Page 29 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Bow To Villanova Penn State Downs In Thrilling 25-21 Contest 'TERROR TALK Boxers In Opener As By FREDCOE 'I'errors Lose By Four Points After '-!eading By 20ยท12 Midway Of Second Half. Heavy Weights Score Koegel And Duzminiski Lead Scorers. Ringmen Face Hard Schedule THREATEN WILD CAT'S RECORD During the course of the' next two weeks, the Green Terror V. P. I. Scheduled Here Feb. 5. Squad Winter Sports teams will be in full swing and will meet some of the Fights Catholic U. Saturday In a thrilling hard fought contest, the Villanova courtmen outstanding teams in the section. The Terror ringmen opened In Washington were Intramural Competition In V eked out a 25-21 win over a fighting Terror team on the latter's their campaign last Saturday night losing to a smart The floor last Saturday before a packed house. Penn State outfit by a 51/2-21;2 score. Coach Charley emerged Green Terror boxing team meet with from its opening The Wildcats started their second 1----------- .. Havens' boxers gave a good account of themselves Penn State on the short end of a 5% team, but when the Tenors started to . against the runners-up in the Inter-collegiates of last to 2% story. Tony Ortenzi and Joe run up the score the regulars year and showed some of the class which they lacked Oleair won their bouts through tech- rushed into the contest with the score .~ last season. The match with the Pennsylvanians has nical knockdowns while Odell Osteen 12-6 in favor of Western Maryland. Four Divisions Sponsored .___ ~ii,"~!Sy~:~~,as:~~;~ O~:nf.o~a~ee;;,~e;~r~1ddi~~~iti~ drew with Kenneth Byrd of Penn The stout Tenor defense held tightly By Athletic Department State. None of the Havensmen were and at the half were leading by a FRED COE round into shape before the middle of the season, and knocked down in the ring but tech- score of 14-10. it has hurt their record in dual competition. This can be explained nicals were scored on three of them. At the beginning of the second half. To Include Ping Pong, Pool, Chess. in part by, the holidays which come at a time when the ringmen In his second interenllegiata fight, the Terrors went to work immediate- And Checkers. To Be Con. really need conditioning the most. This year the leather pushers Osteen in the 115 pound class held up l~', and midway in the final period had eluded Next Week seem to be a bit more advanced, which is fortunate as they have a well through the first two rounds but built up a lead of 20-12. From this long hard dual meet schedule ahead of them topped off with the tired in the third. In the next class point on the Wildcats cut down the The Athletic Department has made Intercollegiates in March. Louis Nor-ris put up a battle against lead, gradually, on baskets by Duz- an important addition to its program In addition to the 'schedule which has already been published, Tapmnn, but a technical knockout was minski, and foul shots. with the sponsoring of a midwinter the Green Terrors will also meet Virginia Polytechnic Institute in called at one second hefor'e the end Leading the Terror attnek was recreation tournament. Pool, ping- February at the Westminster Armory. This should be a big at- of the last round. Martin and Bender "Hy" Koegel with 9 points. High ~ong, checker~ ~nd chess are included traction to Terror fight-fans and the whole college, as it is the only lost by decisions and Andrews man for- Villanova was Duzminski. III the competition. . fight carded for the home ring. V. P. L will no doubt bring a through it technical K. O. the second The fine defense of the Tenors was round. due to the excellent playing of Cap- sw~:;s~s:.o~~~a~:~n,~~e~Ot~el:~J'i~~~ I ~~;r~\;h~tg~~g~~i~~~Ot~:c~iii~~~~~rd, and it should be a Scott Brooks drew the 155 pound tain Tommy Tomicheck and Bob Penn State captain, Sammy Donato, Stropp.;e ~~:~s o~ol~h::~\o:~~:~ Coach Havens ha~ a pretty fair squad working out each day fot-mci- intercollegiate champ. Dona- The line up: menta will be conducted on an elirni- and should hav~ sufficient, altho~gh not too experienced, m~terJaI to ended his fig-ht quickly scoring a Villanova T nation basis, with the exception of to face a very difficult sche.d~Ie----1Ilfact one of the toughest 111 eev- technical knockout in 27 seconds of Sinnott, F. 4 chess, which will be a round-robin af- eral years. WIth the addition of the V. P. I...match, the Terrors the first round. Captain Oi-tenzt fin- Tazorchak, F. fair. have their work cut out for them for the next several weeks. The ished his man off at the end of the Rice, F. The tournament is being conducted personnel of this year's squad has not been affected by the gradua- second round and so did Oleaii-. Krutulis, F. by a committee composed of Alfred tion of last year's senior class. Only "Clint" Walker, ace 165 This Saturday the squad goes to Dubino, C. Goldberg, chairman of ping-pong, pounder, was lost via the sheepskin route. Heading the list of vet- Washington. in Montgomery, C. 2 Carroll Maddox, chairman of pool, erans from last year is Captain "Tony" Ortenzi. This is his fourth Catholic University Shipley, who was Very likely Frank wannemackar, G. Jack Lytton, ehairman of checkers, year as a 175 pounder and should be his stand-out year judging not in shape this last week, will re- Duzminski, Robert G. McKnight, chair-man of from the way in which he fought against State. However, he will place Brooks in the 155 pound weight. Ertle ._.._..... _..... .. 2 chess, Charles Havens, Athletic Dl- be ineligible to fight against Navy as they operate under the three- S0111e other changes in the line-up rector. Anthony Ortcnzi, Men's Stu- year varsity competition rule and Tony has already fought three may bring Mason Sones, 'Slug' Han- 10 5 25 dent Government president, and years. The heavyweight class will be represented by Joe Oleair sen, and Galbreath into action but WEST. MD. G T Alex Ransone, general chairman of who fought very well as a sophomore last year. His experience Coach Havens has not announced any Drugash, F. 1 the committee. This committee has from last winter's competition should stand him in good stead for plans as yet. Coe, F. _. ._._._ _.__ o taken in hand all the administrative the coming season. At the beginning of the season "Slug" Hansen A close meet with Catholic U. is ex- Honeman, F. 2 details, and will settle any questions and "Bob" Walters were scheduled to represent the Green and Gold pected. The toughest matches on the Edmond, F. which may arise concerning the tour- in the 165 pound class. Both of these men saw action a year ago. schedule for the Terrors are the Navy Stropp, C. nament. Walters saw service on the freshman team and Hansen on the Var- and Maryland meets. Maryland lost Koegel, G. The ping-pong tournament seems to sity. Since the opening of the campaign, however, Andrews, regu- Several seniors from her last year's T(lmicheck, G. 155 pounder, has found it difficult to make weight and had to have gained the largest following lar squad. Last week the athletic 5 21 ~v~;~:~i:;~~~~~t a~.:t~:7~~ d:c~~e~Vi~~ step up to the next class in the Penn State fight. Coach Havens announced the scheduling department of t.he Vir- 2 T the best three out of five games with ~xpec~~ "Itchy" to get down to his regular weight .bef?re long. ginia Polytechnic Institute boxers to --Villanova 10 15 25 ~he ~x~ePftio~-Of !hetnals, whilh will'Hi~g~~~~r~4!~~:l~~~~ S~:s~~t~~U~~l\~~~~~lt i~ fight in Westminster on February 5. Western Maryland. 14 7 21 t~osee\ee~~~~; t~e s;::l~~itteem:~.! his first season in I!Jtercoliegiate c skating-rink -will be provided by Hall at 7:30 P. I'lL Variet.y in t.he S('- the flooding of a tennis court.. Should -I-N-TE-~R-F-R-A-TE-R-N-I-n-' -B-A-S-KE-T---' }~0~n~~1~I~n~n~i:;~~~at~~d~aav:: ~~:~k~~!~'ns~~:n~:~~ ~~~~.~~~~~ le;ctions choscn lent unusual ente]'- there be no snow, there will be <,kat- games to date. Heading the Navy attack is Captain Al MacFar- tainment to the program. The stu- ing and indoor sports on Tuesday BALL LEAGUE dents who participated in this pro- night. On Wednesday there may be W. L. Pct.. land and Gillette, both forwards. These two gobs have borne the gram were under the di"ection of Miss busses to take students to ncar-by Delta Pi Alpha 2 0 1.000 brunt of the scoring and must be closely watched on Saturday. Esthel' Smith of the Department of skating ponds. Alpha Gamma Tau .. 2 0 1.000 Bill Ingram and "Tiny" Lynch, both football men, are the other Speech. veterans in the Navy line-up. The events wiII be arranged so that: Gamma Beta Chi 0 2 .000 The program for the first recital every college man and woman can Pi Alpha Alpha ....... 0 2 .000 On January 27, the C. U. Cardinals will be met on the Wash- participate. Mixed teams will take GAMES TIllS WEEK ington court. The Cardinals have not been flying very high this "'Vhat Every Woman Knows"- part in the events. Regardless of the Friday season, mainly because of the absence of one Herman Schmarr. Ja1lJes I'If. Barrie- weather, there will be fun for all. Gamma Betas vs. Black and Whites This boy was the outstanding basketball player in the District for by DOl'othea Fl'idinger It is hoped that those who do not Bachelol's vs. Preachers three years in addition to breaking the scoring record in Washing- have the necessary equipment here ton. However, his running mate, "Irish Carroll", is back again "Loyalties"-John Galsworthy- will get it from home. Everyone will and will give the Terrors plenty of trouble if not kept in close by Charlotte Cook b.. urged to take part in the carnival. operation of President Holloway and check. "The Cradle Song"-G. Martincz A group of student volunteers will Dean Schofield, will be a welcome con- The Terror's hardest league contest comes on Februal'y 1 Sierra-by Mary Virginia Cooper prepare the campus for the events. elusion to the semester gl'ind. As against St. Mary's. This team so far is the class of the loop and "The Green Pastures"-l'I1arc It. is to be desired that evel'yone phy- Western Maryland is as well equip- will have to be beaten if any of the league teams expect to take the Connelly-by Fralik .MaIono sically fit will take advantage of their ped and situated for such a carnival title. The Mountaineers are the reigning champions of the "A l'I1alTiago Has Been Arranged"- activity. as many other colleges which conduct League, and it will be hard to knock them off the top. The squad Alfrcd Sutro--by Marion Millendel' This carnival, sponsored by the Ac- them, it is the hope of Dean Free, which took top honors last season is back again intact with the "The Terrible l'I1eek"-Charles Rann tivities Committee under the leader- who originated the idea, that the car- , addition of several new men. Karpinski, Apichella, and Kokie are Kennedy-by Louise Shaffel' ship of Forrest Free, Dean of Men, nival may develop into an annual af- the boys to watch. Their victory over the Sho' men last Saturday and made possible through the co- "Victol'in Regina"-Laurence fair. puts them in undisputed possession of the league leadership. HOllsel1lan-by H:elen Leatherwood
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