Page 17 - TheGoldBug1940-41
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md.. October 24, 1940 PAGE THREE Booters Point For First Baby Terrors Victory Against Loyola Trounce Devitt .===== OF IT • In Snow Storm By Bill Robinson Coach Nathan Makes Several Shifts •• Bob SPORTS EDITOR Shockley Moves To Wing, McWilliams Score 33-0 Triumph- Beat Maryland! After the perfor- mance on Friday night, why not? To Halfback For Greyhound Skirmish Face Mercersburg Against Bucknell, Charlie Havens had Team On Saturday the boys looking In an effort to score their first victory of the season, Dr. Wal- their best since ter Nathan will lead his Green and Gold bocters against Loyola on In a driving snowstorm, the fresh- the 1938 victory Saturday. The game, which will be played on Hoffa Field, will be man football team smashed Devitt over Wake For- the second home test of the year and the kickoff is scheduled for Prep by the score of 33 to 0, The est and for the 2:30 P. M. that we had to Frosh club played an aggressive "It is unfortunate first time in game all the way, and well deserved "many a moon, a start the season against such strong the score which they were able. to Western Mary- teams as Penn State and Gettys- amass. Devitt failed to be the ball land outfit will burg," remarked Nathan and he said club that was expected to give the en tel' the Sta- that he regarded the Loyola fray as Baby Terrors a stiff contest. The dium in the role Terps To Use the beginning of a winning streak. cold and wet hampered both teams, of the favorite. "Several changes in our line-up will and, consequently, an opinion of the the Fast, Powerful Before the sea- be made due to the injury of our cen- true strength of the freshman team and ter forward all week we this ROBINSON son opened l-ave been trying out different combi- could not be formed from this game. view was for- nations." F. Bock O'Keefe Tallies First warded that sophomores would enter Grid Machine l\ICDODOUlI"b The scoring spree was started by the local picture and even take over Elias Tried At, Half Goldberll" Otts O'Keefe four minutes after the Conocen!i a few of the regular positions. At Bob Shockley has been stationed at opening kickoff, as he skirted the this time these newcomers have be- A victory - hungry University of his old post at left outside and Fran- against Gettysburg. On the right right end for the first touchdown. Be- ccme very much in evidence as five Maryland football team will invade cis Cook is now at the running full- side of the line, John Tomlinson and fore the half was over, Charlie 'I'sou- battle for starting positions. Baltimore Stadium Friday night to back position. To fill Cook's p~ace at Frank Tarbutton are holding forth prake fell on a blocked punt for a meet Charlie Havens' Green Terrors. left halfback, Mac McWilliams is be- and to date have carried the brunt of touchdown, and O'Keefe added an- ing tried with considerable Maryland's hopes lie pr-incipally success Gus, Gibby Defensive Stars their backfield picture, where Mearle in and Tom Elias may operate at center the offensive. The left inside post other to his total. Tom Tereshinskl The ends in particular have Duvall; Joe Murphy, and Don Shock- halfback. The half line will be com- will probably be handled by Warren kicked two extra points. DeWane Bills In the second half, Cook, who is improving- daily. looked firre and against Bucknell, ey are likely starters. DuVall, a fine pleted by Duke Windsor, two-year intercepted a pass, raced sixty-five Bernie Gusgesky and Royce Gib- passer, is one to be watched in the veteran. John Han c 0 c k and Bud Greyhounds Are Experienced yards, and then Iateraled to Bart Na- son were the main stays of de- Friday night skirmish and is sldllful Blair, who are the mainstays of the When the Greyhounds visit Hoffa talizi, who ran for the touchdown. fense as far as the line was con- at both long cad short range. defense, will be at their usual posi- Feld for the first time, they will Bills came back a few minutes later, cerned. Led by two hard hitting Murphy, on the other hand, is the tions of goalie and fullback. bring a squad composed of experi- with the final score of the game. backs, Doner and Knupp. the Bi- speed merchant of the Terp squad, In addition to Shockley's transfer enced amateur players from Balti- Joe Kittner, Natallai, and Bill Pen- sons battered the interior of the and thus far has made several long to the forward wall, Tim Lewis is ex- more. A majority of the team have nington shone on the defense, and Terrur wall as they gained ap- runs against stronger competition. At pected to be shifted hom center half played high school soccer and are ex- Char-lie DeManss contributed some proximately 200 yards. This in the plunging position is Shockley, to the attack to replace Bill Robin- pected to furnish considerable opposi- very fine blocking. itself proved that if the locals who can just as well skirt the ends. son, who sustained a. leg injury tion for the Terror soccerites. This Saturday finds Bruce Fergu- expect to continue to be unde- On the line the Terps will out- son's team journeying to Mercers- feated and unscored on, the in- weigh the Terrors by possibly 10 burg, Pennsylvania, to tussle with one ner line wiII have to tighten up, Ia Krause leads the parade with John Preachers Capture First Round of the strongest teams in the East. Big 242 pound Sul- pounds per man. An encouraging note struck Friday Mercersburg has a. light club, averag- llight was that Havens discovered Morton and Bob Smith also in the In Frat Touch Football League ing only 165 pounds. This will be three sixty-minute men - Bob Faw, middle of the line. the fourth game for the hosts, and Mike Phillips, and Bobo Knepp. To catch DuVall's passes, the Old their record is very impressive. Around these men are the hopes of a Liners have Frank Dwyer, Leo Muel- In capturing their third successive Mercersburg Has Power Club victory over the College Park eleven. ler, and Jack Mueller. All three flank- contest of the season, the Preachers Lodge, the Preacher ends, scored the Three weeks ago they opened the men will see plenty of action Friday annexed the first round title of the in- remaining points on passes, both The Week's Hats Off: to Bob Brick- thrown by Robinson. Joe Rouse, season with Devitt Prep, and con- er-e-For- his fine punting exhibition and night. ter-fraternity touch football league captain of the Black and White ag- quered them by a score of 33 to 7. surprise run when the Green and as they defeated the Bachelors by the gregation, was outstanding on pass The following week they played Gold were battling with their backs score of 34 to 12. defense, knocking down several po- Staunton Military Academy, which is against the wall. hopes that anyone interested wiIl This game enabled Delta Pi Alpha tential touchdown tosses. considered to be one of Virginia's contact him. their After the Bucknell fray, even Ha- to stretch to nineteen consecutive winning SOaRING LEADERS strongest prep schools, and when the a record games, streak vens was caught with an optimistic We dislike going out on the limb hitherto unparalleled in the frater- J'onenl8n-Pre8Cher1l TD PAT n T final gun sounded, the score was 6 to Mercersburg Last Saturday, lost 6. Robinson-Preachers grin upon his face as the boys pre- to make predictions, so Neil Eck- nity's history. Tuesday's game cli- Townsend-naehelor~ ~ ~ Ii ~yC~:\~:~eO;06t::o~~:~~~;:a:~ pared to leave the Stadium. Later enrode has consented to st.ick his maxed the Preacher's first round vic- Ry"n-Pre8chero Havens confessed that Maryland has neek out on the following attrac- tories in which they also defeated E""na--Bschcloro , r 0 0 ~ more yards by rushing, and almost Dumler---Pre8cben tions: a team to be wary of. "We will have Gamma Beta Chi by a 20 to 6 count Lodge---PreBehen Bet. } g Prett)"ll1Bn-G8mma OUI> hands full stopping Jack Faber's Western Maryland to beat and Pi Alpha Alpha. 38 to O. TI,ornas-Bache'nro ~ :~;;:dot;~~~I~:n S!:ll~:~~~i~' d!~:a: attack," the mentor stated, "he has Maryland. Bachelors Take Early Lead The local frosh squad finished the Joe Murphy to run, Mearle DuVall to Cornell to top Ohio State The Bachelors got off to an early Devitt game without any major in- \Vake Forest to upset Duke" pass and Don Shockey to buck. This Michigan to squeeze by Penn lead in the championship game when, juries, and everyone is ready for ac- presents a tough combination to beat. on the first play following the kick- SPORTS WEEK . . tion. The team is imbued with great The Terps have lost to good teams," Stanford over Southern California off, Bill Phillips threw a thirty-yard spirit as they point to the Mercers- Havens went on, "and are pointing to Notre Dame to roll over Illinois pass to Pete Townsend who raced the Tomorrow-Football, 8 P_ M. burg game, but beneath it all they Friday's game with us." Northwestern to topple Indiana remaining distance to score. The Maryland-Baltimore Stadium Minnesota to trample Iowa Preachers came' back quickly when, .Saturday-Soccer, 2:30 P. M. realize that the Pennsylvanians will Cross Country "-long shot after a series of running plays, Don Loyola-Hoffa Field be no easy prey. Week's Wash: Dick Harlow up at Honeman threw a short pass to Jack Tuesday-Touch Football, 4 P. 1\1 In addition to his duties as soccer Harvard has his boys going thru the Ryan in the end zone for the tying Bachelors vs. Gamma Bets SMITH & REIFSNIDER mentor, Dr. Nathan is attempting to paces preparing for games to come points. Nemo Robinson made an al- Tuesday-Soccer, 3 P. M. Incorporated rorm a cross country team to make and Dick can't kick-the reason? most impossible catch of Honeman's Delaware-Hoffa Field • its intercollegiate debut sometime Well, the squire of Westminster suf- pass for' the extra point. From this Friday-Touch Football, 4 P. M. LUMBER-COAL tbis fall. After the spring's encour- fered a broken leg the other day and point on the game was all Preacher Gamma Bets vs. Preachers WESTMINSTER, MD. aging campaign with the track squad, is getting around OJl crutches. Both with Honeman scoring three times Nathan has hopes of completing nr- Clutchea and Dick doing fine... Two and Robinson once. rangements so that the local group changes have been made in the soc- Floneman Races Sil:ty Yards JOHN EVERHART may engage other local institutions. cer schedule--in two Cc'!.sesgames By far the outstanding play of the CARROLL THEATRE S{"veral boys, including Lindsay Chase have been moved up a day. Towson, game came early in the second quar- THE COLLEGE BARBER and Bill Taylor, have been holding in November 5, here; Hopkins, Novem- ter when Honeman stepped off right / AND BOBBER Thursday, Friday, Saturday Oct. 24., 25, 26 formal workouts and Nathan has ber 8, away .. tackle. on a sixty-yard jaunt to score, I AT THE FORKS Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in unmolested. "STRIKE UP THE BAND" Elmer EVans, Paul Brooks, and Terrors Meet College Park Gridders In sticky-fingered Pete Townsend were FALL PERMANENTS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Oct. 28, 29, 30 Baltimore Stadium Tomorrow At 8 P. M. outstanding for the Bachelors. Town- Are In Full Swing Cary Grant ., Martha Scott seemingly impos- send made several sible catches and played a nice defen- Try Our "THE HOWARDS OF VIRGINIA" (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) sive game at end. DOUBLE DUTY COIFFURES Thursday, Oct_ 31 did BUcknell's ball can·iers, the game that the Old Liners are definitely not Last Thursday's contest with the SPECIAL PERMANENT "YESTERDAY'S HEROES" should be a winner for the Green and enjoying. One can toss aside the Black and Whites was turned into a. Waves at 53, 54, SS- Gold. Penn defeat, however, for Yale's Bull rout as the Preacher backs ran wild. STATE THEATRE Dogs were beatcn in.a similar fashion Honeman scored four touchdowns LOWRY BEAUTY SHOP Terrors Tie Bisons Tonight, Oct. 24 Thus far the TerrOl"s' record is as. were other major elevens. Vir- himself and supplied two conversions Phone 395 "KIT CARSON" most impressive. Beating Mount St. ginia, also, has been having a good to put his total for the day at twen- Adjoining Post Office with Jon Hall Mary's 19 to 0 and holding a highly year and the Terps did very well to ty-six points. Bill Dumler and Lee Friday, Saturday, Oct. 25, 26 touted Bucknell team to a scoreless hold them to two touchdowns. Florida "SCATTERBRAIN" tie, Western Maryland has the ad- was better by three scores in winning with Judy Canova vantage as far as records go. their first game of the season over HAVE YOUR FILMS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 19 to 0, Marylanders, the picked-on Maryland has yet to win a game, EVELYN Maureen Oct, 28, 29, 30 Lucille Louis losing the opener to Hampden-Sydney but two touchdowns were of the • DEVELOPED O'Hara Hayward Ball 7 to 6 and dropping the next game to scratch variety/ One was an inter- and BEAUTY SHOP in p. powerful University of Pennsylva- ception of a pass and the other a rule ;'DANCE, GIRL, DANCE" r.ia team 51 to O. Virginia's Cavaliers of interference on a Terp backfield- • FINISHED 32 West Main Street Starts Thursday, Oct. 31 illvaded College Pa,·k and triumphed lllan. "ARGENTINE NIGHTS" 19 to 6, and last week Florida out.- Those games, if properly weighed, Westminster, Md. starring the Ritz Brothers classed the Terps 19 to O. show that Maryland is not as weak as The Andrews Sisters its outward appearance. The only Phone 355 Starting Friday, Nov. 1, the Terps Lose To Strong Teams real disgrace is the carly season game State Theatre will be open contin- It is difficult to explain the season lost to Hampden-Sydnel'. uously from 2 P. M. to 11 P. M.
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