Page 20 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt \Ie; IIVariet y Pas;ing In Review /iSNOOPINGsi MALONE by FRANK Congress Congressmen are back in Washing- BEST BET OF THE WEEK THE THANKSGIYING I ton, having been called into extra- Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'I'hurs- ordinary session by President Roose- day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Inside the man drank and laughed. velt. Nobody feels particularly good and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of Outside the vagrant thirsted and about it, least of all the Congressmen Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class cried. matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Inside the man ate and danced. who appear in a rebellious mood. certain outstand- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 A YEAR Outside the beggar hungered and Called to consider New Deal measures ing and urgent shivered. Inside the day was a feasting one. left over from the regular session, Josef Vassilyonevich Olejar IQ36 Member !937 chiefly farm legislation, they are in f:Usocialed G:>Ueeia!e Press Outside the day was another one. more of a hurry r-ight 110Wto get at Here he is girls-c-coma and get him. Inside Thanksgiving held but one meaning-s- the business slump which has dark- Days may come and days may go-- ened the horizon for almost a month. EDITORIAL STAFF Revelry, joy, and ca relesnees. President Roosevelt presented a but woo-pitchers go on forever. So, F:ditor-in-Chief . . ALFREDGOLDBERG, '38 Outside Thanksgiving held no mean- message at the opening session which if you'll permit me to dispense with Editor for this 1Bsue . _..... _ r .._ _.._..__.. .._.._EIIIELINE NEWMAN, '39 ing- all preliminaries, I'll pitch right in Associate Editors W. FRANK MALONE, '38, ANNE CHEW, '38, Emptiness, gloom, sameness. was mild in tone and noticeably con- and give you the latest data on the , JAMESCOLEMAN, '38 But both beggar and man ciliatory to business. In it he ex- art of woo-pitching as exemplified by Lnmior Assomate Edl~t01·S PAUL BURTIS, '40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '30 pressed the opinion that the present Managinn Editor , _ ROBERTG. McKNIGHT, '38 Died as beggar and man- slump was overrated, but advocated the antics of deah Western Maryland- News Edit01'S . .: FRANK SHERRARD,'40 As they had lived, CrTJy EditO'l'.... . JANET MACVEAN, '38 So they died. tax-revision, something which should We find that Emil Edmond evident- Copy Readers HELEN ARMSTRONG, '38 Both g'rew equal as ashes, however. go a long way to conciliate business. ly has made great progress towards ~~~~~Fft~~d;~~'''' . ·GR~CEh\x~CVE~~;··;39;·-AARON-·S~~~A::i~:::~~ Then-then was the Thanksg'ivtug l He further requested that the Sup- furthering the educational facilities Feature Editors VERONICj KOMPANEK'1~~YEJ~O::~~.:~:::~':.;, :~~ M. PACKWOOD, '40 reme Court give to the fanner the in Frederick, even going so far as to to other same rights it now grants classes through its more recent liberal attempt to turn Hood College into a ~~~i::a~d~~:~t~ Editol's. ···i~~=~N~~Es~~~,:,r~:~,o~!Z~LC~~~I;;: :~~ decisions. co-educational institution. Any ex- Exchangfl Editor ELEANOR TAYLOR,'38 planation for that red and white col- YOU NAIHE IT The agricultural legislation is first lar, Emil1? BUSINESS STAFF on the calendar, but is not yet BllIJiness lIfanl"l.ger JOSEPH OLEAIR, '39 in \Vas it vodka, a wondering mind, Advf'rttsing Manager ..__.. .. __ ..EVERETT JONES, '38 I think I died and went below shape for presentation. Whether oth- 0)" perhaps an aimless soul that Assistant Advertising Manager _.. .) FRED PLUMMER,'40 And ate cream puffs as light as snow. er measures will be heard before it is caused Alvin "Percy" Newton's esca- Circulation lI!anagcrs __ .LESLIE STOKES, '40, HILDA BITTLE, '38 Tt was as dark as mud in Hell brought up has not been decided. pade into Mc-Daniel Hall? It might be Assistant CirculatIOn Managers. . MARYCLEMSON, '39, RUTH FIELDS, '40. j JAMES MERRITT,'40 ~:~e a~l ~~~~Ieh~:it~~s~~r~mell. Just what will be accomplished in old stuff to some of you folks, but Reporters contributing- to this issue: Douglas Catington, '40; Frank Sherrard, when will some people learn that that '39; Mary Jane Honeman, '39; Eugene Cronin. '38; Katherine Klier, '40; I picked a flower and ate some soap. ~~:1;::.rao~~n:~;bi~~:~i:np:.:g~~~ ~~~ building is a WOMEN'S dormitoi-v j ? Lawrence Freeny, '39; Aaron Schaeffer, '39; Shelton Bowen, '39. ~ !~'~b~:daah~il~na~IJ~:::~l~a~~me rope. volving, in addition to the farm pro- After all, Alvey dear, the dear girls would like some privacy. And bit a hole in a bridal train. ~!~:'io~~a:~~a:d~~:~' s~ec~;~;:i~~~n~~~ wom- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neW5. A I~~~~ red mouth seemed close to is planned, but is likely to be spiked en It seems that these freshman living. great designs for have Park Avenue Bennett is steering to- *~::::g tO~~i~l~ t~)i~i:dd:~~e wine. ~:c;s~~e P:~:io:t O:n~h~~:e~ro~~~~:i~~ wards Alex Ransone traveling by Extra-Curricular Activities But the chair beneath me wore a be for the welfare of the country, means of bridge; evidently poor III. frown. however, we hope to see something H. has fallen by the wayside. We The chameleon is a versatile little reptile, but have you ever seen definite enacted. The COtl11;issue was even hear that Freddie Coe has a spot him on a piece of Scotch plaid ¥ Perhaps he would give up, or perhaps ~~' :le~tm: ~~!~~a:ndd s:l:!n,~~~ fire primarily responsible for the delay of among the idols. Too bad girls, he's he would burst trying to make good: Certainly he could not uphold his definitely gone elsewhere. reputation as well as if he were placed on a single color. wire. I :::~:~al~fs::s~:~, I~~~su'~~:hi~h!~eq~~:~ Whoopsh!!! Yesh, boysh, letsh give Just so do we find student executives at 'Western Maryland at- ~~t~~:h l~s~i~, !,~:,n~~~~en;e;~~rg em- ! tion out of the way Congress should jush one more toashtll! No Sbundav tempting to turn all the colors of a piece of Scotch plaid. A few capable clesshesh! There you are folksh- students guide the policies of all the organizations on the campus. bel'. ~~.:~~al~~:Ot~:u::~iO;~e;:t~~i;~o~e0: c!~~ Communist - Bolshevist--Fascist--or Such a situ:'ltion involves three fundamental weakncsses. First., it M. PACKWOOD, '40 siderable fight on wages and hours just plain woo-pitchers-the latest casts an undue burden on the student executives. Second, it deprives from many directions if indications of motto. Give the credit to Carroll "No- other students of slightly less ability of the experience of e:-:ecutiveship. the last session ring true, while the Sunday-Classes" Maddox. Third, and greatest, it weakens the qampns organizations by the oivisioll solving of the farm problem, at the Oh, FI'ankie would waltz with a of attention of their heads. A student of less ability could bettcr fulfill same time cutting government ex- strawberry blond-as the band played an important office than one of superior ability whose time is already penses, will be a terrific headache. on. Mighty must be the man who can taken up by several others. . Many eyes will be on Washington in equal Malone's ability to dance witll a If this is a recognized evil on ~he campus, it eould easily be reme· these next few weeks. chair. died. The student council eould pa.<;;sa law limiting all students to two It looks like there's a nice combina- of on enumerated list of offiecs which would include, f1mong others, Stu· tion being formed by "Itchy" An- dent GoYernment, class, fraternity:, sororitr, and departmental club The Japanese continue their crush- drews and Violet Gibsoll. Bob Sher- presidencies; manager of a varsity 'sport; and eoilor or business man- ing advance. Pushing on through man reserves his opinion. ager of the two stndent publication~. fallen Shanghai, they now have as We think that perhaps it would be Such a step on the part of the' student body to strengthcll campus their objective the cutting of the line a worthwhile Pl'Oject for the alumni organizations would be in keeping 'with the administration's drive to- of Chinese resistance between Shang- association to finance the installation of alarm clocks in Alumni Hall, espe- ward a "greater \Vestern Maryland". hai and Nanking, the Chinese capital. So rapidly have they progressed that cially Whell even the geniuses conde- "Doc" COLE~lAN the exodus from Nanking has already scend to lower their heads in obedi- begun, and it appears but a question ence to the whims of Morpheus. Yep, "Doc would probably keel over if Schaeffer, Extend The Dean's List anyone called him James, and his of time until the capital falls. thel'e they were-Ransone, Tsk! Tsk! Radatovitch, and Peters. The present absence system (It \Yestern Marylnnd has accomplished middle name is a dark mystery, so ful, Japanese bullets are more power- While we're on the subject folks- Brussels it seems, than words a good deal since it was instituted in October, 1936. It has mflde for we'll call him by his own favorite \\'illbe. cast your eyes upon this worthy con- more regnlflr class attendanee by students, and it hns resulted in thc rais- name, "Doc". Furthermore, "Doc" is tribution of a would-be woo-pitcher. ing of the scholastic level. These in themseh'es (Ire to be commended just what the medical profession WILLIE, THE WOO-PITCHER and prove that the new system has been a success. prcscJ"ibed for the student body-a The Nine Power Conference From Baltimore comes this charmer The Go7d Bug has 11suggestion to offer to the faculty. It would, I calming, steadying influence. at With the sad, angelic face perhaps, be a good idea to extend the Dean's List to cover the sopho- ':D 0 c's" ~hie~ ex~r.a- cUrl"ic~lar ~~~~~s;~~n~so~o;~;~.o:~s~new::~l~o~:~ That's such a sweet disarmer more class. It would certainly he appreciflted by the sophomores and clalln to fame 1Shis pOSitIOnas EdItor teen countries recently voted to blame When it copes with feminine grace. ~~!~~s.result in a greater incentive to work among the 10W01: class ~l~:~ .~~Oeh~~:~:~~:~ss~a~):e:~ ~~~~ I agression on Japan in the Far East His name is Reverend Willie, "Doc" directing the work, the mem- situation, one great power dissented, Alld his coming, fellows rue, The extension of the Dean's List to cover the sophomores ,,'ould be bers of the staff will find it more and that apparently is all it takes to FOl' all feel somewhat silly a great help to mally aetivities on the Hill, some of which are partiallr pleasant to be 'up to their ears' in wreck the Conference. To find \1lillie pitching woo. dependent on their members bcing on the Dean's T~ist. As sophomores work. The student body can look for- Italy alone opposed placing the play an important part in some extra-eurrieular aetivities, their presence ward to a definitely superior year- guilt on Japan, the three Scandanav- Before he came to 'Western Maryland on the Dean's List would help these·activjties. book from the class of 1938. ian countries not voting at all. The They thought themselves the tops, For these reasons, and for others too intlmgible to be stated clearly, Among the stud~nt body, "Doc" is Con_ference, however~ is faced with But now the glance of every femme the Gold Bug feels that the sophomores should be put on all eqnal foot- best known for his conscientious, the problem of decidlllg on the form I Is on Willie's chestnut locks. ing ,,·ith the two upper classes. helpful pel"sonalit~'. He always has of punitive action, if any, to be taken, a friendly "Yo' '01" "Yeah" for every- and by whom it will be administered. , So if this is the choice of fate, body on the campus. He is admired Italy, at this writing, appears about I There's little else to do, and respected by his fellow-stud~nts to withdraw from the meetings as But cheer him on, forget our hate, Suggestion and deservedly so. a result of her objections, and this While \Villie pitches woo! At present, the female population of \Vestern :Morylflnd is allowed "Doc" likes his work and his asso- ~~:U~do~:~~i~7;yi~;~1~::i~~I::~~i~~::~: lie~~:~n:~\~~~::::~~:l:~t~~:e~p~:~I~ to rem:'lin out until 1.0 P. :M., with the exception of dance occasions. ;::~~:-;-hiS chief associate in par- another form of concerted action ef- i trio." \Ve give you- I 'filis is not an injustice, but it docs hamper the girls a bit. 'l'hey should fective. Sprigg Harwood and Beulah Grif- be allowed a little more freedom, perbnps for only one night a ,,·eek. It th~h:a!~~:~~d :::t~: i~h:ai~e:Og!:v~~ I ~ee~e.\he doesn't know about Katskill would do no harm if the Saturday night hour, for instance, were ex- tended until 11 P. M. You see, the men have the girls' interest at heart. Nations, rather than by the Confer- I Lamar Cooper and "Becky" Kcith SONATA RECITAL TO BE GIVEN ence, of any action decided on. This (wonder what her roommate has to IN McDANIEL HALL LOUNGE would simply open up the way for 'say about the matter.) r another League fiasco, an addition to Odell Osteen and Ethel Martindale Freshman-Take Heed Miss Gesner, head of the Music De- the Leaguc's impotent record in the (he's been chiseling in on Stewart partment, and Professor Royer will earlier Chinese struggle. Ecker's ambitions.) It seems thnt. an editorial in a reeent issue of the Gold B-!t{} was give a violin sQllata l'ecital in McDan- generally ignored by those for whom it W:'ISespeeially intended. Despite iel Hall Louhge at eight o'clock on With the Brussels meeting failing We wonder what "Dotty" Vroome's the fact that definite rules for dining hall etiquette were not set down Tuesday, December 7. The program to accomplish much, it appears that explanation of Amel'ican Beauty and expJained by the Student Governments to newcomers at W. M. C., will consist of three sonatas. The the world is still far from ready to roses could be. They might have come from N. Y., but things still look accept a policy of concerted interna- we think that there is no excuse for such disregard of accepted rules. first and second are both in G major tional action against-an aggressor in encouraging for Hansen and \Vallace. Just because they're rats, there's no reason why they should think they and were written by Hadyn and time of war. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 4) can have the whole cheese. Brahms respectively.
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