Page 18 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 18
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westn'linster, Md. ,-----------------------;; Tri-State Area to Hold DR. F. J. LIBDY SPEAKS ON PEACE I ! SANITARY CHEl\IISTRY CLASS (!J:lmmps. (!J:lubli. HUll ~ortdtps Christian Conference (Continued front Under the direction of Mr. Edward TAKES FIELD TRIP INTERNATIONAL p. 1, col. 5) at Western Maryland Eastern war despite what Japan does I S. Hollins, P~'inci~al Chemis~ of t~e BETA BETA BETA J. G. C. to her over there. Indo-China is her' Montebello FIltration plant in In Balti- Sanitary hostage. stated Dr. I )]101'e-.and "Therefore," instructor Student Movement Gronp Will Hear m:~~n!et~n helt~~t~iO:::;I~~bO:~~:~.~ I iOI~o~v:;~d;i~.I~li!:~~ ~I~~i~;e~el;n~~~~: Doctor Koo Speak In Chapel Libby, "the whole theory of elective I Cheml~try at '~estern Maryland, the is I :lass coercion 1Il Ch.emlstry 3?7 took Friday afternoon, October 22. A re- I J. G. C. On November 21 security and collective In place of I (~,fIyfield trip to Baltimore on a; ues- all done for the present." port was g-iven Oil the work of Dr. J. Martha Wilmer, Doris Haines, El- this policy has come a reversal of pol- I ua y, November 9. In the past, ~he B. Rhine of Duke Univer-sity concern- len Hess, Dorothea Pridtnger, Allie The Tri-State Area of the Middle ing Extra-Sensor", Perception. The Mue Moxley, Helen Armstrong, Mary Atlantic Region of the Student Chris- ~~li~;e W~~hs~~~i~ftn:~~Ol~fa;::~' \~I~~ I ~~~':a:a:hr~:e;hot:t \~~e s:~::~;~r,tI~~~ following students accepted bids: Vil'- Edwards, Charlotte Coppage, Mildred tian Movement will hold its Fall Con- as best as posaible. I an attempt was made. this year to ginia Calloway, Henrietta Wolfe, Wheatley, Hilda Bittle, Jeanne Lang, ference on the campus of 'Western Donald Bond, Paul Nelson, Hilda Norma Keyser, Eleanor Long, Doro- Maryland College, on Sunday, No- Dr. Libby then pointed out that the present as much practical knowle~ge Bittle, Della Dunty, Helen Frey, Vir- thy Harmoud, Thelma Yohn, Thelma vember 21, 1937. Since this area in- President's Chicago speech contem- at once as could be reasonably assnn- g-inia Karow, Norma Keyser, Lu Mai- \Veaver, Dorothy Cohee, Lucile Fer- eludes Maryland, Northern West plated collective action of some kind. ! ilated. by bus, the gr.o~p left His manner aggressive. But Tra:eHing was lIIyers, Frances Stout, Carolyn Tim- tig, Amelia Weishaar, Ailene Wil- Virginia, Dtstrict of Columbia and eight days later his tune had changed. the HIll at 8:00 A. 111. The itinerary mons, J. Shelton Bowen, Jay i\iow- Iiams, Mary June Honomann, Anne Delaware, it was decided to convene bray, Alex Ransone and Lawrence Maxwell. for only one day. This is one of the ~h~~:iOt:~~::!~, h:t ~~~e~~i:~~h~~~~: ;~~~Ude;u~:~~s ~:O~~:b:~ste;~lt~~~~:I~ Strow. _ Pil-,-A~L-P'-,A-"-U several conferences which are held opinion is in direct conflict with that plant, the Schluderberg-Kurdle Com- during the year at which plans are INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL Doris O'Donnell accepted a bid made in detail for the work to be policy outlined in the Chicago speech. puny, mak~rs of F,SS-~1Y products, At a meeting of the Inter-Frater- from Phi Alpha l\Iu Scroi-ity on Octo- done. 'l'he speaker insisted that when we the B.ack RIver se~va~e disposal plant, nity Council, the following officers ber 11. Pledge service was held cannot influence the policy of Euro- the cfty garbage .1llcl~emtOl', and the were eleeted for the eurrent year: Tuesday, O_:_to~l:__ Officers Listed r:a~s~v~~:inX~:r~~i:~S~~~pil: I~~t:::~ M~~~~w~~o:k~n:WI;:~I~~l~'!dPOi~OrmaIiY Chairman, Tony Ortcnzi; Vice-Chuir- HOME ECONOMICS CLlHl The officers of the Tri-State Area man, Bill Graham; Secretary, Jeny OnOctobel·19,ut4P.l\1.,the West- are: PreSident, Margaret Hammer8 them_up with American lives, Balderson; Treasurer, r-oIilton Hend· ern Mal'yland Home Economics Club of Hood College; vice-president, Pres- "'Vho are the peace-lo¥ing na- rickson. served a tea in McDaniel Hall Lounge ton \Villcs of 'Vashington College; tions?", our speakcrs queried. In The Council unanimously decided to in honor of lI'liss CalTison and the new secretary-treasurer, Franklin Stevel's answer to his own question, Dr, Lib- lift all rushing ballS until bids are ex- home economics students. This first of Western Maryland College. They by replied that tIle Bl'itish Empire tended, the day beforc the Christ1l1
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