Page 21 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland. College, We,uminster, Md., October 31, 1940 PAGE THREE THE • SHORT Dickinson Red Devils Next .'===== OF IT Foe Of Terror Gridders By Bill Robinson Maryland Whips Green And Gold To Caplur. SPORTS EDITOR Sial. Championship-Local Squad Favor.d In Well you can't win 'em all. All that can be said after Friday's game Contest AI Carlisi. On SalurJ.y Afl.rnoon . is that the Terps to get back on Western Maryland's fqotball team will attempt were too good for the win side of the ledger this Saturday when they travel to Car- the local Grid- lisle. Pennsylvania, to meet Dickinson College in their fourth game del'S and the vic- of the 1940 campaign. tory scored by Maryland was This year finds the two teams boasting similar records, with their fourth in- Dickinson winning two games, losing one and tying one. The Ter- the last four rors on the other hand have won one game, lost one, and tied one years and com- with opponents of slightly higher calibre. pletes a cycle. Terrors Tally Nineteen Points So Far The present se- Western Maryland thus far has scored 19 points to the oppo- nior class has sition's 6, while Dickinson in one more game has totaled 18 points failed to see 3 to the opponents' 7. All of the Terrors tallies, however, came in the ROBINSON Western ?If a r s- opening session with Mount St. Mary's, while the Red Devils' have land triumph been spread out over a four game span. over their traditional rivals. Opening up against Delaware, Dickinson got off to a good On the credit side, the Terrors start in downing the Blue Hens, 6 to 0, but the next week failed to outstatisticed the College Park- tally and were held in check by Ursinus in a scoreless tie. Wash. ers, as the Havensmen accumu- ington and Jefferson downed them by a one point margin for their lated 12 first downs to the victor's only loss thus far. Last week the Red Devils came back and 7. gaining 205 yards to a 201 toppled a favored Roanoke eleven, 6 to 0. total for the Terps. On paper the Murphy Scores On Pass For Terps Terrors looked unbeatable but on Impressive in their first two starts, Western Maryland bogged the field it was lack of blocking, down before the University of Maryland Jast week, dropping a 6 both in the line and downfield to ° game and, along with it, the state championship. Maryland t~at seemed fundamental in the took an early advantage when Mearle Du Vall passed to Jumping defeat. Joe Murphy in the end zone for the only score of the game. From there on the 'I'erps went on the defense and repelled the Green and R.d Devils- Terrers Gold on every scoring occasion. Several times the Terrors marched down the field, only 'to lose Even though Friday evening was the ball on downs or interceptions, and once a penalty nullified a a failure as far as local fans are con- cerned, the season is a definite im- long gain which would have placed the ball deep in the Old Liner's provement over last year so far. The territory. Manny Kaplan was rushed from all sides when passing, and the .offenslve line was not any too good on downfield blocking. Terrors will be favorites when they answer the opening whistle at Car- Credit where credit is due must be lisle on Saturday and the b'hoys are 26 Bachelors Tie given to Kaplan, Irv Biasi, BoBo confident of repeating last year's Knepp and Bob Faw. Knepp was a to 0 score. Western Maryland and thorn in Maryland's side on the at- Dickinson are participants in a non- Pi Alpha Alpha tack, and Faw made several impress- scouting agreement, so the game may ive tackles. Mack McPike and Fred result in a wide-open affair. After their thirty to six defeat of Bohn, before they were removed If the Green and Gold expect to the Gamma Bets on Tuesday, the from the game due to injuries, were bring home the bacon, they will Preachers remain in possession of consistently in on Maryland plays. have to show a little more fight first place in the fraternity touch and a more definite will to win. football league and this victory gives Coach Havens may juggle the Delta Pi Alpha a record of four wins G-Burg Foe Of starting line up quite a bit, re- and no defeats. Second place was _ placing seniors with under-class- thrown into a -hopeless deadlock on Frosh Gridders melt. Fred Bohn is leading the last Thursday when an inspired way toward a regular tackle post, Black and White team nosed out the while Bob SOrensen and Bob Gamma Bets by an 8 to"'6 count. Mon- Here Tomorrow Bricker may return as regulars day afternoon's contest between the in the seecndar y, This corner ....wall Bachelors and Gamma Bets further- Gettysburg will bring a powerful would like to see the return to ed the futility of the standings, when group of gridders here tomorrow to the forward wall of Ed Lewis the latter upset the Bachelors. test the fr-esh club on Hoffa Field at who performed creditably last Thursday's battle between the 3 P. M. G.Burg, whose freshman season when all the chips were Gamma Bets and the Black and . team was undefeated last season, down. Whites was unique in the fact that it again boasts a strong outfit coached game Frosh Looking Up was the first feature a of the current by Charley Gelbert, of baseball fame, who will accompany the thirty-seven season game-winning to Every cloud has a silver lining and safety. men. the freshman gridders are having a Eckenrode Snags Pass F And l'II Trips Bullets fine campaign so far. Against prep The Gamma Bets drew first blood The purple team has played but one schools who have reputations among when Tom Lavin's third quarter pass game this season, losing a close de- Eastern elevens, Bruce Ferguson's was taken by Neil Eckenrode in the cision to the Franklin and Marshall crew has looked fine and tomorrow end zone. The all-important attempt yearlings, 7 to O. Charlie Beaver ran will get their first opposition of the for point was batted down. Later in sixty-eight yards for a Bullet touch- collegiate variety as Gettysburg in- the fourth period, Paul Cummins, the down, but the score was nullified by vades Hoffa Field. Revenge will be mainstay of the Black and Whites' .Illl off-side penalty. The game was the keynote as the Bullets ran over attack all afternoon, shipped a high close throughout and Gettysburg out- the Baby Terrors last year- 32 to 0 as pass to Roger Saltzgaver who gath- passed F and I'll using the combina- they carried on an undefeated season. ered it in and crossed the goal line. Their try for point also failed. On GETTYSBURG LE 'I'"ESTERN lID Beard Je'naen the kick-off following the touchdown, Rosetti LO LT Kittner Spinoz.i Pennington Tie And Loss the ball struck Lavin's White until ~:~~ngie ~ T!!ouprake foot in the 2~::~i~\ end zone and eluded his grasp Mu.slem&n and team the entire Black Stop Booters swarmed about him. Bert Jones, i~~~1~, a: ~i'lf.owski DeMan"" O'Keefe Black and White wingman, made the game-winning recovery. FRANK SUFFERN and MANNIE KAPLAN will go into ,FB Tercshinski Still looking for a first triumph Gamma Bets Whip Bachelors action on Saturday when the 'I'errors engage Dickinson at Car- tion of Danny Emanuel doing the of the season, Dr. Nathan will take As if in revenge for this defeat at lisle. The game will be part of the Red Devils' Homecoming cele- pitching, and Tony Yovicsin, the the Green and Gold to Carlisle, Penn- the hands of Pi Alpha Alpha, the bration and Western Maryland will do all in its power to upset catching. Bud Beard, the left end, sylvania to tangle with the Dickinson Gamma Bets came back strong on the apple cart .. starred on the defense. College booters as a feature of the Monday when the protested first A mighty Mercersburg team was annual Homecoming Day celebration, round game was replayed. They humbled by the Baby Terrors last The game, which will begin at 10 A. pushed the Bachelors about, winning FROSH FOOTBALL 1940 Saturday, to the tune of 26 to 0, the M., will precede the varsity football 13 to 6, not allowing them to score worst setback suffered by a Mercers- engagement. until the last five seconds of the game No. Name Pos. Wt. Height Home burg team in the last decade. The Tomlinson Scores Twice when Bill Phillips' desperate forty 15 DeWane Bills B 162 5'9" Painted Post, N. Y. first period produced good ball hand- yard pass was taken by Bill Hauff 36 Charles DeManss 176 5'11" Baltimore, Md. ling and a see-saw battle, but in the In their last two starts, the soccer- across the goal. 26 Charles Hardin G 168 6'1" Hancock, Md. second frame, the fr-esh club tallied ires have still lacked any kind of a Johnny Williams' touchdown pass 45 Sigurd Jensen E 185 6'2" Baltimore, Md. twice. DeWane Bills skirted right end scoring punch, although against Loy- to Lavin early in the tussle gave the 43 Joseph Kittner T 185 6' Corning,'N. Y. for twenty yards, and the initial score, ola and Delaware, Johnny Tomlinson 39 Arlie Mansberge r B 5'11" while later in the same period, Bills managed to dent the nets. On Satur- Gamma Bets a lead which they never 28 Charles Matley 160 6· Wierton, W. Va. tossed a twenty yard pass to Arlie day. the Terrors played two overtime Cont. on page 4, col. 2 24 John McLaughlin C G 170 5'10" Denton, Md. Mansberger, who was tackled on the Peekskill, N. Y. 150 periods in a fruitless effort to break 20 Edward Mogowski E 168 6'2" Baltimore, Md. one yard line. Tom Tereshinski plung- a 1 to 1 tie with Loyola. Sports W••k ... 43 Bart Natalizi T 190 6'1%" Syracuse, N. Y. ed "for the touchdown. Delaware University pulled an up- 32 Arthur O'Keefe B 170 5'11'.' O'Keefe, Del\-:lanss Tally set when they whipped the Terrors on 37 Carlos Ortenzi Baltimore, Md. As the second half opened, the Baby Hoffa Field by a 3 to 1 count Tuesday. Tomorrow-Frosh Football, 3 P. M. 44 William Pennington G 174 5'11'.; Baltimore, Md. Terrors started a sustained drive of The Blue Hens, in scoring their first Gettysburg-Hoffa Field 22 Wilhur Preston G E 170 5'11" Hagerstown, Md. Md. fifty yards, and scored when Otts O'- 6'1" Baltimore, 170 win of their campaign, outplayed a Tomorrow-Touch Football, 4 P. M. 40 Thomas Price E 175 5'11" Keefe crossed the goal line after a listless Western Maryland combina- Black and Whites vs. Bachelors 30 Richard Schling B 140 \'t?," Centreville, Md. five yard run off tackle. Charlie De- tion. Towson Teachers visit the local Tuesday-Soccer, 3 P. M. 46 Donald Sullivan G 143 6 Westminster, Md. Manss scored the final touchdown, Westminster, Md. pitch on Tuesday and the Nathanmen Towson-Hoffa Field 33 Thomas Tereshinski B 170 5'........ Glen Lyon, Pa. when he drove over from the one foot have a 2 to 0 defeat of last year to Tuesday-Touch Football, 4 P. M. 34 Charles Tsouprake C 175 6'1.'~ New Bedford, Mass. stripe. Tereshinski place-kicked two avenge. Bachelors vs. Gamma Bets L_~_-'-_"";': -'--'- __':' j ~~e last :ali.
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