Page 16 - TheGoldBug1938-39
P. 16
PAGE 1WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. r--- -,i, -, COL II From the HANK IDnmrS. ]SttUnBl~ 'I Passing In Review . HERMITA~; By JOSEPH OLEAm We mourn the loss of those who pass There's a lot to be said. Out from life's predestined The world is still whirling around Official s~udent newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- The Hermitage acknowledges the ways. in dizzy circles. There is nothing of day, seml-monthlr durmg October, November, February, March, April, May, Maryland game with a quotation by interest' in that. When the world re- and monthly durmg September, December, and January, by the students of But a virtuous woman's hope Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class Propertius. • and love turns to some semblance of sanity, matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. "Although strength should fail, the Live on in hearts through end- that will be news, and we shall write SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR effort will deserve praise." , less days. about it. No racking of brains will be Maryland drum majorettes proved necessary to produce this column. the superiority of the 'I'error gal. "Her presence will never Since this column has had no ap- 1:95' Member 19'8 There is a decided difference between again be fclt-yet her departure preciable (ahem) .effect on the course !:\slodaled CoUeeiale Press chorine and coed. leaves a gap"-a gap that holds of world events, it behooves us to "Lost Ball' Rouse with his water a special significance for the backtrack and write about local' af- buckets was easily the most popular Hill-a gap that can be filled fairs. (Ed's note: He is boasting; no- person on the field with our boys. only with memories-memories body reads the column, it is a space of one whose kind and gentle To conclude observations about the tiller. We can't afford.a comic strip.) Mar-yland game this quarter agrees mien, whose versatility, whose So herewith do pay attention to a with the popular publio opinion that calm efficiency and gcnerosity local problem, in fact, a problem that Baltimore is at best a poor "football" have made her an intimate part exists at Western Maryland. For a town. How can any team be expected of Western Maryland College. long time we have heard complaints to wish to play where there is so little Life goes on--OUT college goes about the date system which exists "pay dirt"? on-but its tempo is stilled as here; these have emanated from mem- Aaron Schaeffer finds time to re- we pause to pay tribute to Mrs. bers of both sexes, anq, we feel they. port the death of one mouse, "Josh" Anna Houck' Isanogle whose all had merit. (Not the members, but Bowen exterminated the "wee timor- recent death took from us a the complaints.) thou I ous beastie" with one swat. Hail, all. character we may respect and After much consideration, we have hail, Josh the mouse catcher, revere in our memories 'and rankest with the little tailor and the hear-ts. decided upon a plan. Hereafter, recruit who tried to feed birdseed to We think of her as a compos- Western Maryland will have a Sadie the colonel's eagles. ite part of this institution-as Hawkins Day, after the manner of the hillbilly folk in the comic strip "Doc" Sumner, zealous corporal . one of the pillars on which it is "Ltl' Abner." same car" I of the after-dark campus patrol of I founded-as a personification of The Action the past week saw "that the Jove and loyalty associated simple. rules and regulations are One day will be designated as On October 6, the Gold Bug made a plea for the return of din- several times during- his tours. with it. Western Maryland Sadie Hawkins ing hall seating lists. Yesterday a plebescite was taken of the three Strangely enough, the only point to Mere writing of regret for an Day. upper classes to discover whether dining hall seating lists were which Maryland paint penetrated was irreparable loss seems shallow, Promptly at 6:00 A. M. all men stu, really desired by the student body in order that action might be "Doc's" door. Some say that the evil but the making of a single voice dents will assemble around the flag- taken accordingly. ' looking "U of M" streaked on the of over six-hundred voices can pole between McDaniel and Science On October 13, the Gold Bug made a plea-for more vigorous corporal's panel was the work of in- be done in that writing. This Halls. All the gals will assemble is the voice of the Hill in ex- siders. pep meetings and the following evening there occurred in Smith like that?? Wonder who would do a thing pressing regret and sorrow at in Robinson Gardens. The bell in . Ha~l the best pep meeting which Western Maryland has experienc- the loss it recently fclt. Old Main will be rung, and open ed in recent years. Furthermore, the very night which the October A lot of nickels are being directed season for th"at one day will exist on 13, pep meeting editorial appeared, there was singing in the grill, into the mechanism to spin "Heart all males. Any coed who catches a a remarkable manifestation of spirit on Western Maryland's mor- and Soul" and "M~' Reverie". This man can claim him as hers for the bidly quiet campus. present trend of sweet and swing is duration of the school year. A limit In the s~me October 13, issue of the Gold Bug, a plea was made a satisfaction to our cars. "Ceiling of five men will be allowed to any co- for the continuance of the popular Y dances and for their duration Zero" numbers of the "Flatfoot CAMPUS ed. Dead ones brought in ~11 not to be extended from 10 P. M. to 11 :45 P. M. In response to that Floogie with a Floy Floy" ilk do not count. plea, the dances were not made longer; they were terminated en- hold sway with us campus folk. LEADERS Classrooms and the dining room tir-ely. No dance was held on October 15, nor will one be held on Ca.rpe Diem providcs a very pleas- will be off-limits. The rest of the October 22. ant spot for an evening chat or a rest- campus will be no man's land. Every The Gold Bug expresses its appreciation to the Student Gov- ing place betwe~n strolls for nine man must be given a three yard start ernments who have responded to its seating list editorial. It like- when he is leaving a classroom and r wise expresses its appreciation to the cheer leaders and the student ~~:~Io;~~~:~~??\:~'ni~~:~~~~:r~~s s~ thC! dining hall before thC! chase be, body who have responded to its pep editorial. light ill the demed thing. gins. Men:-'lill not be permitted to The Gold Bug regrets that it cannot express appreciation to Of "light" further comment can be 1 llJ wear track suits, or any- clothing that the Y's, because they have not responded to its dance editorial. made. Of the 'absence of light endless w:ill expedite their progress on the Good intentions mean nothing to the Gold Bug' action is the only comment is being- made by the highly campus. A little vaseline on the language which it understands. ' studious tenants of Herring Hall. The head and arms will be allowed. It toaster season has begun early this must be used sparingly. The coeds Dirt fa~~vine Hall roomers bewail the a- must have more than half a chance. • Since "Chunky Billy" is a benedict, Privacy is the desire of every normal person. Most people en- bundance of hot water in the plumb- GWENDOLYN HEEMAN he is declared ineligible. Since joy reading their name in the paper but few of them find that read- ing system. "Progress" would, no Gwen-a leader in the true sense "Chunky Billy" says it is so, it must ing enjoyable when that news relates to their private affairs. On doubt, be the comment of former resi- of the word, scholastically, extra-cur- be so, he will be appointed supreme the other hand, such type news is read eagerly by practically every- dents. i-icularly, socially-holder of a multi- arbiter. All his decisions will be final one else. That is the nature of the average human animal. He en- Fifth Period Fr-Iday: Strange do- tude of positions=-executor of a mul- and irrevocable. So on with Sadie joys peeking through the press keyhole at his neighbor, butseeks inga in the "field" of Physical edu- titude of tasks. Hawkins Day. to blot out all that might issue from his own keyhole. cation. Diggin' with both hands Long a commanding- figure on the Now we go from the ridiculous The purpose of a college newspaper is to present to its readers under trees, beside bushes, and along Hill, Gwen has a lengthy list of ecuv. to the sublime. The October issue of the news that is associated with that college. Whether or not the the slope between Blanche Ward itics of which she can be proud-c-mem, Stage Magazine contains a literary keyhole type of news will be presente.,d depends upon the policy of Hall and the tennis courts were Steve bel' of W.A.A., and potential "W.M. masterpiece that justifies a greater the staff of the pubJishment. To delve into petty campus romances Radatovitch, Ann Stevenson, Carroll girl" one of the College Play- recognition than it has received. It (which provide ninety per cent of the substance of so called "dirt" Maddox, Winifrcd Harward, Bette ers ... sings soprano in the Women's is a geu:, a lalapooloza, a honey, and columns) is certainly, at best, a poor type of journalism. The social Helm, John 'I'omichck, Doris Mathias, Glee Club. vice-president of her a real dlpsydoodle. We recommend it ~~~ ~~!~O~~h~:hi~sp~~~en;:~~~ t~~sawanner of reporting as trite and Lucille Fertig. When approach- cla~s during sophomore, junior, and unreservedly. It is a letter to the edt- ed and asked what they were doing, semor years. tor. To provide the necessary reason Probably the greatest single advantage of a college education the happy group answered with Member of Sigma Sigma Tau sor- for further efforts on ·the part of our is that it enables the student to learn how to associate with people naivete, "Diggin' for ants." ority, president of the International readers to look it up, we quote an ex- f~a~~~~::;.es. I: this fact be misrepresented, the paper is guilty of. Colonel Ransone carries his military Relations CluB, Gwen has really found cerpt. HT wanted to be in Paramount Pic- The Gold Bug Staff is proud of its present policy. People on ~c:~:s l~;~Oo~h:h~~~~~~~y~~s:~:ea:~~ ~:~:,!OL~:;~~om 'the t:rs~r~qu~nt~ ~~~ tUres because they had Antonio Mor- the campus want to mind their own business; so does the Gold Bug. ives section reviewing his subjects. come president of the Argonauts. eno in them. I used to admire him an Certain of the student body would relish the return of a "boy meets "Emporer" Ransone does have a nice Freshman yenr, she sponsored awful lot, didn't you? I used to hav; girl" feature but thinking individuals realize the wisdom of not sound. , ' "Captain Jim's" Company B, and now a -photograph of him pasted on my chest so I could be near him all the ~~i:~~n:uiot~~1uTIli~~;~t;:iopI~~:~~; "empty tin cans make the most Disaster threatened last Sunday ~:~~~r t~P;~:u::~.her mind wanders time. But one day we had hygiene ~;e::g~~ ~~:~~lu:t~i~:Ul~;d t:;o!O~~~ Versatile _ vivacious _ talented inspection in school. I never saw any- one more surpriscd than Elections secta. The buzz of that wasp dis- . -a campus leader11 No doubt!! wa.s when she unbuttoned that llurse my onder- It seems that the leaders of W.M ..C. have come to realize the tm'bed more sleep than the choral ren shll-t and Antonio Moreno popped out. practical values of having a definite and reliable system for holding dition of Handel's "Hallejuh, Amen." (Cont. from Col. 2) They were awful mean. They made important elections. . Thc bees by Science Hall definitely dustrial arts, economics, music and me take it off. I never paid much at- Heretofore, class elections have been held in a hap-hazard al'e not making honey these days physical education, to broaden the oc- tention to hygiene after that." manner. Sufficient time and publicity were not given to nomina- (especially at dinner time). Perhaps, cupational information and guidance The letter is signed Andelotta tions which'were held at the same time as the election. Voting was in their quest for an insecticide harm program. James. The postscript reads, "My by secret ballot which was usually more "stuffed" than secret. Stu- less to bees, thc Biology departmeftt Who in McDaniel Hall plays a name was Henly before I was mar- dents had no opportunity to consider the real worth and capabilities might initiate a corollated search for tuba?? The tUnc, thoug~ the old ear ried." of the candidates. nn odm'less honeybee. may be going cauliflower, was unmis_ 'Nuf said, 'nuf said. I All these disadvantages are overcome by the new election Education n;_ajors (meaning you, takably bass and brass. Versatile co- policy used in the recent class elections. In the first place, nomina- sb uggling young practice teachers) eds on the Hill are they not?? tions were carefully made two days before election day. Perhaps may do well to take note of the forth- Chocolate ice cream sells the best at there was some opportunity for campaigning but one does not coming gubernatorial election. l'Ifr . e grill. The only reason to which NOTICE blame an individual for, publicizing his own abilities. That publi- Herbert R. O'Conor, democratic candi Miss Harrison can attrioute the phe- city need not always be' accepted. Secondly, through the use of date, has announced as one of his nomen is that chocolate is the hard. The BUilding Committee mimeographed ballots the actual voting takes little time and is campaign issues a ten point state edu- est to dip. authorized to secure bids and completely honest-since each individual is allowed only one ballot. cation program. Of particular inter- Overheard while wall$.ing between award contracts for the erection Lastly, the. voters are counted accurately by a committee of the est to you are three of his proposals -::lasses - - __ of the GymnasiUm and Dormitory. presidents of the Student Governments and one member of the He proposes to raise the standards "Everybody in our class voted for !he balance of the money required faculty. • an::] requirements for all teachers, to his best friend." Is this significant ~s to be obtained th~'ough a bond It can now be said that through the new regulations one of the make additions to high school prog- of the type of voting the populace of Issue. Both buildings are to be major problems in extra-curricular act~vities has been completely rams of instruction in agriculture, in- Western Maryland boasts? ready for OCcupancy by the open- solved. (Cont. in next Col.) (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1) ing of school, 1939.
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