Page 22 - TheGoldBug1938-39
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PAGE FOUR The Gald aug, Weatun Marylllnd CoUege, Westminster, Md. Preachers Receive Large Crowd Dances To CALENDAR Art Club To Present J.V. Soccer Team Drops Athletic Award Stoner's Nine-Piece Band Nevember W. C.· A. Social, Blanche Sculpture Display Third Game By 1 Point : 4-Y. Jameson, Impecatio, And Belt Fea- Ward Gym, 7:30-10:00 Sculpture Display Exhibition' To Be Return !\latch With Gettysburg Trophies Awarded In Soft Ball ture In Musical Program. lUansh Football, Preachers vs. Black First In Group To Be Given Intra-Mural Football, Golf Master Of Ceremonies and Whites, 4 :00 During This Year Failing on the defense just once, And Volleyball Mens' Stu den t Government the Terror Junior Varsity Soccerites Jimmy Stoner and his nine-piece Ot'- Meeting, Mens' Lounge, 12:15 The Art Club will present a sculp- were beaten by the Gettysburg J. V. Delta Pi Alpha F'ratertrity won the cheetra played to 250 persons at the 6-Piano Recital, Smith Hall,8:30 ture display, the work of several Bal- 1-0. Athletic Award for the year- 1937-38. annual Freshman-Sophomore dance in 7-W. A. A. Meeting, 6:30 timoreans, in McDaniel Lounge begin- Using a make-shift lineup, the home The award, a Silver Cup, was present- Blanche Ward gymnasium. 8--College Broadcast, A lu m n i ning Sunday, November 13, at 1:30 forces outplayed the visitors through- ed to William Bryson, president of the The plans ror the dance were made Hall, 3:00 P. M. p. m., and continuing for several days. out the greater part of the game, but fraternity, at a meeting of the men by committees appointed by Henry Music Recital, Smith Hall, 4:15 lacked the drive necessary to score. This display is the first in a 'group held in Smith Hall. Mr. H. B. Spei;' Tj-iesler, general chairman. Decore- Bachelors Smoker-Bachelor's of exhibitions which the club plans to The second stringers eagerly await was in charge and made the award. tions. following the Hallowe'en theme Club Room, 8:00 present during the school year. a return game at Gettysburg on No- The award was given to the, Preach- were put up by a committee consisting 9--Y Meetings, in Y Rooms, 6:45 These pieces of sculpture were vember 10. Having lost all three of era' Club by virtue of the fact that it of S. Y. Mansh, chairman, R. W. molded during the past year by five their games by one point, the J. V.'s had the greatest number of points in Rahn, W. R. Wiley, F. D. Day, L. commercial artists of Baltimore. They hope to crash ,the win column. all-around competition. This club won Venyke, T. E. Arther, T. F. Lewis, B. have been on display in the city dur- Allnutt., E. R. Brown and E. R. Lo- Representatives Altend the trophies in intra-mural football, ing the past year. soft ball, volley ball, and golf. Bas- gall New York Conference The exhibit will be open to the stu- Y. W. C. A. Plans Kiddie Party For ketball and track were wou by Alpha Student Program dent body and the general public. Freshman Girls, Nov. 4' Gamma Tau. Tennis, as yet undecid- Rerresbments were served by E. E. =d, will be played off between the vroome, chairman, E. M. Bowen, T. '1'0 extend guidance to the tndivi- Preachers- and the Black and Whites fl. Cowperthwait, J. Wigley and V. dual and gradually eliminate the SIDE LINES 12, ~~3;~~~:e~~\v~v~~i~~, h~·~v:;~~~ in the near future. Wigley. breach between "prep" school and col- Entcrtainment was presented in the lege was tlie general purpose of the Sportsmanship Praised (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 1) I ~;iS~t:::::tel~f~:~:::h!~!ni~' C~~= The individual athletic awards, giv- form of solos by Vic Impeciato and Educational Conference which was some husky slaps and rough blocking. roll County. She talked on "The Louise Jameson en by the Maryland Department of by Eugene Belt. and piano selections held on October 27 and 28, at the . The fraternity contest has evolved Contributions of the Negro Race to Sidney Mansh was Roosevelt Hotel in New York.- Miss Education, were awarded at this same master of ceremonies and took charge Sara Smith of the Education Depart- l~to a more or less one-side? affair American Society". This meeting was meeting. Twenty-eight -men received of. awarding the door prize. This ment, and .Dr. Holloway represented With the Preachers way out m front, one of a series centering around the the bronze medal, seventeen the silver, and the other clubs battling for sec- topics pi racial problems begun by the eleven the gold, and five the super- program was arranged by V. V'I Western Maryland College. ond place: The Preachers have a Sunday School. gold. ~~-u;r~.'al~I~:~S!~~'l ~ldm~~d~sbury, ga~~z:~~·~·~ine:~::nt~~~sp~~~o~~~th;r~~~ powerful line which includes Emil Ed-! At this meeting, plans were com- Mr. Speir spoke briefly abcut., the Rubinson Handles Finances lelll-that of successful measur-ement mund and Jack Ryan. who are better plated for the annual Kiddie party to intramural athletic plans for the eom- ~~;:~rs than any of the other clubs I b~ held i~ the Blanche Ward gymna- mg year. He emphasized the fact Publicity for the affair was handled of the growth, ability and totality of t that the athletic policy here is "a by T. G. Elias. Finances were taken D. tile individual. Professor W. V. 'If '!'heir s~pel"iority makes the game ~;~I:;k.Fr~~~, p:r~;ei:b;:e~ i: he!~~: care of by W. C. Robinson Bingham of the Stevens Institute and sport for everyone and everyone for Lubking. Technology made this the main theme umnterestmg for the .other clubs. as of the freshman girls but all girls are a sport." He complimented the fra- they are unable to build up a machine invited. Prizes will be iven for the ternities on the high degree of sports- The unique decorations and the un- of his talk on Pi-iday afternoon. manship that they had attained in usually large attendance were fea- The conference ilOt only convenes to ~e~oo~:a:e:~:s \,:.!;~:~.s~uc:os7:::~~~! cleverest costumes. g their games during the past year. He tnres of the dance. members at- discuss these things; it publishes se1"- occur in cycles. Once the Gamma Bets The following faculty ics of tests which enable high schools did suggest, however, that each class tended as Sl)(msors: Dean and Mrs. to experiment in this new field, which and once the Bachelors were riding PATRONIZE president appoint an athletic repre- Free, Dr. and Mrs. Earp, Major and otherwise would be too great a cost high in touch football. OUR sentative to set up a definite intl-a- Team Goes To The Movies ADVERTISERS mural program for non-varsity and Mrs. Shepherd, and Dr: and Mrs. Ri- I to them. A number of speeches were given on non-fraternity men. To better cany dington. ; I reading disabilities, the use of the Ii- Charlie Havens' football movies out their plan, he announced that the ~~!!~et~~a:~~~:sn s!~: ~~~~.he ~~~~ ]. D. KATZ Athletic Department would enlarge its DR. HO~~~~~:E~~;;~KS AT I ~;at:~ci:el~:~:t!~~'n;~~ ~~e::u:;:i:~ offerings in various sports. parts of the problem arising from the not reach the ball carrier, Charlie SHOE QUALITY takes him to the show amI points out REPAIRING Fencing To Be Introduced (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) purpose of the Conference. ~~te t::S~?s s~~~I It was also announced by Mr. Speir Members of the Conference state ~~l~i:r:~~~. h;~;~l~f Spc~~~ ~l~e:ir~o A~r:n~ents that fenci'hg would be introduced here, Arts ,md thc College," and "The Col- that the difficulty of their aim and cess this year may be traced to the ======.,,::;.==- lege alld the Social Security Act." provided that a great enough number ideal lies in the present abstractness the analysis of what was wrong with I use device and this self-scouting of of students manifested an interest in On Friday evening, the University of it and the need for educating more this sport. This will be the first time of Hiohmoncl, which is Dr. Whitfield's people to it. ---- different plays. In addition to cor- that this sport will be undertaken by Alilla l\later, entertained the confer- recting their own faults, the pictures the college. If this sport is introduc- ence at a dinnCl·-meeting. will be valuable to the team next year morning Dr. Hollo- On Saturday ed, Dean Fl'ee wili be the coach. He ~~~:".ga~e ad~:~~S;~~"~eeac~;~·st~::c:~ I F,\CULTY MEMBERS A1"I'END when the same opponents face the plans to secure several experts from MEETING IN BAL1'B10RE Terrors. Teams use the same basic I ~~~~~~~~~~ the University of Maryland fencing the relative importance of subject (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) plays ~'ear in and year out. '" team to give the beginners instruction. Friday moming with a gencral meet- Ralph Cover of Westminster is tak- H, E. REESE Cross country will be again revived ulatter and knowledge of mcthod to ing the pictures for the athletic de- TAILOR as an intra-mural sport if the inter- the teacher, taking the viewpoint that ing at Polytechnic Institute. In the paltment. Mr. Cover is a very en- CLEANING meet- est of the student body warrants the both were intcrdependent and equally afternoon, special departmental Baltimore thusiastic amateur camera fan and PRESSING REPAIRING c~sellti!ll. The good teacher, he said, ings were held at various forming of teams. has :l mastcl·y of his subject, knows ]Jublic schools. Dr. Ebaugh, liS chair- aoes the job for the love of it. The 94 East Main Street The Department also has introduc- man of the Teacher Training Depart- films will be kept as historical records. SUITS MADE 1'0 MEASURE ed a new sports pl·ogram based on what to teach in regard to his stu- nwnt, presided OVCI" the meeting of dentH' capacities, environment, and . giving individuals a freer use of the desire to learn, and knows how to that group held at Eastern High THREE CHAIR SERVICE I I gymnasium for their spal·e timc. The teach. School. equipment for the following sports Most,of the discussion~ were cell- On Friday evening, II dinner meet- Mackenzie's Drug Store will be available for all times: bad- tered around the financial problems of ir,g was held at the Lord Baltimm'e minton, b~~ketbaJl, volley ball and the smaller or privately administered Hotel. The final 11leeting·s were held Announces a Complete handball. Saturday morning at Polytechnic In- ,~,.,...;.:.;::.::;,;.;;::.;::::;;;;:"..,=~r oolleges, due to decreased endowments Line of Drugs, Toilett~ Goods, and income from invcstments. An- stitute. At that time the All-Mary- COLLEGE PLAYERS TO GIVE other important problem under dis- land High School orchestra, composed Sodas, Magazines, and Candy "POST ROAD" NOV. 2~ cussion was that of the possible tax- of over II hundred students, presented 50 W. Main Street I its annual concert, which was broad- ation privately administered of the rollegc by the Social Security. cast over a coust-to-coast network. (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 1) the IW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~ Next to State Theatre Clever of Emily house lawbreakers over-run shlgle Madison, the I~dy in question, and she seems to be the only one who knows how to ablj' 1 BOTH' cope ' them. She meets with stiff oPPosItion when she meets up with DEAR WESTERN MARYLAND The finest in movie fare is yours Wesley Cartwright, played by iIIr. AND Kullmar. The New York Post wrote the fol- WIN, WESTERN MARYLAND lr'wing concerning "Post Road": "An at elljoysble mystery comedy that di- THE NEW MARCH velts itJi time agrceably between ARE ON SALE AT THE BOOK STORE thrills and laughter. It is cntertain- THE CARROLL ment pure and simple." FOR TWENTY .FIVE CENTS WESTERN MARYLAND COFFEl<: SHOP and AND RESTAURANT JOIN THE CROWD SODA. SANDWICHES, LUNCH AT DINNERS THE STATE BEARD'S JACK MOORE, Manage!" DATES Carroll Pastry Shop BRING YOUR AND ALONG THEATRES Next to Carroll Theatre ENJOY THE FUN DANCING • FINE PASTRIES SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS SOFT DRINKS MADE WITH BUTTER '''Two Houses with one PU1'pose~..:~ Specialties: Wedding and Beard's Restaurant your entertainment" Birthday Cakes WESTMINSTER, MD.
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