Page 17 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westmin4ter, Md. PAGE THREE BOOTERS SPLIT EVEN FRESHMAN GRID TEAM Terrors Fall Before Aerial Sidelines WITH F. AND M. AND DROPS OPENER, 25-0, TO By PENN STATE TEAMS SUPERIORDEVITT SQUAD Attack Of Terps In 2nd Half LARRY STROW Terrors Play Well But Lions Sink Bricker And Pet.rucci Stand Out Iron Men Weaken After Ruling Game At First 12 (iQals In Second Game Against "Pug" Shugru's Team There is not much use in writing about past events and trying to ex- plain them, but a few observations on the Maryland game may be of inter- est. Everybody remembers how the tide of the game went, and every Western Marylander has his own the- ory as to how the Green Terrors could have saved a game that was in their grasp. Except for the last few minutes, Western Maryland's first string was fighting during the whole game. And if you don't believe that, you should have been in the dressing room ten minutes after the final whistle blew. There were almost tears from some of the fellows as they dragged their weary bodies out of sweat-soaked uni- forms. A fighting Terror team went down before a team that had better reserve strength and a great passer. By the time the fourth quarter rolled around, the eleven iron men couldn't take advantage of the breaks and stop a fresh Maryland offensive. The Ter- ror substitutes were not equal to the task of holding the Terps, and conse- quently the Maryland gang went to town in the last round up. Weidinger Led Terps Despite their "wheel chair brigade" the Terps had a capable crew of sub- stitutes to send in. However, Weid- inger, quarterback, and Albarano, tackle, never left the game, but filled the Terror ranks with increasing woe. Charlie Weidinger certainly lived up to his name as nu_mber one man of the Terps. 1939 will see the two teams meet for the 29th time in the oldest athletic rivalry of either school. The Terrors will have to wait till then to cut down on the two game lead that the Terps have now acquired. Fourth QUarter Games western Maryland wasn't the only team that lost last Saturday in the closing: stages of the game. S~m'e footliall ang~i must ha';e changed its mind at 4 o'clock or thereabouts that day . Yale over- took Navy in the fourth frame with a touchdown and a field goal to win the game, 9-7. Syracuse scored three goals with nine min- utes to play to defeat Cornell, 19-17. Minnesota overtook Mich- igan, 7-6, in the fourth Quarter. A pass at the end of the game gave Army a, 20-17, victory over Har- vard. Several more similar games throughout the country can be cited. Pass Downs Terrors The soccer team's jaunt into the Gamma Bets, Preachers o Maryland took to the 'air and reeled Keystone State last week-end turned o "~Jick" at times. cff a first down. Weidinger heaved a 1 out as expected. Coach Wright's men Lead Touch League I ;;:;;:l~ets 1 The following Saturday, the Ter- pass to Widener and he was downed defeated Franklin and Marshall but BLACK AND WHITES WIN I:~~~:l~~~Whites I I rors will be back on Hoffa Field to on the W. l\f. 31-yard line. Mueller never had a chance against the 2 renew their series with Mount Saint caught a long heave down the sideline' mighty Penn State bocters. The Ter- CLOSE ONE Mary's College. from Weidinger and got as far as the ror team was somewhat tired from 2-foot line before he was tackled. The . estern traveling on Saturday afternoon, but In the second game of the intra- BUCKING BACK W aryan touchdown was made on a plunge by no excuses can hide the fact that Penn mural touch football league, the M I d Down. I Weidinger. Widener kicked the ex- State has probably one of the top Preachers defeated the Black and Blue Ridge Easily 6ยท0 third game of the season ended with I ranking soccer- teams in the eastern White club, 20-2. On Tuesday, the tr~::~~!'nd scored its second touch- United States. The players report CHARLIE WALLACE SCORED down on a steady march from mid- that the Pennsylvanians played a clean a close 6-0 score in favor of the Black 4 TIMES field. Skotnicki did most of the leath- straight game and just kept scoring and Whites, who barely out passed the er lugging, and finally went over from with sheer power and skill. Soccer is Bachelors. FridaY, the Preacher team, The Green Terror Soccer squad the 3-yard line for the score. Wide- Last almost on a! par with football as a displaying an exceptional running and journeyed over to Blue Ridge College ner again kicked the extra point. major sport at Penn State. passing attack, chalked up seven on Tuesday and drubbed their hosts, Maryland gained 234 yaids to W. Again this week-end the Western 6-0. M.'s 197, and made 14 first downs Maryland team will invade Pennsyl- points early in the first quarter when Once more the Wright men opened to 12. vania to play Dickinson, Friday, and Don Honeman scored on a long pass fiercely, scor-ing 3 markers in the first Bucknell, Saturday. With experience from Maddox. WiJbur Prentiss made period. Although the field on which Line-ups: , the extra point good. and practice under their belts, the the game was played was a very poor Western Maryland Maryland Terrors will fare forth as a much Safety Scored At End one, the Terrors soon accustomed Lesinski .. LE... Beamer better team and hope to come back Then, led by Honeman, Shreeve, and themselves to the surroundings. Most Radatovitch L__.. Cochrane with the scalps of both sch?ols. Maddox, the Preachers scored six of the victor's scoring was done by Fagan ._ LG... Lloyd points in the second quarter and add- Co-Captain Wallace who tallied four Peter-s C.. Smith The soccer team loves to play-s- times. Other Terror markers were Hansen .RG ._ Lawrence play aro.,!1nd,that is. For the past ed seven more in the last frame. By credited to Elias and Bob Shockley. Lytton RT Alharano two years the boys have amused virtue of a safety against the Preach- Entering the fourth quarter with a Stropp RE Dwyer- themselves by taking everything ers in the fading moments of the last 6-0 lead, Coach Wright sent in his en- Weidinger out on Mc&"night; but now that he quarter, the Black and Whites were tire squad. The second stringers Skotnicki can no longer furnish the enter- saved from a whitewashing. could not score but held off the Blue Dickson HB . ._. Hewitt tainment, they have turned to Club Rebounds To Take Bachelors Ridge boys with little difficulty. McPike FB... ....Boyda Marbury. It is reported that Lin- On the rebound from this opening The lineups: ton couldn't find his bed for- some defeat, the Black and Whites pounced W.M.-6 Blue Ridge--O Score by periods: time at Penn State af tet- he had upon the Bachelors and emerged from Dooley G Griffith Maryland ._ 0 0 7 7-14 turned his eyes away- from it for Smith SF Butler Western Md 2 0 6 0- 8 a moment. the frAy the proud possessors of a 6-0 Rob'inson RF Garber Scoring-Western Md.: Weidinger- victory. This was one of the most (safety), Knepp. The boys on the grid team had good closely contested games seen in the Windsor LH Harrison cause to be irked this week-end. At- league in some time. Good passing Barkdoll CH Bowen Maryland: Weidinger, Skotnicki. tempts at economy were made by cut- featured the work of both teams. This Galbreath RH Moss Points after touchdown: Widener (2). ting down on the number of compli- deieat sends the Bachelors to the cel- Tomlinson OR Fontaine Substitutes-Western Md.: Bills, mentary tickets issued to the players. lar of the league. Elias IR Winter E Ide r, Walters, Oleair, Holljes, Hobbs Sturm. Devlin, The situation at the past game was Tomorrow the two undefeated lead- Wallace CF Latrall I Widener-, Maryland: Murphy, Gienger, Dear-my, Blazek, Lewis IL (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 3) (Cont. in next Col.) I R. Shockley OL Bartoli Krause, Brown, Blake, Mueller.
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