Page 19 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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WESTERN MARYLAND HOME COMING DAY PROVIDENCE Z286 Vol. IS, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD November 24, 1937 College Church Drive The Library Receives CALENDAR I Providence Game To Be Terrors Smash Mount New Books By Many ToBeOpened Nov.29 Outstanding Authors November I Thanksgiving Attraction St. Mary's 26·0 In Tried ByAssembly Program Classified Subjects Of List Include 25 Thanksgiving Play 8:00 P. New Procedure To Be Second Half Rally Alumni Hall M. During And After Biography, Science 26 Carrell County Youth Con- Game Baker M. ference 10 A. Drama Committee to Start Drive For S600 Chapel. McD. Lounge. Al- Due to plans which were changed Sadowski, McQuillen, Drugash, And Budget For 1937-38 umni Hall at the last minute, it has been decid- Adriance Score The Library announces that a group 27 Dance. Delta Pi Alpha. of new books has been purchased and The annual drive for funds to sup- placed on the shelves. B. W. Gym 8:00-11:30 P. ~:!l~~~!r:oil~:1~~:h;a~;·ao~ ;~at:~s:~~~ The Western Maryland Green Ter- port the College Sunday School, the M. I mg. There will be a large outdoor rors, unleasing a terrific second-half Christian Associations, and other Most of the books are of recent 30 Music Recital. 7:30 P. M'I pep meeting on Wednesday night, scoring drive, overwhelmed a hard- projects of the College Church will publication and are written by out- Smith Hall with a parade thru the town after- hitting Mt. St. Mary's team on Echo open with an assembly program in standing authors. The books are December wards. Field last Saturday by a 26-0 score. Alumni Hall on Monday, November classified under the headings: fiction, 6 W. A. A. Meeting 6:45 P. A new procedure will also be tried By rolling up this impressive score 29. The goal for the campaign has biography, science, drama, and mis- M. for the first time during the game. the Havensmen broke an Echo Field cellaneous. been set at six hundred dollars, Instead of playing the "Alma Mater" jinx of long standing. In recent A list of the more important books between the halves, the band will The assembly program will consist years outstanding Terror teams have of talks by a faculty member of the follows: play "Dear western Maryland" and found it extremely difficult to gain College Church Committee; the presi- FICTION: The Wanderers, Knut Tri-State Conference the student body will rise and sing. any kind of a decisive win on the dent of the Y. W., Miss Charlotte Cop- Hamsun; \Voman Alive, Susan Ei-tz ; Immediately following the game, the Mountaineers gl"idiron. The Green page; the president of the Y. 1'11., Thunder on the Left, Christopher Meets At W. M. College band will play the "Alma Mater" and and Gold gridders have usually been Franklin Stevena: and the chairman Morley; Superstition Comer, Sheila the student body is expected to re- limited to a one touchdown victory. of the financial campaign committee, Kaye-Smith; Wind from the Moun- Dr. T. Z. Koo's Address Features ; the stands until this is fin- Charles Ehrhardt. tians, 'I'hr-yge Gulbrannsen; Hans Student Group Meeting Linemen Stand Out Frost, Hugh Walpole; Laughing Boy, It is hoped that a soccer game will Meeting Held Oliver La Farge; Kristin Lavrsns- On Nov. 21 be on tap for fans in the morning. The work of the Terror linesmen At the annual meeting of the Col- datter, Sigrid Undset; Peter- Abelard, On Sunday, November 21, the Tri- Although the regular season was con- both on offense and defense, was out- lege Church Committee on Tuesday, Helen Waddell; The Big Money, John State Conference of the Student eluded on Monday, Coach Jones fav- standing. Their fine play accounted November 16, the Y. \V., the Y. :M., Des Passos ; American Dream, 1'I-1i- Christian Movement met at Western ci-s a game and is endeavoring to ar- in a large measure £01' the failure of and the Sunday School each submitted chael Foster; Northwest Passage, Maryland College, for the primarv range one. There will also be one of the Mt. St. Mary'S attack to get un- The of budgets for the year 1937-1938, total- , Kenneth Roberts; And So Victoria, purpose of planning next year's work the play-off games for the Inter-Fra- der way. and "Hermit" play Lesinski "Frosty" stood Football League in the morn- ternity Peters The Conference, comprising repre- ~~!!!~:~IO'Ch~'~SetJ~::i~~a: o:p~~:o!~~ I va;~~~~.~~~~:s. John Greenleaf sentatives from colleges ill Maryland, ing. out in the Terror line. by the College Church, $50.00 for Whittier, Bliss Perry; Arthur ,T. Bal- Delaware, District of Columbia, and A schedule of the day's events fol- Frank Apichella kicked off for speakers, and $65 for miscellaneous four, B. E. C. Balfour; President the eastern section of West Virginia, lows: the Mounts. Mcquillen can-ted back items brought the grand total to Masaryk Tells His Own Story, Karel meets three times yearly. Besides 7:45 Breakfast to the 'I'error 20-yard stripe. The first $600.00, and it is for this amount that Capek; The Nile, Emil Ludwig; Vic- this fall meeting, there is a Boat Con- 10:30 Soccer Game (tentative) attack carried the Havensmen deep the campaign will strive. toria of England, Edith SitwelL ference, held each February, during 10:30 Touch Football Dinner into Mountaineer territory. Several 12:30 Thanksgiving In view of the balance of $222.56 DRAMA: Masque of Kings, Max- which a trip by water is taken to the passes nearly connected in this early remaining from last year, much prcg- well Anderson; Paradise Lost, Clif- Hampton Institute, and a Spr-ing Con- 1:45 Students will assemble in offensive for scores, The Mounts stands for pop meeting reas has already been made in the ford Odets; Children's Hour, Lillian recence meeting at ~O'll.['Accllnge..rep- 2:00 western Marytand , Provingement of the "Big Apple", the guest speaker) Royer, Mr. Frank Malone, and !lIiss Lesh L.E. Dohert? Dr. Hugo Thompson and Mrs. Ra- tion of the actual cash will begin 011 current dance craze. chel T. Thompson, both of Philadel- Elizabeth Crisp, respectively, will Radatovich L.T. Pascale play the violin, cello, and piano. Monday afternoon. In addition to the A group of students including Kay phia, are secretaries of the Student Mrs. de Long will accompany the Fagan L.G. Steckman pledge slips, there will be distributed Cissel, Mary Virginia Cooper, Rosa other vocal and string solos. Peters C. Davis at the assembly a detailed report of Bnrrow, Ann Stevenson, N011na Nico- Christian Movement. Professor W. The program is as follows: Ortenzi R.G. Walsh the activities and budget of the Col- demus, Bill Klare, John Barkdoll, WiI- R. Barnhardt, of Hood College, is an- Westerville R.E. Tosti Polonaise lege Church. bur Prentiss, Trago Brust, and Hal'- other prominent leader. As fOI"local Ann Stevenson; in C minor, Chopin, by Sadowski Q.B. Jackson Lungi dal Caro Bene, Hammers, student officers, Margaret With the reduction in both the old Bell Wright will give their version of Hood, is president; Preston Willes, Secchi ; It was a Lover and His Lass. Adriance L.H. Stevens amount of the budget and the avel"- of the "Big Apple". This promises to:> Morely; and Nymphs and Shepherds, Mcquillen R.H. Scesney age individual asscssment the com- bll one of the featul'es of the evening. of Washington College is vice-presi- Purcell, by Katherine Klier; Valse Balish F.B,. F. Appichella and Franklin dent; Stevens, of We!;- mittee hopes to reach its goal by D2- Mr. Milson Raver and Miss Kath- tern Maryland, is secretal·y-treasurcr. Romantiqne, Debussey, by Elizabeth Kokie cember 3, leen Moore will head the list of pa- The outstanding feature of the con- Poffenberger; Tn 10 Sai, Torelli; Western Maryland. 0 0 13 13-25 trons and patronesses for the dance. ference was the evening address by Home, McFayden; and To the Sun, Western Maryland .. 0 0 13 13-26 The dance will be a semi-formal Scoring Point after touchdown- affair and is open to all students and Dr. T. Z. Koo, one of the outstanding Curran, by Dorothy Harmon; Ber- Hansen, 2 placements. Substitutions faculty members. youth leaders of his generation. Dr. ceuse and NOl"wegian Dance (for vio- Mount St. Mary's, Thomas, Stevens, ANNOUNCEMENT Koo, of Shanghai, China, is a gradu- lin), Grieg, by Beulah Griffin; Noc- ate of St. John's University. In 1915 turne in C minor, Chopin, by Hazel Tosti, Conjur, Klotz, Donahue, Por- The Home Economics Club will he joined the National Committee of Beard; Autumn, a Hungarian folk ambo, Jackson, Castura; Western sponsor a Christmas - wrapping l\IOORE-RAVER ENGAGEMENT IS the Y. M. C. A. of Chi!la as Secretary song; At Parting, Rogers; and Grisel- Maryland, Hansen, Drugash, Koegle, demonstration, by a representa- ANNOUNCED of the Committee, with special re- idis, a French folksong, by Sarah Ad- Lutt, Fagan, Lesh, Lesinski, Forlh- tive of Hutzler Brothers Company, sponsibility for all stu'dent work. He kins; Valse in E major, Maszkowski, mann, Lytton, Rheinheimer. Officials of Baltimore, on November 30, at The engagement of Miss Kathleen i~ at present Secretary of the World'!! bj- Doris Haines; and Deep in a -Referee, Armstrong, Tufts; um- 4:15 P. M. in McDaniel Hall Moore, College dietitian, to M~.. Mil-I Student Christian Federation. Dr. Rose's Glowing Heart; One Spring pire, Eberts, Catholic University; Lounge. Everybody is invited. son Raver, member of the PhysIcs De- Koo has traveled and lectured widely Jl,forning; and Doris N~vin, by Louise linesman, Dutour, Catholic Univer- partl'nent, has been announced. in Europe, Asia and North America. Jameson. sity,
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