Page 22 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westm~~~ter, Md. SNOOPINGS I Photography Club Formed (!l1ussrs, (!Huhs, UUll ~nrtrttrs I' LI_V_O_X_CA_M_P_U_S~ (C~nt~:;::infrof7es~::n 2'1~do;~m~Il:~ For Amateur Photegraphers Within our circle of acquaintances, Giles, if you're interested, seems to I -- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA HOME ECONOmCS CLUB we are ever-mindful of the presence of have exercised the privileges oj_"leap Officers chosen at meeting The program for the Delt's fall rush The Home Economics Club held its R loquacious and persistent critic of year last week. Anyhow, whom In Smith Hall party of November 3 included the monthly meeting on November 6 at the stat1(S quo. Whether the point of should we see eecoi-ting her to the -- Hippodrome show, "Stag-e Door", af- 4.15 P. M. in Blanche Ward Lounge. discussion be universal or local irnpcr- State but George Myers. and Carroll The photographic interests of a ter which the party enjoyed a light Mise Kathleen Moore, the college diet- tance, whether it be social, economic Cook. we didn't think George had it I group of students here on the Hill has supper at the Hotel Emerson. Alum- itian, was the guest speaker. Her or political in nature, our Mr, Gump in him, and really the Cook-haid had culminated in the formation of a club ni joined members and rushees around treatment of the subject of a diet- invariably throws his hearers for a to jilt them both before Georgie could I which should prove a medium of edu- a cleverly decorated table. Guests for itian's training included mention of loss with a vehement "why don't, you strut his stuff. More power- to ya, cation for those whose hobby is ama- the evening were: Helen Newman, the fields open to one pursuing that do something about it 1" keed. teur photography. It is hoped that Helen Twigg, Bette Helm, Pauline professioll_. _~ __ You've met the fellow before, listen- We'd wager that Betty Vroome the organization will eventually be Nitzel, Jane Konow, Virginia Wood- ed to his countless rationalizations, would be a vary popular young lady able to make valuable contributions en, Veronica Kompanek, Conine Ad- SUNDA Y SCHOOL admired his sagacious commentaries, if the Right Reverend wonld give any to the college annual. ams, Olive Roder, Peggy Stewart, Real progress has been made in the patted him on the back with a friend- number of other eager souls a chance Twenty-eight students were pres- Jean Cox, Cm-lyn Gompf, Norma ~e~~~a:CeS~h::lfa~~~i:; s~~~~ny=~r~~~;~ Iy vnice going". We all have some- to know her better. "\Vhat say, Rev., ent at the first meeting which was Nicodemus, and Lydia Bradburn. is there any hope1 held on Wednesday, November 17, in age of 128 students and faculty mem- ~l~~~n~fr~~; !~ll~~l~:~PO~~'~~.ien~~Okin bur congratulations go to Miss Smith Hall. Joseph Parker presided SIGMA SIGMA TAU bel's for each Sunday. At the present Not a few of our seniors would be, Moore and Mr. Raver. Looks like it's over the meeting as chairman pro The following girls were guests of :~~te i~ni~t~~~:.:~: ~:~\!~:gl~~: ;~;: or are, quite often stumped by that getting to be a good old faculty cus- tempore. At this time officers were elected as follows: persistent "do-something" complex of tom. ~.~~e~~gl~~s~ig~:rt:a~o s~l~~r~iar~~a~~ classes and the faculty. On a per- OU\·friend. Not a few of them are so We find the height of conceit ex- President Joseph Parker , ccntage basis the Junior Class had 25 ~O;~::,ll1\~::I~e ~lIe~alt~::~:~I,Ca~~!~: 'rl cent of then class present; on ~i::s ~~': t~!~h a~:tr:b~~rr~~~~~:rbu~~ :::~~~fie~h:: ~~!;m~:v:ndcr~:~~~s't~: ~~:::~~~denL~~~~~~I~~I~e\~~;~ Jean Creager, Jean FItzgerald Nora I 2~1ll01 Sunday, the Sophomores had a Iunction efficiently III any of the axe- themselves a black list and a hit pa- 'I'reueurer Dem-ge Gliel Robinson, KItty Jockel, Mar; Anna; I P~l ce~t Sh~W1ll1Ol~then par-ticu eutive positions that they hold nor do I lade, SImply to determine those mem- The goup UI18111mOuslyvoted fOI Blown, Jean Lynn Scott, Norma Nice 1. 11 cress ay, ast un ay the Presh- Justice to then respective cun-lcula bet-s of the female sex whom they Dean Flee as faculty adviser A com demua, Letitia Bogan, Ruth Dyger-t madntttendance leached 46 pel c:~,:~ ThiS IS an eXlsbng condition on OUII thmk wOlthy of theIr company Solo- mlttee was IIppomted to conSldel sug Cfirlyn Gompf, Jane Konow, and an t ; pel cent of the faculty ~~.~~ campus \Vhlle It IS not so Wlde- I mon need not thlllk he'll ever get a gested meetmg homs, and the lesult Peggy Ste"mt POlb e ItS ploglalll The SenlOlS, Y"" splead as It hns been III the past, ItS halem that way I WIll be announced fOl the benefit of ~~ns:v:e:~:, ~t:l~~~~~;n~l~g::~ ~:: lllevlllence IS felt to such an extent I Charles Bael beheves that there's those snapshootelS Illtelcsted m thiS GAMIH<\ BETA CHI Novembel 28 Apploxlmately twen I that both the mdlvlduals lind the 01- safety In numbers fOI we've heald project G B X WIll enteltam a glOUp of t " b f h 1 galllzatlOns SUffCl to an unnecessm:v I that the next dance Will find hllll es- Club membels need not have had } ,lve mem elS 0 t e cass WIll pal-I d th fi ld A ~1ge:~I:~:h~tO~Cl::~~:1Ith:~1::~~::l~: tl~lrntc m a schedule outlmed to dIa" e~~~ another vlewpomt, succcedlllg ~~I~~~gad~a~~atM~:lsnd;~b~~1l o~: ~~:~~:,sa~XI~~~~ee:~eI~~he~~bJ:ct, and Membcrs of the program committee ~, 75A~tl e~nt of the ~lass mem I heads of orgamzatlOns are sadly mex- dancing with Mr. Ransone. You may a little bme are the only reqUisites. are Frank Mather, Evclett Jones and 1 il:~iSte:'to atte~~ t~~!\a:~ia~c~~:yr:::' ! perience~ ~vhen they st~p .in to g~ide draw your own conclUSIOns. I T~e colleg~ facilities for this work Bill Klare. h' h'l' P P g I the destlllles of the Ulllt m qUeStIOn. We wonder where Ken Adriance. WIll be avaIlable to all club members. w IC WII begm at 9:15 A. 1\1. I !'IIany of the larger schools have be- got the $8.80 he forked over for two I ~==~====== A large group of members attended JOINT "Y" MEETINGS I come conscious of the need for train- tickets to the Army-Navy game. I H. E. REESE the fonnal initiation of Baltimore Uai- On Wednesday, Novcmber 24, there ~~!~lpl~~~~~~lss;~ene;;ci:~~eyl:t~l~ec:~ ?10a~~dAhf~3b6'nt.'mk,indgJ:Dm.~~~~enc?0yf,~he TAILOR versity Chaptel' into Gamma Beta Chi will be a meeting of the combined "Y" " .,., v v""""- CLEANING PRESSING ~~l!~i~~~heN~:~;~:~va~~' H:;eLe~i~~ ~l;ga~za~i~ns in observance of ;:~~:vb::~as:~e~~edo~!a;~:~t~~o:s o;e~I~~ he;::~d~our eyes and ears open for REPAIRING ing interest was shown in the new Ifin sglvmg. porhmce solely because they tempor- the next best bet of the week; don't 94 East Main Street chapter and n spirit of friendliness In Baker Chapel on December 1, arily hold claim to public favor. you know that there's always the SUITS !\fADE TO MEASURE prevailed at the initiation. The new the two "Y's" will meet together at Understand that we have no "bones chanc"e that it might be you1 I'll be group, in common with the several which time the SINGER OF THE I to pick" with any ?ead, past or pres- seeing you. THE SNOOPER. ~!~:r ~~~Pt~~~e~:i~~:~tO~: ;~: x::~~:t~~y~l\fS will present the Christmas I ~:~hel~fdo ~~~.e~~~~~~st~~faan~~a~i::~ I rr========="""iII I Opera House Chapter here on the "Hill". organization mi~ht insurc itself of I PI ALPHA ALPHA more successful participation in col- V'Sl't US· At The Black and White Club takes lege life and campus activities by the INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS great pleasure in announcing that proper training of its future lcaders. I WESTMINSTER, MD. CLUB I The International Relations Club ~:~e~lliott has become a pledged in~~~:~1 e:~~1~! ~~~un~~~::~:;ti~~: held a meeting on November 8 in Mc- concerned necessarily hnve .leadership •••••THE.... I Daniel Hall Lounge. Eleanor Taylor The annual club smoker was held on that is purely titular, and the partici- SOME OF THE gave a review of "Asia's Irresistible the night of Novcmber 8. The fratel'- RAINBO W INN MOTION PICTURES Conflict" which recently appeard in nity and its guests were entertained ~~!i~:l ::n~~~:~:t~;i~l~~~~~:ai;tec;mpus The Current History. The club dis- by Major MacLaughlin and his card By the endorsement of some stu- COMING SOON cussed the situation in the Far E;lSt tricks. The program included n tnlk dent-initiated plan which will prevent and the objectives of the statesmen by Dr. Holloway and group singing. any given person from being swamp- "100 Men and Girl" convening in Brussels. cd with the duties of too many offi- ces, and by nominating for office Have Your :Films Developed On Novembel' 22 another meeting only I,hosc pcrsons who have proven "The Bride Wore Red' was held in the Lounge. After a short their capability for the position in business meeting, Professor Willen question-under such a plan, alld and Finished "Double W(dding" spoke to the club on conditions in Gel that only, can our student body hope many and answered questions offered to realize the utmost in its various "Conquest" by members of the group. activities. The club is happy to announce that on December 13 Professor Peter Hans The College Grill "Thoroughbreds Don't Olden of Blue Ridge College will dis- Cry" cuss the Germany of today. Also, t.he club wishes to remind the student~ that it is not restricted to upper-class- "Navy, Blue, and Gold" men. Therefore, it cordially invites The Colors the members of all four classes and "Live, Love, and Learn" the faculty ..------- its meetings . to attend ALPHA GAMMA TAU I "Firefly" The Bachelors held theil' annual smoker in the clubroom on Wednesday "Merry-Go-Round 1938" evening, November 17. Besides the present members of the Fraternity, WATCH FOR DATES forty members of the Freshman Class I several alumni membel'S, Dean Free, Coach Havens, and Professor Hm't at- tended. Coach Havens is an alumni member of the club, while Professor J. D. KATZ Hurt is an active honorary member. Refreshments were served after a QUALITY Smith & Reifsnider round of impromptu speeches. "Fros- SHOE REPAIRING ty" Peters was toastmaster. The com Special Rates to Students Westminster, Md. Thanksgiving Dinner mittee in charge was composed of Car roll Cook, Kermit Beyard, George My- LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES ers and Joe Drugnsh. AND COAL WESTERN MARYLAND Alpha Mu sorority took its rushees to Coffee Shop SASH, DOORS, MILL WORK AND MU AI,PHA PHI BLINDS On Friday, 18, the Phi November GENERAL Baltimore for the annual fall rush Real Home Coo/ting party. Miss Snnder and Miss Camp- AND RESTAURANT bell were invited to chaperone the • Phone 304 group. After attending a show at the SODA Hippodrome Theatre, the girls met SANDWICHES Gloria Beauty Parlor members of the alumnae in the Flor- We specialize in entine Room of the Lord Baltimore LUNCH Hotel where they had dniner. Guests DINNERS PERMANENT WAVING of the sorority were: Jane Konow, Ol- • Wet Finger Waving 25c one CITY RESTAURANT ive Roder, Peggy Stewart, Corrine Ad- Marcelling ams, Nora Robinson, Dorothy Brown, ]. F.-MOORE, Manager Facials-Manicuring Pauline Nitzel, Elizabeth Craig, Nor- "Good Food-And How!" 82 WEST MAIN STREET ma Nicodemus, Lydia Bradburn, Kath- Never Closed erine Jockel and Mary Anna Brown. WESTMINSTER, MD.
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