Page 16 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Ma.ryland College, We5tminstft', Md., October 24. 1940 MARYLAND'S HERE CAMPUS LEADER • LUCIE LEIGH BARNES --- Campus Collateral , Aren't These Night Raids July 3, 1919 saw Jeanne Miller job this fall has been easy because -------------------------. Rather Childish? Shank enlisted on the townbook of the girls have remembered their • The Baby Terrors played jingle bells through Devitt Centreville, Maryland as a new ar- ABC's." As student head of fresh- Prep last Saturday and a closely packed cheering section rival. Born to the Eastern Shore era- mnn orientation for women, Jeanne rooty-tcot-tcoted to back them up. Reinforced with jack- A week before the University of Maryland dition of "live and love it" Jeanne has ets, mittens, furs, and assorted horse and army blankets game, each year, it becomes necessary for stu- done just that for her twenty-one the crowd looked like refugees from a bundle lor Brita,in dents at Western Maryland to place guards years of opportunity. but-it's fun to sit out and freeze "for the cause." around the outskirts of the campus, to barricade Made a friend in her early years of • Sadie Hawkin's Da,y looms on the horizon again. Vive all entrances to the campus, and to stop all cars Betty Armstrong but they later dr-ift- la Dog-patch tradition. One senior girl enters a request and question suspicious persons. ed apart only to find each other at for one acceptable (meaning tall, rhythmic and slightly These preventative measures are undertaken Western Maryland. They are now addled) date. Applicants may reply at the Gold Bug of- in order to protect our campus from desecration rcommetcs. fice. by a few students at the rival institution who Graduated in 1937 from Dover High Thoughts Coming Home On A Bus: in a consider it great to splash our buildings, pave- School, Dover, Delaware--eighth little Remembers class of sixty-five. ments, and stadium with red paint. We, at the to distinguish her high school career • What a game: The next page will be complete with college, prefer to settle our difference on the grid- technical analysis of the play so we will only say: first, iron. We agreed three years ago to refrain from from that of others except that she that our boys threw a monkey, wrench into that power destructive retaliation and, to om' knowledge, this loved every minute of it-especially drive; second, that we are glad of it; and third;. hold agreement has not been broken. It is too bad that· study periods. Was a cheer leader that line! mature students at an institution of higher learn- and chief rooter for the athletic • The ride home was really the thing. 'I'he innovation ing to have to resort to such childish pranks. teams and a regular performer in of a co-educational bus added a certain note. But the hockey and basketball herself. We don't for one moment believe that more Entered Western Maryland in 1937 pay-off came at the stop at the AandW. Orders had been than a small minority of Maryland students par- and has pursued an athlet!e, domes- taken before the game, but as they could not be telephoned ticipate in these night raids nor do we believe tic and enjoyable career during her in, whcn the loaded busses pulled up for curb service a that this action is sanctioned by the student body. years on the campus. Maintains she stampede resulted. Picture the humble soda jerk when a But is it not significant that the University is the slept through her freshman year and Jeanne Shank streamlined coed demanded, out of a moonlit sky, "Give only athletic rival with whom we have this trou- has never rid herself of her love of saw four o'clock every morning dur- me 120 hamburgers, and hurry 'em up!" And when the at the right with orders line formed ble? the "deep and dreamless." i1lg her first week back at school. cheese, fifteen ham sandwiches, forty-five such as fourteen cokes, and fifty- For many years the football teams of the two Sophomore year pledged Phi Alpha "Hobbies? Eating's my hobby! some special milk shakes. The AandW, on its specialty- schools have met each other annually on the grid- Mu. Her junior year she launched And cooking." Jeanne gets in the the "shakes," resorted to mass production-and they iron. The contest has always been characterized herself as a leader when she became Management House kitchen and tasted like it. The poor apostle who was sent in with by the good sportsmanship and clean playing of vice-president of her sorority and amuses herself with cookie cutters payment-something in the vicinity of $16.00 in nickels, both clubs. Is it not too bad that our rivals can- treasurer of the Home Economics and regulated ovens. An ardent knit- dimes and quarters felt like a penny bank. Everyone got not live up to the sportsmanship of their team? Club. Was elected to the Woman's ter her-self, she is the dispenser of the his order by courses-the dry course first when alI were Student Government as junior rep- Red Cross wool "for-the-cause" hoarse and thirsty, and the drink last when everyone had, • • • reeentatlve. sweaters that are occupying the wo- lost interest. Food tastes good after a game, but we hope Now as a .senlcr she leads the Phi men students . can be made for tomorrow night- advance arrangements Alpha Mu sorority, Shep- Government. Hospital near of the Women's Student is president also herd Wag Pratt Student Dietitian at Baltimore Friday's mix-up created too much confusion and labor for Students Ought To Be Tolerant The job is always hard but Jeanne this past summer. Wants to go into the tired, sleepy ones concerned. down after • It is always amazing how a crowd quiets Of Their Fellows, But ... says "The girls have been swell. teaching of Home Economics or into Baltimore is left behind. Mutterings of sleepers filled the This time last year there was an dietetics. Has her ambitions and will bus. More than one blanket-laden coed sleep-walked with The Draft Bill has gone into effect; and with epidemic of little crimes but the stick to them. the dorms. it comes a wave of emotion to support the army • Is there anything peppier than a yellow chrysanthe- and to do one's duty to one's country. mum before a game or more bedraggled after it is over? Throughout the nation, even on our own cam- Annual Classic Clash pus, are many individuals whose philosophy is Frosh Are Feted and who may refuse to opposed to militarism, The draft law, respecting Maryland Game Climaxes Rivalry A word too, about the Freshman-Sophomore Hop. Des- take military training. pite the curtailment of Rat Rules through fifth column duty and assigns them other Kept Alive Forty-eight Years the will of such conscientious objectors, exempts activities, the frosh have carried on the spirit informally. , them from military Rat caps abound at the games, and the Maryland watch duties in national defense. will be voluntarily maintained. November 2 should find a There are, however, many individuals, also This year marks our fiftieth nnni- showed their good timing." rip-snorting crowd in attendance-both in recognition to represented on our own campus, who feel that versary ill inter-collegiate football. The Terrors showed grit and stam- the frosh as a social unit on the campus, and as support conscientious objectors are unpatriotic, and who, In 1891 Western Maryland was ina. They displayed their resolutio-n, to the first social plunge of the class of '43. in many cases, do their best to make life misera- launched on its illustrious career in unity and Ia,ithltdness to practke, but of the QUOTE BOX----------~ ble for such persons. football. An editorial by B. B. James to their prowess was somewhat cramped The game Friday night is the thir- I in a school publication on the part traits by similar appeared Our democratic system rests on freedom of the effect that "no longer are we to opponent. speech atld of action; and to call those who exer- be classed among the number of col- Laugh at lif. with cise this freedom unpatriotic or "un-American" leges behind the times. The leading tieth of a glorious series. The Ter- is itself contrary to the basis of our governmen- game of college athletics is now en- rors will be aiming to upset the Dia- Eleanor Healy tal system. joyed by our students. A ball has mondback and leave him kicking. • IN GREEK LETTER SORORITIES the letter Delta Although name-calling and prejudice against been purchased, the ground has been is used most, and in fraternities, the letter Phi. Trans- conscientious objectors is practiced in the aver- measured off, the team selected, and lated Delta means "in low places where" and Phi means age uneducated community, there is no place for the members are taking some prelim- ON "mud formed." The Gettysburgian. such action on a college campus. Here, where inary exercise in the gymnasium." Maybe there's nothing in a name though! the "profoundly educated" are trying to help Every school with a football team THE • HARVARD COLLEGE once was so poor that the leg_ those desirous of intelIectual improvement, has its good years and its bad, but iBlatm'e ordered toums to appoint men to solicit subscrip- where are supposed to be gathered those who are through the ups and downs the Mary- RECORD •• tic-ns [or its sumrort, It is now A'merica.'s richest educa.- most familiar with our democratic system and lund game has stood first in the col- tic-nat institution, ha.ving a,n endow·ment 01 $143,000,000. what it stands for, should never be heard such lective Western Maryland mind. Ann Scott ex-43 and Catherine ACP Feature Service. remarks as are heard among less fortunate, more There's something about the Univer- Jockel '40, now assistant buyer in a THE GOUCHER COLLEGE • ignorant groups. sity of Maryland team that rouses the Wilmington dress store, spent the "Diploma Mill." Sounds rather WEEKLY calls college a optimistic. The Constitution, our bulwark against totali- Terror instinct to kill, and the Green week at Western Maryland. Miss N.B. ECONOMICS STUDENTS: tarianism, provides for freedom of thought and and Gold has advanced and retreated Scott was the guest of Miss Mary • "Can you tell me what 'selling short' in Wall Street of expression; and it is more patriotic to exer- in a battle that has lasted forty-seven Louise Sehr-t ; Miss Jockel stayed with means?" cise these rights in the direction in which we years. In 1893 our first Maryland Miss Ellene Edmond. "It means buying-uomething- you can't get, with money really believe than to adopt the philosophy of game was played to bitter 18 to 10 Max Kable ex·'41 is now stationed you haven't got, and then later selling what you never our neighbor and blindly follow the leader. defeat for the Green and Gold. Quot- at Maxwell Field, Alabama, after had and did not pay for, at more than it costs!" The IBR ing from a quote in Prof. l'IIakoskey's completing several months of train- Western Ma,ryland Gollege in the ing at the Parks Air School, St. Louis. Washington ei« Nineteenth Century - "Our second Seen on the campus Sunday were • IF YOU GET WHAT this m.canb"without having to THE GOLD BUG game of football was against tbe on William Klare '39 and Georgia Dixon 8tOp to stir your gray matter, yrn~'re u.s good as you claim Agricultural College to be. Maryland Miss Dixon is now working for '38. their grounds. They had played five the Welfare Board. "Chi O's 01 Ir-Son, G-Burg Hold Outing." omela.! .tlIdeut uewsp~per 01 Weotern Maryland Conege. publhhad games, and had not even been scored In tra,nslation: The Tau Delta, chapter of Chi 01nega ~~~l"Ype;~d~·,d'l!hr~:["V~~~~iOe:.cePi~~r;~6BisOI~~~;:5~~~I~ against. It was a good record, but it A Cl\lJinet meeting of the Officers met with Delta, chapter of Dickinson College at 08aga ..,a.~ter at We.tmin.ter Post Office. nnder the Act of March 8. 1879 had to be broken and our eleven did it. of the Maryland Home Economics Lodge last evening. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR Clubs was held at Hood College Sat- "The teams Hned up and it was urday. Western Maryland was rep- • FOOTBALL COACH SIMMS of St. Mary's of Texas Member noticeable that the Maryland Agri- resented by Mary Beth Smith, Alice called the cheer leaders the "twelfth man of football." I'Issocialed CoUelliale Press cultural College was much neavier be- Rohrer, Edith Leidy, Patricia White, If effort and results are the basis of judgment, surely our hind the line, and about even in the and Ellen Logan. quartet qualifies 100%. DimibulOrof rush line. Their long hair, shin The marriage of Miss Virginia at Ohio State walked into Colle6iale Dieiest guards and rubber noses gave them Karow of Baltimore and Sterling • A CERTAIN PROFESSOR latc to find the clMs gone. the classroom filteen minutes f!. genuine football air ... Their heavy Fowble of Westminster, will take The next day the students were reprimanded. The pro- EDITORIAL BOARD backs plunged into the line, usually place Saturday, at St. John's Church 16ssm- sa,id his hat had been on the desk, and that hail EDITOR·IN-CHIEF Henry C. Triesler, '41 through the tackles, and gailled their oI Hamilton, Baltimore. Miss Betty bee-It a,8ign 01 hi8 presence. Next day the prolessor again ASSOCIATE EDITOR _ : Ruth :Mansberger, '41 five yards. We had heard of their Drown '41 and Miss Martha Yokum lound an empty classroom. On each desk was a, hat.- MANAGING EDITOR Isaac Rehert, '42 swift runners, and they had gained '39, are members of the wedding NEWS EDITOR.. . Jane Fraley, '42 ACP. FEATURE EDITOR Lucie Leigh Barnes, '42 ~s much as fifty yards. Those swift party. • THE QUIZ CORNER of the Fordham Ram wonders SPORTS EDITOR William Robinson, '41 lunners came around the end some- The marriages of Madalyn Flick- if a Rhode Island Red is a communist chicken? times but always had to consult with inger ex·41 to Walter Maust and Mar~ • MANY COLLEGE PAPERS are acclaiming Will our backs, and during the consulta- garet Jefferson '40 to William Tyler Bradley's "Beat Me Daddy" an A-I disc. Shall we make National Advertising Service, Inc. tion were usually downed, so they College Publisbers Retwe",nI4li.·. have been announced. it unanimous? stopped coming. They played a fine Webster L. Lucas, famous football • AFTER MANY CONFBRBNGBS and much discus- backing game and before it was end- star under coach Dick Harlow in '33 sion, The Buccaneer, hU1)l.or'Ilwgazine 01 the University ed, had scored four touchdowns, giv'" and Ruth L. Hall were married at St. 01 North Carolina haft been abolished as being a pttblua.- BUSINESS STAFF ing them sixteen points. Their team John's Church, Hamilton, on Satur- ti
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