Page 41 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE THOMAS STARS IN PRACTICE Successful '38 Grid Season Terror Turnbling Relay Predicted by Bi'llyThomas, I TERRO~·F",~9UAWK I TearnWhitewashes Mob Havens' BiggestSpring Find Boxers Look Toward Inteecollegiares FrornCollege Park,Md. Now that the final dual match for the Western Maryland ring team is over the final event of the season is the Eastern Intercol- Coach Hugh Barnett Spier Lauds Baltimore Sensation Thrills Terror Grid Fans With SuccessiveTouchdown legiate Boxing championships. This meeting, always chockful of Group's Performance; Says Romps, Called "Green Terror Sparkplug" By Admirers dynamic excitement, will take place at Penn State this year, with "A Moral Victory' Syracuse University the defending champion. Both Penn State and SYIacuse will enter powerful teams and doubtless SCRIMMAGE WITH NAVY TO END PRACTICE ~Jwill fight It out for the team championship between TEAM LOSES MATCH 79-31 ... \ them The New YOlkers have an edge based upon the ---- I:"! last season's record, but the State College team will Tenor tumbling fans bl'eathlcssly "Chunky BIlly" Thomas, ace Terror backfield flash, has been ,glVe them plenty to worry about as they always per- watched the Western Maryland boys setting the local football enthusiasts agog With his sparkling brand ' ~o):a~~~l~~~rnlI~o~~s~~IJo;~v:~ !~~~:~oem:tl:~~~ N;~; go down, fighting valiantly to the last, of leather luggmg III the current spring tr-aining sessions which team whom they fought earlier m the season in a heul"t-l"end- last in g defeat Coach Charley Havens inaugurated on February 23. FRED cos Coach Charley Havens will probably not enter a Thursday at the PRIMARY SOURCE FOR TEAM'S ENERGY full team at the State College championship, but the men he will hands of a pow- send should provide plenty of fireworks. The leading Green and erful and consist- The fiery little Baltimore lad is making a big impression on Gold contender is "Tony" Ortenzi in the 175 pound class. The ent University of his coaches and teammates. Every day "Chunky" is the first man Terror ring leader ended his final season last Saturday undefeated Maryland tumb- to dash onto the greensward for the daily scrimmage, and is the in dual competition and everyone is looking forward to seeing him ling team. Nev- last one to leave when the final whistle is blown. He is rapidly maintain this record on March 11 and 12." A year ago, Tony was ertheless, it was becoming known as the "Green 'I'error Sparkplug" due to his pep-I eliminated by a fl;eakish accident, but this year nothing should believed by many pery chatter which drives his fellow players ever onward. stop Coach Havens ace. that, had the encounter of the; spectators, not been ter- • Odell Osteen in the 115 pound class, "Reds" Bender in the 145 minated at the inopportune time that STARS IN INITIAL SCRIMMAGE pound class, "Itchy" Andrews in the 155 pound class, and "Joe" Westminster acrobats was, the In the initial scrimmage of the spring practice, which was Oleair!n the heavyweight division a~'e the men whom Coach Ha- is would have come out on top, as they witnessed by a score of Baltimore and washington sports writers, vens ~vIll probably enter. Among t~IS group, ,~end~,r has the out- staged a thrilling comeback in the the swashbuckling ~homas created a sensation by tearing off !~~dn~~~f:~~,~~rdThf; ::~:.~ fii~h~~l~:l~oS~~s~~l;si~e~~~g~~~ \~fa~sfl~~ last event, dealing the Terps a 10-0 touchdown romps which ranged from 20-1/3 to 99-1/2 yards. When which he fights and the tough men he has met this year. Osteen, i :~!~~t b~~at~:e't:t~~:g!~;~~aY~·ela~o:; Coach Havens finally called a halt to the practice session, "Chunky" Andrews and Oleair, have not been quite as consistent in turning then- rully, the Terrors lost by an was hoisted to the shoulders of his teammates and carried to the in victories this season, but should be at their best at State College overwhelming score of 79-31. locker rooms amid a deafening roar of approval from the huge later in the month. COACH DEFENDS TEAM crowd of students who watched the flashy Thomas "go to town." Courtmen End Season Coach Sparney Biers, great in de- BELIEVES TERRORS WILL BE CHAMPS .feat, said to the team, "Boys, I'm The Maryland Collegiate League season is over as far as the In ansv...'er to a question regarding the possibility of an unde- 'Terror courtment are concerned. There still remain several league proud of you. Lemme tell you, those feated season for the Green Terrors next fall, the redoubtable contests to be played among the other teams. If there are no upsets guys were good." did Mr. Bier's In only one event .Thomas replied, "Before the curtain is rung down on the 1938 in the remaining games it looks as if Mt. St. Mary's and Washing- boys fail to score. In the 'forward gridiron season and before our glorious deeds have faded into his- ton College will again meet in a play-off for the league title as they roll, tum back 1·011, the 'I'error tum- tory, I firmly believe that we of the varsity eleven will make our did two years ago. If this happens to be the result, our nod goes blers allowed the visitors to carry presence known to the football world. We will emerge from our to the Mountaineers to retain the championship they captured a away all of the 10 valuable points. schedule with an unblemished record, bringing with it the State year ago. The Mounts are a championship club in every respect. 'Jarring Jim' Meade, famed foot- championship." In Kokie and Karpinski they have the best guard combination in ball star, was among the high scorers the league. The rest of the team has height, speed and can shoot of the visiting 'I'erp squad. PLANS TO SQUELCH NAVY with any forward trio in the loop. PROOF READER SAYS The culmination of the spring practice this year will be the The Terrors, with two victories and six defeats are in fourth "PHOOEY" annual scrimmage with the Navy at Annapolis. In commenting place behind Washington. Mt. St. Mary's and Loyola and doubtless With a little more will be there when the final games are over. However the Bier's coached Terrors upon the approaching fracas, "Chunky Billy" said, "We'll sink the steady play, the Gre€11 and Gold could have ranked higher, In led by 'Moon' Maddox and 'Ace' Ran- Navy." summing up the season, it can be said of the Terrors that they sone retaliated against the U. of Md. lacked sufficient height and accurate shooting. The passing de- boys on the volley-ball court to take ACTION SHOTS partment was as good as any in the league, but this alone does not two decisive victories from them. The wer-e scores overwhelming 15-4 and win games. Along with the close of the basketball season comes the selec- 15-7. The results were as follows: I i;O~~~!h~pGf~~g~r;'~t~1~:~\~~~L~~~~e \;,~~m~os~h~nt:a~ ~::J~~~' W. Md. l\[at'ylalld years. Forwards Johnny Lambros of St. Johns and Frank Api- Forward roll 1 chella of Mt. St. Mary's are first team repeaters as is "Stan" Kokie Forward roll,turn and of the Mounts. "Goop" Zebrowski and "Hy" Koegel are the new- back 1'011 10 comers. The tall Washington pivot man has been one of the high Head stand. scorers of the league and has been responsible for much of the Btlck !'Oil head stand 1 Sho'men's success during the current season. Koegel, of the Ter- Dive for form rors, is possibly the fastest man in the league and earns the other two men 2 !ward position by a close margin. The guard play in the league Two man ]·011 5 this season has been of exceptionally high ordel' and has over- Head st.'1nd shadowed the pla.v of the forwards by a considerable mal'R"in. The Hand walk 2 difficult this selection of the guards for both teams was extremely I rear due to the abundance of good men. Cartwheel . . 4 Handspring Outstanding in the personnel of the league teams this yeal" was the absence of good freshmen basketbalJers. For the Dast several Tumbling Relay 10 sensons a !lumber of good first-year men have made their appear- <'Inces. This year, however, they were fev., and fal' beh\'een. Sta- 31 79 kem of Loyola was the only first-year man l() makf> <'Illimpl'e,<;sion. Those Western Marylanders purti- He makes the second team selection. cipating were: Trade,', Lewis, Kable, C. c. Fleagle, Fitzgerald, Mathcr, Find Team S(>CMI,d Temn Thomas, Elia$, Shipley, Hahn, C. Hen- Johnny Lambros, St. John's F Norm Melvin, Johns Hopkins dl'icksQll, BOWell, Eckcrs Referee-Free of the 'Vestminster Frank ApichelIa, Mt. St. Mary's F Al Staken, Loyola Semillllry. Alex Zebrowski, Washington C Luke ~avaR"e. Mt. St. Mary's Stan Kokie, Mt. St. Mary's G John Tomichek, West. Md. "Hy" Koegel, West. Md. G Billy Smith, Washington No. 28 is "ChUllky'" Thomas. In these scenes he is demonstrating some of the 1938 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE abilities which hnve made him the "Green Terror Sparkplug." All-Intramural T earn October The Gold Bug's annual all-Intramural team is this year domi- 1 COl·Uand Teachers hOllle The upper picture shows "Chunky" demonstrating to the rest 8 Washington of the squad the perfect poise which has made him the most feared nated by the Bachelors who overthrew the Preachers for the cham- 15 Providcnce College home pionship. away of Terror triple-threats. 22 Upsala First Team Second Tea'fn 29 Mt, St. Mary's home The lower view shows Thomas indulging in exercise with the Jack Lytton, Bachelors F Rip Collins, Black & White November: other squad members. Says "Chunky": "Keeping every muscle in Buck Barkdoll, Preachers F Bill Graham, Gamma Betas 4 Maryland Baltimore tip-top condition is the secret of my amazing stamina and astound- Red Balish, Preachers C Reds McQuillen, Black & White 11 Wake Forest Baltimore jng success in playing the full sixty minutes in scrimmage after I Ken Adriance, Bachelors G Lump Wright, Preachers 19 Open scrimmage." Henry Reckard, Bachelors G Dick Sprouse, Blac:k & White 24 St. Vincent's away
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