Page 30 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Meeyleed.Ccllege, Westminster, Md. , r-------------------' I Winning Pictures to be DEBATE SCHEDULE * THIS COLLEGIATE WORLD * Exhibited Here in March Officers Elected ..For (Continued from Page 1, Column 4) I By ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS Prize \Vinning Pictures In Local Sunday School elm Feb. 16 Muhlenberg College Away Districts To Be Entered In Lamar Cooper Is President For Feb. 17 Muhlenberg College Home Washington, D. C.-How many Andrew Jackson, who had almost National Contest Second Semester March 2 Ursinus College Home presidents of the United States re- no formal education, nevertheless re- March 4 Bucknell Univ. Home ceived college training, and what col- calved a degree from the oldest col- The one hundred twenty-five pic- Officers for the second semester March 5 Juniata College Home leges did they attend? Your Washing- lege in the land. History has it that tures in the 1937 Newspaper Nation- were elected at a business meeting March 7 American Univ. Home ton correspondent did a little research this caused a severe dispute among al Snapshot Awards will be placed on of the William G. Baker Sunday March 8 Lebanon Valley Col. Home to answer these questions and emerged the more conservative officials, but exhibit at the College sometime in ~~hi~OIB;~:~sC~:ep~~e~~! ::wJ:~:::.~ March 10 Penn State Home March 14 Lebanon Valley Away from the encyclopedias with the fol- Harvard did grant him an honorary March. are: President, Lamar Cooper; vice- Mar-ch 15 Susquehanna Univ. Away lowing facts: degree. The Baltimore Sun, sponsor of the president for women, Rebecca Keith; March 16 Bucknell Univ. Away Of the seven most famous presi- Students at smaller colleges can 1938 awards for this district, will ec- vice-president for men, Charles Baer ; March 17 Juniata College Away dents, excluding the present incum- take heart from the fact that some cept entries on Jnly 1 as will other counsellors, Margaret Quarles, Hele~ March 18, 19 Penn State Debate bent of the White House, only three, of the less widely known institutions local papers sponsoring the contest. Armacost, and Odell Osteen. Char- Convention amazingly enough, went to college. gave the conntry a number of presi- Since its inauguration in 1935, the lotte Cook will remain secretary- April 19 American Univ. Away George Washington, Andrew Jackson, dents. Dickinson College, for exam- Newspaper Snapshot Awards has ha~ treasurer, and Mary Robb will con- April 20 Wash. .and Jeff. Away Abraham Lincoln and Grover Cleve- pie, produced President Buchanan; national participation. This amateur tinue to direct the choir. April 21 Carnegie Tech Away land received no college t.ra.ining.l Hampden-Sydney, William Henry photographer's contest is conducted The newly-elected officers will re- Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow: Harrison; Union, Chester A. Arthur, by those individual newspapers of the place the present officers Februar-y 1; Wilson were highly educated. Roosej and Allegheny, William McKinley. country who wish to take part. Small The outgoing officers are: "President, H. E. REESE velt I was graduated from Harvard Rutherford B. Hayes attended Ken- prizes of cash and merchandise are Charles Ehrhardt; vi'ce-pl'esident for CLEANING TAILOR and Wilson from Princeton, Virginia) yon before going to Harvard for his offered in the preliminary contests. women, Mary Robb ; vice-president PRESSING and Johns Hopkins. Thomas Jeffer-, law course. I The classification of the pictures is for men, Odell Osteen: R11d.counsel- ". ," __L Main St~!~AIRING son attended William and Mary. II .. .. .. as follows: Iors, Robert Ingram, Franklin Stev- ~_r..asL and In the there of Washington colleges If vou go to Lewis Institute of Class A-Children and babies. recree- I ;'"~'~'a~n~d~JO~'h~U~a~B~ow;;;e~n'~~~~LlIlsyiJII~~'~""~AD~ET~O~'~!E~A~S~U~R~E~ days were Jackson fewer Technology you can hire someone to Class B-Sports, hobbies, __" and attendance was more difficult Ilhink for you. tions, avocations, action, and animals. than in later years. In the case of: One student there has started. a Class C-SCel\eS and still-life J. D. KATZ, ~ Lincoln, as every schoolboy knows, eb- card index of students who complal.n I studies. I QUALITY ject poverty made formal education l they forget such vital details as their I Class D-Infol'mal poi-traita of ad- . SHOE ~:;:s~:~e, li:t~: o~~;:~:~~y s~:~s C:I~:I ;~:~e~:~a~t~a~:~!~~ays or when they :l~fter the prize winning pictures in Speciat"RaA~:A t~'''S~;~d;nts ~ lege work-not, however, that any oIl I All that embarrassment is now the local districts are determined; I :t:~WI these men need alibis. I eliminated. Instead of running around they are sent to Washington to corn-, Despite the lack of college training, with their fingers tied up in strings pete with others for the National KNOW! of five of the group of seven, the vase! they call their remembering ser;ice. Awards. I Have Your Films Developed By • majority of American presidents did'i The service thumbs a card and pres- There are one hundred twenty-five lel/uce T attend college, about 70 percent, to be : to, up comes the dope! awards which total ten thousand dOl-I • CLa exact. Since Cleveland's time all of'l lars. From this amount there is a and Finished them could lay claim to college train-' be~~i~:~~~~' ~~j~~t ~h~~gS~~!ehe;:i~ grand prize of one thousand dollars, i~ri::c:o~I::S~ I in~!;e~~;:w~g~~~· of the thirty-one versity fraternity. They claim that ;ri~:~w~:~~;edpi::~~:r for each class I Th C II G '11 presidents could, at least, qualify as he is the only canine in the world of- d d third pr-i WE HAVE THE BIGGEST college alumni. ficially affiliated with a Greek letter ::c;~ft~ndOllars e~~~e;or one hundred I , e' 0 ege . n AND BEST ca=~IS~; t~: t:l~. m~s: :~:e~~d e~~~ or;~~~:~ti:~'last winter, freezing and :i~~.twelve pictures of honorable men-! ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ A.B. from Princeton, his degree in half-starved, the lanky, tan dog lives It· h ed th t th . t t sed ASSORTMENT OF law fl'om the University of Virginia, at the Zeta Beta Tau house. He near- in t~~s o:xhibit las: I~~:;:;::~~~be' \ i and a Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins ly caused his fraternity to sever di· equally prevalent this year. University. plomatic relations with the sorority, WESTERN MARYLAND Valentines Former President Hoover was one Alpha Epsilon Phi, recently. Walking of the first students at Stanford and into the feminine headquarters, the Coffee Shop President Franklin Roosevelt receiv- dog was ordered out by one of the IN CARROLL COUNTY ed an A.B. from Harvard and an coeds who later admitted she did not LUNCH WITH YOUR LL.B. from Columbia. On several oc- realize she was addressing such an FRIENDS AND RESTAURANT Come and See casions he has also received the third important personage. I • Immediately, every Zeta Beta Tau degree from Congress and the Su- present rose in anger and stalked out I IN A SODA ~ preme Court. of the house hehind this canine CONGENIAL SANDWICHES LUNCH pledge-brother. Before the injured ATMOSPHERE P. G.Coffman Co. brothers would return, they asked for, I I DINNERS Club News and received, a suitable apology. '----------1 II " SNOOPINGS SODAS "Good Food-And Manager WESTMINSTER, MD. J. F. MOORE, Bldg. Times How!" from Pa~e 2, Column 5) (Continued INTER-SORORITY . one and only to attend Sunday night ICE CREAM Never Closed ~ On January 11, the Inter-SOr?l'lt y chapel? We happen to know, Head SANDWICHES Council decided that all three wmter i Waiter, that Martha doesn't always LIGHT LUNCHES rush parties would henceforth be Illlind her P's and Q's as well as you eliminated, and, instead, each soror- think she does. What's more the in- JOIN T.4E CROWD ity would be permitted to have an in- formation has come from very reli- The Grill formal tea. This decision wa'S based able sources. Oh, the folly in some upon an unanimous vote on the issue men's love. BEARD'S in all three sororities. A girl, in order to become a mem- \Ve dare to say that Margaret ber of a sorority, must have an aver- Q\lsrles and Larry Strow are certain- BRING YOUR DATES ALONG age grade of "C" or better, and must ly getting into the habit, or rather AND should be a peaceful Opera House have resided on the "Hill" for one se- getting used to the idea of sitting mester. across from each other at the dinner ENJOY THE FUN table. Theirs DANCING DELTA PI ALPHA home life. From all evidences, Ron- SANDWICHES The fraternity held its election for nie Kompanek seems to be very will- WESTMINSTER, MD. second semester officers on Monday, ing to provide either the element of SOFT DRINKS January 10. The following men were the younger generation or the third elected to office: Harry Balish, Presi- cornel' of the triangle. Take your Showing at this Theatre Beard's Restaurant dent; Eugene Cronin, Vice-president; I choice. Soon! WESTMINSTER, MD. Elwood Andrews, S~cretar~; Willia~ We have been asked to publish this This Week! Bryson, Treasurer, ChaIies Bael, bit of poetry, with due apologies to Chaplain; William Skeen, Sergeant- Longfellow,-an Ode to Kay Barker "Rosalie" at-Arms. -we have been asked to conceal the The new officers were formally in- identity of the autnor. Are you stalled at the meeting on Mondas, ready!??! Next Week! Certainly YOll have heard these titles; January 17. Now, she must be up and doing Read these names in yout" papers,' maga;::incs, reviews; ART CLUB With a heart for any date. "Damsel inDistress" "LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA" "IT'S LOVE I'M AFTER" The Art Club wililioid a meeting in Still pursuing, still achieving (???) "SUBMARINE D_l" "WELLS FARGO" Room 22, Science Hall, on Thursday, TI'ying to labor, but having to wait. And following soon after January 27, at 7.00 P. M. Miss Mir- After that, perhaps I'd better ceasc "HURRICANE" "HITTING A NEW HIGH" iam Guyton will deliver an illustrated this worthless prattle, before I find "HAWAII CALLS" "TOVARICH" lecture on the "Development of Cos- myself yielding to the classics, or eJse "MAN_PROOF" Do your favorite stars include: tumes". yielding to a sympathy which would prohibit any further digression on "BAD MAN OF Paul Muni Joe E_ Brown Claudette Colbert CHEMISTS' CLUB Charles Boyer Leslie Howard Lilly Pons the romantic interests of-oh well- The Chemists' Club held its regu- So long folks. BRIMSTONE" Joel McCrea Miriam Hopkins Joan Blondell lar meeting Tuesday, January 11. In Jack Oakie Dorothy Lamour Bette Davis the absence of the scheduled speaker, THE SNOOPER. "EVERYBODY SING" They are all included in the near future for your special Professor Elderdice of the Chemistry "MANNEQUIN" entertainment at Department, informally presented Smith & Reifsnider several interesting facts on "Chemi- "YOU'RE A 25, In RoomI cal Warfare". Westminster, Md. SWEETHEART" The Carroll The next meeting of the c.lub will LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES be at 7.15 P. M., January "MERRY·GO·ROUND OF WESTMINSTER'S FINEST 22, Science Hall. The meeting will be AND COAL 1938" in conjunct~on with ~he ~Iass i~ Sani- SASH, DOORS. BLINDS AND Watch our daily programs in the papers and tary Chemistry, whlCh IS havmg an "DR_ SYN" Western Maryland College's own "Varsity Show" outside speaker on that date. ,GENERAL MILL WORK
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