Page 19 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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G01 SUPPORT YOUR PARTY BEAT ST. .t\NSELl\I'S IN MANCHESTER NOVElUBER 8 Z286 Vol. 16, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, W,-,STMINSTER, MD. November 3, 1938 College Players To Give i Miss Martha Manahan Drugash and Triesler , "Post Road" November 24 i Is AppointedRegistrar Chosen To Lead Classes Miss Esther Smith Anncuncee Large Cast With Frances Stout And l\1al. Cura Virginia Perry, Class of 1936, colm Kullmar In Lead Roles Second Balluting On MO'nday Results In Re-etectton Of Heeman, Trader, Appointed TO' Position Of McKenney. Keith, And Edmond For Other Senior Offices COMEDY BY WILBUR STEELE AND NORMA MITCHELL Assistant Reglstrnr ELIAS GIVEN VICE· PRESIDENCY OF SOPHOMORE CLASS "Post Road", a mystery comedy by , ~ Miss Martha E, Manahan was ap- Wilbur Daniel Steele and Norma I I pointed Registrar of the College early Joseph Drugaeh and Henry 'I'rtesler Mitch,ll, will be' the 'I'hanksg iving- IN COLLEGE PLAY this week to fill the position vacated CLASS OFFICER were elected presidents of the senior presentation offered by the College by the untimely death of Mrs, Isun- rind sophomore classes respectively in Players on November 24, og-le, who held tile position for eight- a record balloting lust Monday morn- Frances Stout und . Malcqlm Kull- een year's prior to' her death. iug-, mar are cast in the leading roles. The The new reglstrm- returned to Wes- Mr. Drugash, who SUCCeeds Alex whole cast has now been chosen and tern Maryland CGII(!.gethis fall in the Ransone as president of his class, is rehearsals have begun under the dl- capacity of Assistant Registrar, fill- Captain of Company "G" of the R. 0 rect.ion of Miss Esther Smith. hig the place left open by Miss Louise T.' C., president of the Officers' Club, "Post Road" delighted Broadway / B. Fisher, who died Jotlowing- all oper- quarter-back on the Terror Team, and audiences for a whole season in 1936. ntion last spring. a varsity basketball player. The New YGrk Herald com- Miss Vice-president of the senior is class, also Gwendolyn Heemun mended the playas: "Good ridiculous Registrar W. Md. Grad. sport, nimbly ecntt-ived, one of the KULLMAR CLEMSON l\1iss Manahan graduated from this president of the International Rela- cleverest of the current amusement college in 1923, having' majored in TRIESLER tions Club, president of the Argonauts gadgets." home economics. Following her grad- find a constant member of the Dean's ... She has been vice-president list. of Miss Stout plays the part of Emily College Presents First uation, she taught at Hampstead High n Dr. T. M. Whit6eld Writes her class in both her sophomore and Cast Well-Known School, after which she became Madison and Mr, Kullmar -that of Radio Program Over WFMD member of the staff of the Baltimore her I ' For History Dictionary junior year's. Wesley Cartwright. The other play- Dah-y Council. Before assuming Senior Incumbents Re-elected ers in order of their appearance are; position this year, the new reg+strar __ 1\1r. Charles \V. 'I'ruder has been reo James Merritt who plays the part of Series To Be Continued Each Tuesday was Home Demonst.ration Agent in I Numerous Ccntributor s To Submit elected secretary of the class. Mr. George Preble; Barbara Anne Fogel- 'I'rnrlei- is also active Oil the campus sanger as May Madison Preble; Ar- From Alumni Hall; Students H~~:l"~o~~~::~~ft open by Miss Man- ' Essays O~oH:~~~~lopedia in the Chemistry Club and Pi Alpha nold Fleagle as Bill; Carolyn Pickett Will Take Part chan's promotion will be filled by Miss. . Alpha Fraternity. as Celia; Nellie Williams as Jeeby Cora Virginia PeITY, who was ap- Dl Theodore 1'11. Whitfield, prafes- Miss Marjorfe McKenny was re- CashIer; Cleff Sumner as Dr. Spend- . Western Maryland Colle!;"emade its pointed Assistant ReO"istrar SOl' of history and international law eiected treasurer; Rebecca Keith, er; Mary Clemson as Nurse Martin; initial radio appearance Tuesday 1lI1iSS Perry gmdu:ted _f;'olll Wes- at Western lUal'Yland College, has re- class historian; and Emil Edmond, Gwendolyn Heeman as the girl; sel'geant-at-arms. Henry Stewart Eckel'S as Matt; Lewis Hill ~;::d~!:~~onon~Fi~1D~ ~'~~Uel~;\er~~~: ~::I~ !~;;!~~~~:~9;~:S:i~~a~~1~: ~~~ ~:l:~I~:~~~ni~~:t:/~;: ~;to~~:~i::~ 1'riesler, the newly elected es Vigil Bemis; Harper Le Compte as originated from Alumni Hall, with a Registrar. History to be'edited by SCI'ibner's in president of the sophomore class is a Jay; Dorothy Cohee as Mrs. Cashier; large part of the student bod.v pUI·ti- a short time. member of the Gold Bug Staff and al- and Kathleen Souder as Mrs. Canby, cipating. ,--- Tile ni.J;timwllI ()f A1}!.eri(:lw His- so assisted the 1938 Aloha Staff. Last Mr. William Daniel Steele, co-auth- This program served to introduce Democratic NOll!ineesLead tOlll will be an encyclopedia of ap- ~'b8r he was elected as (I Student Gov. oJ'\of Post Road has been a front some of the faculty members, who proximately thiJ'ty volumes, which ernment l'epresentative of his class. rank American fiction writer for were briefly interviewed by Professor In Gold Bug Straw Vote will give to the reader in ready form Hc is a member of Alpha Gamma many years and Mrs. Norma Mitchell r.'Jakosky, chairman of the committee. statements concerning historical facts. Tau, Fraternity. has earned enduring fame a~ the co- Representing their particular depal"t- It is a coopm'ative entel'prise in that Thomas Elias has been elected to author of "The Cradle Snatchers". ments were Dr, Wills, DI·. Bertholf, Siudcnt.s Gi\'e Tydings ,AIld O'C\Hlor numerous historians, such a~ Dr. the vice-pI'esidency of the class and When two such people get together in Dl". Whitfield, Dr. Schcmpp, Dean Easy Victories Over Les('f Whitfield, have contributed to the the other officers are as follows; sec- collaboration on a play it is reasona· Free, Miss Esthel' Smith: Mr. Royer, And Nice editing of the encyclopedia. retary, Alice Vollmer; treasurer, Ar- ble to expect that a happy result is and Mr. DeLong. Democratic candidates for Mury. lIlany Articles Published nold Fleagle; historian, Ruth Mans- in sight. Mr. Makosky, opening the broad- land's gubernatorial chair and United Of Dr. Whitfield's twelve essays, berger; serg-eant-at-arms, Henry Stout As Heroine cast, gave a brief summary of 'Vestel'n States Senate seat scored overwhelm. the "Dacia" illustrates a case con- Holljes. Miss Stout as the heroine in "Post Maryland's ambitions in the series. ing victories over their \'ivals accord- cerning the tl'ansfer of German ships Second Necessary Road" plays the p"ar~ of a ..single lady In both the seniol' and sophomore who demonstrates the effiCiency, cour- ~~d::~~e::e~lG~~~b~e01~~I~~a:ll:ds\~~~~~ ing to' the results of the political to American registry in 1915, soon at· classes it was necessary to conduct a age, and humor of her kind. There llartieipate, in an effort to present all :~:a~o~~t~uionsored on the Hill by ~~·I':~I~'s'~~~I!~e'::~~~l~~: :he:upn;yn~~~ second balloting because there was seems to be a tendency to deride old lllJases of our college life._ U. S. Senator l\fill;ll'd 8. Tyding~, of salaries rather than cash as argued not a sufficient number of votes east maids, and·yet there are so many in- Democratic candidate fo)" re-election, in court by Patl'ick Helll'Y. The SGuth- in the first election. stances where they have risen to Mr. Longst.reet Speaks Frank Shipley, as was announced greater heights than their married received 299 of the 348 votes cnst by /m~r)ton hI8!U'l"e(;:tiOJI. of 1821 deals last week, is tlle new president of the sisters. Also, most of them manage Mr. Longstreet, program director Westel'll lIIaryland students and facul- with the abolition of slavery hi Vir- cl:lss of 1940, with Malcolm Kullmar- to retain their sense O'f humor-this of WFMD represented his station ill ty to win without difficulty over his gillia. from Johns elected to the office of vice president. Dr. Whitfield graduated )"iwll, Republican forme)" station the absence of Mr. Tidmore, District may not be due to their state of single manager. He stressed the wide cov- COUlt Judge, OSCD)"W. LeseI', who Hopkins University, substituted there Other junior class officers chosen blessedness. erage of the station, despite its fifty- polled only 48 votes. One was (:
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