Mary Laugh time his entire congratulations is receiving kum-Harry play child's let Baker Square in Franklin Hospital, Balti- Saturday. • After a big week-end and a full week, it is difficult to • THE WOMAN'S COLLEGE of the Eleanor Healy 01 birth of a son born Saturday, Nov. 9 keep him out of the man's game last University more, Maryland. decide what we should say about the campus in general. North Carolina elected its May Queen on Tuesday, Octo- Baker practices daily with the grid- -. • The powers-that-were in charge of the affairs of Home- ber 29th! Well, there's nothing like preparedness theSIJ Carolyn Pickett '39 became the iron warriors and sustains only the coming put on a good show for the visiting firemen. Bo days. bride of William Brice Worthington usual scratches and bumps, but last Baugher again deserves a hand for his altruistic attempt • THESE SCHOOLS ARE SURELY having trouble Ridgely October 12, 1940 at her home week it took only a recreation class at student entertainment in the form of the "varieties" of with their humor magazines! The University of North in Clarksville, Md. The couple will in the girl's gym to floor him. Play- Friday night. He engineered a natural set-up for laugh- Carolina abolished theirs and are starting all over again live in Ellicott City where Mr. Ridge- ing the stalwart game of "Then the ter whcn he contracted for Badrich- who is an ace at the because ThIJ BucculUer was just a little too peppy. ly is employed in the Doughnut Cor- Boiler Burst," Baker was "it" and, ad-lib technique, and Jim Snodgrass-who is .an ace at The editor of the University of Maryland Diamondback, poration of America. in chasing Razzle Honeman, he forgot unpremeditated humor, Snod had merely to cross the however, complains against ThIJ Old Line as having The e'ngagement of Francis T. the brakes and crashed into the tile stage in that get-up, wave his artistic hands'! and flutter "feebly creaking jokes." The Ohio University Ohioan Smith to Miss Rita E. Graff of Balti- wall and cut open his head. Although his eyes to bring down the house. Great Scott! Little has been discarded because of a poorly functioning busi- more was announced Saturday, No- the cut was taped and protected, it Nell Victory is sure-fire as a belle on Sadie Hawkins Day. ness staff. vember 2, at a reception given by Mr. took only one play of Saturday's game The firemen of this windy city put a bee in the bonfire. M. J. Raese in honor of Mr. Smith's to break it open and reduced .Baker to Next time we'll arrange for a calm before we schedule a It seems that the University of North Carolina publi- 22nd birthday. a gory mess-the victim of the fates. conflagration. cation board has lost a red pencil, and the University of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end the board has worked theirs Maryland overtime ... Highlight, 01 Th. W •• k-.nd Ohioan is in the red entirely. ' • The banquet was as banquets go-as usual. The food • AND HERE'S ANOTHER ANSWER to "Who's CAMPUS LEADER was as usual, the service as usual, the same faces as YehudH" "HIls the guy who makes rimless glaslWS with usual, and the same jokes-as usual. And if the Gamma invisible lenses [tn- the little man who isn't there to read Bets dance was as successful as it was enjoyed or vice between the lines 'Of the unwritten lawl" The Fo-rdham versa-it was a pippin. Tbe decorations committee set Ra1It. contests each year, be class poet and a standard that will be difficult to maintain. N. B. Marv • THE FORDHAM RAMS were given a big send-off by managing editor of the school paper Evans). Miss Benson had the usual trouble gathering the student body and three live elephants. and annual. At East New Market he unto herself her brood-at midnight. Maybe we're dumb, but why the pachyderms? was on the soccer squad. • Now that we have the loud speaking system-a-la- • THIRTY LANGUAGES will be taught at North 'VOl' ked every summer since his Leatherman functioning in the dining hall-the question Carolina in the Bummer session. That mmt even include junior year in high school---on the again arises about music with meals. There is great double talk! Far-m, ill the canning factories, in the deal to be said in favor- of Shaw and Goodman with • THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE ELM says that general store in Vienna, and, last breakfast and chamber music with dinner, Music is sup- "The absence of light by the steps in front of Middle Hall summer, selling Stanley Home Prod- posed to aid digestion. . .. nets. • The JIlerry Men of Windsor who style themselves a and West Hall has caused near casualty several times." Decided to come to college four Blue Ridge band had better call for a recount. Half their Could we say the same for McDaniel Lounge? weeks before he entered Western HOLIDAY was to be granted Gettysburg A MONDAY men are from Western Maryland. • students if their football team was suecesBful in its game Maryland in the fall of '37. His fresh- man year he hibernated and tried to Ca,ualti., and Chariti., 1vith Muhlenberg. catch onto college life. Played soccer. • The pet mouse of the management house was found How's about the same for us, if we swamp Lafayette'! During his sophomore year, was in dead'--probably a case of acute indigestion got from the • THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Enow runs a col- plays, played soccer, became a mem- too good cooking of Misses Logan and Dillaway. SPCA umn called "My Daze." ber of the cabinet of the YMCA. please copy ... the rodent probably ate himself to death. And American U. is in Washington too! pledged Delta Pi Alpha rraternity and • Remember how popular the Sadie Hawkins dance was • SADIE HA JVKINS DAY has taken a little different was immediately elected Gamma last year? It is a novel idea and generally tops in box turn at the University of North Carolina. Down there (chaplain) which office he has held office appeal. Last ye~r it-was held for charity but this the girls draw a namw from a fish bowl and then esco-rt Olin Harper LeCompte since for three terms. year charity begins at home, tbe Gold Bug coming out said boy to eM dance. By means of Paltl Jones dances, Olin Harpel' LeCompte began life Junior year he continued as a thes- twice as often without a raise in college appropriations. the girls will exchange dances four times during the eve- on a farm ncar Salem on the Eastern pian, played soccer, was on the cabi- If you read the paper, support it-and have fun besides. net of the SCA and edited the frater- ning. They will escort the fourth person home. Shore of Maryland, April 28, 1921. Always lived in Dorchester County, nity year book. As a senior, he is now near Vienna between Cambridge a member of the newly formed of the SCA. DRAC, and, as president THE GOLD BUG MembeJ lind Salisbury. was editor of the Frosh Bible. school house [:lssocialed CoUeeiatePre" with Entered a one-room seven grades Asked about hobbies, Mr. LeCompte twel;lty students, Dislribuloro! and one teacher. After four grades looked sad. "I've· tried to cultivate Colle5iale Die;e~1 he went to the Peachblosso'm Elemen- one but I can't. I sleep. I used to tary School and the "seminary" both read before I came to college put not EDITORIAL BOARD in Cambridge. any more. I get in an awful lot of bull sessions. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF "Henry C. Triesler, '41 BUSINESS STAFF Attended Cambridge High School ASSOCIATE EOITOR Ruth l'I1ansberger, '41 Bnr~rnF.~.c:: MAN AGER , " Edward Weant, '41 f0r three years with one year at East "I'm going to be a minister. Since MANAGING EDITOR" , Isaac Rehert, '42 ADVERTISING MANAGERS Werner Orrison_. '43 New Market in the middle. Although I have been in college, most of my ~lt1~:~~~¥~T~·~:::.:.:~:.::,:.::·:.::·::.:~~~~~::~Wi~~~~io~f:~~::!~ CIRCULATION MANAGERS ....William Vincent, '42 '42 he travelled sixteen miles to and from opinions have changed. But I want Betty Cormany, daily-he to go into some kind of work of ser· school-hitch-hiking home '41 Mary Louise Asbury, found time to enter the declamation vice. I like it best."
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