Page 35 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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GOt TONIGHT TONIGHT MUHLENBERG JOHNS HOPKINS DEBATE BASI{ETBALL Z286 Vol. 15, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 17, 1938 President Holloway II Dean's List Dr.Ouo Ortmann To I HonorSocielySecures Makes Innovation Speak To Faculty In Emory Niles To Speak JHEN In Chapel Service Baer, Charles W. Bowen, J. Shelton McDaniel Hallronight AtMarch Third iYleeting Seniors Juniors On Appl"ing I Cooper, Lamar Bryson, William J. "Question Box" Replaces Usual Ad- Elderdice, Robert A. Ford, E. Allison Director Of Peabody Conservatory To Argonauts Will Present Program dress; Students Asked To Submit Goldberg, Alfred Mowbray, Jay B. Speak Tonight Feb. 28 in Monday Assembly Gompf, C. Norvin Joseph Oreatr, Problems Harwood, Sprigg Ransone, Alexander L. Science To Music l\lalone Will Speak McKnight, Robert G. Schaaffer-, Aaron TO USE PIANO IN LECTURE HONOR GRADES TO BE READ OLD HYMNS REVIVED Maione, W, Frank Trader, C. Weldon Moore, Alvin N. DI·. Otto Ortmann, for fifteen years Emory Hamilton Niles, a pronu- Nelson, Paul A. In fulfillment of an announcement Director of Peabody Conservatory of mont Baltimore lawyer and former made the previous Sunday, on Febru- Watkins, Roland E. Music, will address the Western Rhodes Scholar, will address the next ary 12, President Holloway departed WOMEN Mal'yland faculty tonight ,('loping our religious life?" was an- ~ ~a:::]'~i~~~~: ~~a~~.e~o:;'i~~nyT~:n~~.~ ~~I'an~:nr~a~~:~e~o~:n::judicHtor of swered by a rather bdef discussion of PROFESSORI chesb'a contains ten pieces blending and high school Eisteddfod, in Malone To Address Assembly the place ritual and form holds in our Feeling that the Al'gonauts, the col- daily lives, and by the conclusion that DELONG ~~t~da f:~t:~:h;y;~:in~:~~ :.~o~:ca~~t~ ~~.t~l~?~~! :~~n!~st~~~l::~:alco~:'~~~:~ ]pge honor society, had not been j'C- lInless we possess a religious intui- Also appearing -with the orehestm is Several other Peabody staff members ceiving the publicity that was its due, tion, there must be more than a little a "Tommy Dorsey style" trombone have been adjudicatol's ill this con- Dean Schofield allocated an assembly dependence upon the forms and rit- player who is featuI'ed in many num- test, including Franz Bornschein, and ]leriod to the group. It has planned to use this period to set forth the ~:~sa;:::chH~a:l:o d:;~!~~d fo\~tl~O~~~ ond since he became a member of the ;:I::;veT!:s~~~~~~~:::r~~~I;d I~~~~:\\~~~ ~~:~::~ d~.~~~e,:o~~~a:~~~: \~o~'A~~ars aims and objectives of the society. fact that most religious teaching has ~:~~t;~'~16~IarYlanrlfaculty in Septem- attend the dance are assured of II Dr. Ortmann frequently contributes The date of Februal'y 28 has been se- lected for the program. ~~:; :;;~o~~,r:~~h ai~~o~.~:s.Of para- Mr. deLong's program will consist vn~:~I~::'!l'~~:: the dance have been ~~~;il~~, ~~et~:a~~;~akl~;~~~~:ih~~~ The assembly will open with group The second qnestion, "Which is ~!t:t~::le"~i:on:C~~~eF\~:~I~I~~~,~e~~: announced as the following: Doctor, ty to forty page pamphlet containing singing, following which Frank Ma- student ~~:;~c::;~ct~~,al~I~:~:.n ~:o;!:.a~~~;st~ae~ "The Pretty Maid of the Mill". This and Mrs. Theodol'e M. Whitfield; Dean news of interest to musical circles. lone, a senior honor Depal·tment in the of tween bl'anches?" drew forth a dis- cycle, one of two by Schubert, was and Mrs. L. Forrest Free; Majol' and He has recently been appointed a History, will cussion of the present attempts at a :~:P~:i~~ ~l ~!~~'gW~~~.theH:on~~~s~~ (Cont. on page 4, Col. 1) ~i~~g::eMt~sJ~:nIs:t;~'n\:~~c~a~~.o~~~~~ make a short talk on the Ar- ~~:~h~i~~: i~~~~'a7i;~e::~t C:;j;!~:~Ot~ music a cycle of poems of the. same GOLD BUG AND ITS STAFF try sends three representatives. The gonauts' aims. Iy impossible to unite all Christen- name by the German poet WIlhelm INVITE STUDENT CRITICISM convention will be held in Em'ope this Maione is an dom, the best field of activities lay I Muller. .The songs are ~onnected by There comes a time in the life of It excellent choice for the job of ~IOnghthe line of uniting the various ~he~l~,a:~~~!'nis~;r; n~~~:~,l~~ho~h\::::.~ cullege newspaper when it should take ranc es, of his surroundings, Jeaves his mill time out to inspect itself or to have Cooper And Harwood describing the As usual in this type of pl'ogram, and follows the brook that turns his itself inspccted-both as to content plans and PUl'- one question was asked' which was mill-wheel. The story relates his ad- :md makeup of the paper and as to In Auto Accident po ses of the practically unanswerable, depending ventures with a beautiful miller girl personnel of the staff. With that FRANK MALONE group, fol', in entirely on the concepts held regal;d- with whom he falls in love, and with thought in mind the Gold Bug wishes addition to be- ing the bllsis of the question. The a rival lover, a hunter. to announce that the March 3 issue of Sunday School President Injured iug an honor student, he is one of the t Ie third and last question. "At what Th e t wen y songs 0 f t e eye e are; Ie Impel' WI .,' b e a specJa one, ou. 0 I ,Vh·' Ie I"~ 'k' Ill.!!"; S", , I(,S best debaters on the Hill. He was hIt' f . , t 'a shlte in his evolutionary development "A-Roaming", "Whither?", "Halt!", the ordinary nature of the ]lubhca- Taken also recently selected by the seniol' did man become the posseSSOl' of a "To the Brook" "At Even-Tide" "The tion. In order to carry out the pur- class to help sell its Aloha financing' soul ?", l'aised two questions, one con- Question", "I~patience", "The' Mil- pose of this issue, the Gold Bug is in- I ]\[essrH. Lamar Cooper and Sprigg plan in an assembly progl'alll-with cerning the theol'y of evolution, the ler's Flowers", "Morning Gl'eeting", viting all members of the student Hal'Wood, pl'omincnt 'Vestel'll Mal'Y- marked success. other regarding the structure of a "A Shower of Tears", "Mine", "A body to submit any opinions they may land seniors, were struck by an auto- All melllbel's of the Argonauts will soul. His final conclusion was that Pause", "The Green Ribbon", "Hun- have concerning the Gold Bug or mobile last Sunday night while wlllk- be seated on the stage during the as- homo sapiens became the possessor of ter", "Jealousy and Pride", "The members of the Gold Bug Staff. So iug along the Taneytown road, about sembly. Following 1\Ir. Malone's talk, a soul "when man became Man". Favorite Colour", "The Hateful Col- long flS these contributions observe a quarter of a mile from the college. Eleanol' Taylor, president of the so- President Holloway has announced our", "Faded Flowers", "The Miller the pr')pl'ieties of speech, they will be The students were takell immediately ciety, will read a list of the names of that the "Question Box" will continue and the Brook", "The Brook's Lul- published in toto. I to Dl·. Taylor by a passing motorist, students in all classes attaining a B so long as there is an interest in it- laby". Contributions may assume any na- . llnd were tl'cated for contusions and average dlll'ing the past semestel·. ~s shown by questions received. Those The cycle is very seldom sung in it:o; ture so long as they have a direct! minor lacerations. Dr. Taylor took Another session of group singing will having questions on any subject deal- entirety, although several of the bearing on the subject-the Gold Bug' foul' stitchcs in Cooper's head close the program. ing with I'cligion, ethics, or related songS are sung as separate recital flnd the Gold Bug staff members. The I The students had walked to "Hill- Organized in 1935, the Argonauts fields are invited to address their pieces and doubtless will be familiar Gold Bug staff feels that the student Top Inn" for a light evening lunch have as their members J\lniol's Hnd Seniors who make an average grade ~~l~~'ie:ft~e"~~.:si~:~:,~iO:ffi~e~x"'Tl~: tt' ;;e:!~I~s ;~I~:;;:I::~~\he charm :;~~e~:il\;:el~~~~~o~hi~s;~:::~v:it~~~ :;~~ \:~ret~:tu:_'~1~g \~~e~het~:~t ~~e~.~ of B or better. The majority of mem- of the songs through an understand- objective) of the paper and the staff struck from behind by the auto. The bers are doing honors work in the dc- name of the inquirer should be signed ing of Muller's words, Mr. deLong will members. driver stop])ed to offer assistencc, but partments in which they are major- to thc question in order that, should sing them in English. He will preface All contributions should be left un- l\Ir. Harwood stopped another cal' be- ing, although that is not a requisite thc question be deemed of insufficient his songs by an introductory explana- der the door of the Gold Bug office. cause the auto which struck them had for membcrship. The club was found- g{:neral interest, Dr. Holloway may tion of the story. Anything and everything pertaining only one seat. Mr. Cooper did not 'l'c- ed largely through the efforts of D)' iriVite the interested person to his Miss Maude Gesner will accompany 10 the general subject will be wel- gain consciousness until he hlld been B~·l·tholf, who continues to take an ac- oflke fo], a pel'sonal interview, !\fr, deLong at the piano. I cOlllcd untilUonday, FebnlRl'y 28. treated for his injmies by Dr. Taylor. tive interest in its pl·oceeding:s.
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