Page 17 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 17
The Gold Bug, 'Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Defeated by B.C. Eleven Terrors to Meet Canisius 27-0 as Tom Guinea Runs Wild TERROR TALK at Buffalo on Saturday By FRED COF. Eagles Held to Seven Points In First Half The Green Terrors left today frn' a three day trip to Buffalo and a battle DINATALE'S PUNTING SUPERB with-the Cnnisius College Griffins this Snturduy. Coach Havens and the After \rilitillg' three weeks to jump hnek into the win eohmni. the team hope to come home with the sec- Dobie-coached from the Bay Stale snapped out of the doldrums end victory of the season tucked long enough to the Green 'l'ClTOl'S by (j 27-0 score at the Haltimor, uwa y as Ocntsius and western Mary- Stadium last Saturday. land seem to be equally matched. TOIll Guinea, the visitor's ace ball I Cnnisius has won three, lost three carrier, performed br-illiarrtly on for- ~~~;e:~ilo:~:~e Is~~~e~v::l:ej!~~~~~s~J~~ I yards. ' Captain DrNatale of the Eagles turned in :1. beautiful exhibition of punting. His kicks 50 yards and he booted one in last quar-ter- which went for 75 yards. The Havensmen put up a good bat- tle in the first half and halted several Eagle thrusts at their goal. The only score the first half was made soon after the kick-off, It was made after the TelTOI'S were forced to kick for the second time that B. C, started their touchdown march. In seven plays the Mar-oon and Gold tore through the Big Green line with Gui- nea going over for thc first score. Gintoff scored the extra point. B. C. advanced the ball to the Terror '2 yard marker just as the first period closed on a beautiful pass from Gin- toff to worontca. Score at the half B. C. 7, W. M. O. Boston College kicked off to West- ern Maryland to open the second hail'. DiNatale's grcat punting drove the Havensmen back constantly by put- ting the Eagles in scoring tei-ritorv. After McQuillen booted one out rlt mid-field, B. C, put on a scoring drive which ended with DiNatale points to their- opponent's 48, Charfie all is taking Havens plunging over from the 3 yard stripe. men he can on this trill. In practice the He converted to make the score 14-0. this woek the emphasis has been on Early in the fourth quarter, the Eag- the attack and the squad is set to get les took the ball at midfield and ad- results this week. The starting line- vanced to the Terror 9 yard line on up will be essentially the same with line smashes with Jivilekian Guinea TOWSON UPSETSTERRORS 3alish probably replacing Elder. Bob and Guinea cat-rying the ball, Stropp has earned a starting berth again went over for the six points on IN RETURN MATCH 3-1 a lateral from his teammate Jivile- klan. DiNatale placekicked the ex.. Tomlinson "Sern-es For Terr ors tra point, The Eagle captain has now converted fourteen placements in Gaining revenge for an early sea- as many tries this season. son defeat Towson State 'Teachers The final touchdown carne midway College defeated Western IIJaryl Sla~'sman; Backs, Koegle, Rineheim- season, 'Western l\IaryJand's soccel'- eT, Drugash, Thomas, Bender. Bos- ites defeated West Chester State Th" of ton College: Ends, Flynn, Cahill, Per- lllun team a 19-0 Teacher's College on Novembel' 5th, l'ault, Hanison; Tackles, Kidhart, Baby GI'een TelTol's on the College by the close score of 2-1. Reardan, Mun'a~'; Gual'ds, COJlIlo!.ly, pn~",ing SC1ISaliol1 of lhe Dixie The Terrors scored two goals in the fi('ld on Friday, Novemhel' 5tll. Holland; Center, Logue; Backs, Jivi- Pm'k The Old Liners were led by their grcat pas~ing-, hc scoreel tllC lekian, Allan, Annnis, Br~'an, Lucy, hrilliant quurtel'-back, l\rul'j)hy, who g-ame with the \Vashillg-lol1 find \Yillt Cummings. -_-- fleored evel'y one of the 19 l)oints, The (:()Ilrt "SI1f'l'iff" Fo,,'ble, Joc for SPlll'l'0"'S Point Riuehlll'(lt. ali ex- eag-e tcmn tllis ~ti\I'S ,,,ill Cavort lUill'_ylaml's ill·jist, defensive W, lIlD. GIRLS BEAT WILSON fourth quarters. from lUonelodf. on two occasi()ns place,kick his educated ha.<; srlvcd file Ola perb Co-captain and offensivc playing- ITe WHS I,'ith tor. defeat JUul'tin. Wort 0f Peck TEACH£I{S TIE ;\lARYLAND Lille up: I)J1Ce 11stnl' soccer player COl1ch "Hiker" Jo~' of (' for the loeal team over their advel'- Thrw' fourteen University of Maryland, Wilson i :iHurp!Jy QB McPike "Devils"-Dnkc. Beloit and Dickinson sarles in three games played OVP\' Teachers, American University, and Lumsdcn LH Bills :ike number of years. This win for " Westel'n Mlll'yland got undel' way, ShafTer RH Collins the locals was indeed all opportune In the opening game, WesterJl Rrldo FB Croman one, for they themselves had l'lm up Maryland callle out the victor, bcnt- Score By Periods A NEW YELL :.> number of victories heforp they ing \Vilson Teachers of Washington, Total were llPset at Towson. 8-0. Maryland Frosh 6 0 7 6 19 Night Game, Night game, Raw, Sneeze, Raw, I In the finals Maryland Hnd Wes- W. Md. Fl'osh 0 0 0 0 0 Wet feet, Head eolds, Haw, Cough, Haw: i Score By Period,; teJ'll Maryland played to a 0-0 tie in!. Scoring: Murphy (3), point after Dl'mp and dangerous, Frost and flood, Total i West Chester :1. 15 minute game. I touchdown, Murphy, '- Watch 'em wallow in dew and mud. __! I ,\V. M. C, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2
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