Page 40 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 40
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \IIG IIMICROCOS~,If.o,l~10UTHINGS ! Wake up, America! Officialstudent newspaper of Western Maryland College,publishedon Thurs- Once more we thank the Almighty as we look at the stench of foreign "isms" and what they day, semi-monthlyduring October,November,February, March, April, May, are doing, that we live in the land of the free. and monthly during September, December,and January, by the students of The Gold Bug Newspapers, Inc., have always advocated that we keep out of all entangling al- Western Maryland College,Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class liances with alien governments, that we keep the American system for the American people, and matter at the Westminster Post Office,under the Act of March 3, 1879. that we suppress with every force the subversive activities of Communists and SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.50 A YEAR Fascists within the United States. We are a free and united people! We do not want war! We want only the right to run 1937 Member 1938 peace and security. OUI' businesses, our homes, and our firesides in ~,ocialed CoUe6ialePre" But we are threatened on every side. With Red Russia shooting generals on ever-y side, with Hei-r Adolf and Signor EDITORIAL STAFF Benito playing hands across Austria, with Spain in the throes of violent Civil Editor-in-Chief .. _ ALFREDGOLDBERG,'38 War, what chance is there for the democracies of Europe to maintain their stand- A880lliate Editors W. FRANKMALONE,'38, ANNECHEW,'38, ing in the world? With the yellow peril drawing ever closer as the land of the Junior Associate Edito?'8 PAULBURTlS,'40, EMJE~~~:g~,::::~::~~ FRANKMAI,oNE RisinTgl,Se,~en,dS'·bauWtSo',·:Setae"nst,ecttl) see them Geol'gie may be his fair-weather the reason why. Although law after law has been passed by the CHARLIEEHRHARDT steplling it off tl)gether at the Mili- .!tul, but "Windy" Allgire blows Congress to gbolish trusts and kindred organizations, THE GOV- Presenting "Charlie" Ehrhardt, one tary Ball. around in a three-day tornado on Among those illustrious residents week-ends. And from what we hear, ERNMENT IS ATTEMPTING TO OBTAIN AND HOLD A of the boys. Charlie, afol'mer Sun- of W. M. C. who attended the Gamma it's not a C(tldblast. MONOPOLY ON THE MAUFACTURE AND USE OF PAPER . day SchoolPresidentand a memberof Beta dance in Baltimore wel'e Laura Willoughby seems to be having "Little Audrey" tJ'oublesagain. And MONEY!! !! What happens to the entrepreneur who attempts to . ~:k ~l'iS~~:O~~I~~t~::s~e~~~a~il~t~:: ~;.~e~:;1,;n~a\~1a;~;!l~I~O~~~Oll~oid:~~ set up his OW11little shop for the producti0l1 of paper money? PAID his fI-iends-ask anybody. Beulah Griffengave her consent will- he dal'ed to tell us he ran into a door. MINIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY INCARCER- But Chal"iie'sgreatest contribution ingly. I guess we'll have to hand it lillC~-----on- n few Permit me to digress fOI' ATE HIM AND ATTEMPT TO PENALIZE HIM FOR DIS- to our communityis his real honest· lo Laura for ordel'ing H ham sand- Reflectiolisof YOUl' columnist PLAYING A LITTLE INITIATIVE!!!! And yet this is called a ~~i-!~~~:~~ub:l~~:i~~~r~;~l;;:n;~~~:~ :;:ui!~n:\:~~~~yA~~::;~:~ ~7~taurant Are you men and women01' are you FREE country!!! At its incepti011 this country was dedicated to l'hilosoj)hy. Snys Charlie, "We've got Hank, the fly.catcher, has beon mice?? Have you any sense of bu- tolerance, As yeaTS went on that ideal grew to include the idea of to face facts. in this world and we've stepping about with the blom'lesub- mor??? Are you 1'111 so gullible that the running of the country through the REPRESENTATION OF got to take thingsas they come." This deb sister, Jeannette Wigley.We once you accept everything tlmt appears in this columnwithout even one grain of THE PEOPLE in a body of men selected to convey their thoughts ;~st":!l;:~c~f ~~~~:feh\olh~~ki~:os~~~!I~~:l:.~~;~~:a:~I~:.·~i:;a~I;!~)O~~:n:e~:d salt? 1? Do YOli think that this col- DO WE FIND THAT NOW? NO! The people elect representa- of our fair college. This is the sort a delightful time breaking bottlE'Sin umn is a means to an end111 Are tives, true enough, but ONCE IN OFFICE THEY CEASE TO of thinking that keeps the wheels of the Lord Baltimoro hotel. you aware of t.he fact that your REPRESENT THE PEOPLE AND BECOME A RUBBER industry going. Our matinee idol, Gordon Gilbert, S1100pel'is one of you-merely all ob- • As an example of Charlie's execu- has nm hltOdifficultiesin his seekin!jt >:I'rverof human nature, a student of STAMP FOR A DICTATOR!!! Yon say that DICTATOR is a tive and ndminishative. ability we ,the favor of MissCassey. QuoteMiss romantic advances and responses?? harsh word? WE MUST FACE THE FACTS!! When DESTI- ;g-iveyou his reCOI'das Sunday School Cassey: "I didn't know him, but r still Did you ever think tlmt dee})dowliill TUTE CITIZENS are FORCED to WORK on public projects in President. Weekafter week he broke like Tommy." We'll wager he won't my heart I may be trying to help an individualto achieve greaLerromantic order to obtain FOOD-the BARE NECESSI!IES-for their ~~ d:t~~I;da~~/~:o:~:PI~enddhrSo:10~~ Ib'~~tas!;~:~ththt!;~. I\1. C. church-go- success?? I have heard 11lyname STARVING CHILDREN (often merely BABES III ARMS)-then -"pep and piety"-"that's what gets ling couplesaren't even safe in church. condemned,my works criticized be- the day when the COSSACKS shall RIDE THE STREETS is I \.m," he says. We hear that a certain faculty mem- yond a limit of human endurance. NEAR AT HAND!!! AND THE GOVERNMENT IS PRE PAR- ; Charlie is one of our most sterling 'bel' plans to invest in a pair of field You may consider me a heartless in- ING FOR THAT DAY!! You sit in the warmth of your cozy little Icharactel·s. Nevel' has anyone had Iglasses. More power to your obser- dividual, aiming to destroy your hap- 'occasionto cast any reflections upon vation, Prof!!! piness in your private lives. Youmay homes and smile at that, BUT DO YOU REALIZE THAT EVERY him. In keeping with his straight- Olle of the outstallding recent so- considerme a dastardly, bold prevari- DAY NEWER AND DEADLIER WEAPONS OF WAR ARE cator, but it seems to me that this is ADDED TO OUR ARMY AND NAVY-WEAPONS WHICH !~~n~~.~;;n~trt~ii~h~i~h~;!;~~a~~:~a~:;~~~~l:'~dg~~e~:~:.e:::'~1~1l;::;~~;:l~l~~~ the l'esult of your recognition of the sonal philosophyin his best debating son.and Brooks. Appearancetold the fact that the truth hurts. You may WILL BE TURNED AGAINST US~all because you insisted on style-"I believe in the American tale-and the boys even brought back be all the things I mentioned. I may sending that card to the treasury asking for a billlion dollars jlOmeand in the American Constitu- . a mysteriolls woman. Where does be all the things you llave called me DON'T DO IT, FELLOW CITIZEN!! DO YOU WANT THE tion as o~r two greatest ~nstitutions."! that put Miss Coe??? -but by way of conclusion,I say BLOOD OF INNOCENT BABIES ON YOUR HEAD??? :~~~:~i~~::li!~:l~:a~~:~~ll and rug- Knock,knock-who's there??? The -SO WHAT???
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