Page 32 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt \lei [[Variety f f f Passing In Review I ,~""J. IISNOOPINGSI MALONE by FRANK Of immense relief is the news that Cong resbill lite anti-lynching Againfilibuster in thc TURMOIL I Senate is about to be broken and the Official student newspaper of .Western Maryland College, published on, Thurs- bill shelved. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Is he really a friend- The controversy raging around the and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Am I a fool- measure has been a blot, Western Maryland College, 'Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class Blind to the folly matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. group of Northern Dam- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR Which binds my soul To the insane desire "PERSH" VOLKART For love ? BEST BET OF THE WEEK 1937 Member 1938 J'\ssocioted CoUe5iale Press Do I trust him tOQmuch- The)' say he's bashful- What is this fear- But be does what he call. This damnable tenor Here he is, folks, EDITORIAL STAFF That deadens my spirit Your ladies' man. Editor-in-Chie/ .. ALFRED GOLDBERG, '38 With the picrcing alTOW Just a bit of relaxation for your Associate Ed.ftOl·8.. 'W. FRANK MAl,ONE, '38, ANNE CHEW, '38, test-weary minds-that is, if you feel JAMES COLEMAN, '38 Of doubt? Junior Assoei.ato Editors ..PAUL BURTIS, '40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '39 that you can stand any more report- Managing Editor RoBERT G. McKNIGHT, '38 Does the sin lie in me- ing on the antics of your fellow stu- Nows EditOl·... . .. _.._.__.__ _..FRANK SHERRARD, '39 Am I a farce- Coyy Editor........ .__ JANET MACVEAN, '38 Pretending, dissembling, dents. My observations tell me that Copy Readers. HELEN AR~lSTRONG, '38, RUTH MANSBERGER, '41 you all don't seem to be able to take Proof Editor _ __..__.._.__._ __.__.. . SUE PRICE, '40 Torburing my mind- it. Where are your constitutions??? Proof Readers ._ GRACE 1\JACVEAN, '39, AARON SCHAEFFER, '119 Forever denying What's this younger generation com- Featm'e Editors... VERONICA KOMPANEK, '40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 and had been but a minor con- ing to??? MARY JANE HONE~rAN, '30 l\ly heart? Pennsylvania ~,dji:;:"iid;,,;;:'..···· j:~;~":;~~~~~~o~~,8i3t~A1~~~I~ ~~C:A~~~:;" ,i9~ VERONICA KOMPANEK, "to. in other years. LY]~h~l~ is girl's Was a certain when Russell Dutch Jones face red a .stat~ prob.lem w ic taa HAZEL GOMP~', '38 Exchange Editor ... ELEANOR TAYLOR, '38 been d.ecI·easlll g III sel"l~usnes~ for a I declared his love for her publicly in [I tnnc. Other mamfcstahons. of Freshman English class the other BUSINESS STAFF Business 1I1anagc1' ._...... JOSEPH OLEAlR, '39 SUN THIWUGH THE CLOUDS portant :1~l:)~::i:UI:~~ :t~~]'~:::r~o ll~~ day! on boy, Ginny!!! Advel't-isi1Ig Mana.ge1·..................... .... . EVERETT JONES, '38 controversy I Assistant AdvC1't-is-illg Managers .FRED PLUMMER, '40, FRAN1{ MATHER, '40 stray across a mind, solved. \Vhy, then, the In.l·e the recent excu~'siOll,of W. ~1. Ci1'culation Mana.lJerS . . .._... ....LESLIE STOKES, '40, HILDA BITTLE, '38 let go, lead over lynching? C. gigolos to the President s Ball III Assistant Circulation IIfanagers... MARY CLE~rsON, '39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, trails, Such measures as wages-hours and , Baltimore, we heat'd Betty warn JAMES MERRITT, '40 Contributing reporters: Virginia Calloway, '38; A. Odell Osteen, '38; Joseph Blots of little sorrows and darts of the farm bill are of g-r-ave national Charlie, "Oh, Char-lie, do be careful!" I. Parker, '39; Doris Phillips, '38; Helen Newman, '40; Marianna Lee sunshine concern: The cU.l"rent r-ecession should I' ~hal'lie must have obeyed, for, quote; Long, '40; Grace Scull, '40; Marie Park, '38; Martha Jones, '41; Kather- Fill a strange mood that brightens, be a matter of much "How can you have any fun when ine Klier, '40; Margaret Bur-roughs, '40; Lawrence Freeney, '39; Charles then pales, discussion and Yet you are chucked under the chin by a Ehrhardt, '38; Harold Solomon, '41; Leonard Graham, '38; Roscoe Elliot, A casual remark from a near-by '38, Fred Coe, '38. c: I :::~:~~:~lgf:~?-~~~dr:~a~~d O!:vel~t~~ friend Relaxes suddenly in rippling mend it but supposed political expedi- five pounds." Kitchy-kitchy-koo, Char- Worthy opinion; Model manag€tJlel1f; Correct new.s_ ency. It is a national disgrace. lie!! The day seems gay and the people Rumania And Carol \Ve wonder if Ann Nevius has a bright lease on the post office, or is she mere- Final Examinations In a persuasive world of pleasing ed by Dr. Goga ly making post-office claims. \Vhich The reason for this editorial is to inform any poor credulous wiles. that it hopes to retain the friendship one could it be-Ehrhardt, Roderick, students, who believe in the Western Maryland "no exam" myth, Then a st.r-aying thought from a nea i- of England and France. It would or Ingram? . I premier Rumania's h that they have just completed the most nerve-wracking type of final Casts forgotten past shadow on that I seem that platitudes and paying lip- is H' ere s your c ance, gil" s-t I lei a belligerent. examinations. It is to suggest that hereafter, final exams may be r' conducted as such, instead of as tests under "\vhich!lame they were patch of lirrht .. t "f I' :~]~l]pl~e"\~~that~I,'f~:,tq"Un,e~to~nth~r~:I~e~.~,1 ~ recently administered. And the teal's, l:ughter drops whim- ~::~'II~eare ~~t u i : 'ac~~r~s\~~hlC;~~sc~~~ end " 'WilIie's parishioners that th~ Dr. Goga, an avowed Fas- terance. Examinations, at most colleges are given at the end of the se- You grow l'igid and taut with the old cist and anti-Semite, has proceeded in ~~~:~ i::l:~~c:~~te iS~~0:-~ittC~~:1"~~~~.1 mester to cover the whole semester's work. To this custom West- blind fight. a rathel' thorough-going manner to be set to music, we will award to-th~ ern Maryland is no exception. The system has been tried arid You wonder why such a tjny his program. King Carol has person handing in the best arrange: found good in many countries over mally centuries. A student As that of a fleeting but the present Parliament and meut, either symphonic or swing, should be responsible for work covered within the previous four or thought announced that a new election will be I within the next two weeks, an auto- five months. Must so ]'udely be shattered by sud- held on March 3. He has been forced I gTaphed photograph of Willie. Regular class exercises are suspended and an examination schedule is prepared in most colleges. In this, Western ~Iaryland And :;n :::~' dnll pain tearfully ~I~e]~;:;~;~'o~~n~:I~hea p;;~l:el~\~~::'~~J~ I b If ~nyone :vis~eskto ~~ow ~he num- is an exception. Classes continue uninterrupted until the close of the semester. The finals are given during the regular recitation So the~~:~=:!dthoughts gather again, of ~:~o~~sat::Do~n:.!ia~~:~t·Of a weak, f:~'~illlP~:'s,,~neds~ ~~'cQt~~ie~l:w~V~'~~ periods. Term papers and collateral readings, naturally falling You know the golden drOI)S on long, selfish monal'ch who is attempting to that he and a certain freshman due at the end of a term, make the student's burden at this period Al'e th~~~ks~~~~~; sharp smiles on a ::lai]~~:intl~r:~~~el.~;~ec:~~~~i:i~~Si~~:; mentsC~~lt~;el:S:e:!a~S the measure- almost unendurable. cloudj' day, vacillation during the past seven 01" Item from the Saiisblll'Y Advel·- Final examinations are an accepted practice in educational in- Bursting eagerly out but so soon eight ~'ears has disgusted the more stitutions. However most educationul institutions conduct them as washed with tears. liberal of Rumania's political parties. tisel': such. Camouflage is a convention of war and of other unsocial "NECKING PARTY" TO BE HELD practices. Perhaps the first response to this editorial headed Final MARGARET W. BURROUGHS,'40. Finding his grasp on thc people and BY LADlES OF HEBRON EXa1ninations will be one of disgust. "Let sleeping dogs lie. We politics of Rumania l'apidly slipping CHURCH ON 21st. don't have final exams and we don't want them." To deceive others away, he has resorted to the same The Ladies' Aid Society of Hebron is dishonest; to deceive one's self is foolish. Who said Western that Alfonso XIII of Spain rc- M. P. Church will hold a necking par- Maryland didn't have final exams? I to in H123. Alfonso allowed ty in the social hall of the church on CAMPUS GcnCl"a1Primo de Rivera to cstablish Friday evening, January 21. LEADERS a semi-Fascist military in ]930, and and the public is invited. dictatorship. An evening of fUll will be provided Rivel'a was overthrown Etiquette the Rcpublic was established the next yea]'. It has been suggestcd that a similar The coeds at the University of Washington are publishing a Tllat Rumania is already be hcld at \Y. 1\1. C. with the campus etiquette book "It Is Done". The main force of the sales of Hebron acting as hostesses campaign is to be directed toward the masculine element on the the fact that the new elections and hosts. It might even be consid- campus. The reason is probably obvious-too obvious. not be held nntil March 3. Goga ered as a part of the mid-winter But the time has come when something should be done ubout should be able to enhance his position sports carnival. campus eitquette. Obvious or not, some kind of regulations should during the next two \Ve have found a worthy substitute be put into effect. The coeds are perhaps as much at fault as the ELEANOR TA YI.OR sufficiently to win for Moose-face as the dining men. Contributions from both the men and women of the campus perhaps, it may not hall wag-none reformers could be handed to a committee which would edit the Retiring, quiet, yet competent and hold an election. olph. than Bill Ad- campus "Blue Book." a good executive, Eleanor Taylor has Goga may have sufficiently l'epressed unobtrusively had a hand in directing opposition by then, to continuc in The love bug has bitten Bill Flem- Seriously, there should be some element on the campus, either ing again. 'this time the young lady in the form of a rule book or in the form of a required class for ll1any of the campns organizations power without the consent of the gov. is Miss Zimmerman. 'Vhy don't you freshmen. Talk about the cultural value of campus life-and then lhis:l'ear. erned. And ill all this, Cal'ol has not lct tIp, Flem?? watch the cultured college men and women in the dining hall or on We find Eleanor bus:l' as president only aided and abetted him but has dates. of the Argonauts, the honor society; evcn for and as him. On Tomichek scems to be fanning the on thc his .Perhaps W. M. C. should publish an "It Is Done" too. secretal'y-treasul"er of Tau Kappa shoulders of any man in Rumania, embers of old flames-and we don't doubt bnt that he could make any old Alpha, the honorary national debat- rests the cause for the present dicta- coal burn again. ing fl'aternity; a member of Tri-Beta, torship in Rnmania. Winter Carnival honorary national biological frater- N. L. R. B. I guess we'll have to hand it to Ann nity; vice-president in charge of pro- The N. L. R. B., about which the Dill-married life seems to agree The Winter Sports Cal-nival, while not a Winter Carnival, nor grams for the International Relations with her. Do send us an announce- somehow dccided a Sports Carnival, nor a Carnival, was, however, a success. The Club; and chairman of the program collegiate debaters yca]', has suddenly ment, AmI. Nevertheless, our best to wrangle this break between semesters was a welcome relief to most of the stu- achieved an unlooked-for prominence. wishes go with you when you go. dent body. The relief became pleasure when the program for committee of the Chemists' Club. So- Senator Burke, Nebraska's one-ma!] First we thought it was Imogene, cially she has made her place as sec- Tuesday and Wednesday was announced. t'etary of the J. G. C. She is tennis beehive, came out a few days ago but since Tommy Arthur stepped in, Whether the program was a success or failure is neither here manager of the \Y. A. A., and a very with a blaring statement damning the it looks like Dot MacEwen has Bob nor there. What is important, is the fact that the program was efficient chairman of the program board on ten "specific counts" of be- fngram's attention. conceived and sponsored by a Campus Activities Committee. This committee for the Y. W. C. A. Elea- ing prejudiced and engaged in labor Just mention her birthday to Hazel display of initiative and thoughtfulness on the part of a Campus activities. "This", said an exuberant Gompf and watch the color monnt. nor is also circulation Committee is to be commended. It shows that there are members the "Aloha". manager for Western Maryland debater, "cinch~s What's the surprise, Doc??? of the faculty and student body alive to the social and recreational the case for our side," (the negative.) needs of the students. The appreciation of the students was self- In fact, there are f.ew phases of "Ten specific counts-think of it!" FrOlll what we hear, "Moon" Mad- evident. It is to be hoped that the Winter Carnival will become an college life in which Eleanor has llOt Then came the Supreme Court with dox should have been at the ball last annual affair at Western Maryland. i proved herself a kadel'. (Cont. 011 page 4, col. 4) ( Cont. 011 page 4, col. 5)
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