Page 18 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 18
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminstu, MeL, October 24, 1940 Professor Arlan Coolidge To ~awV~ Religion To Be Scph Treasurer . . . Visit Campus Beginning Nov. 4 taken on the campus starting this Discussed In omitted from the class elections was The sophomore treasurer vote will be A presidential straw by the Gold Bug Monday, sponsored Professor Arlen Coolidge, of Brown ~ _ and the Men's Student Government. Assembly story in last week's paper. University, violinst and former mem- Clarence ~. ¥cWiliiams of In- dian Head was overwhelmingly , ber of the New York Philharmonic the home of Lady Astor and the The vote is being taken in response Symphony, will be at Western Mary- houses of Parliament in London, and to numerous requests from students Representing the National Confer- elected to this office by the class "land College for two and one-half at the White House in Washington. and faculty. Similar polls have been ence of Christians and Jews, the of '43. The Gold Bug regrets by Chamber compositions the error. Haydn, days beginning Monday, November 4. Mozart, and Beethoven \\:jll be among taken at Gettysburg College, Goucher Baltimore Round Table will present and University College, Two Recitals And Lecture the composers to be played by the hundreds Fordham colleges through- a panel discussion in assembly of other Professor Coolidge, whose tour is quartet for its Westminster audience. Monday, October 28. sponsored by the Association of out the c_ou_n_t,.:_Y" _ Program Each Year CollegeDebate Team American Colleges, will give an in- Each year the Baltimore Round Chooses Resolutions formal daytime recital, and, assisted Holloway Replaces by Mr. Roger Boardman, will present Sorority Bids . . Old College Church Table of this conference, which has For Coming Year justice, amity a formal recital the night of Novem- been established "for among Protest- understanding and ber 4 in McDaniel Hall Lounge. An- Women students who have re- With New URAC ants, Catholics, and Jews," presents Richard Baker, Willard Everett, nouncement of Professor Coolidge's ceived bids to any sororities will and Professor John D. Makosky rep- full schedule will be made at assem- reply this evening between 7:15 The United Religious Activities its program to state colleges and uni- resented Western Maryland College bly on November 4, when he will lec- and 7:30 by taking a written ac- Council has been organized to replace versities. at the annual meeting of the Pennsyl- ture before the entire student body. ceptance or rejection, as the case the old CoJlege Church in order to This inter-denominational team in- vania Debaters' Association held re- According to the present plans, may be, to the clubroom of each make for greater efficiency. The cludes Father John F. Cronin, Pro- cently in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Professor Coolidge will try to contact of the sororities whose bid she change came at the request of Dr. fessor of Economics at St. Mary'S For the first time in its history. the those who are interested ill music ap- has reeelved. Go to the room of Holloway, who also stated, "There is Seminary, Baltimore; Rabbi Philip Association decided upon three reso- preciation, as well as those of the the accepted sorority LAST. a need for more adequate student Bernstein, Temple B'rith-Rodesk, Ro- lutions to be debated by its member faculty and student body who play representation." chester; and Dr. C. Marshall Muir, societies. The resolutions are as fol- musical instruments. Discussion, in Jeanette Brannock, Harper Le- Minister of the Bellefield Presbyter- lows: Coolidge, will be held to en- Dr. Shempp To Talk which the students will question Pro- Compte, Paul CUmmins, Ed Reter, ian Church, Pittsburg. (1) Resolved, That there should fessor and Tane Takahashi were appointed Other Colleges be formed a permanent union between courage the exchange of musical About War Supplies by Dr. Holloway to effect the reor- the United States and Great Britain. viewpoints. ganization. On Tuesday, October 29, the trio (2) Resolved, That democracy in The membership of the new United will speak at Johns Hopkins Univer- Quartet Here, Nov. 7 Dr. Edwin K. Schempp will discuss sity, Baltimore; Wednesday they will the United States can be preserved On November 7, the Curtis String "War Supplies: Where the Axis Religious Activities Council is com- only through increased government Quartet, world famed musicians, will Powers Will Get Them" at the semi- posed of twelve students: the presi- be at Hood College, Frederick, and at control of labor, agriculture, indus- appear here under the sponsorship of monthly meeting of the International dents of the S. C. A., Sunday School, the University of Maryland. All try, and finance. the College. Relations Club on Monday night at and the WesJeyans; four students, three speakers will address a lunch- (3) Resolved, That the Western Selected by the English Speaking 7 o'clock in McDaniel Lounge, elected two each by the S. C. A. and eon meeting of the Baltimore Round Hemisphere should be united into a Union as America's official represen- Dr. Schempp will be the first of a the Sunday School: five students, Table in the Southern Hotel on the permanent union. tative to t.he Silver Jubilee of the late series of speakers to discuss the vari- elected one each by the choir, the subject, "National Defense Demands Professor Makosky has appointed a King Gcorge V of England, the en- ous factors which may influence the Men's Student Government, the Wo- National Unity." junior, Edward Thomas, as manager semble has performed many times at course of the European War. men's Student Government, the Inter- of the debating team for the next two fraternity Council, and the Inter- years. Mr. Thomas will succeed Sid- sorority Council. For Your In-Between ney Mansh in that capacity. At the nine Aloha Campaign Starts fu!~:h~:g;ei~; ~::~::~e~a~;a~~~ ~~~~ • SNACKS. members: present Messrs. society lists Maneh, Everett, Come to the Dersch, Benjamin Allnutt Appoints Staff College Church, the United Religious GRILL Baker, Thomas, Earl Bohle, Grover Paul Council will administer the Activities Alelyunas, Andrew collected pledges. Powell, and Richard Hausler. To Aid In Yearbook Circulation ==========i=-======== The subscription campaign for the , _ ~•••··4?9,)'9"'<~M9l('~.tHf'·~l~4:Rfrtf;·tHA~:~A'tl~f'fi;~ 1941 Aloha. was opened this week Day; men day students-Gene Belt; when Benjamin Allnutt, circulation men of the faculty-Clyde Baden; manager, announced the appointment McDaniel Hall-1st Floor-Deborah of his staff. One person has been ap- Bowers; 2nd Floor-Shirley Reese; pointed to solicit in each dormitory Snd Floor-Rudy Mansbcrger; l!f/~~ division, and four to contact the. day Blanche Ward Hall-1st Floor- students and faculty. Mr. Allnutt Thelma Bowen; 2nd Floor-Alice also reminded the students that the Vollmer; Srd Floor-Ellene Edmond; price of the Aloha is two dollars to 4th Ploor-c-Mary Hastings; women underclassmen and ten dollars to sen- day students-Frances Royer; wom- iors. en of the faculty-Betty Brown. ?~I/d Those who will conduct the cam- The Aloha staff is considering a COOLER •••MILDER paign are: system whereby editors and business Albert Norman Ward Hall-"A" managers will be appointed in much p~ -BETTER-TASTING Section-Thomas Lewis; "B" Section the same manner as the-editors of the -Leigh Venzke; "C" Section-Wil- Gold Bug. This proposed system will rfield has all the qualities that smokers liam Banks; "D" Section-Werner prevent popular election of inexperi- like best - that's why it's called the SMOKER'S Orrison; Ward Hall-1st Floor-Da- enced people to responsible positions, cigarette. Smoke after smoke and pack after vid Brengle; 2nd Floor-Stanley according to Sidney Mansh, business Ritchie: 3rd Floor-Arlie :Mansberg- manager.· Under this system each pack, they give you more pleasure. its successors un- staff will appoint er; Hering Hall-A. Strayer Han- der strict rules which will keep Chesterfields are made of the RIGHT COMBINATION cock; McKinstry Hall-1st Floor- campus politics from influencing the of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. Harper Letjomptej 2nd Floor-Frank appointments. Dr. George S. Wills To Address Argonauts At Organization's First Meeting Nov. 1 SUSANNE TURNE'I! Dr. George S. WilTs, head of the ;- _ MARVSTEElE lind JEAN DONNELLY English department, will address the Newly elected officers of the organ- Argonauts, local honor society, at its ization include Willard Everett, pres- first meeting at the home of Miss Ad- ident; Ruth Mansberger, vice-presi- die Belle Robb, advisor, on Friday, November 1. dent: Jeanette Brannock, secretary; Revising of the constitution, in or- and Benjamin Allnutt, treasurer. der to clarify the purposes and status of membership in the Argonauts, will Tri-Beta To Initiate be the significant business of its first meeting. Seven Students The association has maintained its present constitution since its -urgeni- Beta Beta Beta will initiate three zation six years ago, and it is. felt seniors and four juniors into mem- that the governing rules have not bership at its first night meeting at been altered to meet the changing the home of Dr. Lloyd Bertholf on times. Monday, October 28, at 7:30 P. 1\1:. The following students will be in- ducted into membership: Edith Leidy, Nelda Kalar, Elise Wieder- Gamma Beta Chi To sum, Virginia Sweeney, Doris Daven- Sponsor First Dance port, Janus Yentsch, Robert Podlich and John Doenges. Gamma Beta Chi will present Rudy Following the fonnal initiation Killian and his Kaydets in the first service it is the custom that the in- fraternity dance of the season on itiates entertain the old members Saturday, November 9; as the climax with humorous essays on biological to the homecoming celebration. subjects. Committees in charge include Wil- The president, Helen Willard, has liam Dennis, general chairman; Ed- appointed Doris Hess, Francis Grum- ward Weant, programs; Robert Pod- bine, and Rae Richards to prepare Iich, decorations; and Vernon wet- the program for the evening, Be- sand, refreshments. sides Miss Willard the other officers According to an announcement are Henry Holljes, vice-president; made by Mr. Dennis, stags will not Mary Hastings, secretary; Mary be ,admitted. Ali~_ Klein, historian. _ -
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