Page 34 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 34
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug,.Western Maryland College, Wesuninster, Md. Bachelors Win First Round Cardinals Take 31-28 I SUNDA Y SCHOOL PRESIDENT'S BALL This Collegiate World Cham ionshi In Basketball Win From Terrors (Cont from page 1, col. 4) (Cont. from page, 1, col. 5) I (By Associated Collegiate Press) II I Lytton P _P_ Honors With Tomichek Leads Terror Court Men that time was not a part of the col- mous dancing star of the stage and screen, during the course of her stay Scoring lege curriculum. Takes study hints for students who are tired I 7 Points In 22·14 game With ru-Potnt Total 'built, meetings were conducted in at the Ball. St. John's College, Johns of -- Until 1895, when Baker Chapel was Men from University Boston, :Mass.-(ACP)-A list or I Maryland, of feverishly rushing through belated Def~ating- the Preecbers, last year's Hopkins University, Loyola College, assignments has been prepared by champions, by the score of 22-14, the ba~~:s ~::::~~~!~:iV~'I~!~~ ~:~~~~ ~~~~:ic~~~~~ue~f~;;'\\~;l~::ne::~. ~~: and Western Maryland composed the McDaniel, who of Dr. direction guard. Prof. war-ren T. Powell, head of the Bachelors clinched first round honors cout-tmen in a rough and tumble con- linquished his superintendency i'e- in The following- are the men who at- department of student counseling- at in the fust team fraternity league. test on the former's court last Ft'i- 1915. DI·. Warfield, Dr. Stevens, and tended: Adriance, Balderson, Baxter, Boston University. Alpha Gamma Tau made it a clean day. The score was 31 _ 28. The Ter- Dr. Bertholf have followed him as Brust, Catington, Cline, Cook, Ehr- They include : sweep when their second team snowed rors assumed an early lead, but this superintendents. hardt, Fitzgerald, Galbreath, Garri- 1. Work under pressure; set a dead- the Preachers under by the score of g-radual'ly faded as the Cardinals During Dr. Ward's administration, son, Hendrickson, Klare, Lanasa, Iine inside of which work must be 29-15. Lytton took the scoring hon- spurted before the half-way marks on the '\Ym. G. Bakel' Sunday School as Mather, Peters, Ransone and Shipley. accomplished. OI'S in the first game with seven baskets by Miller and Carroll. we have it today, was founded. 2. Make yourself rise above petty points, while Forthman easily topped The second half was dominated by The anniversary program should SNOOPINGS distractions; when they come, ac- the scorers in the second game with a spirited C. U. offensive which took prove interesting to all western cept them, then go back to your twelve points. The line-ups for the the lead away from the Terrors early Marylanders. ( Cont. from page 2, col. 5) studying without losing your two deciding games were: in the final period and never- a-elin- Saturday night keeping Sam Baxter stride. Preachers G F T quished it. Miller, C. U. guard, and company. And we thought the boys 3. Assume that you are liable for an Elderdice,f. 1 - 2 3 Tomichek of western Maryland lead PASSING IN REVIEW were indulging' only in milk. account of all that you are study- Ryan,f. 0·0 their respective teams in scoring. ing. Balish;c. '·3 The lineups: (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) A bit of poetry from your old 4. Maintain an alert questioning at- its second decision on the board with- bard- titude and criticize all that you ~;I~;:~~~J~~· 1 ~ ~~ Catholic University F 'r in a. year, reverting to its original ECSTASY read. ::':":~T::;otC;al:_==.....=. .;,6-.;;.2..;8;-..,;14~~l~~~:,ll~:.. ver-dict of "constitutional" to~ilO\V The night is lovely 5. Develop habits of positive attack Bachelors G F T Ambrose, f. that the board had the right to rule in And you're so sweet. on your studies. Interest seldom Lytton,f. 1-3 7 Guyon,c. cases involving two large ship-build- T could dance forever, comes before effort is made in Hauff, f. 0 - 0 4 Snrelaa, g. ing concerns, and that the lower Fed- His heart missed a beat. that subject. Adl'iance,c. 0-0 l\filler,g. 16 ci-al COUI-tScould not prevent it from She parted her lips 6. Feel an interest in your improve- Reckord, g. 0 - 1 2 C. Pirro, g. doing so. Began to speak mont. Smith, g 7 Krnwzell, g. Just where that leaves the issue Listen, you lug, 7. Avoid and control emotional dis- =::;T'-'ot""I===~1~0-""2""C.5~"'22 l'\IeKenna,g. o hanging remains in doubt, but per- Gct off my feet! turbances and fatigue. haps now, somebody will have heard So long, folks- 8. Plan proper length and distribu- Second Team Game I Western Mn i-yland F T of the N. L. R. ~. when it is debated. THE SNOOPER. tion of study periods, one to two Preacher-s G Edmond hour units for easy or varied Andrews,f. . 2 0-1 Coo . . work; and thirty minutes with Prentiss,f. '·2 Drugash JOIN THE CROWD two or three minute rest periods Church,c. '·2 Honeman 2 AT in between for unfamiliar or dif- Shreeve,g. 0·0 Stropp . " Sherman ficult work. Grier,g. 0·' BEARD'S Volkart,g. 0·0 Koegle 10 'I'cnuchek Total 2-6 16 Embattled coeds at the University BRING YOUR DATES ALONG of Alabama are hurling the charge of Bachelors Catholic University 13 18 31 AND stinginess at the men on the campus. Bradley,!. '·2 W M. C. 15 13 28 ENJOY THE FUN They think they have good reason, Brooks,f. 0·0 since they recently learned that the Forthman,c. 2·' 12 DANCING university supply store, where food Elliott,g. 0·' 8 ADVERTISE IN THE SANDWICHES and drinks are sold, has one of its Coleman,g. 1-2 GOLD BUG SOFT DRINKS biggest crowds of the day immediate- Murtin,g. '·1 ly after 10:45 P. M., when the men 1'otal 12 5-10 29 Beard's Restaurant must return their dates to dormitories or sorority houses. WESTMINSTER, MD. That means but one thing to them. LUNCH WITH YOUR Their foud young Romeos are simply Inter-Frat League FRIENDS waiting to buy refreshments until W Pct. they have only one Illouth, instead of Bachelors 2 , 1.000 IN A 3 two, to feed. Black and Whites , .750 CONGENIAL Certainly you have heard these titles; PI'eachers The boys insist that they aren't b'y- .333 Read these names in your papers, magazines, reviews; ing to save money on the girls, but Gamma Betas 0 3 .000 ATMOSPHERE that they like a late-evenillg snack; "IT'S LOVE I'M AFTER" and "there are some dishes a gentle- "WELLS FARGO" man can't eat gracefully in the pres- ence of a lady." Smith & Reifsnider SODAS "HITTING A NEW HIGH" ICE CREAM H. E. REESE Westminster, Md. SANDWICHES Do your favorite stars include: TAILOR I LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Paul Muni Joe E. Brown Claudette Colbert CLEANING LIGHT LUNCHES Charles Boyer Leslie Howard Lilly Pons PRESSING REI~AIRING AND COAL Joel McCrea Miriam Hopkins Joan Blondell The Grill Jack Oakie Dorothy Lamour Bette Davis SUIT~4 l\~~s~~r~6 ~lt~~~~URE SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND They are all included in the near fmure for your special GENERAL MILL WORK entertainment at J. D. KATZ QUALITY The Carroll SHOE REPAIRING Special Rates to Students Opera House WESTMINSTER'S FINEST WE HAVE THE BIGGEST WESTMINSTER, MD. Have Your Films Developed AND BEST Showing at this Theatre and Finished ASSORTMENT OF Soon! We!!, by cracky, remembcr how good Carroll Inn was, and that food, when we had enough extra coin to try it? soon after The College Grill Valentines I And following CALLS" Remember that, do you, well if you ain't seen the new "HAWAII Windsor Inn, you just ain't seen nothin'. It stans in where IN CARROLL COUNTY :1 "MAN·PROOF" Carro111eft off. I never see a Louise that wasn't a demon 011 "BAD MAN OF detail, and if that Hamrick gal has missed a single detail in WESTERN MARYLAND Come and See BRIMSTONE" makin's her place the best eatery in Maryland, then I'm Coffee Shop "EVERYBODY SING" blind. And they no sooner handed me that platter of good. ies than I says, says I, "Ya can't fool me, that's a Mary Ella AND RESTAURANT "MANNEQUIN" Cross platter. If that Mammy was in Washington, she'd be • SODA "YOU'RE A cookin' at the White House, no less. She is the great·great· SANDWICHES SWEETHEART" great granddaughter of the cook that invented seasoning. LUNCH P. G.Coffman Co. A meal at Windsor Inn is an epoch in education. • DINNERS Times Bldg_ "MERRY·GO_ROUND OF By Cracky . 1938" J. F. MOORE, Manager "Good Food-And How!" WESTMINSTER, MD. "DR. SYN" Never Closed -
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