Page 19 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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Presidential Cu.·B.1I And Poll Results Eight B.II P.g.4 P.g.2 • BY THE STUDENTS • Z286 Vol. 18, No.5 WESTERN MAR~LAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 31, 1940 Thirty-Five Famed Ensemble To Play Here Arlan R. Coolidge To Open Women Join Visit \Vith Music Lecture Sororities Will Present S~veral Formal And Informal Violin Recital, In Addition To Discussions On Appreciation Professor Arlen R. Coolidge, violinist and head of the music Sigmas, belts Pledge department of Brown University, will officially open his two and Thirteen-Phi Alpha one-half day. stay at Western Maryland College with a lecture to Mu Gets Nine the entire student body assembly Monday, November 4. Professor Coolidge, whose tour is sponsored by the Arts Program of the As. 'I'hi rty-five girls accepted bids to sociation of American Colleges, will present several recitals, both the three sororities on Thursday, Oc- formal and informal, together with ,_...:.... .....:.__ tober 24. Sigma Sigma Tau and Mr. Roger Boardman, his accompan- Delta Sigma Kappa sororities haw ist. Gamma Bets To each pledged thirteen girls and Phi Informul Discussions for Sponsor Dance Alpha Mu has pledged nine. Time will be set aside during which students may meet the professor Sigma Sigma Tau Coolidge, who, AtHomecomi'ng The Sigma Sigma Tau pledges In- informal discussions of music from elude the following: Virginia Bell, both the listener's and the player's Professor viewpoints. Deborah Bowers, Shirley Bradley, incidentally, is a distant relative of Phyllis Cade, Bette Crawford, Miller, Curtis String Quartet To Present Rudy Kilian To Supply Lois Guba, Georgie Milbey, Mary former President Calvin Coolidge, Wil- Concert In Alumni Hall Nov. 7 Betty Neidert, Jean Pollard, Ridgely will try to contact those who are ln- Music- Will Terminate Pollitt, Joan West, and Peggy terested in music appreciation as well At Midnight as those of the student body and fac- He will Delta Sigma Kappa American Ensemble Has Played Before Kings ulty who play instruments. of musical Gamma Beta Chi fraternity will exchange the encourage Those who pledged Delta Sigma And Nobles Of Foreign Countries ideas and theories. sponsor the annual Homecoming Kappa are: Jean Bentley, Beatrice The full schedule of Professor Dance on Saturday, November 9. Gill Burke, Joan Daniel, Virginia Elzey, The appearance of the famed Cur- ,------- Coolidge's visit at this campus will Gymnasium will be decorated with the Muriel Harding, Doris Harman, Mar- tis String Quartet at Alumni Hall the was chosen by the English Speaking be given assembly Monday, No- traditional white columns and the tha Hodgson, Mary Francis Hawkins, €vening of Thursday, November 7, Union to represent the United States vember 4. Gamma Bet club colors, blue and red. Jeanne Mooney, Mary Louise Sehrt, will afford music lovers of the college musically at the Silver Jubilee of Monday's Program Rudy Kilian and his twelve-piece Marie Steele, Carol Stoffregen and a chance to hear an American ensem- King George V of England. The The following is the program of orchestra, from Baltimore, who play- Virginia Whorton. ble that has performed before nobles group has also performed frequently the formal violin recital to be pre- ed for the Gamma Bet dance last Virginia Crusius, Phoebe Gatchell, and kings of Europe. The members at the home of Lady Astor and in sented at 8 P. 10'[. Monday evening in veer, will furnish the music. The Mary Ann Hassenplug, Eleanor of the quartet include Charles Jaffa both houses of Parliament in London. McDaniel Hall Lounge: fraternity also hopes to have a vocal- Healy, Mary Jackson, Doris Jones, and Jascha Brodsky, violinists: Max Students Admitted Free Partita in E minor... .. Bach-Silotti ist. This dance, unlike the other fra- Doris Lane, Audrey Routson, and Aronoff, violist: and Orlando Cole, On the program to be presented Prelude, Maestoso ternity dances, will begin at 8:30 and Sara Belle Veale are new members of cellist, all of whom are considered to Thursday evening will be chamber Adagio rna non tante gique will terminate at 12 o'clock. - the Phi Alpha Mu Sorority. be dbUugaished virtuosi. music masterpieces of Haydn, Mozart, Sonata no. 7 in C minor ...... Beothoven The custom of having a receiving J.G.C. Instruments Very Valuable and Beethoven. Tickets to the recital Allegro con brio line will be adhered to, for the gueete by Dr. at the dance will be greeted The J. G. C. Club announces the Foremost among today's exponents for non-college people will be Adagio Cantabile and Mrs. Fred G. Holloway, Dean pledging of the following: seniors- of the art of presentin-g music in ble at the office of the Dean of wo- Scherzo. Allegro and Mrs. L. F. Free, Dr. and Mrs. T. Thelma Bowen, Ramona Delta, Phyl- group form, the Curtis ensemble uses men and will cost fifty cents. Stu- Finale, Allegro M. Whitfield, and Dr. and Mrs. E. K. lis Dietsch, Margaret Rich, Made- instruments valued at approximately dents will be admitted free. Sonata in A... . Franck leine Schultheis, Anita Twigg, Mary a quarter of a million dollars, includ- Allegretto ben ¥oderato Schempp. of the dance, Mr. Dennis, chairman has recently Homecoming Wright, and Violet Younger; juniors ing two Stradivarius violins. Drg an, Allegro announces that no stags will be ad- -Dorothy Attix, Florence Barker, teed in 1929, the quartet Recitetive-Fantaaja mitted, and that, in the future, other Mabelyn Bertholf, Doris Davenport, rounded out ten years of touring, in- Allegretto poco m08S0 fraternities will have the opportunity cities and to the lead- Queen Election Ethel Erb, Victoria Hurley, Frances cluding visits to more than two hun- Scotch Fantasy ..-- Bruck to sponsor the Homecoming Dance, if Lemkey, Emily Linton, Ruth Mac dred American Introduetfon, Grave-Adagio they so desire. Vean, Anna Robey, Jean Trump, and ing music capitals of Europe. A queen and four attendants to Cantabile The committees include Bill Den- Eloise Wright. In 1935, the Curtis String Quartet Puck and Titania Scherzo ......Seoern reign on Homecoming Day will be nis, general chairman; Bob Podlich, nominated in the assembly period on Slavonic Dance in G ;;;~~~k~Kreisler Dick Baker, Henry HoIljes, decora- Alumni To Be Feted By Banquet, Monday, November of the Women's Stu- Jota _de Fal'a.-KoCMrnlki tions; Ed Weant, Bayne Dudley, pro- 4, Miss Jeanne grams; and Vernon Wiesand, refresh- Shank, president dent Government, has cnncunced, The Dance, Game At Homecoming queen must be be It senior, and one at- Spanish Op. 58, No. 1.. Rehfeld ments. each tendant will chosen from class. Peter Badrich To Present Floor Homecoming Day, dedicated to the lege's Sho'men, which will be held on entertainment of hundreds of visiting Hoffa Field at 2 P. M. So far, the Election will be held on the next alumni, will include among the events Terrors have an unblemished Home. day from 12:15 to 12:45 and from 3:30 Show At Frosh-Soph Hop of the day fraternity open house, a coming Day record. i'o 5 :30. A penny poll tax must be football game, a banquet, and a dance. A banquet for the visitors will be paid by everyone who votes, and the Freshman Comedian Fraternities and sororities will open held in the dining hall at 6 P. lH. money collected will be used to buy Has Performed On Homecoming Day, which occurs this Tickets for the meal will be one dol- flowers for the court. year on Saturday, November 9, by lar and will admit the bearer to the Wards have been set up as follows: Air, In Night Clubs holding open house for returning dance on the payment of ten cents Ward I-Girls, brothers and sisters. tax. According to Col. T. K. -HaITi~ A~L, McDaniel Lounge Peter Badrich, ventriloquist and ra- In the afternoon the alumni and Ward2-Girls, dio performer, will make his profes- students will witness the football son, in charge of the day's events, l'II-Z, Blanche Ward Lounge sional debut at Western Maryland game between Western Maryland's students will dine at 5:30 in Blanche Ward 3-Men, College when he presents his own Green Terrors and Washington Col~ Ward Hall. A~L, SeA Room floor show at the Frosh~Soph Hop in Ward 4--Men, Gill Gymnasium next Saturday, No~ M~Z, Lobby of Blanc.lJe Ward Gym vember 2. SchoolSpirit Is Theme OfAthletic game the queen and her attendants dance band of Blue Ridge College, will the of Between halves football "Merry The Windsor," Men of Assembly Monday, Nqvember 4 will march on the field, accompanied furnish the music for the dance which The queen will be in~ by the band. Admission la~ts from 8 until 11:30. c1ud'i'd in the receiving line at the will be fifty cents per couple, and School spirit will be the subject of. dance, Bill Dennis, chairnw.ll, has an~ thirty~five cents stag. the assembly Monday, November 4, Pep talks will be delivel·cd by nounced. Peter, with his dummy, Oscar, had when Bob Faw takes over the pro· Coach Charlie Havens and membcl·s performed for over twelve consecutive Peter Badrich and Oscar gram. Mr. Faw, Director of Publici- cf the footbalI squad. weeks at an exclusive night club and ty for the athletic department, plans Having a pep meeting on a large Art Club To Sponsor had broadcast on the Mutual Broad~ Maryland. During his seven years of to have speeches, pep talks, cheers, scale in the regular assembly is an Trips To Museums tasting Company for a similar period professional ventriloquism, Peter has and songs for the entertainment of innovation in Western Maryland his~ previous to his arrival at Western always written his own material. the student body. tory. If it is successful it will be~ The Art Club, at its first meeting, As could be expected, young Bad~ Caleb O'Connor '98, writer of Win! come an annual affair. voted to drop its formal Club organi~ rich's primary ambition is to be a Western Maryland and Dear West· zation, and to unite only in sponsoring Draft Numbers ... consistently good ventriloquist and to ern Maryland has been invited to lead activities for art fans. be a witty writer like Fred Allen. the pep songs. Thanksgiving Vacation ... Among the trips planned by the Students who have registered Through continued training in these Other prominent alumni invited to The college will observe Thanks- committee, which is composed of the under the selective service pro- fields, coupled with his hobbies of sell- nppear on the program include II1ur~ giving Day on Thu..sday, Novem~ officers of the old organization. are visions arc reminded that they ing and cartooning, Peter thinks he ray Menson '17, Commissioner of ber 21. Class exercises will be trips to the Baltimore Art Museum should immediately get their ser- is gradually approaching his ideal. Streets in Baltimore: Charles Moylan suspended for the day. The fine and the Biennial Exhibit at the Cor~ bl numbers from t.heir home The committee chairmen for the '17, Chairman of State Accident In~ for missing classes the day before coran Museum in Washington. town draft boards. Westminster dance are John Rob ins 0 n, gen- surance Commission: and Col. R.
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