Page 39 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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G01 DEBATE TmlORROW NIGHT ENROLL NOW V. O. K. TO IN NURSERY DEBATE SCHOOL Z286 Vol. 15, No. lO WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 3, 1938 Many Volumes Added To I j BillyAntrim To Swing Smiling Cherubs Enroll Library For Both Faculty , For· Military Ball At As School Opens Doors And Interested Students $2.50 Per On Mar. 19 For 1938 Spring Session Dance to be Held in Salle a Manger Librarians Anxiously Waiting To Introduce Students To Recently Ac- Decorated in a New Motif quired Books Ranging Widely In Subject Matter Appropriate to the Student Staff Of School To Receive Credit In Home Economics For Occasion Giving Youthful Faculty Progeny Instruction Each Day "PAINT, POWDER AND MAKE.UP" SHOULD PROVE INTERESTING CLASSES TO BE HELD IN MANAGEMENT HOUSE BAND TO FEATURE ELAINE Library, March 2 (Special Dispatch to the Gold Bug) PFEIFER The Western Maryland College library. situated between Ba- Management House, March 2 (Special Dispatch to the Gold Bug) ker Chapel and Blanche Ward Hall, over the administration of- Climaxing the p"e-Eastel:;;ocial fices, takes great pleasure in announcing to the student body and whirl in a scintillnting flash of sabres Amid the joyful cries of sixteen smiling cherubs, the Western the faculty the addition of many serious volumes along with much wielded by members of the Officers' Maryland College Nursery School threw open its doors yesterday enlightening fiction. The librarians, Miss Ward, Miss Lease, and Club, social group for the 1938 spring session. The date was March 2. Miss Adkins will at any hour of the day, within libr-ary hours, take of the ROTC unit, pride in introducing the students to the recently acquired books. the lilting strains ESTABLISHES PROOF FOR FACULTY IDEA BOOKS FOR ALL TYPES of Billy Antrim's The Nursery School has been established as a proving ground The most intellectual of the faculty along with the most naive orchestra will be for the more radical ideas brought forth by the faculty in the hope of the freshmen may find food for thought among the recent addi- heard wafting of building a Western Maryland for students. Some of the inno- tions to the number one concentration of learning on the campus. o'er the newly vations still in the testing stage there are listed below. The class For example, "Assignments in Utopia," by Eugene Lyons, would waxed floor of the of 1941 may live to see some of these plans put into effect. probably prove equal to the talent of the International Relations Western Mary- Club members, while the broad humor of Irwin Cobb's "Judge land Balle a man- CLASSES DIRECTED BY STUDENTS Priest Turns Detective" will reach the intellect of all students. COL. BAER g61·. As has been Classes (morning only) are held in the friendly, sun-shine- SPECIAL ADDITION FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS the custom pre- filled rooms of the college management house on the southern slope As varied in subject matter as in intellectual depth, the new viously, the Ball will be open to any- of the campus. These classes are under the maternal direction of books will offer the interesting reading to practically all the stu- one with the necessary $2.50 and an several of the typically quiet and efficient senior home-ec students dents on the campus. R. C. Bailey's "Photography Made Easy as' invitation which may be gotten from of Western Maryland. ABC" will prove not only enthralling but also helpful to amateur either Dean Adkins or Dean Fr-ee. VACATIONS PROVIDE RELIGIOUS TRAINING photographers as well as to members of the new photography club BAND RADIO FAVORITE on the "Hill". Bill's boys come practically straight The annual vacation, beginning May 18, extends for approxi- WEALTH OF RICH ROMANCE from the Washington College Prom, mately nine and a half months. The intense grind, however, is Students from Frederick, the horne of Barbara Frttchie, and where their final effort brought the broken by a ten-day spring vacation and the fact that the week- all other patriotic citizens as well as red-blooded Americans, will crowd to its feet as a man. His band ends are free, since Saturday and Sunday classes are banned so as find their time delightfully spent in perusing the pages of Dela- may be heard every Monday night to leave the students' religious development to the influence of their plaine's "Francis Scott Key." Those interested in forgotten lore, from 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. via the wire- homes. whoever they may be, can satisfy their thirst for the antiquated less telegraph from station WCAO, STAFF CHANGED DAILY and obsolete in E. K. Chamber's novel treatment of the egregious broadcasting on a frequency of 600 historian, Mallory, and the famous and euphonious Alfred, Lord kilocycles, The student staff of the school receives credit in Home Eco- Tennyson. Containing eleven members selected nomics in much the same way that Education students receive LIGHT LITERATURE FOR THE WEARY for their- proficiency on their- respec- credit for practice teaching. The staff is rotated day to day, three All those not interested in the previously mentioned works, tive mstrumenta, the group features new teachers giving the youthful faculty progeny the benefit of their teaching each day. that is the majority of the student body, will enjoy "Paint Powder the golden voice of Elaine Pfeifer, and Make-up", because of its treatment of the more trifling and specialty vocalist. The dance commit- HOUSE REMODELED TO ACCOMMODATE ENROLLMENT frovolous things in life. tee feels sure that the music of this In preparation for the large enrollment, the management Other books included in the recent library acquisition are: band will appeal Vj young and old house has been remodeled from cellar to chimney top. For the past Non-/iction:- alike. few months the senior horne-eo lab has been outfitted for and used Mozart. . Marcia Davenport, NEW DECORATION MOTIF as a home in which the younger generation had not yet arrived. Father and I . Lufcadio Hearn With the coming of the little ones, however, book cases and china England's Elizabeth. . Milton Waldmore Despite the persistent and indus- closets have given place to toys and miniature pieces of furniture. trious efforts of the committee, the Several of last year's class have returned for graduate work. BOOK REPOSITORY fearless reportorial that staff of the Gold the decorations Bug has found will involve a new motif in keeping NURSERY SCENE with the occasion. It has been rumor- ed that several machine guns and a 37 millimeter gun will be scattered around the bar-room floor. The programs selected for the dance are certain to please each cou- ple attending, and the liquid refresh- ments are especially designed to ap- peal to weary dancers. Highlight of the evening will be the Grand March and presentation of fa- vors by the Senior officers. INVIT AT10NS ISSUED Invitations to the dance have been accepted by the following: Lieuten- ant-Colonel and Mrs. Elmer F. Mun- shower; Major and Mrs. Severne S. MacLaughlin; Major and Mrs. Tryon M. Shepherd; President and Mrs. F. G. Holloway; Dean and MI·S. Samuel D. Schofield; and Dean and Mrs. L. Forrest Free. The Dance Committee - Colonel Beer, general cl.airman; Captain BaJ- The tiny tots, after tedious toil at blocks and toys, repair to ish, Captain Leah, Captain Martin, the dining hall to enjoy a sumptuous repast. Lieutenant AJlgire, Lieutenant Tim- mons, and Stlrgeant Peters-hopes Note the smile of contentment on the lad in the foreground, that the fact that this is t.he 13th an- the absorption of the little shaver on the right, and the couple in nual Military Ball will not augur ill the background amicably discussing the future disposition of the for the occasion, sole remaining cookie.
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