Page 14 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 14
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 'Intercollegiate Debate PROPOSED FIELD HOUSE I B~ta Beta. Beta Plans Representatives Meet Interesting Discussions Debate Question For Year Chosen Meetings WilIBeArranged With At Harrisburg Meeting Discussions To Interest Average On October I Students At the annual meeting of the Penn, In order to make Beta Beta Beta, sylvania State Debaters' Association National Honorary Biological Frater- held in Harrisburg on October first, nity, more interesting to the average the question selected for debate this student, the officers and members de- year by members of the association cided at their first meeting on Fri- and colleges in this district is: Re- day, October 7, to discuss only those solved, That the United States should subjects that are of vital interest to follow a policy of isolation toward all everyone. These discussions are to nations involved in international or be held every Thursday in the bacteri- civil conflict. (Isolation to be defined ology lab at 4:15 p, M. AU members as complete economic and military lso- of .the faculty and student body are latio~.) invited. Other Debate Questions Anyone who has demonstrated Other questions considered by the sound scholarship and aptitude in the biological sciences, and who genuine- association, which may be used by I)T desires to become a member of colleges desiring to debate more than 'I'ri-Beta, is invited to make applica- one; question, were: Resolved, That tion for membership by leaving his the United States should cease to use name with the secretary of the organ- public funds (including credit) for the purpose of stimulating businesst, The College Were Shown The Position At The Northern End Of The Soccer Field ization, Virginia Karow, before No- vember 1. and Resolved, That the Pennsylvania House Will Be Erected. Construction Will Start In December And The Building Admission Requirements Teacher Tenure Law should be Fall Of 1939. The admission requirements are: amended to permit the dismissal of A. Active membership. wome~ teachers because of marriage. (Cont. fr~m Page 1, Col. 5) Inter-Sorority c'ouDcil (Cont. from P;ge 3, Col. 1) To .be eligible for membership a of p~~~es::r~~:n d~ba:ak~:~~, co;:~ I Associati.on ::8 en~aged in the "Boost the loudest wins some sort of student must elected vice-president of the Aaeocia- the StadlU:n pl:oJect, and all the fig- Meets To Discuss Bids prize which is not known to the 1. Be a member of the, junior tion and served on the Committee on urea ~ro~lllent m Free ~tat~ fo?tball writer. It would probably be a or senior class who has com, Questions at the meeting. Western were invited. The org-anization IS do- couple of handkerchiefs or the pleted 10 semester hours of Winifred Harwood Of Sigma Sigma home town addresses of Marshall biology. :;s:Yi::~ 1;:csDo~~~:sc::~e: o:J;~es~~ ::~d~~I:I;I~~~ p;:~~e :::~te; :a~~ Tau Heads Council; Stevenson Goldberg and the rest of the All- 2. Have received a grade of "B" man debating, Miss Veronica Kompa- way and hopes ~o ha:ve a big crowd Vice-President Americans. or above in at least 80% of nek, and Mr. Sydney Mansh. out for the openmg tilt. Second Half his courses in biology and in The bands of both schools will be at least 50% of all subjects Debate Meeting Planned on the field to furnish music before The Inter-Sorority Counqll, headed What happened in the second half including biology. This year's varsity teams will be and during the game. Mason Sones by Winifred Harwood, Sigma Sigma of the Washington game is something B. Provisional Members: composed of both men and women, has been drilling his men regularly Tau, as president, has held the first known only to the coach and to the Students may become provision- Mary- 'Western themselves. players and all upperclassmen interested are and hopes to make a fine showing this two meetings of the year in order to land certainly outrated Washington in al members after one semester urged to attend a meeting to be held year. It is probable that many nota- discuss business for the current year. of residence provided 40% of next week. Announcement of a defi- bles will be down in the boxes to The business, as yet, concerned bids all departments, but the Shoremen their grades are "B" or above. nite time will be made later. watch the battle that decides the to the three sororities. Two Invite- threatened the goal line several times, It is not to be assumed that pro- offense got nowhere. and the Terror Tentative plans are under consider- mythical football champion of Mary- tions to join have been issued by Delta The team bogged down badly. Next visional members will automat- ation for the organization of a Mary- land. After the game the silver tro- Sigma Kappa to Blanche Scott and week Maryland certainly will capital- ically become active members. land Inter-Collegiate Deb at i n g phy cup, donated by Mayor Jackson, Audrey Coffren. Both have accepted. ize on any slips and bogging down C. Transfer students: League, which will be composed of may change hands again. Other officers of the Council include One semester of residence shall about six colleges. Each college join- that may occur. The Terrapin ob- be required of transfer students Phi Alpha ing will debate every other college in The probable line-ups are: Ann Stevenson, and Elizabeth Mu, as servers on the sideline did not have before they may be considered Crisp, much to watch as the play slowed up vice-president, the league twice, once in the affirma- West. Md. Maryland and neither team "clicked". However, for membership. tive and once in the negative. The Stropp LF Budkoff Delta Sigma Kappa, as secretary. The the Terror quarterbacks may have college winning the lar~st number of Lytton LT Albarano offices rotate, each sorority having a concealed their best tricks for a big debates will be the Maryland State Hanson LG Gienger member in a dU!'erent position each surprise down at the Stadium. ·Wc JOHN EVERHAR Champion. The motive back of the Peters C Forrester year. league is to stimulate inter-collegiate Fagan RG DeArmey Couneil Members hope so. THE COLLEGE BARB debating. Radatcvitch RT Brown Frosh Gridders Ready AND BOBBER Lesinski RE Beamer The Council is composed of three Tomorrow the Baby Terrors open AT THE FORKS Dickson QB Weidinger members from each sorority. Eliza- against Devitt Prep out on Hoffa Murphy To the Editor: Knepp HB Skotnicki beth Crisp, president, Lu Mar Meyers Field. This opght to give the student Drugash HB In the last issue of the Gold Bug, an McPike FB Boyda and Bette Helm represent Delta Sig- _body a fine chance to practice up on H. E. REESE editorial appeared which, important ma Kappa. Members from Phi Al- a little rooting in preparation for the TAILOR as it was, has been given little, if any, Officials: Referee, C. E. quddy; Um- pha Mu are Ann Stevenson, presi- Stadium's wide open spaces. Charlie CLEANING attention. J am referring to the edi- pire, Ad. Hausmann; Linesman, W. dent, Dorothy Brown, and Mary Rinehcimer has his charges initiated PRESSING REPAIRING torial on seating assignments in the H. Warren; Field Judge, George Clemson. From Sigma Sigma Tau ~~1~0 S::~ei:n n~;:,~~l:::~~.system, and I 94 East Main Street dining hall. Proctor. are Winifred Harwood, president, SUITS MADE TO MEASURE When I was a freshman, three Martha Yocum and Margery McKen- years ago, I prided myself on the fact J. D. KATZ ney. that I knew so many students. I felt QUALITY WE SPEND OUR ENTIRE LIFE IN TWO P LAC E S, IN at home-that I lived among friends SHOE REPAIRING SHOES, AND IN BED. THE NEARBY HANOVER FOLKS whom I know. Special Rates to Students TAKE CARE OF THE ONE; AND THE "MORRELL MAN- I regret that now after three years Joe Oleair, Agent Have Your Films Developed SION" TAKES CARE OF T.HE OTHER. IT'S THE BEST here I know only about half of the and Finished at boys and less than one fourth of the PLACE IN WESTMINSTER TO LIVE. THOSE BEDS, BIG girls. This is no fault ef my own. BILLOWY MOUNTAINS OF IMPECCABLE PERCALE, Everyday I see strangers roaming Phone 300 AND MADE UP HIGH SO THAT THEY COME UP OVER around the campus-not strangers to A BIG FELLOW'S SHOULDERS. THAT'S THE KIND OF A the campus but strangers to me, for I have not had the opportunity of PLACE IT IS. STOP THERE!! meeting them. CARROLLEEN tio~~i;~rinld:~~a~s ~S:Pt~~:b:~e e;~~;I Individual Coiffures of a small school was the fact tha.t everyone knew everyone else. \. (Signed) A. S. Beauty in its Entirety Compliments of the THREE CHAIR SERVICE No Waiting\ 66 W, Main St. HEAGY BROTHERS' CARROLL BARBER SHOP WESTMINSTER, MD. Next to Pos,t Office We go to any lengths BEAUTIFUL PERSONAL in MOJUD CHRISTMAS CARDS Clari-phane and the Fifty Assorted Designs with Envel- opes, $1.50. Finest Grade, a work of Come and See SILK STOCKINGS Art, $3. Name inscribed in each free if desired. An Ideal Xmas Gift. Or- OUR NEW STOCK OF • No more wrinkling hose der at once. lor legs Ihal "never grew NICHOLS & CO., W. M. C. JEWELRY up". No more skimpy hOB9 STATE THEATRES ROCKMART, GEORGIA to strain on the "Iong_ol_ Just arrived limb'·, Whatever your heiqhl, you can gel our Carroll Pastry Shop Reasonably Priced lovely clear Clari-phcmes in your righl length. When you Do your Christmas Shopping tell us your &loo;king ,ile, • Next to Carroll Theatre Early just add '·shorl"'. "medium"', FINE PASTRIES PENNANTS PILLOWS or "tall" as the case may he. OF ALL KINDS 'The best in movie comfort and Utility Sheers 79c MADE WITH BUITER P. G. Coffman Co. Afternoon Sheers - 79c entertainment Specialties: Wedding and Times Building TheCoffman·Fisher Co. Birthday Cakes WESTMINSTER
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