Page 15 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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THIRTIETH GAME BOOTERS MEET WITH MARYLAND LOYOLA HERE TOMORROW PAGE 3 By The Students Z286 Vol. 18, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 24, 1940 Gridders Set To Beat The Terrapins Aloha Rated Western Maryland Green Terrors Meet First Class has University Of Maryland Terps Friday By NSPA announced that Bosley Baugher to- Cheerleader the pep meeting The meeting Night In Baltimore Municipal Stadium night is expected to be the largest Write-ups Superior ever held at the college. in Smith Hall will start immediately According To National after supper. The team will attend Year Book Judges and Coach Havens will speak. A bon. WESTERN MARYLAND MARYLAND RHB fire and rally at the pavilion will ret- RHB The 1940 Aloha. was rated "first low and the band has been asked to GAME CAPTAIN McPIKE IMPECIATO 31 LE CONRAD 53 SHOCKEY class" by the National Scholastic lead the parade, out. 36 THOMAS 45 LT VINCENT 49 83 Press Association, according to an FB QB HOLLJES48 LG MORTON 93 QB FB announcement received here Monday. KNEPP BIASI PHILLIPS 39 C SMITH 37 MURPHY BtRRY "AllĀ· CollegePlayers Pick The book scored 955 points, which is 2' 26 PIRIE 35 RG HEYER 29 16 95 only 45 points short of the LHB FAW43 RT BURLlN41 LHB and points 70 American" rating, received by the 1939 'Night ofJanuary16' KAPLAN GUSGESKY51 RE SHAFFER 73 Du.VALL above the rating 49 35 edition. For Holiday Play Place-Baltimore Stadium Time-Friday-8 P. M. "On the whole I am very much sat- isfied," commented Kermit Bayard, Alumni Hall will be used as a editor of the 1940 Aloha, "that our courtroom the night of November 21 When the Western Maryland Terrors meet the Terrapins from book showed an improvement of 70 when the College Players present College Park tomorrow at 8 P. M. in the Baltimore Municipal Sta- points over the previous year's book." "The Night of January IS" as their dium, they will enter the fray, for the first time in many years, The publication was especially com- annual Thanksgiving play. Arnold slight favorites. mended on its editing, typography, Fleagle, John T. Douty, and Ruth Twenty thousand spectators layouts, color, art work, and cover- Beard have been assigned the leading are expected to view this game, pins scored once, held the Terrors in age of school activities. The write- roles. the thirtieth in a series of an- check and triumphed 6 to O. In 1938, ups of organizations, activities, and The play is presented in the form nual gridiron contests between after enjoying an 8 to 0 advantage athletics were rated "superior." of a murder trial, and the jury, who the two institutions. Mack Mc- at half time, the Terrors cracked for The National Scholastic Press As- will decide upon the guilt of Karen Pike has been named game cap- Jack of reserves and bowed 14 to 8. aociatalon sends a detailed criticism Andre, the heroine, will be chosen tain by Coach Charlie Havens. Last year, passes and Persh Men- of each book submitted, and suggests from the audience. Between the acts, dorff stopped the Westminster lads improvements which may be made in the jurors adjourn to a deliberation Ever since 1936, the Terral" machine as the victors scored once in every the succeeding editions. Each book room to discuss the merits of the has been hungry for a victory over possible way to gain 12 points. is assigned to its proper group and is case. their traditional rival. Despite the This game offers the locals re- judged against the publication se- The success of this method of ar- fact that the Old Liners have scored venge for the last three contests. lected as average for that group. The riving at the verdict was doubted at hut 32 points in the last three games, True, it will not be a walk-away, but rating, therefore, is a comparative first, but the value was proved by the Western Maryland has dropped every if the Terrors display the fine spirit one, depending upon. the degree to clamoring of Broadway audiences to one of the contests. of the Mount game and are able to which the book varies from the aver- be on the jury for the professional .. will lead Green and Gold against In 1936, Western Maryland won a hold the backs from scoring as they age. performances. Maryland on Friday night. Yietory and the next year, the Terra. Cont. on page 3, col. 1
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