Page 31 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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GOt V. P. I. V. P. I. BOXING BOXING MATCH MATCH Z286 Vol. 15, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 3, 1938 French Club Secures University of Detroit Debaters Ijunior Players To Film to be Shown at GivePresentations In Carroll February 25 Alumni Hall Feb. 18 "Carnival in Flanders" Selected As Three One-Act Plays Written By Best Film Produced Throughout Eminent Playwrights Will The World In 1936 Compose The Program TO BE SEEN AT STANDARD PLA YS TO BEGIN AT 8:00 PRICE On the evening of February 18, "Carnival in Flanders", the out- 1938, the curtains in Alumni Hall will standing talking film of 1936, will be be parted for the of the brought to the Carroll Theatre on Fri- first group of nunuul Junior day, February 25 under the auspices Plays. The plays to be given are three of the French Club of Western Mary- one-act plays wr-itten by playwrights land College. Awarded le Grand of some in the theatr-e. The Prix du Cinema Francais and the Gold first play "Hearts" by Alice Ger- Medal at the Venice International Ex- atenberg ; the second is "Pixin's" by position of Cinematography, and se- . Erma and Paul Green; and thc third lected by the National Board of Re- is "Wurzel Flummery" by A. A. view as the best film produced I IIIiine. throughout the world in 1936, this I The play by Miss Gerstenberg is a film is to be presented in westminster RASHID CQ_ACH Q'KON,SKY nAY~E I symbolic play with a touch of comedy, ut standard price. All students and as may be seen by the theme of the faculty are urged to take advantage play. In the course of the play, the cf this unusual opportunity to attend "Y" Organizations to Debaters To Meet I' College Band ToPresent significance of the word "hearts" is this excellent movie. Sponsor Series ofDances traced-in cards, in romance, and in English Dialogue • Concert Betore Assemblu human i-elnticnships. The four young Although "Carnival in Flanders" is U. of DetrOIt Here ladies taking part in the play are: French, there are complete dialogue Miss Gladys Coppage, Aided By Com- I Program To Coa,i" Of Seven Se- Grace Mcveae" (Mrs. Russell Russell), Supervise Clara n The mittees, Philip Martin- Will Bricker (Mrs. ; titles in English. The film ran for Dances Beginning Feb. 12 O F b e ruary 15 , leetions Featuring Instrumental gay), Catherine Stuller (!\II's. Edwin fourteen weeks on Broadway, where Sal", And Da"" Puff), and Amelia WeyshalT (Mrs. !~~!.liS~e;.~~~~r~:hog~::/!~~n c;:~p;~~~ The Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. The Western Maryland College Jay Thorne). Debate Team 1'0 Leave On Week's Bund will present its third annual Second Play Is "Fix in's" declare that without knowing one ~~l~~g:~.a~:t~~~aYfi;si;h:f Faeb~~;i:S 1;£ Trip 1'0 N. Y. Feb. 14. Team ne- concert on Monday, February 7, III The second play on the program, word of French one may grasp and three informal dances between now bates Washington College Today Alumni Hall at 10:00 A. III. This is "F'ixin'a", by the Greens, is concerned ~~l~!e::: ;:~.~~~~~~,~comedy of "La ~v~~~~l~:fd :~ci~~i:l:alsT:; t~vt:~:c!~~~ the second concert of the year to be with the unhappy state of affairs sur- The University of Detroit Debaters given by the band before the student rounding the life of a poor tenant will meet the western Maryland Col- I assembly. farmer and his wife living in North ~;:~c~i~~~n:~e ~~~e~~s~:dt~ise~~:~ !~:~~~~.~d::l~~~.:: i;bl.~a;: ~:nac~~ lege debating team on February 15 at 'The program consists of the follow- Carolina. A somewhat tragic but in- ~e;l~:~u;~~ !~~ Lounge. The ing : teresting- picture is given by the 8 o'clock in Mcljuniel ~~~~~hw~~nse~~da~~a~l~~r:o ~~:::~::\~:l: University of Detroit has one of the March John Philip Sousa drabness and the lack of beauty in the an opportunity. Those who enjoy mission will be 10 cents "stag 01 finest teams in the middle-west. Their The U. S. Field Artillery situation of the often penniless tenant visit here is part of an extensive tour family. It will be remembered that ~r!~:~:e S~:ti~:;le:~d t::goe:;::~u~:~~ ~~:~:~~~1~~o~~eM~;~I~~~t:S i~O~::I~: of 25 States, debating approximately "Heart-wounds" ..Edward Grieg IIIr. Paul Green has also written a to see "Carnival in Flanders". Any- or the dances. The cost of admission 60 of the leading colleges and univer- Concert March.; Carleton Colby book, "This Body the Earth", which one who likes a good laugh whether will be used for light refreshments. sities in America. The members of "March of the Pioneers" also gives a very vivid portrayal of he ever heard of dramatic art 01' 110t, ]\'[1'. Raver will play electrically n-an- the team have been appointed Michi- Chorale ... J. S. Bach the struggle for self expression, so should see this picture. scribed music, using Jarrell Simmons' gan Goodwill Ambassadors by Gover- "Grant Us to Do With Zeal" often denied to those who find them- Carroll Theatre Secured recordings. No profits are expected nor Murphy and will visit the gover- Mexicana Paul Yodel selves in like adverse circumstances. Alumni Hall was offered by the from the functions. nors of each of the 25 states. The "Themes from Mexico" The characters in the play are Ed college authorities for the production Miss Gladys Coppage, chairman of members of the team are Joseph Tango ........J. Olivadoti Robinson, played by Rober-t Ingram, of this film, but its inflammability re- the Y. W. C. A. "ways and means Rashid and David C. Bayne, Jr. "Pan American" Lily Robinson, played by Frances quired a projection booth. With the committee", will supervise all three "Resolved, that the N. L. R. B. Stout, and Jim Cooper, by Lawrence ))('rmission of the authorities, the dances with the assistance of melll- should be empowered to enforce arbi- Chicago Police Band Marc~~ri Mader Freeny. French Club approached ]\fr. Alvin bcrs of the Y ol·ganizations. 'l'he tration of all industrial disputes", is Satirical Comedy Is Offered Dohme, manager of the CalToli Thea· other members of the committees the question to be debated. Detroit In the selection, "Heart 'Wounds", In "'Vurzel Flummery", A. A. tel', for permission to produce the film will be changed for each dance. Re- will take the affirmatiVe, and W. M. by Grieg, Richard Sprouse will be fea- Milne, has given us a satirical come- there. With Mr. Dohme's coopera- cl'uits for the committees will be ac- C. the negative. As this question has tured in a clarinet solo. In Olivado- The lines of the play, in fact the tiOll, the film was secured and the date quired by volunteers from the Y. M. been the topic of debate for the cur- ti's "Pan AmeriC'lll", John Cal'- situation, may be described as of production was set for February C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rent season, by now there should be a nochan Richard Sprouse will pre- brilliantly clever. The plot is devel- 25. There will be the regular mati- The Y organizations are prescnting good deal of strong feeling on the sent a clarinet duet, and in Yoder's oped around this question: "'Would nee and evening shows, admission be- the dances in response to a long- subject, motivating a very lively dis· "Themes from Mexico", there will any man, for a legacy of 50,000 ing that usually charged for the even- standing appeal from the student be a trumpet duet by Robert Ingl'am I)Ounds, be willing to change his name cussion on both sides. and Lenny Bee. The concert march, to \Vurzel Flummel'y1" ing showin:i1~ :n~ofi~:~d I ~~~~es~Ol'T~:f~:::~~s Sa~~ur~:i~lg11~~.~~ This afternoon this Slime subject "March of the Pioneers", The characters of this third play Announcements of the showing of sented at this time because bad was used in a debate before the West- 0]) the list selected the are Robert Crawshaw, 1\1. P., played "La Kel'messe Hel'oique" have been weather in February and March :~~7;~e:h~i,:~0~C~~~~o~na~:n~::tn~~~ I ty~'a·',~.Association for conceIt this b;
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