Page 21 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wtstminater. Md. PAGFTHREE Gridmen Win 'Two More Sidelines By LARRY STROW HARD fOUGHT GAME WON JUNIOR WINGMAN I Bachelors Win 7-6; GREEN TERRORS SWAMP Notice that already Western Mal.y- BY WESTERN MARYLAND I . . Gamma Bets Split MT, ST. MARY'S TO TUNE land has won more games than 'all last AT UPSALA OCTOBER 22 Of 21-0 ON HOfFA FIELD - season. The TelTol'S are not playing Humphries Instrumental hi Scoring; as high caliber opposition this £aU, Burtis' Passing Is Feature Of but the results ar-e certainly more sat- Passes To Stropp And Lesinski And Both Games Statistics Show 16·2 Advantage In isfying and worth boasting about. 51 Yard Run By McPike First Downs And 296 to 40 Lead St. Anselm, the Green and Gold op- Bring 19-0 Score Tuesday afternoon the Bachelors In Yards By Rushing ponent this Saturday, is undef"eated UPSALA THREATENS SEVERAL closed out the Gamma Bets in a tight, McPIKE. KNEPP, AND BILLS thus far, but their schedule has not TIMES fast game, 7-6, winning their first SCORE been particularly heavy. If the Ter- game in the second round of this rors can only play the top-notch ball In a wild and wooly footb;U game, year's intramurala. From the starting whistle, Western that they are capable of playing, they that had some 2500 New Jersey spec- The game was one of the finest of Maryland took charge of the ball will bring home the winning ribbon tetors tearing their hair from start to the year from the spectators' stand- game last Saturday with Mt.· St. again. This game is a big one for finish, the Green Terrors of '38 point, both teams concentrating on Mary's on Hoffa Field, and wound up the St. Anselm team in Manchester. pounded out a 19-to-0 victory over the aerial attack. on the top side of a 21-0 decision. The The school is only a slight distance "Blue Vikings" of Upsala College on In the opening minutes of the third only thing that kept the score down from the town of Manchester, but the October 22. half, HUmphries faked a pass to the was the liberal use of substitutes by team rarely plays in the town, most right and then romped around left end Charley Havens, the Terror mentor. of the games being in Boston and First Downs Equal for the Bachelor touchdown. The ex- He sent in everyone who was wearing other large cities nearby. The Ter- Each team rolled up thirteen first tra point was made on a short pass a uniform. ror game, which incidentally is to be downs, but a powerful line and an over center from Humphries to Bob A look at the statistics shows how played at night, is expected to draw alert, hard-tackling backfield combina- Brooks. much of an advantage the Green Ter- a very large gate, and the authorities tion enabled W. Md. to stall the "Vik_ In the closing minutes of the fourth, rors had. They chalked up a total :)1 have been building it up for weeks. ing" offense before it could hit the Burtis passed to Mather for the Gam- sixteen first downs to a paltry two for Western Maryland will probably play pay-stripe. However, the flying feet I rna Bet score. Klare missed Burtis' the Mounts. Two hundred and nine- before the largest crowd that will wit- of two blue clad half-backs time and I pass for the extra point. ty-six yards were amassed by various ness any of its games this fall, and again threatened the "Big Green Both lines were weak on defense, marches up and down the gridiron, upwards of 12,000 are expected. Team's" equilibrium, as Albanese and but the teams had good, swift offen- while the most the hapless Mounts Three Weeks To Go Ryle tried desperately to stave off de- I eive plays. The Gamma Bet fake re- could make was forty. feat. Eady in the first quarter, these verse was' used to good advantage aev- On November 5, the boys will be cre l times, and Burtis' passing, as in Apichella Fumbles home again for the Wake Forest bat- two boys slashed through the W. Md.. , ether- games, was up to par. Humph- After an exchange of kicks follow- tle in the Baltimore Stadium. Wake line for three consecutive first downs, r nes' running for the Bachelor back- ing the opening whistle, Tony Apich. Forest's defeat by Clemson, 7-0, was and only a determined goal-line stand : field was the feature of the fracas. ella, the star Mount back, fumbled on witnessed by Charlie Rinehimer last 6y the Green forwards kept them Both teams played clean, brainy ball, his own 43-yard line, and the Terror - Friday night. After a twelve-day from breaking into the scoring col- and showed teamwork throughout. quarterback, Drugash, recovered. rest, the Turkey Day tilt at St. Vin- Three powerhouse smashes put the Gamma Bets Win On Passes cent's will close the season and end the McPike Breaks Loose On Monday afternoon the Gamma oval on the 25-yard line for a first drove through to the down. Dr-ugash playing days of the fourteen seniors Late in the initial quarter, after Bets downed the Black and Whites by Mount 5-yard line for the second Tel'. on the Western Maryland squad. Joe Drugaah had gotten off a 60-yard a score of 7-6. Both teams played r01' first down in a row. He was stop- Credit for only one "LUlU" kick, of which he had several, the defensive bali the first half, and re- ped by Apichella, and the Terrors had tackle is given to Lesinski in the Terrors got hold of the ball on their served scoring plays until the third goal to go. McPike cracked the Mount line. own 37-yard Drugash Mount St. Mary's game. When off right tackle for 12 yards, and then I I and fourth quarters, respectively. forward wall for two Yards, but Dru- slipped the Mounts came toward Frank In the third period, Paul Igash slipped on an attempted sweep Burtis on one play at the north end of a spinner over center started Mack passed to Neil Eckenrode for the and put the ball on the 7-yard line. the field, the blockers were only 'McPike off on a 51-yard scoring dash. Gamma Bet score, and the play was Knepp went up to the I, from which able to put him slightly off bat- Taking the kick-off in the second duplicated for the extra point. point McPike crashed through tackle ance, and "Les" reached out an quarter, the W. Md. backs kept the In the fourth quarter, the Gamma for the score. Slug Hansen kicked the arm and snared the ball carrier, pace hot by driving 50 yards down Bets fumbled a double reverse on their oval squarely between the uprights as usual. The Mounts didn't try field to the Upsala 30-yard marker. own 5-yard line. John Carnochan for the extra point. Lesinski's end anymore after that. The wily "Luzu" certainly !::e~t~~!t~~ ~:~ t:;o~~~ f;:; ~;~~ Team Travels North T0 ~~~e~l~~:ttb;~ll o:~r i!h;o;Ot~~ -;~:~~ The ~~::lU;e::e:U0W~aryland Can grab things,-passes and ball Face St. Anselm Saturday tarriers. ;::fe!~ts::i?e~e!:i~hh~:l !:~~;ri~p~h: Undefeated I an~e:r:i~~:n;~~: tally. ~:~~h:~:~n ~~:~!~!el~o~~~w::d ~~ Bad luck has ridden with the Terror end zone for the second tally. This Green And G~y Team "W_on Lost ceived the kickoff, they punted from hooters in their last three encounters time Hansen didn't miss, and the Hawks In Night Game in Bachelors 1 0 their own 20 to their 45. Bobo Knepp with Pennsylvania teams. One tie, score remained 13-tG-0 until the half New Hampshire Gamma Bets 1 1 sliced off tackle and sprinted 18 yards one loss, and one rained out is the rec- ended. __ Preachers 0 befor-e he was brought down by Klotz. ord. But Coach Wright is very op- The third quarter was scoreless as The Green Terrors fare forth into Black and White 0 Drugash made 7 yards on the next timistic. He says, "just wait till we Upsala flashed a brilliant passing at- the far north this week to play St. play, and although stopped twice be.. get hold of West Chester and Army ~~: Keystone State Teams Hand next week!" The West Point trip is ~::~~ :!~yo~a!:h;e~~~Ol"~to:::e!~ ~::!~~i~~ll~~a;~e~:;:::ness~~il :~~~u~~ ;o~d: fi~~t dJ.::j~~ :eas~~~ a very interesting one to make, which Boolers Loss and Tie ract accounts for the assiduousness :::: t~~i~~I~~~tueB~: aD~:~~;nsp~:~n:; ~n t~:P;:~;:l:~dd ~:::~og::e~O~~i~:~ ~::~e~n:. pa~~·oi~t~h:~eP!:~\~r;:g:~~ with which all the scrubs attend prac- ankle, and the referee had to call time defeated Hawks. Knepp made the outstanding play of tice. out because of a' similar injury to St. Anselm's has defeated prOVi- Bucknell Wins 4-0 But Team Gains the game by holding on to the pass, Good luck to the fighting booters himself. dence, 9-0, Brooklyn, 30-0, Northeast- 5.5 Tie With Dickinson with two Mount defensive backs drap- though; they always give a good ac~ Upsala Threatens at End ern, 40-6, and the University of -_ ed all over him. Hansen again kick- count of themselves. The new squad Throwing caution to the winds, the New Hampshire, 26-0. Northeastern, 1 M_aking their second week-end in- ed the extra point. has two years to go, and by that time Vikings turned on their passing at- coached by the Terral" backfield star vasion of Pennsylvania, the Terror During the second quarter, Havens they will be back on top of the pile tack in earnest as the final quarter of '33, Jimmy Dunn, gave the St. An- sOCcersquad could return with no bet- substituted freely, and although the again:. began. The W. M. board of strategy selm team a good battle but did not tel" than a tie and a defeat. subs didn't have much trouble gaining mct this emergency in a surprising have the material to match the Man~ Western Maryland tackled Dickin_ ground, they could not tally. Thc Upsala Incidents but effective manner as Bill Thomas chester team, and St. Anselm was able son on Friday, October 2], and were half ended with the score 14-0 in fa- The Green Terror's defeat of Upsa- was rushed into the game to play to take advantage of the brcaks, and held to a 5-5 draw. val" of Western Maryland. la two weeks ago was witnessed by a guard. In this way, five Western Md. run up four ~ouchdowns. . _The Wright-men held a 5-2 lcad Bills Lderals surprisingly large crowd of Western Marylandel"s. More than half a hun- ;:~~:. wl~~:.nK!~~:r~~I:~a:~~;e~! H:;;Sh~~:n:! :~~r:es:~:l:~t aN;';. :!~~~:n~~~m q~~trtoe;·th:~~P~::~~ upT!~et:i~~eto~~;:s~ dr;~eu:~~ se: dred were on hand according to all re- for 15 yards to the Upsala 25, Dru- I yard aerial from Sik~rsky to Johnson. ing darkness, a fighting Dickinson Mount punt to the opposition 44. On POltS. Dean Free and several stu- gash dropped another pass into the A 55-yard run,. an mtercepted pass, team countered three times, as the an end sweep Bills lateraled to Dru- dents were there, and numbers of New waiting arms of Frank Lesinski who I and a blocked klCk accounted for the Green Terrors lost their fight. gash, who streaked down the right York alumni attended the game. Sev· scored standing up. Tomichek missed other Hawk scores. St. Anselm's back, The Terror markers were credited side of the field for a a6-yard gain. era} of last year's players, including the point by inches, and several plays I ].I.cLean, is ~ne of the best the Terrors to Wallace and Lewis, each scoring Several ground plays and a pass to Adriance and Sadowski, were in the later the ball gan:J.eended. Will face thIS fall. twice. Tomlinson added the other. Stropp placed the pigskin on the 4. stands. Charlie Ehrhardt, now at Team Away Three Days The Dickinson sC01;ng was done large_ Drugash drove to the 1, and Bills Princeton Seminary, reported for odd D d Charlie Havens plans to leave the Jy by Campbell, who tallied 4 times, cracked the line for the score. Hansen duty, and Charlie Havens used him as Baby Gn ers owne campus early Friday with his men Cockey'driving home the fifth. kicked his third successive extra point. the Western Maryland linesman. By Gettysburg 7~0 :;:a~v~~l~:p~~~k b~:;aJd:~g~!·d ::: Team Unable To Score Line-ups: Always interesting arc reports urday nights in Boston, which is only Showing no better form the follow- Stropp LE Dougherty of culinary adventures. The grid- Team Shows Better Form about 35 miles from Manchester. The ing day, the Terrors submitted to a 4- Radatovich LT Griffin men had steak a couple of times Hansen LG and real chicken,-think of it-- On October 28, Gettysburg won its game is to be played under the light.. 0 drubbing at the hands of a fair Peters C Steckman twice. The menu for one. meal second victory in two days over a at night. Bucknell team. Davis Western Western muffed several Maryland Thomas had planked steak on it. When \Vestern Maryland team, as their The Terror Maryland At Its Best chances to score, and as a result, they Sherman RG O'Connor squad is in fine shape RT Lytton the waiters arrived. their trays Frosh defeated Rineheimer's men, 7-0. with the exception of Joe Fagan, reg- lost a game that they might, could, Lesinski RE DeBottis looked well filled and mouths Considering weather conditions, th~ ular guard. Fagan's foot has not and should have won. Drugash QB Asip were watering, hut sad to relate, Baby Terrors showed up very well. Knepp HB Apiehella what did the boys have set down The work of the team as a whole was healed since the Maryland game, and Bucknell scoring was done by Coff- HB in front of them but I2:d2 wood- of a much higher calibre than that of it is doubtful if he will play any more man, Brumberger, Higgins and Duffy. Thomas K'oU en planks with 4x4. steaks. There the Devitt game. With the experience football for Western Maryland. Mt. Western Md: Line-ups Bucknell McPike FB Kuratniek Dooley G Diblin with the left no injuries St. Mary's was some beefing after that .. they will gain in their remaining Score by periods: At the hotel, it took silo; waiters garnes, win or lose, the Frosh should Terrors, atld Havens hopes to come Smith SF Dunham Western Maryland 14 0 7 0-21 Auten to bring Joe Oleair one dish of be of great help next fall. home again in shape for the Wake Robinson RF Schul"e Mt. St. Mary 0 0 0 0 0 LH The regular line~up of Forest battle. Windsor 'Vestern Maryland: S·ubstitutions: ancho,·ies. The lone score came on the first Stropp, Lesinski, Lytton, Radatovitch, Barkdoll CH Rice Smith, Holljes, Jones, Walters, Tond- 'fhe only difference between touch play of the second half. Shoemaker Hansen, Sherman, Peters, Drugash, Galbreath RH Kessler chek, Rineheimer, O'Leair, Sturm, football and regular football seems to carried the ball off left tackle for over McPike, Knepp, and either Dickson or Applegarth RO Williams Adolph, Elder, Bender, Impeciato, La- be that the touch players don't wear 40 yards and a touchdown. This play Thomas will start the game. Bob Elias RI Brumberger nassa, Bills. pads. The players don't tackle the was featured by some fine blocking Sherman is ably filling the place left Wallace C Schaffer Mt. St. Mary's: Jackson, Rogan, b~ll carrier either, but they can use against W. M. secondary. Forney by Fagan and is reinforced by Bob Lewis LI Higgins Fay, Lomas, Walsh, Hurley, P. Law- (Cant. on Page 4, Col. 4) added the extra point by a placement. \Valters. I Tomlinson LO Coffman less, Larkin, Moylan, Hall, J. Lawless.
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