Page 23 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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COl SUPPORT THE TEAl\l BEAT WAKE FOREST AT THE STADIUM Z286 Vol. 16, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 10, 1938 Ex-Dean of Women I'------___J CALENDAR ANNOUNCER Organizations To Mrs. Fannie Stover II BAND LEADER lO-Art Dies in Westminster November: Club,6:45 P. M. Sponsor Saturday Evening Programs ll-Touch Football, G a In m II. VB. Preachers Bets Alpha Mu Rush Puf-ty -Phi Graduated From Western Maryland I 12-Dancing, McDaniel Lounge, Dances With Orchestra To Be Held In Class Of 1889; Retired From Post In 1936 ! 7:30 P. M. Games, Blanche On Alternate Weeks In Ward Gym Blanche Ward Hall Mrs. Fannie J\fay Stover, former 14-Intramural Relations Club, Dean of Women at Western Mpryland 6:45P.l\f. 'I'he Men's Student Government College, died in hei- Westminster 15----Recorded Music, McDaniel Council, the Women's Student Cov- home, Monday. November 7, follow- Lounge, 8:00 ernment Council, the Y. M. C. A., the ing a short illness. Touch Football, Blacks and Y. W. C. A. and the Women's Athletic She was intimately connected with Whi~es vs. Preachers Association are cooperating in spon- Western Maryland College, from IG-Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. meet- soring a series of Saturday night which she graduated in 1889 and re- ings programs, planned to provide enter- ceived her master's degree in 1910. tainment for all students. The activi- Returned Finally In 1918 ties will consist of dances with or- Mrs. Stover was also well known to chestras in Blanch Ward Gymnasium residents of ~ Washington County, Ranking Given In on alternate Saturday nights. On all where she- taught in public schools other Saturdays there will be games for several years and later held the in the girls' gym and dancing to re- position of instructress at l{eymar DICK DORMAN Freshman Tests JOE OLEAlR corded music in McDaniel Lounge. College in Hagerstown. In 1911 Mrs. Schedule Announced College and served as principal of the Dick Dorman Scheduled Baltimore Schools Well Represented Selond Raclio Program of will consist of ping-pong, gymnasium activities in the Stover returned The to Western Maryland badminton, preparatory school until 1917. At For Pi Alpha AlphaDance By Leaders In Placement Series Broadcast Over shuffle board, and the like, and will be that time she left the college to ac- Examinations in charge of Miss Parker, Miss Todd, cept the position of instructress at To Induct Frat Series Station WFMD Tuesday and the W. A... A. Southern Seminary. Her stay at The results of the tests given The schedule will be as follows: Southern Seminary was short, hOW-r freshmen at the beginning of the Nov.12-Dancing in M c D ani e I of ever, and in 1918 she returned to Will Open Semi-For-mal Dancing year have been computed and record- of Group Members Students And Faculty '- Lounge, recorded mtlSic Hold Discussion Season At College On eel. Because of th~ late entrance ~~;:~~: o~f::~i:~ad~t t~~:nti~\,J~m:~~ I November 19 some students, and the unavoidable Of Munich Pact Games in Blanche Ward Gym Late]' she was made Dean of Women delay in the Registrar's office, the ap- 19-Pi Alpha Dance in the Gym- and served in this position until 1936. With Dick Dorman find his 14-piece pearance of the results was retarded. Berore a small audience of students nasium Mrs. Stover was known to and re- dance band furnishing the music, Pi Psychological Test Ratings and faculty members, the second Wes- 26-Dancing in Blanche Ward spected by hundreds of alumni of the Alpha Alpha Fraternit~ will .inaugu- Freshmen making the ten highest tern Maryland College radio program Gym college as well as many friends of the was broadcast last Tuesday, at 3 Dec. 3-Dancing in Blanche Ward college throughout the state. West- ~:~eei:.e:::rs::l::y;;o:~~~:;~-:~~~:~ grades in the Psychological. test are: o'clock, from the stage of Alumni Hall. Gym with orchestra ern Maryland was one of her chief the Black and White Club presents its Pau~ Alelyunas, Mei-charrtville (N.J) The facilities of station WFMD, 10---Dancing in McDaniel interests in life and it is with deep annual danee in Blanche werd Hall \ HJ_gh School. ~ - Frederick. ;l.Cal·ybllu, w(;,." a:3eJ. Lounge sorrow that we of the college mark gymnasium from 8:15 o'clock to Lucie Leigh Barnes, Western High Munich Pact Discussed Games in Blanche Ward her passing. 11:30 o'clock. School, Baltimore {Md.] ~ The program consisted of an infor- Gym Funeral services we're held for Mrs. To Be First Frat Dance F. Eugene Belt, Franklin High School, mal conversation on the present di- (Continued 011 Page 4, Column 4) Stover at 4:00 P. :M., Wednesday, at This dance will be the first in a se- Reisterstown (Md.) lemma in Europe brought about by Hagerstown and were followed by in- nes of four semi-formal fraternity Ruth Ora Ccltrider, Westminster the Munich Pact, and the events lead- Two faculty mem- DR. FORLINES ATTENDS terment in one of the city's ceme- dances to be held on the "Hill" prior (Md.) High School. ing up to it, and of the probable re- teries. to the three formal dances, the Milt- L. Shirley Feurst, Pelham (N.Y.) sults of the Pact. tary Ball, the Junior Prom, and the Memorial High School. bers, Dr. Whitfield and Professor CHICAGO CONFERENCE COLLEGECHURCH TO OPEN ~~:-~~~l:~i~n:h\~~it~e~i:n~: \~~~te:~ Norman W. Foy, J!-., City College, Hurt, and four students, Gwendolyn Mary Heemnn, Malcolm Clemson, ANNUALFINANCIAL DRIVE followed in December with the Christ- Isaac Baltimore (Md.) Kullmar, and Lawrence Joseph Oleair Delegates Hold Discussion On Freeny car- B. Rehert, City College, Balti- mas dance to be held shortly Problems Administrative before ried on the discussion. the Christmas holidays by the Bache- more (Md.) served as the student announcer', and Of Seminaries Speeches By Officials Of Church lor's. Evelyn M. Rullman, Annapolis (Md.) Professor Makosky, director of the Groups T() Initiate Drive Girl Vocalist In Band High School. program series, initiated and closed Dr. C. E. Forlines, president of -At Assembly Dorman's orchestra was selected by F. Virginia Smith, East-ern High the discussion. Westminster Thelogical Seminary, re- the Black and White Club after .sev- School, Baltimore (Md.) Recent Events Reviewed turned last Monday from a conference The College Church will launch its eral other popular orchestras had been Virginia E. Sweeney, Annapolis (Md.) Early in the conversation Dr. Whit- with the presidents of theological annual financial campaign next Mon- considered and after the dance com- High School. field gave 1\ brief account of the his- seminm-iea of the Methodist Episco- day morning in the regular assembly mittee of the fraternity had traveled Mary E. Tyson, Forest Park High tory of the nation-state of Czechoslo- pal Church, the Methodist Episcopal period. The drive will be inducted to Washington, D. C., to hear Dor- School, Baltimore (Md.) vakia from its fOl'lllation prior to the Chut'ch South, and the Methodist with talks by Gene Ackerman, Ray- man and his band. A feminine vocal- Janus E. Yentsch, Glen Burnie (Md.) close of the World War to the pres- Protestant Church. The, conference mond Roderick, James Shreeve, and ist and an electric guitar are features High School. ent, and reviewed the recent occur- was held in the Stevens Hotel in Chi- Virginia Karow. of the orchestra which played during Those ranking highest in the En- rences in Europe which culminatcd in cago, Iliin-ois, and was headed by Dr. Gene Ackerman has been named the summer at the Washingwn Golf glish test arc: ~ the annexation by Germany of Suden- Charles E. Scoffield, president of Iliff chairman of the 1938 campaign by and Country Club. Lucie Leigh Barnes. tenland. In suhsequent discussion, it School of Theology in Denver, Colo- representatives of the College Church The dance will be of the program Helen E. CalT, Forest Park High was emphasized that the Sudetan rado. organizations. It will be in this ca- type and will consist of twelve dances School, Baltimore, Md area was never H part of Germany, Degrees Discussed pacity that he will make the first ad- (Continued on Page 4, Column 2) L. Shirley Feurst. and that in fa.iling to support Czecho- The delegates discussed the ques- dress on Monday. Ackerman trans- E. Jane Fraley, Oakland (Md.) High slovakia, Russia, France, and Gl"foat tion of granting Masters degrees to ferred to the sophomore class at West- School. (Continued on Page 4, Column 5) theological students who have com- ern Maryland in the fall of 1936 fTOm MENDISCUSSCOMPULSORY Clarence L. Marsh, Frederick (Md.) pleted four years of study at a sem- Johns Hopkins University. High School. inary. They hold that it is not fair \Vallace To Be Absent CHAPEL RULEAT MEETING Henry K. Miller, Wicomico High STUDENTS SPEAK TO to require men to work another three Roderick will speak as vice-presi- School, Salisbury (Md.) years for a Bachelors degree when.,... dent of the Y. rl"I.C. A. in the absence David C. Ashorn, FranKlin High LOCAL KIWANIS CLUB they already have one. However, the of President Charles Wallace. Dean Free Interprets Present School, Reisterstown (Md.) delegation reached no definite de- Shreeve will represent the Sunday Regulation By Request Isaac B. Rehert. dsion. School of which he is president. He, Of Students EvelYIl M. Rullman Undergraduates Talk Before Service The advantages and disadvantages like Ackerman, is spending his third Wesley Sheffield, Lawrence (N.Y.) ('Iub on Extra-Curricular of the seminaries being supported by alld last year at the College, having Boarding men students met III High School. . Activities the whole united church or merely by received advance standing from Bal- Smith Hall, Monday night, November These names arc l'ecorded alpha- jurisdictions, was another question timore Polytechnic Institute in 1936. 7, immediately after dinner in order betically. not according to grades Extra-cprricular activities at \Ves- under discussion. The jurisdic- Miss Karow will speak for the Y. to discuss Chapel regulations. A pe- achieved in the tests. tern Maryland College were the top- tions al'e divisions of the whole W. C. A. as president of that organi- tition requesting such a meeting had ics of four speeches given by college church, and are denoted by sec- zation. been presented the week before to students at the weekly meeting of tions, such as the Northeastern Juris- The College Church is a federation Alexander Ransone, president of the MUSIC DEPARTMENT GIVES the' Westminster Kiwanis Club held diction, and the Eastern Jurisdiction. of the student religious organizations Men's Student Government. last Tuesday evening, Novemher 8, at The consensus of opinion was that on the campus for the purpose of con- The Board of Trustees of the Col- RECITAL IN SMITH HALL Gilbert's Inn. These speeches were seminaries should be dependent upon ducting the annual campaigns for lege has stipulated in its regulations given in connection with a program t.he church as a whole. funds with which to canyon its work. that all boarding students he required The No-"ember recital of the Music Oil hobbies sponsored annualJy by this The views of the seminary presi- It is composed of the Y. M. C. A., to attend a weekly Sunday evel)ing Department was given last Tt1e~day service club. dents will be pres~nted to·the Co~- Y. W. C. A. and the William G. Baker chapel. It was explained that this is aftel"Uo~n at 4:G1'i o'clock in Smith Dean Free was chairman of the pro- missfon on Education by Horace G. Sunday School. The Christmas pag- quite in keeping with the policy and HalJ. Students of lIIiss Gesner, Mr. gram in which the following partici- Smith, newly elected president of the eant is sponsored by the College traditions of the college. Mr. Ran- Spangler, Mr. Royer, and Mr. De Long pated: Elizabeth Erb, Veronica Kom- Garrett Biblical Institute of Evan- Church. sone pointed out in the meeting that I in piano, violin, and voice performed panek, Frank Sherrard, and William ston, Illinois. The Commission, in The budget for the 1938-39 season the new policy was to put. chapel at- in this first departmental recital of Thomas. Miss Erb, Class of '38, spoke turn, will report these views to the will be announced on Monday. The tendance on the same baSIS as class the year. The students who partici- on art and the athletics; Miss Kom- Uniting Conference, which will be names of the solicitors will also be Jlunek, public speaking and debating; held in KaJlsas City beginning ApI'j] made public dtlring the assembly :~s::~:~c:~c~I~~:;!ert~~r ~::~c~~~~ I ~.~;~~, ;!::gU~:i~i:i~o:,g~~;-r:~~:~ Mr. Shel"l"ard, publications; and Mr. 26. The Conferenc~ will determine period. (Continued on Page 4, Column 2) ; l'y, and Anne Stevenson. ThomM, athletics. the question, '
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