Page 36 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, In Review Passing GOt UG I I Pebruary l:ALENDAR Hopkins- The scene in EUrope is one of con- I IISNOOPINGS WEEK MALONE by FRANK now we are lead to be- es Basketball-c-Johns BEST BET OF THE Armory unrest. rumors and February 18 siderable happenings Just how important are present Junior Plavs-c-Alumni Hall- will be interesting to view in retro- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'I'burs- 8 P. M. spect a long time from now, but as day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, February 10 they appear [yj and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Gamma Beta Chi Dance- lieve that we are living in momentous Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class days. Unrest, in-so- far as the term is matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Blanche Ward Hall Gylll- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A ~AR 8-11:30 P. M. generally understood, has infested February 22 Europe for well over a year with the Chemists' Club Movies-Room R civil war in Spain, where the Loyal- HAROLD BELL WRIGHT 1937 Member 1938 5:05 P. M. ists have been making something of a The wheel of fortune has turned, I=bsocia!ed G:>ne6iale Press Basketball-c-Washington College comeback after many reversals at the the hand of fate has cut loved ones Armory hands of Franco. asunder, and "Lump" \Vright has February 25 The eyes of observers, however, are come home to Stevenson again, leav- EDITORIAL STAFF French Club Movie-Carl/ivai in on the major powers of Europe at this ing along his wandering trail heart- Editor-in-Chief . ALFRED GOLDBERG, '38 Flanders-Carroll Theatre time, where much of major import- aches and a few unfilled dates. How- Edito·J' for tMs Issue ............................................. ROBERT G. McKNIGHT February 26 ever, deep down in his heart he still Associate Editors. W. FRANK MALONE, '38, ANNE CHEW, '38, ance is occurring. Hitler has fur- JAMES COLEMAN, '38 Second "Y" dance- B I a n c h e nished the most dramatic list of ac- has a bit of wanderlust, and so we're Junior Associat.c Editon;. PAUL BURTIS, '40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '39 Ward Hall gym-7-10 P. M. tion since his "blood purge" of 1!)34 putting him again in the public eye- ~?~~~{~~;~itor :':::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::~~~~~;~~~~::t~~E:::! I March 3 meeting-McDaniel by dismissing Marshall von Blomberg to be had for the asking. Jimmy German of the as head Our reputed and Argonauts Army, gallant, CoPY Icecuiore.: . HELEN ARMSTRONG, '38, RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 I Hall Lounge-6:45 P. M.- taking Supreme command himself. Shreeve, must be entering into a de- Proof Editor....... . SUE PRICE, '40 I Emory Niles Oil "Life at Ox- Blomberg recently married a young pression or a pitching relapse-any- Proof Readers GRACE MACVEAN, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '39 I FeatuHJ Editors .VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 ford". German woman and was immediately how, we noticed that he had to con- MARY JANE HONEMAN, '3<) dismissed, first on that ground, and suit the dean's list of McDaniel hall Sl)Ol"ts Edit01·s FRED COE, '38, MARJORIE MCKENNEY, '39 later on the ground of failing health. residents, the irony of it all being that Assiatant Sports EdItors LAWRENCE STROW, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '3!), HAZEL GOMPF, '38 It is agreed, however, that he had I he was refused three times in eucces- Exchange Editor _ . .......... ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 ----------, I never been a full-fledged supporter of eton. 'Who said that women were Hitler and that Hitler seized a eon- I dumb?!? . BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager . JOSEPH OLEAIR, '39 Comme-ci, ve~::t l~:!~::~u~~~~ t:p;:!dr~~ ~~s:~:~ I Although Dexter advanced along Advertising ,lla.nagel' EVERETT JONES, '38 Assistant Adve1·t·ising ManugeJ"S FRED PLUMMER, '40, FRANK MATHER, '40 Circulation Managers LESLIE STOKES, '40, HILDA BITTLE, '38 Coinme-cal sion in the German Army, with re- ~~: :!~~~~:t;~i::~:n:.e~:l~~~l~l::t~ Assistant Circulation Manq.gers MARY CLEMSON, '39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, JAMES MERRITT, '40 ~:l:'!:~~:~;i:~~.m;~~~~ i:r:,a:;i::::~;, Robinson Garden. Contributing Reporters: Paul Burtis, Thomas Davies, Alfred Goldberg, Law- officially denied, but are believed ill I Bowen seemed to speak with some rence F'reeney Aaron Schaeffer, Alice Johnson. Rober-t McKnight, Frank \Vhen News runs short many quarters. The same rumors feeling concerning oil heat in the pa- Sherrard, Katherine Klier, Gladys Coppage, Helen Newman, Harold Solo- mon, Willie Skeen, Charles Erhardt And spaces glare have spread to Italy with the asser- vilion. Can he have been sneaking The staff fills, in tion that Mussolini has suddenly out on us lateJy---or doesn't his love With much hot air. withdrawn troops from Spain to keep him warm??? Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news, To do our bit, avert a crisis within Italy itself. This, I The prize goes to Dick Sprouse for We all incline; too, is denied but considered plans- having received the most unique Val- ible. And to this each entine. It certainly must have been Saturday Night Dances Will add 11line. The explanations, in the case of some stretch for the young ladies who Germany, Last Saturday evening a straw was thrown into the wind. have taken maintain that the Jews so honored him, and believe it or not false to spread occasion Considering the lack of wind, the distance travelled was a definite Please hand your stuff in early propaganda aimed at the overthrow -we found out that he actually indication of direction. Eighty-five women and heaven-knows- I Observe the deadline kindly. of del" Fuhrer. Where there is smoke, knows how to blush. Did you find how-many men left the campus on the week-end of the first "Y" I If you can't write distinctly, I however, there is likely to be a little the other part of your Valentine, dance. Despite this disheartening fact, the height of the evening Type-we struggle blindly. fire; how much we do not know. Dick, old boy?l1 saw over forty couples on the floor, with a paid admission exceed- Don't say you can't see Schofield Whether it presages a major crisis in It has been requested that any in- ing five dollars. This should be a definite indication to the ad- Or assignments can't be got- the life of Fascism we also do not formation regarding dates to the ministration, or even more directly, to the Student Activities Com- \Ve see your We too know, but a challenge to the reign of Mili~ary Ball-finding, care,. and mittee, that the student body is in favor of such Saturday night Seek news news is not. Mussoltnt and Hitler has been expect- 1 feedmg-be sent posthaste. to either affairs. The Y. W. C. A. is to be commended for furnishing such This\is our final effort ed and hoped for in the major demo- (or both) Nelson or Watkins. Have an example and indication of student feeling. The next step is up To bring you to the light. ci-atic countries. Of major concern, we any female volunteers for best to the administration. A logical move would be the adoption of the Have pity on the Gold Bug staff in that event, will be the foreign pol- bet1?? informal Saturday night dance as a permanent fixture, although At twelve on Monday night. icy of these men. If faced with a' We thought that Sam Baxter had giving way to the more formal fraternity dances. The expense fea- desperate domestic situation they settled down to a more or less settled ture is negligible, and becomes even more so when the benefits may attempt to divert the attention of existence, but it seems that Little accruing from the dances are considered. Lights, refreshments, their people away from such by start- Audrey has made quite a successful and rental of records are the only expenses-easily covered by a ing a war with other powers. In that, interception to run us a score in her slight admission charge. The total cost is so slight, however, that possibility lies the greatest danger to • favor. this charge could be dropped were the dances sponsored by the I certainly can be depend- Initiations college. the peace and security .. of Europe. I ed upon to introduce young freshmen >to .. It is too great a strain on the limited active membership of In another Fascism has to the intricacies of the art of petting the "YW" to present such dances weekly. However, they could be ridden to an early A few weeks properly or pitching woo. Jack Ryan in the hands of the Student Governments or the Activities com- ago Octavian Goga became premier of hasn't let any grass grow under his mittee, who would feel free to call on any members of the student Roumania with a Fascist regime, the feet-and to think, he's outwitted one body for assistance. Another alternative would be to assign dances persecution of the Jews being a ma- of his own club members. to the various organizations on the Hill, making them responsible jor part of his progr-am. He indi- for the arrangements for those dances. The actual organization, cated a definite desire to establish Peters and Greenfield seem to have however, is immaterial. What is important is that an idea has Ir-iendly relations with Germany and gotten into a definite habit of each been presented and has been proved worthy. It is the duty of the Italy, and dissolved parliament, set- other-time limit, two months. administration to further that idea and see that it is not allowed SHERWOOD BALDERSON ting new elections for March 2 of Sherman, McQuillen, and Willough- to meet the fate so often accorded new ideas. this year. by (accompanied by friends) had This business of being a campus As a result of Goga's regime there quite a cosy little party going down at leader is a strenuous one. Jen'y must Earl's Wednesday night until the occurred immediately one of the most !) go his way shunning almost, but not severe depl'essions of Roumanian his- o'clock crowd broke it up. No out- Dinner Seating Arrangement quite, all such things as card game~ with capital fleeing the country siders were allowed-such charming . and bull sessions. FOl' he has been The tranquil tempo of the Eastern Shore is replaced at West- twice selected as Pl'esident by the every field. i~~~'~~:\~v~~~!~at:~~g t~~ I ho~t~: Galbreath-Coe duo seems to be ern Maryland by an atmosphere of "cyclonic haste". At Western members of his fraternity, Alpha l"e.s~lts of its own labors, the Goga I hitting a few varying chords. The Maryland, room-mates have not even time to recognize each other Gamma Tau, and represents them on lllllllstry fell from power on February soprano half has been tuning with ':o~~s Pd~~~:1t,f~~~o~I~:p~~s~~~:~·fo~l~d~~u~~~~~~n!i;!~n~~ ~n~~\~ the interfraternity council. He is a 9. Shreeve, Prentiss, and Brown, while King Carol, reg'arded originally as the tenor seems to have struck favor- any great number of his fellow students during class hours. ~~et~~~:~~iO~Oe:;ca~e~;a!~.~~~~~on~~ari~ a pawn of Goga, came to the fore in able notes with Konow, Roder, and bringing about the formation of:l last but not least, the one and only, to be~~;:v:~~J~~~:e~s \~?t~O!~~;uOnr~i;o;el~~~~t~~~~~n~v~~~e~! in some way mixed up with the Men's new cabinet with Bishop Cristea, the Ann Nevius. otherwise never meets. Under the dining hall seating arrange- Student Government, for in him was head of the Roumanian Orthodox ment which prevailed up to this year at the evening meal, a student vested the terrific responsibility of Church, acting as its head. The new Ellen Hancock believes in getting to was able to meet nine new fellow students every other week. Un- preserving decorum in Levine Hall. cabinet has dictatorial powers at the root of all evils-the police de- der the present arrangement, or rather lack of arrangement, a stu- present with the paTiiament and con- partment-, at least she has had am- dent sits with his or her nine most intimate acquaintances week stitution set aside. It is approved, ple aid from good old "Pumpkin" after week and month after month, and, at the end of the year, he however, by the better elements of the Millard. or she has met almost no one outside of his or her own :::.mallcircle so well versed in the social grace:; country and by the outside world, "Doug" Catington must have talked of friends. that he rated selection as one of the with the exception of the Fascist his way into the whims of Dot Mc- Many students have realized the loss of this opportunity for "escorts" of the unimpeachable Miss countries. It is felt that Roumania Ewen. At least, all winds seem to be making new friends. However, many have been too narrow-mind- Eleanor Powell at the President'H will once more resume her traditional favorable ones. Nice going, "Doug." ed, too self-satisfied, to even realize its loss. In response to the ap- Birthday Ball. And this, it is under- friendship with Britain and France. Little Miss Cassey, the self-elected peal of the former, two ineffective plans have been instituted. But stood, was quite a task. Jeny has r.ampus queen, has had no difficulty in the "Sunday School Union" remains intact, and the senior dorm done his part in the preservation of The suggestion of Senator Hiram rating as one of Tomichek's eligibles. and football stag tables still enjoy their seclusion at dinner. an old "BacheIOl'" tradition, for his Johnson regarding a possible Anglo- Elizabeth Crisp can be listed as one The Western Maryland student body has reveled long in its counterpal-t in Blanche Ward Hall is Amel'ican secret treaty is rather who succeeded in one try at the din- apathetic lethargy. In fact, so long has it been inactive, so long wearing a diamond ring. He is sus- ~::~Sil~e~;ort:~c:~~;'~oOfa~~:et:e~~r~:~ ner table. But she turned the tables has it enjoyed the paternalistic guiding hand of the administration pected of being an amateur tap- when dear Ferman "'right requested :~Zs~~~~~~'bt~:; ~~~~s~:~~lm~:~;f~~d~b~ti~u~~fd~~/~~s~~~C~t~~ dancer of considerable aptitude. Dap- ~~~; tl;~~.:\:Ytht::O~:~~:tD::~~t:~::~ the privilege of escorting her to the dent Governments to promote the needs of the student body as the per in dress, possessed of considerable that the treaty Ol' understanding was basketball game. Wh:>' must you fool latter sees them. May it look better to its duties in the future than. poise and a self-confidence born of probably so secret that even Hull the dear boy, Elizabeth? it has in the past. The dining hall situation is an excellent point real ability, he weaves a brilliant didn't know about it. Perhaps the Steve Radatovitch has more or less on which to focus their activities-just to test their strength, if thread in the drab tapestry that is President d()e~n't know about it eith- forsaken the fair damsels of W. M. C. nothing more. I Levine Hall. i cr. ( Cont. on page 4, col. 5)
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