Page 38 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. IS I STUDENT RECITALS SNOOPINGS SIGMA DELTA II The members of the sorority gave a upp .ementar Yl I KAPPA ! B B Club News kitchen shower for Anne Dill on Jan- est et Informal afternoon recitals arc giv- ( Cone. from page 2, col. 5) uury 31. __ ell on the second Tuesday of each for a freshman day student, and it ,--------------- I month. The third recital of the pres- even looks a bit serious. J, G, C, I SIGMA SIGMA TAU ~ cut series was held on Tuesday after- Just a few words to say that Jack The club is holding a dinner and I ~he Sigma Sigma Tau soro,rit y and 1l00n, February 8, in !'IIcDaniel Hall Lytton is holding a corner of the movie party on Wednesday, February their brothel' fraternity, PI Alpha Lounge, The soloists were students of I stone wall in front of Blanche "Ward ~,~~a~~e~h;~lil~odi~et~!~:n~~r~h!:~ \ ~~~\~~;~: ::a ~:~cI::~/I~D:;~~! ~',al\~~s~i~~~n~~~~~i!!l'Ii::~ ~:~~ \\~: l:~~ee ~:si;~~;~:ci;:,m Jean ere, where they will see Wells Faroo. three to five in the afternoon. Chap- t-is, and Mr. Royer. Just a few words of reassurance- erons were Dean and Mrs, Free, Pro- The next recital will be given on Miss Trawick is not the Snooper or INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Iessor Hurt, and Miss Snader, the afternoon of Murch 8, While the even an agent-so, boys, be not afraid CLUB "Music was furnished by Wesley sertes is primarily for students of the to sign the dotted line. At the regular meeting of the In- ':i~l~m~7; ~:; ~itshre~~r~i:;:~ p~:::~ Music Department, other students ;nd ternational Relations Club on Febru- members of the facuity are 'invited to ary 1~,Dr. Whitfield del.iver~7 an in,; br~~:t~~~ ~~'i~~~eel:s for the second attend. ' tcrestmg- talk on the subject, Japan. I semester was held on January 18, 1938, and the following were elected: H. E. REESE PIn ALPHA MU Ellen Hancock, president; Sue Irwin, Violet Gibson, Grace Scull, and vice-prestdent ; Virginia Karow, sec- CLEANING TAILOR Elizabeth Craig were formally init.i- 1 rotary: Dorothy Smith, treasurer: I PRESSING REPAIRING ated Wednesday evening. The fol- Betty Erb, alumnae secretary; Care- 94 East Main Street lowing officers have been installed fOl' lyn Smith, sargeant-at-arms, and 'Twas the night before SUITS !HADE TO MEASURE Chi-istmns, the second semester: President, Anne Jean Cairnes, sunshine messenger. And all through the house, Brinsfield; vice-president, Kay Cis- The outgoing officers gave the new The people were shouting sell; secretary, Mary Clemson; treas- officer-s a supper in McDaniel Hall on "Goldberg is a louse!" urer, Jean Lynn Scott; chaplain, Nor- Tuesday, February 15. A. GOLDBERG. ma Nicodemus; sergeant-at-arms, Lee Opera House Nitzel; Sunshine committee, Connie THE CHEMISTS' CLUB Adams and Lydia Bradburn. The club held a dinner in the "Y" onA;e~~~~~:,;'~~Ut~~;'~li~~e~;~~ ~~~~~:~~ I I JOHN EVERHAR WESTMINSTER, MD. They're perfectly room Tuesday night, February 15. ed by Aaron Schaeffer on the signifi- I THE COLLEGE BARBER fashioned eo fi~ cunce of high school chemical educa- AND BOBBER MONDAY and TUESDAY 21, 22 February INTERSORORITY COUNCIL tion. Following a discussion of his AT THE FORKS you all! The following officers have been mater-ial, the club held a business I ~~~~~~~~~~ Double Feature elected for the Inter-Sorority Council meeting during which a 'pin was ad- " ~ _ Gladys George Franchot Tone for the second semester: Anne Brins- -In- MOJUD field, Phi Alpha Mu, president; Sarah ~::~~ed~::te:ec~~~ ~:ll~~:sl~:~.o~~~:: ! II ]. D. KATZ -11 1 :. (!&,;,,~ Adkins, Delta Sigma Kappa, vice- chosen are Robert G, McKnight, pres-I QUALITY "Love Is A Headache" SILK STOCKINGS president; Ellen Hancock, Sigma Sig- ident; Helen H. Frey, secretary; and SHOE REPAIRING Also ma Tau, secretary, Other members H. Kirk Fallin, treasurer. Gene Oro- S~eciat Rates to Students Lewis Stone Tom Brown in 3 Leg Lengths 1 of the Council are Jane Konow and nin was appointed to fill a vacancy on ':-~~~~~-~~~~~~~ -In- Mary Jane Hcneman for Sigma Sig- the pl'og'l'alll committee. ~ "The Man Cried W 011" 79c - $1.00 ma Tau, Lu.Mar Myers and Elizabeth The next meeting is scheduled for Crisp for Delta Sigma Kappa, and Februurv 22, in Room R, at which WESTERN MARYLAND THUR" FRI., and SAT, • So, when you buy Doris Phillips and Anne Stevenson time a two reel movic will be shown. February 24, 25, 26 Moiuds, ilsk for your cor- for Phi Alpha Mu. Coffee Shop Joan Crawford red length as well as your ADVERTISE IN THE -In- Spencer Tracy foot size. Then, you'll be .. sure your stodings will fit Gamma Betas Present GOLD BUG AND RESTAURANT IIMannequin" at all points.,. top, cillf, Novel Dance Decorations SODA MONDAY and TUESDAY ankle and instep. fit Because they better, (Cont. from page 1) Smith & Reifsnider SANDWICHES Frank February 28, March 1 they look better Morgan Mary Astor Mrs. Tryon Shepherd; Professor and Westminster, Md. LUNCH -In- and weilr longer, Mrs. Alfred deLong, and Professor SUPPLIES I .. DINNERS "Paradise For Three ll Milson Raver and ]\fiss Kathleen LUMBER, BUILDING Join Our Hosiery Club Moore, J. F. MOORE, Manager Last of the Week! YOUR 13th PAIR FREE An entil'ely new scheme of decora- AND COAL THUR" FRI., SAT. THE tions will be introduced at the dance, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND I "Good Food-And How!" Allan Joncs Judy Garland st.yled by Bud Brown, an alumnus of Never Closed COFFMAN. FISHER the club. Bud is famous for his ar- GENERAL MILL WORK Fanny Brice COMPANY rangements at the 1936 Junior Prom -In- Carroll County' Newest and the 1937 Military Ball. This year's i__ "Everybody Sing" Department Store decomtions featUre triangulal' COl-I limns of light. The basis of the light- e(f columns and the entrance decOl'a- tions will be the club colors, red and JOIN THE CROWD blue. AT The dance will be a semi-formal af-i fail', and will consist of ten program BEi\RD'S dances. BRING YOUR DATES ALONG AND ENJOY THE FUN DANCING SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Beard's Restaurant WESTMINSTER, MD. !ail Orders <d Seats At Box Office Now: MORE staple in value than the coin of m.,ny reolms, most beautiful and best beIo"ed of all gems, the diamond is a truo emblem of depend4~.' CARROLL THEATRE From the dawn of time it b.ts been Man's morl cberidIed "The cream of the shows, the pick of the stars" poss&uionl Select your favorites from these: "HITTING A NEW HIGH" Lily Pons, Jack Oakie, Edward Everett Horton, Eric Blore "THRILL OF A LIFETIME" Eleanor Whitney, Dorothy Lamour "WISE GIRL"-Miriam Hopkins, Ray Milland "FIRST LADY"-Kay Francis, Walter Connolly "HOLLYWOOD HOTEL" CRSSi:LL'S' Benny Goodman MENACE"-Boris Hugh Herbert and Band, Karloff "INVISIBLE 0~0 "THE BUCCANEER"-Frederick March, by Cecil DeMille TIIF STOR.E OF NEW FASHIONED JEWElRY "SWING YOUR LADY"-Frank McHugh, Louise Fazenda AND OlD FASHIONED HONHTY "GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT"-Gorgeous Technicolor New, ottractlve deslgns in TABLES J.WM,HUll,Owner· 51 E,MAIN ST. "SHE'S GOT EVERYTHING"-Ann Sothern, Gene Raymond RichsP
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