Page 20 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Weatern Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ,- -,1,----------- __, G CAMPUS LEADERS There's a lot to be said. \V~ never have any luck. The Sun- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on. Thurs- Hallowe'en is over. At least, no day before last we missed chapel. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, one can say that the evening had no (Ed.'s. note.c-On account of illness, and monthly dur-ing- September, December, and January, by the students of effect upon the Hill, combining, as it he says). So we didn't hear the dog Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class yawn, and we didn't take part in the matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. did, moving might with the fourth of SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR July. ensulrig- laughter. chapel, This past no Sunday but dog we did attend Certain members of our faculty U~H"NnD ,...,!t ..... T'ON ...L .o.D"UT'.'Na ." yawned. Also there was no laughter. National Advertising Service, Inc. 1937 Member 1938 not of the commercial department Arter chapel we dashed to a radio CoIlel$~ P"blish.,..s Represent.uive showed intense interest in the intrica- f:lssocialed C"oIle6iale Press cies of typing. That is the impres- and tuned in on Charlie McCarthy. sion the student body and Dr. Hollo- "FROSTY" PETERS So we didn't hear Orson Welles tell way received when the scholarly three about the invasion by the men of EDITORIAL STAFF First down and ten to go for West- Editor-in-Chief · _ FRANK COE SHERRARD,'89 seated themselves in the first row on ern Maryland. The Green Terrors Mars. Darn it! AS80ciate Editors . . _..Smr,·EY WAGHELSTEIN,'39; TRAGOBRUST,'39; Monday morning. Charlie was good, but he wasn't ca- VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40 came charging out of the huddle led pable of throwing us into hysterics. News Editor. . ALVIN NEWTON,'40 "Yuh Brownie" again bounds into by Captain Edward Peters, ("Frosty" There is only one way we would have Copy Edito-r .. .._ RUTIl MANSBERGER,'41 this column as a result of his bound- to all of, you) All-Maryland center Copy RfJader HBNRYTRIESLER,'41 ing into Blanche Ward Hall gym Sat- last year. He is one big reason why felt compensated for missing the CBS Proof Editor SUE PRICE, '40 urday night. "Yuh Brownie" showed the football team has won all but one broadcast. If we had television, we Proof Reade1"s ELLEN SHIPLEY,'40; LUELLAMBAD,'39; ,VILLIAMBANKS,'41 would have seen the gorgeous Miss Feature Edito-rs _ _ LA\VRENCEFREENY,'39; KATHERINEKLIER,'40; genuine canine contempt for hot game to date, and bids well to go un- Madeline Carroll who was Charlie's MARGARETPACKWOOD,'40; GRACEMACVEAN,'39 ewing renditions. From several indi- defeated in the remainder of their Sport8 Edito-r8 LAWRENCESTROW,'39; MARYJANE HONEMAN,'89 cations the assumption may be made games. playmate that evening, and the men A8si8tant Sports Edito·J"s... RUTH FIELD, '40; HAROLDSOLOMON,'41 of Mars coald have done their damn- Typists .. _._ - _....... JANE FRALEY,'42; LAURETTEMCCUSKER,'42 safely that, had the dance been form- The R. O. T. C. battalion is formed dest for all .we would have cared. Contributing Reporters SIDNEY MANSH, '41, SHIRLEYFEURST,'42 ai, "Yuh Brownie's" owner would be in a battalion front on Hoffa field. On No reports of anybody being scared BUSINESS STAFF shelling out the price of several new I the staff is Majo-r Edward Peters BUBi1UJSSManager _. .EMELINE NEWMAN,'89 gowns. helping to see that the drill period is out of their wits were reported at Ad'VCJ"tiBing IIfanagel" __.__ __..__ EnwARDWEANT,'40 Refreshment time at the dance run with military precision and snap. Western Maryland. We deduce that Ciw;ulation Managers _..__ _.. .;LESLIESTOKES,'40; MARYCLEMSON,'40 our schoolmates were listening to Assistant Ci1"l,ulatiQl~ Manager ._ _. .. ._ _ _.__ JA~lES MERRITT,'40 brought out a satisfying snack to Some generous soul places a nickel Charlie, were studying (?), or else everyone. Those who give the re- in the machine, and the latest Tommy maining dances of the year will profit Dorsey recording is played. From didn't have any wits to be scared out The New Day well by serving as good and as plen- one of the crowded booths lIl1·. Edward of. tiful an intermission .repaat as the Peters arises to swing it in the most Now that one wave of hysteria Several valiant attempts have been made this "fall to restore sophomores provided. (By the way, approved fashion with his favorite has passed, another is on the way. All pep to the Western Maryland student body. The cheer leaders who knows what became of that ten co-ed. the nincompoops arid know-very-littles have striven unrelentingly. For a while it seemed that the Intro- gallon keg of cider and that pan of The Bachelors' Club is brought to will want Congress or the Federal I duction of a cow bell would inspire the students to greater interest doughnuts which were left over- order and Brother Edward Peters Communications Commission to do and noise. h-mm?) arises to place a motion before the something about it. In other words, But the cheer leaders strove vainly while many Blanche Ward As many of you people know, the house. they will want radio censorship. Some and McDaniel coeds as well as a creditable number of Ward and football team holds a meeting at ten p. And so it goes and goes. Very few of the big shots have already blasted McKinstry men complained of the evil effect of the boisterous m. the night before a game. Friday are the activities on "the Hill" that forth with their windy blasts. cow bell on their delicate auditory organs. Those who have tried night Coach Havens was conducting do 110tfeel the warm, open-hearted Communications Commissioner Paul .tc resurrect the old rah-rah spirit deserve much credit, as do any the meeting in the belief that everyone spirit of good fellowship and friendli- persons who fight valiantly for a cause, even though it be a lost A. Walker said, "This incident illus- cause. They are nevertheless reactionaries, like Miniver Cheevy, was there when the door swung open ness that best characterizes "Frosty". trates the need for radio being in the "born too late", to admit a night-clad Harold Hansen. His nickname and place of abode (cold hands of persons with proper judg- The college rah-rah days are gone like laissez faire and rugged Since rain was falling Harold was al- New England) belie that quality ment, proper perspective of the fitness which has made him a campus person- individualism in American government. To be sure, some small lowed to return stz-aigh'tway to bed af- ality. of things in the fine sense of the qual- a walk ter meeting instead of taking colleges like Washington and Mt. St. Mary's seem not to have yet with the team. ities of broadcasting programs." discovered the passing of the rah-rah era. Likewise is Senator Ty- Somehow a Congressman always dings still blasting ancient Hamilton-Mclfinlsy platitudes. An eminent member of the faculty LEITER TO THE EDITOR manages to let loose. Of course that made the following observation last is to be expected. Senator Clyde L. just a bill "controlling Senior Respect week: teachers on their way to To The Editcrr-c-, of the Herring wants as were heard over the such abuses in the editorial "Certain Appearing After several years of unsuccessful striving, a measure of sen- the State Teachers Convention at Bel- Jast GOLDBUG was a remark on the radio last night. iority precedence has been attained in Alumni Hall. The freshmen tlmore got only as far as Westmin- I "Y" dances which the Y. W. C. A. This hasn't been the only time that and sophomores now remain at their seats until the seniors have star. and Y. M. C. A. wish to correct. We radio executives have had to suffer be- passed from the auditorium. Sunday visitors-parents, chums, not only have good intentions, hut also cause persons here and there were of- The element of surprise probably does more to make life inter- home folks-seem to enjoy their Visits have taken action on these intentions. fended. Recently one couple objected esting than any other factor. The incongruencies and inconsisten- cies of human nature, which one meets every day, add much color to the HilL One of the reasons for ontn~~r~:e\:e:~s b~~e:a~~e t~diSt:~~~~ ~eili:eP~~::rv:;i~:n p~~y~U~~:~o~~ and interest to life which, stripped thereof, might become quite their enjoyment, no doubt, is the was written we do not feel that it was the Horizon", because the name of mechanistic and dull. friendly attitude with which most justified. We have felt that our first God was used in vain. Glory be, isn't Thus one finds rain out of a clear sky; one finds mocking birds everyone treats them. However, a duty was to our own organizations. It that something? So now a radio sta- nesting in thorn hedges. So one finds courtesy where it is least few of our student body are a little IS our belief that a good beginning tion will' have trouble in getting its li- expected, discourtesy where courtesy might be expected. shy about smiling or nodding a friend- will help the organizations to run cense renewed. The juniors are the oldest students of the lower three classes. Iy ·"Good-day." A one-hundred per more smoothly during the year. Nat- Another famo"us occasion was the Their experience, being greatest, should have taught them best the, cent endeavor in this direction will urally it has taken us some time to broadcast in which Mae- West, Don value of respect where it is due. Next year many of them will be brighten the old Hill five hundred per get things started. _ Ameche, and our friend McCarthy ex- seniors. They will expect the courtesy of senior precedence which cent. Smile the seventh day of the The next important thing to us is changed quips and wisecracks that they are now ignoring. If college juniors suffer from myopia to week and help YOu~neighbors' parents the "Y" dances because we know that had a "double entendre". Loud and such a degree that they cannot see eleven months ahead, it is to to be happy. the students are very interested in mighty was the howl of the righteous. be hoped, contrary to common belief, that college youth do not poe- Our twenty-mile-an-hour speed reg- them. Even though no "Y" dances That night we were studying and sese the cream of American intelligence. alation is not being observed by those have been announced as yet, this does we went to borrow a book in the room THE GOLD BUG regrets that it finds it necessary to name the who drive upon the campus. Commer- not meal) that we have not been work- of a friend who has a radio. The pro- authorities to whom it addresses its pleas. Any competent official cial vehicles, especially, are guilty of ing on the project. However, there should be able to recognize the suggestions which concern his 01'- infracting the law. We should dis- are many details that have to be at- gram was on. We listened, laughed, ganization. This is not the case at Western Maryland, or else the courage this too-fast trend and erase tended to before we can have these and then went back to our studies dances. As soon as we have complet- without staying to the end. The pro- wordT~~m~~~~n~UhGa~~~ee~ ~~!u::g~ing president and also the in- any possibility of an automobile eeet- ed this necessary preliminary proce- I gram to us wasn't worth the time at cumbent president of the junior class as the persons who' dent on the grounds. dure, the first "Y" dance will be an- f that moment. should have tended to the above-mentioned breach of resDect and ITEM: If it interests you, several courtesy. The incumbent president alone is now responsible. of the straw balIots turned in for the ~1~UO~C~~~e~~;o:t~~~~~en:~a;e:~~z:~~t; I If ~:: ::;~l:: t~ :~ ~:~n~~~P!~ t~aU:~ gubernatorial pon were marked with work connected with these dances that tor, Penner, or some other so-called Inconsistency indelible lipstick. must be completed before they can be comedian, or any program that does Mothers go to football games just held. These plans are being worked not please us, we switch to another One reads quite frequently in Western Maryland publications as the rest of us, bht when their sons on now and the organizations are not station. If that doesn't work, the ra- that one of the college's greatest recommendations is its moral are playing, they view football with a as idle as has been thought. 'Ve hope character-bUilding qualities. There are undoubtedly many fea- to see everyone at the first "Y" dance. dio is turned off, and we call for an- tures about the college which would tend to build moral character; di~erent asped. Mrs. Drugash was Sincerely, other "Mint Julep, James." they form one of the prime recommendations of any college, Per- in the stands at the Upsala game hop- VIRGINIAKAROW, 'Ve understand that four times dur- haps there are more such desirable features at Western Maryland ing, as all mothers hope for their sons, CHARLESWALLACE. ing Sunday's broadcast an announcer tha~ there are at most colleges. that "Joey" wouldn't get hurt. (Jack stated that the news flashes were fic- The point at present is not to list Western Maryland's charac- Lytton sunplied the "Joey".) tional. :Also, we seem to recollect that ter-building qualities, nor is it to discredit them. It is to point out TID BITS FROM A WEEK AGO (cant. from Editorial Col.) scientists state that there exist no one inconsistency on the part of the college administration in the ;~:~s'~~~::~i:: :l~:~ pursuit of character-building. . Of course the remaining rah-rah ~!!2~0:g~!7n~~ too the remaining Ransome in- appeared "Emperor" Many college boys and girls go into town on Saturday mght formally the other evening upon the boys, like politicians, receive hard~shell GOl'don to the contrary. May" capitalistic a big to dance, because dancing is one of the most popular pleasures
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