Page 14 - TheGoldBug1940-41
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., Oct~her 17, Clubs Are Active Parade Of Opinion Deceptive Bison Eleven Economics Club Faculty Club Campus Personalities Submit Faces Terrors Tomorrow Meets Tonight (Cant. from page 3, col. 4) Plans Program Views On Selective Service fine charging of the front line. show Not did any player for one minute For Year Walter Hines Page Lattimore, of the Colonel Sadler; I think the draft is Charles Earl: As with ROTC, so signs of slowing up and at all times Doctor Owen School of Inter- the were in considerable Mounties Johns of Relations Films, panel discussions by business national University, will speak at Hop- a very fine fhing-, not only for' the in- a with the draft, I shall ask for exemp- trouble. quarter sparked kins for but country the dividual as the tion on a conscientious To me, basis. In the very first men and students, outside speakers, Faculty Club meeting to be held to- whole, because we need to wake up military force is not compatible with by forward pass, Kaplan to Bobo general discussions, and social gath- night in McDaniel lounge. His sub- the country to its needs and short- the Christian ideals, nor can it gain Knepp, the Terrors took possession of erings will be featured by the Eco; ject will be "The Situation in the Far comings for national defense which anything which could not be gotten the ball deep in the Mounts territory. nomlce Club this year. East." I are so vital at this particular time. otherwise. Therefore, I shall ask for Here four plays failed to score and "This year the club hopes to be- Professor Hurt, president of the While there is no provision for the exemption from combatant service. the Mounts booted out of trouble only \~~~l~n~::nt~!l:~~u;;o:~t~~t~~~d~~~ Club, stated, "Dr. Lattimore exemption of college students in the Bob Faw: I think it is very good to find Western Maryland barking Faculty Af- back in the second period. with this goal in mind are concen- is an eminent authority on the situ- present Conscription Law, it is my and I see no reason for objection to right a few running plays, Irv Biasi I would like, if it were possible, ation in the Far East, since he lived opinion that there will be a considera- it. ter trating on an enlarged program," there for quite some time and has tion of this issue by the draft admin- to be in the active service rather than tackle, Sidney Mansh, president of the or- done much research in the field of iatration. in a non-combatant position but I am drove acress untouched went thru the secondary and tallied the ganization, has announced. Eastern relations." Dr. Little: I am a conscientious ob- afraid my eyes will keep me out. If first Terror score of the year, stand- At the last meeting, Joynes Beane Members of the Faculty Club com- jector to participation in war for sev- ;1 were possible I would like to get in ing up. The attempt for extra point was elected secretary-treasurer of the mittee include Deal] Schofield, Dr. eral reasons, two of which arc: first, as soon as I get out of school. I was not good. club, filling the vacancy caused by the Mudge, Dr. Ridington, Miss Manahan, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, would much rather dig ditches for the graduation of Corinne Adams. A pub- and Professor Hurt. I believe dependence upon the mili- army than for the WP A and this will After intermission the Terrors once licity committee was appointed, con- tary method is less cffective than pos- be good experience for later life. again took the offensive and before sisting of Mary Miller, chairman; De- sible alternatives. It can only tern. Henry Holljes: It is too late for a the third quarter was over Kaplan borah Bowers, Mary Louise Asbury, porat-ily provide safety for a people; parade of opinion; that should have had tallied touchdown number two, Vernon Wiesand, and Joynes Beane. En Tao Chi Here it has never permanently guaranteed come ten years ago. It's rather a on a buck off the right side. Knepp The function of the committce is to (Cant. from page 1, col. 3) the security of a nation (vide pre-war parade of action that's needed now. placement made the score 13-0. The make known the conclusions reached sailed September 12 on the President Germany, and present-day France, We're not running things now, we're last tally came on an interception by at the meetings and to carryon an Coolidge for the United States. He Poland, Britain). Secondly, war is just listening. It's my country and Kenny Bills on the Mounts' 15-yard exchange service with similar organ- arrived in San Francisco September utterly opposed in principle to what J am willing to cooperate and pray line, ending the game. izations in nearby colleges and uni- 27 at 5 P. M., and spent the evening I understand to be the Christian way for the best. versities. 01 life, which demands love for aU Charles Irwin: 1 am in favor of the at the Golden Gate Exposition, and draft but I would like to finish col. Home Ec Club left by train Saturday days, to west- peoples, fr-iendly cooperation among lege first. I think it much better to JOHN' EVERHART and afternoon and mutual nations, for all concern Home Economics Clubs throughout came direct, in four mankind. It seems to me the com- be prepared than sorry. THE COLLEGE BARBER minster. AND BOBBER the state will hold their fall meeting "I have to study intensely-have plete negation of almost everything AT THE FORKS at Hood College, Frederick, on Satur- not yet the habit of English to allow for which Jesus stood. Not all Chris- day afternoon, October 19. me to think in your language." In tians agree with me, and I do not im- PATRONIZE Delegates to the meeting from his pocket is a small but important pugn the sincerity of their motives. OUR Western Maryland will include the yellow notebook full of biological But for me, there must be alterna- ADVERTISERS. officers of the home economics club terms and beside them-their equiva- tives to -war. I choose to work for Times Printing Company and their advisor, Miss Helen Gray. lent in Chinese. them. The club officers attending are Ellen He majors in physics and carries a Professor Sickels: It is desirable to THREE CHAIR SERVICE Western Maryland} Logan, president; Alice Vollmer, heavy schedule of mathematics, bi- have potential military streng$ so No Waiting vice-president; Patricia White, secre- ology, modern European history, that in event of an emergency there HEAGY BROTHERS' { PRINTERS tary; Alice Rohrer, treasurer; and English and physical education. Dur- would be less delay in adequate de- BARBER SHOP Mary Elizabeth Smith, freshman rep- ing the day, when he ts not in class, fense. Next to Past Office Westminster, Md. resentative. he studies and he is with his books French Club about four hours each night. 'DO YOU·SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES, "In China we play YOUl' games. Charlotte Cook, a member of the play basketball. In the winter I do I class of '38, who has been teaching skating." American football is popu- for two years in F'rance, will address lar there, as is soccer. IT'S THE SMOKER'S CIGARETTE, because All America the French Club on Monday, October "I want to stay here foul' years 21 at 6:45 P. M. and graduate hom Western Mary- has a line on As Miss Cook returned from land. I can stay here on my visa France in M~y, she has an under- only as a student." It is hard for Mr. standing of the proceedings that led Chi to make plans farther ahead. to the fall of that country. Her main At the close of the interview, Mr. topic will concern the current situa- Chi, flashing his smile, said "Thank tion in France. you." A French movie will be one of tl'ie main attractions of the club's pro- gram this year. During the year, the Frosh Gridders Open club plans to bring to the campus several outstanding speakers. (Cant. from page 3, col. 2) \Voody Preston ready for action. Joe Kittner and Bart Natalizi will handle Placement Tests the tackle posts, while Carlo Ortonat and Bill Pennington will be at the (Cont. from page 1, col. 1) guard posts with Red McLaughlin all Stockton Woolston, TOWSOll (Md.) hand for reserve. Charlie Tsouprake High School. is slated to play center and have a big Reading ~I~:~~::s:~l'ing up the line while on John William Alexander, .]1'., Lois Miriam Corbett, Andrew Graham, James Edward Griffin, Towson (Md.) High School; William Hogan Har, SMITH & REIFSNIDER ir.gton, Richard Matthew Hausler, Incorporated Virginia Jane Kinnaman, Fred Adam LUMBER-COAL Kullmar, Jr., Rebecca Lee Larmore, Richard Gladstone Patten, Norma WESTMINSTER, MD. Prust. What smokers like your- SUBSCRIBE CARROLL THEATRE self want most is mildness, cool- ness and taste ••t. and that's just TO THE what you get in Chesterfield's Today. Oct. 17 GOLD BUG "DR. KILDARE GOES HOllIE" right combination of the fin- with Lew AYres, Lionel Barry, est tobaccos grown .•• a defi- more and Laraine Day. J. D. KATZ nitely milder, coo1er, better Friday, Sa~Monday_ QUALITY • . Oct. 18, 19, 21 taste. That's why it's called SHOE REPAIRING BIg Crosby, Mary Martin, Basil . the Smoker's Cigarette. Special Rates to Students "RHYTHM Rathbone in ON THE RIVER" Dyeing a Specialty Tuesday. Wedr;;sday_Oct. 22, 23 "BLONDIE HAS SERVANT TROUBLE" H. E. REESE StartS-Thursday, TAILOR· Mickey Rooncy and Judy Oct. 24 Garland Cleaning in Pressing ~TRIKE UP THE BAND" Repairing KENNY BILLS-Representative STATE THEAnE 94 East Main Sreeet Today and Friday-Oct. 17, 18 Loretta Young, Melvyn Douglas STAYED Phone 300 "HE BREAKFAST" FOR CARROLLEEN Bill Elliott Saturday. Wayne Morris lbl,plctureofChe'terfieldbuyenl!\lpectlnglobac~o Oct. 19 in in ~ropi in the field before o~dlon tim. i, one of mony in the new bock "TOBACCO. Individual Coiffures "PIONEERS "GAMBLING in!ere.ling .(enes This foscinating .tOl)' of how Chest. ON THE OF THE LAND, U.S.A." Beauty in its Entirety FRONTIER" HIGH SEAS" erfields ore mode, from .eed to cigorett",ilyourl Monday, Tucsday--OcL 21, 22 fClr Ih" asking. Mall v-r ""!uu' to & ""10B "THE RAMPARTS WE WATCH" TO.G«~CO"'PG"l',6)OFlftltA",""""_To,,,"'r. 66 W. Main St. Starts-Wednesday, OcL 23 WESTMINSTER, MD; "KI)' CARSON" Jon Hall.
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