Page 33 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 33
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Mountaineers Down Terrors Fast Navy Mitt Team 34-25 In Fast League Battle TERROR By FRED COE TAL Drops W. M.n to ~ Large Crowd Sees Champions Hold League Lead After Close Fight As Martin Gets Draw At Local Armory Terrors Meet V. P. 1. SAVAGE, TOMICHEK, AND STROPP TOP SCORERS ers, ~~eGl~e~~Ol~~~;o~ ~Y~~%~nd~~~~t s~~~~ ~:~v~a;~;e~;:e~' f~l~h~ Lesinski Fights For Capt.ain Ortenzi. period of intensive training prior to meeting the Virginia Poly- BabYN~e;;O;I!0~:e;\~o1se To The Mt. St. Mary's basketball team, reigning champions of technic Institute. The Havensmen were severely handicapped at the Maryland Collegiate League, had to display their top form to Annapolis last week because of the ineligibility Ortenzi. of their leader and A fast hard hitting Navy team took His defeat the Green Terror courtmen by a 34-25 score on the West- ace light-heavyweight, week gives Tony the Terrors their return to the Western Mar-yland boxers into eve- 1--;::::=:::::;::=;:;----- the line-up this strongest with camp minster armory court Tuesday combination against the V. P. 1. aggregation. The Peck last Saturday 7¥2 to half % point earning Mar-tin the Terrors have been unfortunate thus far this season, of the largest crowds of the in a draw. Tony Ortenat was ineli- losing several close matches by decisions, and in each gible to fight because of the four year case the Green and Gold mittmen have fought well rule. Frank Lesinski took his place, enough to win. The match with the Virginians should but Robert Giffen sent over a couple sharpen the Terror hooks and jabs sufficiently for the of right hand punches that stopped COE coming match with the University of Maryland. This ANDREWS fight is one of the high spots of the Terror ring schedule. A win Lesinski early in the first round. over the Terps would please the Havensmen regardless of the re- Sever-al Decisions Close BOB maining matches on the schedule. The Old Liners outpunched the All of the Navy fighters bored ill STROPP Terrors last year when they had one of the finest ring teams in the and the Terrors were hard put to stay history of the sport at College Park. Graduation, however, has with them. Osteen, Norris, Bendel', done things to the 1937 Southern Conference champions. Only Andrews, and Oleair each lost his Benny Alperstein is left from that crack squad. Last year Alper- fight by a decision. The Navy cap- stein captured the National Collegiate 135-pound crown, but this tatn, Edward Luby, fought Elwood year is fighting out of this class. He will probably meet "Reds" Andrews in the 155 pound class. Bender in the 145-pound class. The Terp leather slingers have lost Coach Havens moved Seott Brooks up two old rivals clash in their first of I to Catholic University as have the Terrors. ~el~~eB~~~a~l~~~~~h~I:~~r::h:r~e~~nli~:~ two league games. The victory for Terrors Battle League Teams knockout in the middle of the first Coach McCcrmick'a lads puts them basketeers coming will Terror out in front of the rest of the league travel This to Baltimore Saturday night the Green of Baltimore in a return. round. Two of the bouts were class- par- giving with to meet ed as close the University Osteen by a comfortable margin. B)';NOEH game. The Bees took the first of the two game series by a comfort- : ticulal'iy good account of himself. Koegel, Terror guard, broke thc able margin, but in their recent games they have looked none too I A formally dressed crowd of 5000 scoring ice early in the game on a impressive. The lip and coming Sho'men took a tight game from saw the bouts. 'Red' Bender came fast break to put the Terrors out in them last week, completing a two game sweep. Coach Ferguson's back from Annapolis with a gift of front 2-0. He followed this up with men will have their hands full during the next few weeks. In that a fine pair of. boxing gloves auto- another pretty two-pointer. This put time they will play thr-ee league games-two with Loyola and one graphed by Spike Webb, the Navy the Fergusomuen in the lead 4-0. Mt. with Mt. St. Mar-y's. The results of the trio of contests will deter- coach. St. Mary's came up strong at this mine largely where the Terror five will wind up in the League Terror Frosh Lose point. Baskets by Petrini, Savage, In the afternoon Captain the 'Terror fresh- At the present and Kokie gave the Mounts an 8-4 c. U.Boxers Down Terrors standing at the end of the season. playing .500 ball, writing, won one men team lost a match to the Navy Tomichek and are having his players lead which they never lost in the re- from St. John's and dropped one to Washington. The Terrors Plebes 7 to 1. 'Rip' Collins scored his mainder of the game. By 5-3 Victury Margin have been coming along rapidly, as evidenced by their showing second knockout of the year in the The Ter-ror attack struck a snag against Catholic U. It was a tough game to lose, and the Green 155 pound class and bids fair to be a midway in the first half. The home Ortenzi, Gender. And Martin Win and Gold deserved to win in more ways than one. The next three valuable man next year. Rouse, team scored only nine points during For Terror Ringmen Fitzgerald, McPike, and lmpeciato the first period. On the other hand, games will also be tough ones and the Fergusonmen has will have to be by lost decisions while LaCompte in the been the brunt to win. of the attack To date, borne clicking the Mountaineers played steady ball In what was the closest. match of the Tomichek, Stropp, and Koegel trio. These men have played 135 division and Bowen in the heavy- and ran up a 15-9 lead at the end of the season to date, the western practically every single minute of every game so far. Their play has weight were defeated by technical this period. land College boxers bowed to been outstanding in every department. An extra burden has been knockouts. The local boys were up At the outset of the last period, the lie University on Saturday, January placed upon "Bruno" Stropp this year. He happens to be the only against some fine competition and Green and Gold made things interest- 22, in \Vashington. Leo Katalinas' tall man in the line-up and consequently the rebound job falls upon could not keep up with the Tars. ing for the champions. Field goals Yictory over Joe Oleair in the final A year by Captain Tomiehek and Bob Stropp bout punched out a 5-3 victor-y for the his shoulders. league, and ago this he was selected as one of the steadiest he should in the year guards with rank the best. closed the gap which had loomed so Cardinals. The exhibition of rebound work he gave at St. John's a week ago Women's Basketball large at half time. Three times the Wins Hy '1'. x. o. Terrors pulled up within four points Ortenzi showed just why he is one of the most valuable men on the quintet. Schedule Announced of the Mountaineers only to have Captain Tony Gitenz.i provided ~~ea~~~~'k ~~i~~;:l~~ ~00:~f,~:~0~n~:~~~;:1~~~~:1 ~~o~~~r/~~r~:~ "Luke" Savage widen the lead with another pivot shot. This mountaineer ~;:t:tl:;I~Vh~~I;~'~a~l:Ol:'~t~a; ;~::~~~~l; given Coach Ferguson one of the fastest guard combines in the P. A. L. Officials To Referee "A" tt he center was the top-scorer of the eve- the second round of their fight. The stated' d ThethPreTsence error ofttSOkPhomolh'e un Kdoedgel in Hlineh-uP hlas Games f~:;'(~dGI): Blanche e as a so re one e up a ac Terror e spee stiff opposition after percent, ning. His six field goals and two foul from Turner in opening round, hit been one of the leading scorers since the start of the campaign. shots, for a total of 14 points, gave Basket- usually Women's to the The Intramural him scoring honors. him with a hard right in the second This is notable high in that "Hi" 'When has a player been assigned defense op- as bull Schedule has been announced as after several excels weakening punches, and scorer. on the team's posing Captain 'I'omichek and Bob Stropp Turner went down. Referee Ray well as on the offense, it is the true mark of a real competitor. "Hi" follows: led the Terrors in scoring. Each man Bowen halted the fight and awarded has been regarded highly by all opposing teams he has faced this Tues. Feb. 1 at collected three field goals and a single Ortenai the verdict, with TU1'l1er year 4:15 ... SO. A. J. A. foul shot. leaving the ring in a badly shaken Joe Drugash, "Eddie" Edmond, and Don Honeman, forwards, 5:00 So. D. Fr. D. The Terrors, throughout the game condition. I have not contributed an overabundance of scoring this far but Wed, Feb. 2 at felt the effect of the tall Mt. St. Catholic U. registered two technical have worked better in each game. Although Edmond is not the 1:30... .. Jr. B. S1'. B. 2:15 So. B. Fr. B. ~!~~~~dSs~~a:1l ~::::;~ controlled the ~l,~~kO~~~u!ns~~~pu~pe~:I~~~~~OI~n\V~~~~~:t~~~t~~~:~~~!~O~~ei~q;~~dT~~'/~rl:?t~~{ developing into one of Thul·s. Feb. 3 at 4:15 F1'. A. Sr. A, er~n !I~~:);:~1~1ll;11':S~11!~n~~a~1~el~~testt~~~~ol~~l~·;u~~e;: ~:~el~::\;:~:~! ~~::tI Mounts and Loyola Strong . 5:00 FI·. F. Fr. G. the Hagerstown National Guard team Bl'Ooks' in the 155-pound bout. Bl'ooks On. February 5 and 12, t~e Green and Gold drl?blers meet took a telTific pounding while giving Loyol~ 111 a home and hom.e senes. The Greyhounds thls year have Fri. Feb. 4 at by a 34-23 score. some himself, but was in too much surprIsed everyone. TheIl' losses from last year have been offset 4:15 So. C. Fr. C. The lineup: d
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