Page 37 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 37
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terror Ring Men Drop 5~-2~ i Loyola Trips Terrors Match To Maryland Boxers ERROR By FRED COE In Close Game 29-27 Several Close Decisions Mark Bouts In Final Feature Of !Uaryland Fouls Play Prominent Part In All-Unh'ersity Night Mounts And Sho'men On Spot Terr-or- Defeat The defeat which Tom Kibler's Sho'men hung on Mt. St. BENDER AND OLEAIR WIN Mary's has put the league leadership in a tie between these two The Green Terror dr-ibbler-s bowed contest In a series of close bouts the University of Maryland defeated clubs and has complicated the situation, which, up until a week ago, to Loyola in a tight defensive Saturday, seemed settled as far as the Mountaineers were concerned. latter's court last These on the the Terror boxers last Friday 5V:! to 21k Red Bender and Joe teams have met twice and each has taken away a victory. Any 29-27. Oleair won their matches and Andrews finished with a draw but in hopes for the State championship which either may Early in the first period the Fel'- several of the other battles the Wes- have now rest on what they do in the remaining league gusonmen assumed a slight lead and tern Marylanders almost turned the games. And here's where the Terrors come in. The hung on to it until Barczak's goal put trick. Bachelors Victorious Green and G01d boys still have a shot at both of these the Greyhounds out in front first in the moments closing the of half The University did not have the two teams. The first game with Washington was a Loyola built up a good lead at the great team that they had last year. Over Preacher Team one-sided affair in which the Kiblermen did not extend Benny Alperstein, one of the few themselves to take a win. That was over a month ago opening of the second half on field l:oldovers, easily defeated Peck Mar- and since then the Terrors have speeded up their at- goals by Wayson and Bremer. This tin in the 135 pound class. When An- Black and Whites Win 31-8 Victory; FRED COl<: tack considerably. The Sho'rnen come to Westminster lead was threatened continuously by drews fought, many of the some 60 Top Gamma Betas In Second on February 22, the last game of the season for the Terrors, and the Terrors who came up strong in the closing- minutes. Western Maryland fans in the stands Game that contest should be a thriller. Washington has always found Thc tight defensive tactics employ- thought that he had won, for his left the Terrors a tough team to beat on the Armory floor. This year ed by both teams resulted in numer- jabs had kept his man at a distance. In the Inter-Fraternity g'amesplay- the game should be even better as the Eastern Shore lads have cus fouls being called. Bob Walters fought his first fight ed last Friday, the Black and Whites their eyes on the league championship. A year ago they were out The line-ups: this year but lost a decision. Lesin- swamped the Gamma Betas and the of the running completely. Loyola ski, fighting in place of Ortenzi, Preachers were decisively defeated by On February 15 the Terrors will have a chance to make up Stakem,F. G F T c dropped his guard for a second and the Bachelors. The respectiveSCOI'CS for the defeat which Mt. St. Mary's handed them at the beginning Barczak, F. 2 his opponent sent him to the floor. were 31-8 and ~4-12. of the month. The second of the two game series will be played on Kelley, C. . . 4 o , In the lightweights Osteen lost an- "Red" McQUillen, stellar guard of the Emmitsburg floor. This has been the hardest floor in the State Wayson, G. 4 other close decision and Musselman the. Black and .Whi~es, sn~red the I for the Green and Gold to win on. The narrowness of the floor is Bremer, G '. o 6 0 was also unable to score. ecorrnghonors WIth eig-ht points. He a distinct handicap for visiting teams to overcome. A win over Clancy, G......•......•.....................••.....•. o This was All-University night at was clo~elY ~ollowed by S.prou~e and 1 the Mounts or Washington would put Coach Ferguson and his Keech, G.... 0 College Park and other events on the ~lder WIth SIXand five potnts respec- squad in fine fettle and would go a long way in determining the I 1 1 program included a basketball game ~~~~.y.T~:e GSacl:l~~aa~:t~es ~a~~ ~~oo~ league champion. o 1129 and musical entertainment. A large crowd witnessed the fights including better fight in the second half to make Terrors Face Jays western Md. G F T several carloads of students from here the game more interesting. The Green and Gold dribblers will meet Johns Hopkins on the Edmond,F. 3 1 7 and Baltimore. and The Bachelors, led by Jack Lytton the Armory floor February 17 in the only game between the two teams Drugash, F. . o 2 Stropp, C. Reckord. Henry outplayed The line-up was as follows: Preachers by a wide margin to win this year. The Jays have been experiencing an only mediocre sea- Koegle,G. 1 4 Western Md. Maryland 34-12. Lytton was high point scorer son thus far. The only league win they have is a one point de- Tomichek, G. 2 2 4 6 Osteen 115 Rochlin for the day, hitting the basket six cision over Loyola. On the basis of comparative scores the Terrors Henneman, F. o Musselman 125 Dorr times for 12 points. By winning this should break their long string of defeats at the expense of the Sherman,G. o 0 Martin 135 Alperstein game, the Bachelors remain unde- Jays. In spite of their only fair record, however, the Homewood 0 Bender 145 Peralta feated in Inter-Fraternity competi- team has played good basketball this season. Captain Rasin, Cross 81127 Andrews 155 Acree tion. and McLain are the boys to be watched. Mcl.ain, a guard, has Walters 165 Egan The line-ups: appeared on the Westminster floor before as a member of the 1 2 T Lesinski 175 Pearson Black & White G F T Washington College team. Last fall he transferred to Johns Hop- Loyola .........•... . 13 16 29 Oleair heavy Henderson 3 0 6 kina. Weste\·nMd. 12 15 27 Spro'wu',,'....•.••••....••...•....•.....•••. o 2] Fighters Tangle With Lock Haven And Coast Guard Referee: J. Menton. Bee ... Collins ......•.•..•.••.•....•.•.........•.... ~ 6 This coming Friday Coach Charley Havens will take his box- INTERFRATERNITY LEAGUE Lanasa .. 4 0 ers up into Pennsylvania to swap punches with the Lock Haven STANDINGS McQuillen . 2 1 5 team. A year ago the Pennsylvanians came to Westminster and i'!IARYLAND COLLEGIATE Elder . LEAGUE gave the Terrors a terr-ific fight before going down to defeat. The (Second Round) Totals 13 5 31 Teacher line-up will be similar to the one that appeared here at the W. L. PC. W. L. PC. last meeting. _ Lock Haven will present a line-up packed with Bachelors o 1.000 G F T plenty of power-especially in the lighter weights. S 3 1 1 .833 .750 In the 115- I Black & Whites .500 o 2 pound class and 135-pound class the Pennsylvanians have excellent Preachers 1 1 .500 mittmen. Both of these men won via the knockout route a year 3 2 .600 Gamma Betas o 2 .000 ago. In the 1I5-pound class Marazzacco will meet Osteen, the 1 1 3 3 .250 .250 "Battlin' Preacher". Captain Buzzell, who fought in the 125- 1 4 .200 o 2 0 2 uound class a year ago, has moved up a notch and will represent the Teachers in the l35-pound class. o W. Maryland Wins 3 2 8 Guar~hl~:~!~~a~tm~:~/ro~~~n:e~~~~e~fi~~e[s o~ SV~~~r~~~,C~:~~ Frosh Team Bows 36-28 . Over V. P. I. 6·2 Bachelors G F T ruary 26. This is the first time a Western Maryland boxing team To Fast Dickinson Team 6 0 12 has met the Coast Guard in dual competition. Lytton, ....•.......•..•....•..........•....•..................... Both teams, how- Hauf o 0 0 ever, have been represented annually at the Intercollegiate cham- Oeteual And Slaughter Win By o pionshipa. Incidentally, this fight should give the Havensmen a Freshmen Were SU]Jeriur St ru tcgisf s, Knockouts In Fast Bouts o good tune-up for the coming championships which are to be held But Lack Of Reserves 5 0 10 at Penn State this year. The New Englanders have a tough team Caused Defeat The Western Maryland ring team o 2 to beat, and with "Peck" Martin and "Lou" Norris out of the Ter- broke into the win column for the first ror lineup things do not look any too bright for a Western Mary- Western Maryland's Freshman bas- time this season at the hands of Vir- Totals 17 0 34 land victory. Both of these men have fought extremely well in all ketball team bowed to Dickinson Ju- nior College by a score of 36-28. Af- ginia Polytechnic Institute in the Preachers G F T of their matches this year and their loss will hurt the Terrors' tel' a slow first half, which ended Westminster Armory Saturday, Feb- Barkdoll . o 4 chances considerably. boys ruary 5. The score was 6-2. Wright, H. B. o 4 eleven all, the faster Dickinson Jack defense. opened up the Frosh Osteen, Martin, Bender, and An- Balish ...••••••...•...•.••..•.•••••.....•. 1 2 4 Inter-Frat League Freeman of Dickinson found the drews all won their fights on decis- Ryall _ o 0 With only one more set of games to be played to complete the runge of the basket in the third quar- ions. "Lou" Norris, in the 125-pound Elderdice . o 0 second round of the Inter-fraternity league, the Bachelors loom as ter and scored seven points in as class, fought all excellent fight but the undisputed champions. Their victory in the first round makes many minutes. He then left the game was outpointed. Brooks, in the 165- ___ -- 5 2 12 ~~l::h~~/ot~~~e ~;l~ ~n~~~~~~:t~ a~ir:~:t~~~ ell personal fouls. Tim Lewis and pound class, lost via the knockout t~~dCht~n;p~~~!~~~ Bill Burroughs turned in the high route to Slaughter of V. P. I. Terror Debators ~haac~~~rh~~~fi~~!~t~~:h~e!~c:~!~~: scores for W.M.C. with eight and sev- In the best bout of the evening, t~n~' fl~~1r~:~r~f ~~Cek~~~g~~~ ell points, respectively. Captain Tony Ol'tenzi pounded out a Lose Match 23-11 He and "Ken" Adriance give the Bachelors a steady back court In experience, condition, and re- T. K. O. over Oliver, the V. P. l. 175- combination. "Big Jack" Lytton has been a tower of strength at serve st.rength the WilliamspOl't team pounder. The fight was stopped nenr Large Audience Sees Detroiters Gain center as well as being co-holder of the high-scoring record of the was superior, but \Vestern Maryland bit as good in the play- the middle of the second round. Early Lead. Winning Easily league. ·He and "Buck" Barkdoll of the Preachers are tied for this was every department. The game was honor. OYer Local Squad making The heavyweight fight was forfeit- broadcast ovel' the local radio station. ed to Western Maryland. One of the outstanding debating The line-ups were as follows The line-ups were: teams of the country visited the cam- Frosh Team Scores Win Over Seminites Dickinson Jr. Col. F.G F. P. 115 pound class - Osteen, WMC, l>us last Tuesday evening and took an 8tofe1·,f .....•.•.•..•..........•...••...•.•3 0 6 defeated Brown, VPl, decision. audience decision from the \VestcI'n Stage Spirited Rally In Second HalC Venner, f. _ 1 5 125 pound c/ass--Jackson, VPI, de- IHaryland team. After Trailing 15-13 At Half Allison,f . 1 0 2 feated NOl'l'is, WMC, decision. David C. Bayne and Emmett Don- Heeney,c. 3 2 135 1JolOtd class-Martin, WMC, de- nelly of the Univer.sity of I?etroit up- In the preliminary to the Wayne being 15-13. However, a fighting Freeman,g. feated Laugh, VPI, decision. ,held the affirmative, while Frank University-Western Maryland basket- Frosh team took the floor in the sec- Cordisco,g. 145 pound dU8s-Bender, WMC, de- Sherrard and Charles Ehrhardt were ball game, the Western MaTyland Scott,g; . . . o 6 feated Sheppard, VPI, decision. I t?e Weste~'n Maryland r~pre~enta- 'Freshmen overcame a slight halftime ond half and swept aside the Semi- to win easily, 32-24. nal'y advantage 155 pound class-Andrews, WMC, ' bve~, debatmg on t.he negatIve SIde of l(;ad to defeat the Seminary team. 32 436 The Seminary team gets its name defeated Belkor, VPI, decision. I ~:ed~~SaUt:'d:uh:je~o:~ef7~:~~:s~~~u~:~.~ ~;~h:e:~ni!;St::I~r:t ~:~f,P:~:ts~::.: f]'Om the fact that two of the players Western Md. Col. F.G. F. P. :ll·e actually students of the West- Lewis,f. 4 8 de~::te~o~:~o~!~S~~:~:u;~g'inV~:~ ! ~oe~~t:':~:lT~~!T~~ the National LabOT The line-ups: minstel' Theological Seminary. Burroughs,f. 1 7 1 5 G F T Knepp, c•....•..•••.•..••••••••..•...•••••• ___ Bill.s,g. 1'0~~:. pound class-Ortenzi, WMC, i en~e:e o;fth:h~e~~~·~::~.dd~~:t:.~:at~l~~ ~"~~~:;.,:F.,.•.•".••'.h................................. G F ~ ~::ta ..'..y............. . 1 1 3 2 0 defeated Oliver, VPI, TKO in 2nd I torical efforts of the teams and ren- Cole 0 Garlington o 1 Impeciato,g. o o Tound. I dered a verdict of 23-11 in favor of Wallace 12 Lanasa .•..•....•...•.••..••..•••..•...• 1 2 4 HUmphries,g. 0 Unlim.ited-Oleail' WOllby forfeit. the affirmative. Knepp 2 Lytton _ Geister,f . 3 0 6 Hahn,f. 1 5 2 Lan- The members asa In the wrestling preliminary, minutes· have been appointed goodwill team Dorn 2 Reckor,f, ...•••..•.•....•..•••.•.•••.•.•.•••.•••.•..•••... of the visiting ambas- Burroughs Barkdoll Fleming in 4 defeated 4 0 2 and 59 seconds. In the boxing pTe- sadors and as such extended the offi- Bills 4 2]0 Elder o 1 1 22 628 lim, Oleair edged out a decision over, cial greetings of Governor Murphy of ! Dickinson 16 9-36 Dickson in a close match. : Michigan, to the audience. ! Totals 14 432 Totals. 9 Q 24 \V.Md. 10 7-28
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42