Page 18 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 18
1 PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, We.stel'D Maryland College, Weltminater, Md. Sunday School And Y's I' II RADIO PROGRAMS ARRANGED I Hockey Team Going To Plan Parallel Programs Club News (Cent, fr-om Pag' 1, Col. 3) II This Collegiate World University Of Maryland College Church Organizations Plan , __j ::::~~;' ::~s s~~~t":~:r~:::i~~~u~:;(By Associated Collegiate Press) The girls' hockey team of Western Maryland College plans to accept the To Discuss Practical ART CLUB and students, who is asked to parti- SYRACUSE, N.Y._(ACP)_Fra_ Problems dpate not only help by contributing invitation to participate in a play day Lectures on phases of contemporary the time for practice and perform- ternity rushing in the modern mode at the University of Maryland, Sat- art will predominate a program plan- ence, but aid by suggestion and ad- has made its appearance at Syracuse urday, October 22. Representatives of the two ~Y or, ned by the Art Club for the first sem- vice." University. ganizations and of the Sunday School, The Beta Theta Pi fraternity there, Western Maryland will be one of the three component parts of the Col- ;~ti~\~Y,'~:!~!~:n::~~aofse~li~S:o~o:~~~ The first program will probably be in addition to its regular program of the three visiting colleges represented. lege Church, met Tuesday afternoon ious exhibits including paintings, conducted in open assembly with the eat, talk, and play, has devised a novel Who the other participants are was in room 22, Science Hall, to discuss photographic identification system not mentioned in the invitation. The their programs for the meetings be- sculpture, and etchings has been ar- ~~~~~~~:~~k:i~l:i::tte;:e a;:i~oii~~~ that riyals any police record system. games will begin at 10 A. M. It is ex- fore the holidays. Miss Virginia Kar- ranged. of the first program will undoubtedly Here's how it works: pected that the hockey team will stay ow, president of the Y. \V. C. A., pre- be a presentation of the entire idea As the rushees enter the house they for lunch and the football game in the sided over the meeting and Miss ere ushered into the library to fill out afternoon. Blanche Scott, student secretary of OFFICERS' CLUB i ~:ee:~:" al~-;;)J~~:tr::;'Od:~ti::c:~t~:~~ individual cards of information which Notre Dame of Baltimore will play the CoUege Church, recorded its ac- At the first meeting of the senior I icus members of the college personnel are filed away for future reference. hockey here November 5. tivities. officers of the R.O.T.C. battalion, the I who will take part in future pro- Identification cards are pinned to With these two games coming up, a Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, faculty ad- varsity team must be selected after visor of the V's and of the Sunday g:~e~:,;~~\e~~g~:~;:r~y ~a~:~i~ i ;~.~:s~e!~\~:~~~~v~: t:i~~:l~:c~:~o:~ their coat lapels and the rushees are this week's practice. then shown into the cloak room where School, and Dr. Lawrence Little were moue vote of those present. Captain Each program will be half an hour a candid camera and flood lights are present at the meeting. Joseph Drugash, commander of Com- long and it is intended that many sug- set up. "C" was elected president and Starts October 30 pany gestions for programs, and possibly Their pictures are snapped, immed- (Cont. from Col. 4) The program planned will be in- Lieutenant-Colonel Alex Ransone was the development, supervision, and iately developed, and attached to the And here's how a complete play ducted on October 30 by the Sunday chosen as secretary-treasurer. presentation of certain programs will file card of each rushee. . often sounded: "Hawky, Mind, Get, School, when the topic for discussion By a similar vote, ·the club decided come from individuals or groups of tal:sh;~ac:~;he~!S~~:t~~:s te:r~::~: Which Eyes, Rub Stockings, Lively." will be "Racial Relationships." The to present another Military Ball in students. is quite a bit different from the 1938 two Y organizations will follow this the spring. ~ out and if any of the brothers cannot game in which the spectators never program on November 2 with speak- By virtue of his service on the ball recall a rushee by his name, they can hear a play called. era and discussion on the same committee last year, Major Peters, of SIDELINES identify him by his picture. . topic. the Battalion staff, was elected chair- During formal rushing the pictures We .can't ~ell you just ~ho started On each successive Sunday the Sun- man of the dance committee. Those to (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 1) are inserted in place cards set be-I all this business of narmng- colleges {jay School will introduce a new sub- serve ~nder him have been chosen and) this: a boy's parents would have had for each rushee's plate at the dinner after animals, but whoever. and ject for discussion which will be taken tentative plans for the event have I' t $330 t h. . " 'table wherever it was, he should have set up' in the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s on been formulated. - ~~t;;~rr~rs i; ~~: tfe~;:\:o~a~ a:iV;~ . up some rules for the new pastime. the following Wednesdays. . , his one pass to his girl friend, or the MIDDLETOWN, CONN-(ACP)- He had little consideration for the Topics Listed girl friend could pay her own way and The football writers and fans sports page readers, for: The tentative list of topics for dis- GAMMA BETA CHI then the parents would have to lay throughout the nation who sing the Twenty-two teams have the title cussion is as follows: At the last meeting of the Gamma out only $1.65. Western Maryland's praises of today's giants of the grid- of "Tigers". That's the most for any Racial Relationships. Beta Chi fraternity plans for the fra- games don't bring any too large an iron will blush a bit when they hear one animal, but a close second is Student Points of View on Various ternity's annual dance, which will be attendance figure,· but a little more of the early days of the sport that has "Bulldogs," which has been 'adopted Religions (with special reference held in January, =v» discussed. Of generosity to the fellows that do the g-rown to be the biggest drawing card by 21 institutions. And right on to the Protestant, Catholic, and particular interest to the mernbera work would not hurt. in the roster of amateur athletic~. down the line are: Wildcats, 14; Pan- Jewish). were the matters of orchestra and In 1881, "there were two halves in- thers,!:I;" eagles, 8; bears, 7; car-di- International Relationships (on the theme. Several of the brothers are in What happened to the class stead of four quarters. If the team nals, 6; blue-jays, 2; duck, 1. some Sunday and Wednesday following favor of considering Baltimore orch- teams - in the touch football winning the toss chose to take the even go down to the insect family, Armistice Day). estras. This matter, however, is to league? A reporter went out to ball, that team could keep it the full for there ere nine yellow-jacket teams Civil Liberties (with special refer- be decided by the dance committee look for the game and couldn't half reg;rdless of scores." and one wasp. Perhaps after the elasa find one. ence to religious freedom and tol- which will be appointed at one of the With that picture of one team tak- erance). subsequent Tuesday night meetings. elections, the officers will appoint ing the offensive for a .full half of the Seldom does a comic-strip quip be- Economic and Industrial Relatton, The fraternity will be without the managers to rustle up teams and game, add this historical oddity to come part of a college yell, but a ships. services of brother Bud Brown this get in the fight. From the looks your scrap-book on football: In 1885, couple have been adopted with a ven- During December, the organizations year. Gamma Beta Chi can be de- of things, the Seminary will have the various plays of the team were geance at Midland College. The stu- will center their discussions around a pended upon, nevertheless, to present a powerhouse that will run away given names instead of numbers, and dent court there has ruled that on better understanding of Christmas. an evening of entertainment that will with the league, but the other the quarterback's signals sounded like days before football games freshmen Dr. Little announced that there uphold the high standard of fratern- teams should give them a battle. this: I must say "Foo to the goo that plays would be a meeting early next week ity dances upon the Hill. The dub spirit h~sn't faltered and For the center rush, he'd yell Mi~land" whenever pointed at by up- of representatives of the thr-ee cle- several hard fought contests have "step on foot" to tell which side of perulassmen. ments of the College Church to plan taken place. the center it was to go over, and to What's foo for the upperclassmen the annual College Church financial SIGMA SIGMA TAU It's on to Upsala with the football the center, "rub stockings" if the ball must be foo for the freshmen! campaign. Sigma Sigma Tau opened the sor- team now. Upsala has a fairly good was to go to the quarterback. And ority ruahing- season w;th a 'rush team with good ends and backs, but it for a second center rush in succession, RECORDED CONCERTS party Saturday, October 15. Members is no world beater. football, they will he'd tell the center to "rub stockings". If the Terrors can of the sorority and the rushees', who "heads-up" play he'd In talking to the halfbacks, GIVEN IN LOUNGE numbered eighteen, attended the come back with a victory from. East tell them it was their turn by saying Lowry Beauty Shop Maryland game and held a dinner at Orange. "hands on hips, or leg on either side." Charlie Havens is afraid of Huyler's in Baltimore. Sophomore further injuries knocking the West- (Cont. in next Col.) On Wednesday, October 19, Miss girls who were rushed were: Doris ern Maryland hopes towards the end Adjoining Posroflice Gesner began the series of weekly re- Lubking, Alice Vollmer, Kathleen Coe, of the season. With the exception of corded music concerts conducted by Frances Dilloway, Jane Cowper- Fagan, all the boys ought to be back her from 8 to 9 o'clock P. M. in Mc- thwait, Mary Jane Toomey, Jean in shape for Saturday. The backs Carroll Pastry Shop PERMANENT WAVE Daniel Hall Lounge. These concerts Shank, Elise Wiedersum, Bet t y have mare experience every game and are informal and open to all who wish BI'own, Ellen Logan, Anne Dexter, have functioned ~~aaiJy. Next to Carroll Theatre SPECIALISTS to attend. Miss Gesner explains each Betty Vroomc, Ellene Edmond, Mary EXPERT HAIR STYLISTS number and introduces its theme be- Stat:.r Gehr, Ruth Reese, Addie Ruth Opponents All Lose FINE PASTRIES fore playing the entire recording. Williams, Lilyan Bennett, and Judy This past week end, Upsala lost to OF ALL KINDS ThOSewho attend may come and go as Collinson. Boston University. Davis and Elkins 93 East Main Street they desire, during any part of the defeated Mt. St. Mary'~ and Wake MADE WITH BUTTER Phone 395 hour. The primary purpose of these Forest received a set back at the Specialties: Wedding and concerts is to stimulate an interest in DELTA SIGMA KAPPA hands of North Carolina State. Westminster, Maryland and develop an appreciation for classi- Miss Elizabeth CriSp, president of Birthday Cakes cal music. I Delta Sigma Kappa, announces that H. E, REESE the sorority will hold its first fall TAILOR FROM THE HERMITAGE rush party Friday night, October 21. .CLEANING __ ! Invitations have been extended to six- PRESSING REPAIRING (Cont. from Page 2, Col. 3) teen rushees. 94 East Main Street Notice: From all indications several SUITS MADE TO MEASURE. 'The finest in movie fare is yours of this semester's courses will be com- pleted next semester. The reason 77 Have Your Films Developed The increased demand for unavailable and Finished at JOHN EVERHART at books. This column would like to know the The College Grill THE COLLEGE BARBER inside story of "Reds" Bender and I AND BOBBER THE CARROLL "Yuh, Brownie". (Does Rinehimer AT THE FORKS really sleep on the floor?) Adios - - - -- WESTERN MARYLAND COFFEE SHOP THREE CHAIR SERVICE and J. D, KATZ AND RESTAURANT No Waiting QUALITY SODA, SANDWICHES, LUNCH HEAGY BROTHERS' SHOE REPAIRING DINNERS BARBER SHOP Special Rates to Students JACK MOORE, Manager Next to Post Office, THE STATE Joe OIeair, Agent WIN WESTERN MARYLAND THEATRES Mackenzie's Drug Store Win Western Maryland Roll up the score Announces a Complete We're hE!'reto win again • Just as we have before Line of Drugs, Toilette Goods, And we will fight on to victory Sodas, Magazines, and Candy Never give in "'Two Houses with one purpose ~~~ We will fight for 50 W. Main Street Dear old Western Maryland To win! win! win! your entertainment" Next to State Theatre CALEB O'CONNOR.
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