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COL BEAT UPSAI ..A WANTED! SATURDAY CLASS SPIRIT Z286 Vol. 16. No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. October 20, 1938 Of Broadcasts Over WFMD ELECTION RETURNS Mrs. Isanogle Dies Frank Mellor To Give I College Arranges Series .Following Operation Ninth Concert Here Studied Under Pietro Minetti Well- Programs From western Maryland Held Position Of Registrar Known Voice Teacher At Campus To utve Insight Into Unusual Interest Shown Eighteen Years Prior Peabody Conservatory Many Phases Of College Life To Death director of WFMD, made to 0' Frank Mellor, the noted American Western Maryland College will ini- By Voting Classes SERVICES AT BAKER CHAPEL tenor, will appear in his ninth recital tiate a series of regular radio broad- at Western Maryland College when casts over station WFMD, Frederick, Mrs. Anna Houck Isanogle, for the he sings at Alumni Hall on October on Tuesday, November 1, at 3 P. M. past eighteen years registrar of \Ves- 28. This will be the first presenta- The programs will aim to give a pic- tern Maryland College, died on Octo- tion in a series of programs arranged ture of every phase of college life and ber 14 in the Maryland General Hos- by the administration. it is hoped that there will be much pital, Baltimore. She continued 'to Mr. Mellor received his vocal train- student pm-ticipabion. serve in the capacity of registrar up ing at the Peabody Conservatory of This series of programs grew out until the time of her being taken to Music in Bpluimore, where he was a of a proposal that Mr. Longstreet, the hospital on October 5. Mrs. Isa- scholarship student for six years. He program In nogle was the wife of Dr. A. M. Isa- studied under the late Pietro Minetti, Dr. Holloway in the latter part of the nogle, dean of the School of Educa- well-known voice teacher, who for summer. Dr. Holloway responded fa- NEW SENIOR CLASS tion at the college. many years was head of the depart- vorably to the suggestion that WFMD PRESIDENT ment of voice at Peabody Conserva- MemaYiam Interment In Cumberland tory. After completing his study in and the college cooperate in a series Funeral services were held at 9:30 Baltimore, Mr. Mellor went to New of programs and the matter was pre- sented to a faculty committee for con- A. M. Sunday, October 16, in Baker York where he entered concert work . Chapel. The Rev. Arthur W. Ewell, For ten years he held the position of .aider-abion. pastor of the Westminster Methodist tenor soloist at the Madison Avenue two request.s n Committee In Charge Protestant Church, and Dr. Fred G. Presbyterian Church. committee composed Holloway, president of the college, Dean The Schofield, Dr. was Bertholf, Dean of officiated. Following the rites the Praised By Critics Free and Professor Makoskey. Tpe body was taken to Cumberland where Mr. Mellor has recently moved to plan was approved by the committee interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. Clearwater, .Florlda, after a career of and were made: that Class Relatives and a number of friends ac- twenty-three years in New York City .. Professors Royer and Ravel' be added companied the body from Westmin- At present he is managed by the NEV( SOPHOMORECLASS ster. Southern Concert Bureee-or ·Atlanta, to the committee, and that Mr. Long- PRESIDENT Spirit The pallbearers were Dean Samuel Georgia. , street meet with the committee to B. Schofield, Prof. Carl Schaeffer, Dr. This artist is said to sing with rare make clear his ideas concerning the also had Lloyd M. Bertholf, Prof. Hugh' B. intelligence and keen insight. His programs. The committee to ask Mr. several pertinent questions Speir, and Prof. Milson C. Raver of voice has been described by critics as Longstreet 'about the procedure of a the college faculty and Mr. Raymond a well-rounded, beautifully schooled S. Hyson, superintendent of the pub- instrument. broadcast. lic schools of Carroll County. The program will include a Shu- W~f~~D~~~~o;:;. ;:r:!~:e:~:tta;~~~ Public School Teacher bert group, featuring the Ungeduld. the enlarged comr&ttee a few days Mrs. Isancg'le was a daughter of the All. <,-ria, fr:J!n Haydn's "Creation" will before the openingi'f school. After open the concert which will close on late J. Holmes and Jane Houck, of "The Old Refrain" by Kreisler. In- several hours of discussion, a more Attendance at Sunday Chapel and "Whereas the number of ballots in Cumberland. Prior to assuming her cluded in the concert will be an aria Monday morning Assembly will hence- the Senior and Sophomore classes was duties as registrar at the college she from "The Pearl Fishers" by Bizet ~~:n::;ei~~a p~~:;rZ~at~e~e c;:::;~;;:. forth be administered on the same insufficient to comply with the regu- was a teacher in the public schools of and selections from Brahms, Peel, and The program is always to be a dis- basis as regular class attendance lations requiring- that a minimum of Cumberland and Charles County. Pessard. tinct product of Western Maryland This is the substance of the new regu- 757< of the class in full and regular Word of her passing came as a College, llos~ibly of an informative lations, announced by Dean Free, gov- standing vote, it will be necessary shock to the college. She was known Tickets Available n.ature,,, but lllteres~ing at the sa~e I erning attendance at these required to have a re-election in the above men- to many hundreds of alumni who were Tickets for this recital will be avail- ume. The full var-iety of college hie exercises. tioned classes, such election to take students at the college during her able in the office of the Dean of Wo- should be reflected in the programs," A maximum of two unexcused eb- place during the regular Monday term of office. men after Tuesday, October 25. Stu- Mr. Longstreet explained. eences per semester will be permitted morning assembly period of October Mrs. Isanogle was once a teacher dents will be admitted free; others at Chapel and two at Assembly, pro- 24, 1938." of industrial arts. Her avocation was will pay fifty cents. Varied Programs vided that two absences do not OCCUI (Signed) in the field of art and she painted The entertainment program sched- The types of programs that may be on successive weeks. Excused ab- many pictures in oils. Her versatility uled for the year includes an appear- presented and would be acceptable to sences should be arranged either with DOROTHY VROOME, did not stop at that point, however, ance of the, Jitney Players on Janu- the station will include discussions of President, Women's Student Gov- for hJr artistic interest in flower ary 12. The National Symphony Or- current issues, music, sports discus- the Dean of Men or the Dean of Wo- ernment, absence men prior to the anticipated gardening was manifested by the chestra, under the direction of Hans sions, debating, drama, seasonal ac- Dean Free says that he is hoping ALEX RANSONE, many hours she spent developing that Kindler, will climax the program play- tivities such as holiday programs at for the cooperation of the students on President, Men's Student Cov- interest. ing in Alumni Hall on March 14. Christmas, and instruction, if adapt- these regulations which should not ernment, ed to the radio situation. The com- impose any undue hardships on any L. FORREST FREE, mittee held a detailed discussion over Dean of Men. Chapel Dr. Lin Lin, Member China Institute these and other points and reached student. of Since requirements Attendance the i-s one stipu- definite conclusions as to reasonably of the In America, T0 Address Faculty Club the presentation of materials. lated by the Board of Trustees out, it is Shipley. Elected Head Dean Free points College, Station WFMD will stand ready to expected that the student body will Authority On Economic Conditions In China Is To Be Lecturer Tonight At lend its assistance in planning pro- abide with this request in the spirit Of Junior Class First Meeting Of Organization grams, providing equipment, and in which it is made. sharing in the expenses incidental to the broadcast. A telegraph line to Kullmar, Quarles, Packwood, Scott Dr. Lin Lin, a representative of the his lectures in Mexico had been con- and Cole Chosen to Fill Other the Camera Club Sponsors China Institute in America, will be cluded. Frederick will have to be financed Positions the speaker at the regular meeting The speaker received his Ph.D. de- and due to other arrangements of the Faculty) Club when it convenes gree from Ohio State University ill committee felt that it could not go on College Scrap Book Prank Shipley was named president tonight for the first time this year. international currency and banking the air for at least a month. Novem- of the Junior Class at the annual class Prof. J. D. Makoskey, president of and has done research work with the ber 1 was the date finally selected. Helen Newman Elected President election held in Alumni Hall, Wednes- the organization, will preside at the Brookings Institution. He is recog- Studio In Alumni Hall Martindale, Nicodemus, Eckel'S day, October 19. Mr. Shipley, who meeting which will be held in McDan- nized as an authority on economic Hold Other Offices succeeded Sam Galbreath as president iel Hall Lounge. conditions in China and will come to Plans are now being prepared and of the class of '40, held the position of Dr. Lin will be speaking in the place the Hill with a reputation for being perfected for the series. Alumni Hall Helen Newman was elected presi treasurer last year. He is an active of Mr. Chih Meng, a director of the an excellent lecturer. will be the locale of the studio be- dent of the Camera Club at a meeting member of Gamma Beta Chi frater- China Institute in America who, ac- lIIeng Also A Lecturer cause, with its stage, it is suited to held Monday, October 17. Other offi nity and Fh'st Sergeant of Company cording- to Prof. Makoskey, had pre- Mr. Meng, who was previously an- many kinds of programs. Mr. Raver cers chosen were: vice-president, Eth- "A" in the R. O. T. C. battalion. viously accepted the invitation to ad- nounced as the speaker, was a lectur- is supervising the construction of ap- el Martindale; secretary, Norma Nico- Malcolm Kullmar succeeds Robert dress the faculty group. e)' at the Institute of International paratus necessary to the broadcast. demus; treasurer, Stewart Eckel'S. Stropp as vice-president. Mr. Kull- Prof. Makoskey stated that he had Affairs at the University of Virgipia Students are expected to have a This year the club is planning to mal', a member of Delta Pi Alpha fra- approached the Chinese embassy in in 1932, 1933, 1934, and 1937. He was considerable of share in the programs. sponsor and compose a college scrap ternity is well-known in the dramatic can The very work announcing Washington during the summer re- also a delegate to the Institute of book which will consist of snapshots circles at W. M. C. and appeared in a f garding a speaker for the meeting World Affairs in 1937. He is a native easily be done by students and it is of scenes, activities, and outstanding number of productions during his and embassy officials had referred him of Peiping, China, and has made a hoped that other opportunities for in- individuals on the campus. It is to sophomor-e year. to the China Institute of America. 12,000 mile travel study of that coun- dividual participation will be forth- be kept from year to year by the or- Other officers chosen were: secre- The Institute had apparently con- try. coming. The orchestra members and ganization for the interest of the tary, Margaret Quarles; treasurer, tacted Dr. Lin, according to corres- Faculty Club Meetings the Glee Club si~gers will natu:ally members of both the club and the stu- Jean Lynn Scott; histor-ian, Margaret pondence received by Prof. Makoskey, The Faculty Club holds regular have a lar~e par~ III the ~resentah_o~s. dent body. Packwood; and sergeant-at-arms, in regard to the meeting here, but it meetings on the third Thursday of , The cQmmlt~ee III particular SOlICIts Arrangements are being made to Charles Cole. appeared that a speaking tour in Mex- equip a dark room and acquire ade- Retiring officers are Sam Galbreath, ico at first conflicted with the program ~e:m::~n~hndwi;~n'~~;y e~~~~iO:ee~~ I ~~et~~o~e::etl~~a~:~ t::r:i~:~::t:'n~:~~ quate facilities for developing. Mem president; Robert Stropp, vice-presi- and Mr. :Meng was assigned the local ings are not scheduled because of cal- i tra-curricular life can be adapted to bel'S of the organization who are in- dent; Letitia Bryan, secretary; Frank address. Later correspondence, how- endar conflicts, which eithel' do not' radio presentation, it is felt. terested in the developing and print- Shipley, treasurer; Regina Fitzgerald, ever, explained that Dr. Lin would be llermit or interfere seriously with Professor Makosky, com mit tee ing phases of photography will have historian; and Edgar Rinehimer, ser- able to fill the local engagement since the faculty program. (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) dccess to these facilities. geant-nt-anns.
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