Page 13 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 13
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Take Second Game Gamma Bets Defeat Hockey Teams Practice Baby Terrors Open I Fast Start Gives The battle cry, "BEAT MARY- Bachelors In First Game For Intra-Mural Games Season With Devill Gridmen 13-0 Win LAND" rings from the school as--the Terror squad prepares for the high 10 Teams Balanced In Two Touchball Competition For Class Championship Tomorrow OnHolfaField Over Washington point of the season, the annual. clash Leagues Will Take Place, And Varsity with the University of Maryland. Team Will Be Chosen Team Shaping Up Well, But Needs Shoremen Make Stand Last year Western Maryland was defi- The intramural touchball season Ends In Second Half 'P'" their"~"n :;~~;h!~~ b~~d:~:n~,:~n;;'w~~~~::;~, ::: ~~~:: ~:;; ,::;:;~~,~~:y~:~~~g::~~:~n~~i'~:"_~i;!;~";;.n:, ,:~~~:; Th, Baby T",,,, 'h,:,~"',::,,,M;i';'.;I~~g~:n~:;~~k:::~:~~ to College Park and lost a tight game elora, 13-7. Tomorrow the Black and chant that accompanies the "bully" 'this Fnday out on Hoffa Field against ity in the first and second quarters of 6-0. Three weeks ago the prediction Whites play the Preachers in the sec- and puts the hockey ball into play Devitt Prep of Washington. As the I the Homecoming Day game with was again in favor of the Terps, but and game of the first round. As usual can again be heard on Hoffa Field. second week of practice passes, Char- Washington College on Saturday Oc- since then much water has passed un- the schedules are organized in two Back to Western Maryland 'College in lie Rinehjmar has organized his boys tober 8, and won, 13-0, before, a ercwd del' the bddge.' rounds. Intramural manager James the fall means to many of the girls into a team which looks promising in of 2,500. The College Parkers have received Shreeve has also arranged a schedule back to the hockey field in the after- practice. In this rivalry between two pro- some hard knocks at the hands of for the class league which will in- noons. If some of the coeds have Coach Rinehimer has drawn up a teges of Dick Harlow-Charlie Hav- Richmond, Penn State, and Syracuse. elude the class, the Y, and the Semi- groaned, as if with rheumatism, when t€ntative line-up for tomorrow, but he ens, of Western Maryland, and George Frank Dobson has probably taken a nary teams. The schedules are posted they climb steps or get in and out of will use all of his players some time Ekaitis, coach of the scrappy Wash- front seat in the annual football on the bulletin boards and teams are chairs, it's just that they have been or other in the game. John Pieri has ington College outfit-Havens' boys coaches' Moaning Contest, what with asked to please consult them. All out to their first hockey practice of the center job nailed and is flanked by scored just three and a half minutes the well-famed Jim Meade sporting a games must be played at 4 P. M. on the season. Orloski and Grenda, guards. "Big after the opening whistle started the broken foot and eight regulars on the the day scheduled unless otherwise ar- Teams Practice Daily Mike" Petrucci ands-Bob Groves are at affair. sick list at the time of writing. How- ranged with the intramural manager. On varying days of the week, fresh- the tackle posts, and between them McPike Scores ever, these eight men, including Four Officials Appointed men, sophomores, junior-s, and seniors they supply plenty of beef and power. W. Collins, Washington half-back, Charlie Weidingel', were on the side- Each of the clubs has appointed an go out to the girls' athletic field for The ends have been the chief problem I received the kickoff and was downed lines at Hoffa Field last Saturday and official referee to officiate in games not hockey practice. Each class is trying for Rinehim~l' to so!ve, and right now on the 25-yard line. A pass on the will probably be back in the line-up concerning their own club. Jimmy to become swifter, surer, and more ao- he plans to use Reichel' and Bechtel. first play was intercepted by Mack for the Western Maryland game. Shreeve represents the Preachers ; curate in handling the ball in order Ed Lewis At Quarterback McPike, Terror fullback, on the 80. A cartoonist, last fall, drew a Frank Mather, the Gamma Bets; to win the championship. All foul' Biasa and Baker have shown up On the first W. M. play, Drugash went sketch of Lesinski tackling a man John Carnachan, the Black and classes wi.ll compet;" with each other well at halfback positions, and Brick- up to the 25-yard line. McPike in the Holy Cross game. The Whites; and George Myers, the Bach- to deter-mine the winner- A schedule plunged for a first down. Drugash poor ball carrier tried to run out- elors. c.f these games is being ~ade up, and I ~~eastig~u~::af~:'th!dB~~;~e~:o;:I~~~ raced through right tackle for aneth- side the big 'LUlU' and Frank On Tuesday, the Bachelors jumped the playing of them will begin after will have a hard time tomorrow er- first down on the 4-yard line, and sort of waved him through the :0 ;:s:~l'lir~~~:v:r~e~h=a~~~:o:e~:t: about another week of practice. against unknown opposition. McPike crashed over from the 2-yard ~~~:~ ::ea:~~i~g~~!. it'Th~h~iofc~~ settled down to steady ball and, led by ga~eS,a~d~t!~~tyt~ea!heWilin~:a~~:;:~ ma~:e w::s~0~~~~7s :::~~ b:~dth:~r:~~ ::i~~edf~~e!~~ra s;~~~t. Slug- Hansen ers may smack him down but by ::i~:m~~!e th:n~ir ~::!:~'I:at~: l:~~ from players in all the classes. This lots yet to be done on charging and The remainder of the first quarter ~:!~:;,~~~:I~~:r:i:~ ~;!::; four minutes of the game Eckenrode !:::s:sS~:::~~~t~h:;!hv~;~~~ ;!:!: !~:i:~!;~a: :~;~~ h~;~ =~~te~~~!:~:i~: ~:::it~~~edT::p a~ndt:;ai~h~~:m:~~ !;a~heh\%e_U]:ji,:i~;3~,e:~t ~:~ ~~:~~!r:, i;s;o ;~et~ ;:~o~:l t:;: ;aa!~ :v~~:~ f!:~:do~:~lir~: :~~;~~~~:: f:O!;:::;i~~::lea~ ~::~s~e~fa~~~ ~~~o~::;~:'!liaaC~~;;i:e~:~r~~~~~ now proving his worth. ·The op- hopes that the school will come out to- Bills, penetrated almost to the pay-off position tries to go through 1. V. Booters Lose To Towson Trims Soccer morrow afte;noon and support his st~ipe, but just couldn't put the pig- Stropp and he stops the play, and boys in their initial effort. I skm over. then they try Lesinski, and the Second Touchdown Scored ball-carrier doesn't get up.'Luzu' Westminster, 2-1 Team In Opener, 3-0 The second touchdown came in the ::: o~e:::.e a~:~~g great guns on BRADLEY SCORES GOAL Walla« and Barkdoll Lead New Booters Rebound To ;:c:~~ i~:~;~e:~:rrr:~s ~:~a;::r;! Charlie Havens is afraid that his Team Inm Action Defeat Salisbury 5-1 ;fh!:a~a~~~ns~~~m:a~~~:;t~:g:~d ~~l; ;:~~:",:~~u~:i~~,: t~~;~h'~i~,:li~~~ to;!' d~:;;;d ;::"~;,/,:::,~ ',~":~'; w. M. u,hmd in,",," """ "."n TOMLINSON SCORES 2 GOALS leath" t, th, 17, wh", Eld" p.",d the depths. The TelTapins' new set season to the Westminster High on October 5, by taking a 3-0 trim- !~Ol~~l1SH~:~:n;:~I::e~~i!~n~::r;i~e~ of linemen has gotten some experience School squad by a Close2-1 score. The ming from Towson Teachers. The With but a days rest from a hard I d' tel f d W ." ~:~~r ~~~h~~. :~S~::r~;h~:r~~~~~~! ft'l,nd'g"ngs~orbe,o.wu~',t'h',edi,:.,byl,,.,t.o,tthh,', ~:r;:;spo~~~w::d !:;:~ie~::~~s~os~:: first game, a vastly better Terror team •Ma::Taen~aal~os: !:~;:~r :gain e~~~~ '''''''' them as organiled team. slaughter, WIll be back. first for a rather loosely played game. defeated Salisbury, 5-1. The soccer on th ey recovere d, a um bI e d eep m . th, Maryland is pointing fOl' this game Ebaugh counted fOT the High Standouts in the new team were Co- ~:I~:t~:~St:a~So~fth~ ~~:~o:i~:~e~al- :'::h!~~:it~,r~t~~~. e:;~:h~sl~~~r~ an.dWestern Maryland is pointing for I School team on a penalty kick. Captains Barkdoll and Wallace, Gal- Barkdoll scored for W. M. 45 sec- aled to Impeciato, who in turn later- ~~: ~~;:in ~~r~~~~db:t7~~u~~e:r=:~ I ~~r :c~::~ ~~:tt~:~=e~~::~s~~n~~~~ br~::s::': ~~~:~;. was done by Gar- onds after the kick off; Tomlinson fol- aled to Bills who was spilled on the defeats have taken their toll. West- Otts Bradley broke the scoring ice for den and Masacott. Galbreath acci- ~:ee~t~~;t i:;;o:h~:r~e~i~:et:e l:r~~~ five-yard line. A penalty set the Ter_ ern Maryland is right in shape and the Jayvees. dentally knocked another into the ited to Lewis and Wallace, with Tom- ror~ back and they finally lost the ball has won two games. Maryland has The athletic office has just an- Terror net. on owns. the edge in reserve strength but West- flounced the scheduling of two more The fact that the Wright men were linson adding another. 'Vashington Threatens ern Maryland has the better line. Ou games for the junior varsity team. playing with only two days' practice, Salisbury displayed a fine offensive as ~~: ~:~~~:e~s~~~a:pe:!~e~~! ~~I! the defensive, Western Maryland has A home and home arrangement ::ekcs~:~~~~~ts'7:; m~~:~~n~~et~:~~ , g~~ieyT;i~ e;~e~~e~!~~r:;!I~~~!; ~~ field. Washington threatened in the :~g~~:kb::~h:h~:;p:O~a;eh%lil:o~~~~ ~~~I~g~~~ith~~:~r t:v~: Vi;i~:~~s~~:~ 1'01' ineffectiveness. bay. third quarter when "Goop" Zebrowski, for Drugash, McPike, Bills, Dickson, on October 26, and the Terrors going The game was played under the un_ Coach Wright used his entire squad. who was one of the outstanding men EJ::~~t~~:s,~!:~e~:~~~ :~:t~enne::h ~:n~o:tt;=~~~~ :a:o;l~:~~: :~~g ;~~ :::i_~~s S~:l~!i::ti~~l:~~~g· Starting ~~:eo~~~s S:~~sbaur:rsStc~~:i~;m:la:h~~ ~~dt~a:heil:~~~O~!~~v:re~e:~o;h:~~~ for the Havensrnen to down Maryland. need of a team to take care of those W. M., 0 Towson, 3 the field. It was the result of a pen- yard lme. Zebro_wskisnagged a pass The consensus is that it is anybody's fellows who can not make the first ~:~~ G Wilde aity k~c~ by Capt. Perry in the last I ;:re!~e w~-:as~!p!l;de.Wh!:e B~~so~:~e:~ ball game right now. The University string. Rnb'n~~n SRFF GOlde':,x pay 0 • e ~ame. . cepted the next Washington pass. machine will be on the upswing The line-ups: v. "V v Startmghne-ups. Washington College threatened against a cocky fighting Terror team, ,~restern Md. Westminster H. S. Windsor LH Foster Dooley / G Swann again when Dudderar recovered and a fighting Terror team means a Linton G Whitmore Barkdoll CH Hart I Smith SF Burton' Knepp's fumble on their own 32. Sky- winning Terror team. Hahn FB H. Brown Galbreath RH Bennet Robinson RF Horsen scraping Zebrowski caught a pass to Perhaps some sad words were be- Kable FB Baglin Tomlinson RE G~rden Windsor LH Walter make a first down on the 22-yard line, stowed in the wrong place last week. McKenzie HB Hyson ~~~l~ce ~~ Robmson Barkdoll CH i:;:~but then the Washington attack ~~:'~n:~~'~d,~~~a~~-~~f::~' aV::;: ~:~~:., ~~ Bn!'~~~~ L,wi, LI' M.~~:~GaIb".th ~~ Dough,rty ~~,:~~ , ,"ag .nd Io,t th, pi.,kin on eel' team into shape that was able to OR Arnold Shockley LE Lauenstein RT Perry take over Salisbury, 5-1, and give r R CF Tyler Statistics Of Game Towson a good battIe after two days CF LI Elliot Western Maryland chalked up 209 of practice. Quite a few sophomores yards to Washington's 46, and made and freshmen are in the line-up, but 10 first downs to the losers 3. they have had experience and give Western Md. Washington promise of developing another out- Stropp LE .Neubert standing team next year. O'Leair LT Storm The booters have hopes of winning Hansen LG Horner better than half their games this fall, Peters C Dudderar which will be quite an accomplish- Fagan RG J. Collins ment for a squad that has only five Lytton RT Kirby veterans on it. Tomorrow the team Lesinski RE Zebrowski embarks fOI Franklin and MarshalJ, Drugash QB Geisler and on Saturday they tackle Penn McPike HB Bremer State. The Nittany Lions probably Knepp HB W. Collins have another powerhouse waiting for Dickson FB Fetter the Terrors, but the Western Mary- Score by periods: land team will be in top shape after Western Maryland.. 7 6 0 0-18 another whole week of practice. Washington 0 0 0 0- 0 ~nk Dobson's place in the Touchdowns- Western Maryland: coaches' Moaning Contest is men- McPike, Bills. Point after touch- tioned above. This contest is a down-Hansen (placement). Substi- real thing. Ou,t in Spokane, \Vash- tutes - Western Maryland: Sturm, ington, Gonzaga U. has organ- Smith, Rinehimer, Radatovich, Sher- b:ed the thing and sent circulars I man, Walters, Tomichek, Holljes, to all the colleges in the country. 'I Thomas, Elder, Bills, Impcciato. The c~ch who can wail and moan NICK BUDKOFF CHARLIEWEIDINGER RALPHALBARANO Washington: Meador, Morton, Buf- (Cont. on Page 4. Col. 4) ~ Maryland End Maryland Quarterback Maryland Tackle fington, Watson, Tully, Bartolini, Ware.
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